The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 26, 1898, Image 3

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Ladies' Tailor-made Suits.
"Very Much to the Good."
Wo aro offering exceptionally good values in Navv
Jackets with a silk lining, at $6 00 and $6.50. "
For $9.00 we can give you an all wool Suit of gray Ladies' Cloth, trimmed
with black braid, Russian Blouse, silk lined. "
At $10 and $12.50 wo have values, that other stores cannot touch, in fine
all wool Sorgo and Covert Cloths. Finer garments at $14, $15 and $17.50.
I bluck, tnn, nnvy nnd gray,
SergeB and Whipcord.
from $3.50 to $20.00.
In all shades, very handsomely trimmed
in IJrnld mid Jut.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL 20, 1898
At tin) Vogt
Tim Bittnor Company
Presenting "Master and Man." !
Tlii! forecast for today is occasional
showers and cooler.
Wanted, a woman to tlo general house
work. Apply at this office.
Don't forgot that Kollar keeps tlio
best ice cream soda in the city. tf
Tillamook creamery butter 50 cents at
The Dalles Commission Co.'e.
Oranges and lemons direct from crow
era at lowest prices at Dalles Commis
sion Co.'s.
Extra choice, full weight, Tillamook
creamery butter nt 50 contB per square
at Maicr & Benton's.
A largo traction engine was standing
on the dock hist night awaiting ship
ment on the Dixon tiiis morning.
For salo cheap. Twenty-eight acres of
good land, just outside the city limits..
Inquire of G. It. Rowland. u21'2w.
"F:iglo" Acetylene Gas Generators aro
superior to all. Agency at HaiiBen &
Thompson's planing mill. aSl-lm dw
Invitations have been received by
man) of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. .
S. Joslyn, who formerly lived hero, but
now reside at Colorado Sprins, to attend
the golden anniversary of theii wedding,
which takes place on May lOih.
W. II. Dougherty, of Tacoma, who
has heon buying cattle in Eastern Oregon
mid Idaho, recently picked up 05 head
in the John Day country, for which he
paid four cents a pound. Mr. Donghorty
thinks the market is loosening up on ac
count of the shortage of feod.
Five carloads of cattle wero brought to
thiB city yesterday by Joe Howard, of
l'rinovlllo, and wero shipped to Poit
land at 7 :15 loBtlnight. They woro in
splendid shape, and owing to tlto high
price which beef cattlo are bringing,
will not Mr. Howard a neat sum.
John Fleming, a sheep buyer from
Montana, is in Morrow county, and
wants to buy 10,000 head of stock sheep
-awes and lambs. At the present prices
of shoop, Mr, Fleming would drop many
" if-'O piece in Morrow county should he
lie successful In securing nil the Bhoop
Tho Dixon did not arrlvo until about
8 "'clock Inst ovening, on account of tho
strong wind on the river and tho large
amount of froight they had on hoard.
"u principal part of tho cargo was mer
chandise. for thia nnil interior points
several bond of horces and a large pas
tuner list.
Maud Keller, the 13.yenr-old daughte.
u . . Kollor, who lives on Me Ko
"eek, in Umatilla
dead in a manger nt a barn on the
l'romlsos, Thursday afternoon. The
K'fl left the home about 10:30 o'clock,
at $3.50 to $10.00.
made from
SKIRTS. We can sell you any
thing you want in the Skirt line from
$1.35 to $12.50.
Your Boy
Need New Clothes?
Queer boy if he doesn't need something new every
few days. If carefulness is needed anywhere, it's in
buying "duds" for the boy. Perhaps the Suit or
Waist you've seen on somebody else's boy wouldn't
look so well on your boy as some other style. We
have the other style. Bring the youngster here and
dress him up in the different sorts, till 3rou find the
one .best suited to him.
Prices Range from $1.50 to $10.00.
and when last seen was going in the
direction of the barn, where her body
wiib found at noon. From youth she
had been aftlicted with fainting spells,
and heart diease Ib tho only cauEe that,
can be ascribed for her death.
Henry Price has bought 14 head of
wild mules from . K. Hill, of Union.
The mult s wero raised by John and Fred
Nodino, stockmon of EuBtern Oregon.
They were sired by n $2500 Kentucky
jack, weigh 1300 pounds each and are
five and b'ix yenrs of age. Mr, Pierce ex
pects to use them on his wheat ranch.
Another death from spinal meningitis
occured in Ilwnco yesterday, and five
new cases developed there today. Yes
terday's victim wns'Frank Whilcomb,
tho 18-year-old son of Captain W. II.
Whitcomb, one of the best-known pilot
on tho Columbia. The funeral will be
held in Ilwaco tomorrow afternoon
There will be an educational meeting
IIUUI 111 iK" UllUUIUllV, ITW) I Ir II,
1 .1... .I r., ,..,(,. CnlinnlV
Suporintcnt Gilbert. Not only teachers,
but school officers and patronB of adjoin
ing districts, are expected to be present.
A good program is being prepared, and
everyone iu attendance can be assured
nu enjoyable and profitable session.
Tim CmioNicMJ has probably failed to
some extent in fulfilling its promise con
cerning late telegraphic, news in this is
sue. It is n difficult matter to arrange
with tho news bureau, and at presont a
thorough understanding haB not been
arrived nt. Our business manager is in
Portland completing arrangments, nnd
. !l. I ..1.1.. . .11111
n a lew nays we win uu uuie iu mum
our promise iu every regard.
Orders wore received from headquar
ters yostordoy asking for forty militia
men and one commissioned officer to be
hold ready to bo called at any time.
The news was received gladly by our
bays, and tho only fear that was in tho
bosom of any was that thoy would not
b3 one of the forty. Particulars as to
when thoy will havo to leave havo not
as yet heon learned, nothing further
than than that a call for forty had been
made being given out.
Word Ins beon received bv friends in
this city of tho recent death of Louis A.
Dunlap' at tho soldiers' homo iu Lob
Angoloi), Calif., nt the ago of 83. Many
old-tlrno residents of Tho Dalles will re
member this kindly old gentloman, who
whon ho resided hero was employed by
Robert Pontland, father of Mrs. S, L.
Brookn, who at that timo had charge of
tho city water works. Mr. Dunlap was
a well-known character here, and high
ly respeoted for his Christian character
ii.. .1 .llannait Inn
aun irioiiuiy, buuu nn"""1 .ioj'.-.-".
Tho funeral of Webbor Vurney took
'til acq from the Episcopal church in this
city at 2 p. m. Sunday, and was very
lurgoly nttended by friends of tho family
and of the little fellow who was about
to bo laid to rest. Tho eervlce was con
ducted by Rev. Do Forest, while the
Ir sang some beautiful selections
- . . ... i-i.i.i r.v . 1 1
The remalnrwBTP uriei-HMJuu-cjui n
cemetery, nnd the floral offerings which
covored hts resting place showed tho
syinpothy nnd regret which Is felt at
and Black Serge Suits!,
the Bad (loath of one who had such
bright prospects for a useful lifo.
A very pleasant social session of the
B. P. O. E. was held in their Castle hnll
Saturday evening. The first part of the
evening was passed in the rendering of
n program, and. as is always customary
with this most sociable of social lodges,
tho usual fines were imposed and ad
monitions given. At the conclusion of
the program dancing was indulged in
until 11 :30, when all repaired to the
Umatilla House nnd partook of n most
tempting banquet. When the evening's
pleasure wns over everyone was loud in
declaring that the Elks were certainly
deserving of the name the "Best People
on Earth."
Tho two youngest children of County
Clerk J. A. Powell and little Ethel Gray,
daughter of Mrs. Gray, postmistress at
Canyon City, had a very narrow escape
from drowning in Canyon creek, within
tho limits of Canyon City, Grant county
last week. The trio were crossing the
stream on a foot bridge near the home
of Sheriff Livingston, nnd, child-like,
ptused on tho bridge to gaze, at the
a A-ift rushing water, the creek at this
season being unusually high and swift.
Tho youngestlchild of Mr. Powell became
dizzy nnd staggered off the bridge into
the water. The two others were so badly
frightened that they clung to the fall
ing child nnd the next instnnt all three
of them were being carried away to what
seemed certain death. Luckily, n couple
of youths near by heard their crie3 and
went heroically to the rescue and suc
ceeded in bringing them all safely to
Lnt Muht's t'erfurmnuvc.
The Bittner Theatre Company put on
n very credltnble performance nt tho
Vogt last night. The piece rendered was
tlto beautiful drama, "Friends," by Ed
win Milburn Eoyle. Tho play was put
on in a very masterly manner, as nil
performed their respectivo parts admira
bly nnd brought out the bill to tho best
advantage in most minute details.
Tho specialties on the Edison trio
graph, which woro introduced between
acts, were beautiful, nnd tho Illustrated
songs wore well rendered nnd ns well re
ceived. The Blttnor certainly is ns good n show
for tho money ns has ever been in our
city, nnd nnyono desiring nneveuingof
enjoyment should not fail to attend to
night and seo the beautiful perform
ance, "Master and Men." Tho admis
sion will be 50 cents for reserved seats.
Whothor on plen,suro bent or business,
take on every trip n bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as It nets most pleasantly and ef
fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow
els, preventing fevers, headaches, and
other forms of sickness. For sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
To Cure n Cola lit Out) Day. ,
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fall to cure. 25c,
On? thousand styles and bizes.
For cooking and heating.
Price from gio to $70.
Often imitated. Never equalled.
next !n finality
tn Rfirlmiilt"
Work Ilegun on the Construction of a
Building for the Crystal Ice Co.
In a Bhort time the building which
will be occupied by the Dalles Crystal
Ice Co. will be completed. The plant,
which will have a capacity of five tons
per day, will be ready to supply all de
mands of this city, and in this way
money that is continually being paid
out for this commodity will be kept at
We highly approve of this uove on
tho part ol those concerned in the plant,
and we daresay that they will be well
patronized by our townspeople, as well
as those in the surrounding towns.
If a few more of our business men
would launch into like enterprise our
city would soon advance to the plain on
which it certainly belongs.
The plant will be situated on Second
Btreet, near Filloon's implement depot,
and as work will be rushed on its con
struction, it will be in shape in a short
time to receive the machinery.
The Very Latest.
Yesterday the Dout Jewelry and Op
tical Company received a strong wood
en box from one of the largest manu
facturers of cut-glass in the country,
containing a carefully packed catalogue
consisting of 735 photographs of beauti
ful pieces of cut glass, ranging in price
from 35 cents to $250. Tho photographs
are the exact size of the pieces and are
very beautiful, nnd this is probably the
only catalogue of the kind iu the state.
It is impossible for any ordinary firm
to carry a full stock of this kind of goods
and in this catalogue persons will bn
able to find what they want and have
Mr. Dout order the same from the fac
tory. Mr. Dout will gladly sho.v the
list of photos of this beautiful glassware,
and quote prices on the same that can
not bo beaten anywhere.
A Call for Ki emits.
Tho following call, which was posted
on Blnkeley,& Houghton's window yes
terday, caused those who really wanted
to go to Cuba to make a move towards
getting a place in the regiment, while
many of those who wero so loud in their
talk before this call was issued,bnt had
no Intention to go, promptly backed out
of sight:
Wanted Fifty recruits for Co. G.
3d Bat., 0. N. G. Applicants must be
of good moral charactor, sound physi
cally and over fivo feet, six inches iu
height. Application will ho received at
the armory of Co. G. every evening
from 8 to 10 o'clock. .By order of Capt.
John S. Booth, Commanding.
Cash Iu Your Ctieclii,
All countv warrants registered prior
to March 12, 1891, will be paid nt my
office, Interest ceases after April 20,
1808. 0. I.. Pjhlui'S,
Countv Treasurer.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Thnt la wlmt It was made lor.
Fresh and the first
O of the season at the
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to
New Ideas at
The Wheel that sells
5 Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
We havo strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
To He Committed tiJleuiory Uy All
Dyspeptics, Invalids, Consumptives.
What is the first cause of nine-tenths
of all disease?
Imperfect digestion of food.
Why does imperfect digestion cause
disease of other organs?
Because blood, nerves, muscles, bone
and flesh are derived from the food we
eat and digest. If digestion is perfect
the blood is pure, nerves and muBcles
strong, flesh firm. If the digestion is
poor, the blood is supplied from half
digested, fermenting food, irritating ev
ery nerve and organ. The result is,
sooner or later, organic disease, because
every organ being poorly nourished the
weakest gives way first and we have
liver trouble, kindoy complaints, heart
disease or consumption.
Is not dieting the usual and best treat
ment to cure indigestion?
No, because the dyspeptic has been
starved long enough ; what is needed is
Abundant nourishment, not the lack of
it. The stomach and blood demand
Nutriment, not bran crackers.
What is the best method of cure?
Plenty of Wholesome food Well Di
But how can a weak Btomach digest
Plenty ot wholesome food?
By taking with the food after each
meal certain harmless remedies which
aro known to Digest Food, and thus
nourish the blood and JRest the weak
What are these harmless remedies?
The most valuahlo nro vegetable fer
ments, pure pepsin, Golden Seal and
fruit salts. All of these are' now com
bined in the form of pleasant tasting
tablets, sold by druggis under tho name
of Stuart's Dvspepshi Tablets.
Are these tableld superior to tho var
ious liquid preparations so called dys
popsia cures?
Most decidedly, because oil liquid
medicines oecome stale with age and
loose what ever good qualities they may
have had originally, whilo the tablet re
tains its properties indefinitely. Stu
ait's Dyspepsia Tablets can bo carried
In tho pocket, alwav at hand, ready for
use when traveling or at daily occupa
tion. They cost but 50 cents nnd should
be kept iu every family, Thoy keop the
digestion perfect and save doctor's bills
by warding oft" disease.
Are Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets adapt
ed to all forms of Dyspepsia?
Yes, because in all cases tho troublo
results from Indigested, fermenting food.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets eauso tiio
footl to be digested Before It Has Time
to Ferment.
If yon wish to know more about them
usk your druggist for a package and try
i'or Hale Cheap.
A lot 100x100 feet, on the bluff, east of
tho fair grounds. A desirable residence
location. A, S, Mac Am-istek.
Chronicle Office.
On draught at the White,
house Saloon. Charles
Michelbich, Prop.
every point.
at an honest price.
J. T. Peters & Co,
A Choice.
It rests with yon what instrument yorr
buy. Somi person? prefer stringed in
struments, others wind instruments.
It's all a matter of preference. If you.
want a piano wo can sell it to you at a
saving, or'if your desire is for a mando
lin, we can supply your wants and give;
you the sweet, aristocratic honey bee?
tone which is found only in the host in
struments. All our musical merchan
dise is of tho highest grade. Wo havo
everything in the Hue.
LC. Nickelsen
Book 6V ffiusie Company.
For an Indefinite
Freo to adults, except announced
dates, when special hills aro given.
Reserved seats eacli evuiing fur ladies
and escorts without extia charge.
Entire change of program each night.
A ti'li'iHll'l mtortment of Vege
table, Unrdcu ami Qnm Seals In
Hulk, gcol Wheat, Seal Oals,.
Seed Hurley, Seed Seed Hyo.
OH Meal Cuke ami Fertilizers,
Dec Supplies, Kurly Komi I'otit
toes. Kleyen kind, of ilriitclu
Beed Corn. 1'oiiltry ami Ekiii
touglit und void at
Cheap CnWi drocery nnd IVed
Store, Second ami I'Jiloa h .s,