V; 21) c Dalles t)vomth. VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1898. NO 3G PROGRESS IN THE NIVAL CAMPAIGN Vessels of Sampson's Fleet Have Already Estalsiicia Blockade of the Most Promiueut Ports, EIGHT SPANISH PRIZES TAKEN The ShltM itftho MijUBilron Are nil the Lookout fur Two Blnro Hiaiiinli Hlilp Kn Itouto to Culm. Nkw York, April 25. The North Atlantic squadron is enforcing the blockado of Cuba and the flying squadron re mains in Hampton Roads. The cruisers San Francisco and New Orleans are at the Broklyn navy-yard, and may sail tomorrow to join the fly ing squadron. Every day adds sovoral vessels to the auxil iary fleet. Tlio battle-ehip Oregon mid the Mari etta nre coining up tliu coast of South America, nnd will probably touch at Rio Janeiro iu a few days. The dyuaiiiito cruiser Nicthoroy, just purchased from Brazil, is still at Hio do Janeiro. The newly purchased cruiser Topeka is nt eua on the way from Portsmouth to New York, and the torpedo-bout Homers is still at Portsmouth ready for seu. The Paris, for whoso safety no alarm is felt, will arrive in New York by the middle of the week. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL MKINO POWDCR CO,, NEW YORK. Nkw Yonic, April 25. Since the war with Spain has begun the United States naval forces have established a strict blockade of Cuban ports, and have cap tured eight Spanish vessels. The prizes are the steamers Buona Ventura, Pedro, Miquel .loves, Catallna Saturnina, and the tchooners Mathilde, Candidla and Antonio. All these vessels have been or will ho taken to Key West, except the Saturnina, which was soiz.'d at Ship is land Mississippi. Tlio Spanish steamer Panama, from New York, and tlio Alfonzo XIIJ., from Spain, both bouud for Cuba, nre likely to be captured by the American warships within a few davs. Spain has mado no iitiznraR on fur nq known. The only movement of tlio Spanish navy reported is the departure o' the torpedo-boat destroyer Audaz from Qiicciiatown for Spain, and the de parture of the Spanish fleet from the Uape Verde islands for Cuba. H iS I'XIJlM'tl-rl Mint . U'linii )l.n Rnn.ilAli eet reaches Cuban waters a battle is almost cortain to tako place. Other re Ports would indicate that the fleet Was bound for points ulong the coast of the United States, nnd at present nothing bo said ns to its destination. TK DKUf.AlCATlON OF MS AH. T't of neprt Ailitol by tlio ikiuno mill Hniiutu. WaSIHSCITOW. Anrll OS Ill,.,l., Ij i of the report of tho house for W i affairs committee, formally declar ngttiHt war exists between the United fates ami Spain, as adopted by the uU8o ami m mu sunuiu to day : "Bo It maeted by tho senate and , A bushel of notions doem't weigh half as mich as one stubborn met Garland's. Happy Thought Salve IsaBure factor for tho cure of Skin Troubles 500 glass Jars For sale at DONNELL'S. houso of representatives of the United States, in congress assembled : "First, That war be und tho same is hereby declared to exist, and that war has exiBteil since the 21st of April, 180S, including Sunday, between the United States und the kingdom of Spain. "Second, That the president of the United States is hereby directed and em powered to use tho entire land and na val forces of the United States, and to call into actual service the United States militia of the severul states to such ex tent us way be necessary to carry this act into effect. WAll DETAINMENT UKHE1UE1). IluiiilreiU of Telegrams Touring In From All 1'urtn of tho Country--llecrultH Offer Their Services. Washington, April 26. At present hundreds of telegrams are pouring into tho war department from all parts of the country asking for information as to the mustering ot volunteers. It is thought that the war department will issue notices as soon as possible detail ing the plan of recruiting the army. It is evident that no trouble will be en countered in obtaining the 125,000 men asked for by tho president in his last call, or as many more as may be neces sary in future. The urmy officials are beseiged by sen ators and representatives who nre in teresting themselves in behalf of appli cants for commissions in the volunteer urniy. To I'revent Yullinv Fever. Wahiiington, April 25, The surgeon general of the United States issued or ders last evening instructing that pre cautionary measures be taken that yel low fever he prevented from getting started among the volunteers who go to Cuba. Everything that can possibly be done towards preventing the breaking out of the disease will be reeorted to. A Call for Oregon Voluutcer. Washington. April 25. A call was issued on Governor Lord, of Oregon, this cveniui! to furnish a regiment of in fantry on the state's quota of tho 125, 000 volunteers, by Secretary Long. The war department issued ordors later that the Oregon troops that will be enrolled under the volunteers' call lendezvous at Portland. Our Strength Growing Momentarily. Washington, April 25. The navy de partment today purchased the yacht Oorsnn from J. Piorpont Morgan, which vessel will immediately bo put into serv- leo in the navv. John Jacob Aster lias offered to equip o regiment at his own expense, while John A. Logan will equip another, Hay Appointed to Succeed Klieiliinu. Wahiiington. April 25. Secretory Shorman's resignation was tendered at 12:15 today, and was immediately ac cepted. Assistant Secretary Day haB been chosen to succeed him. iiieau hA aaa nnd feeblo condition of Sec- rotary Sherman inmlo this move highly necessary. I'olo' Statement lleuleil. Washington. April 25. Wilkie, who holds the position of chief of tho United StaUH service, makes mi omciai ana verv oimihatlc denial of Senor Polo's statement concerning Americans storm ing the train in which he was riding in Hnnhester. and holds up tho statement of the SpaniBh minister ns a gross uu- truth, Sailed From II on Kong. Hong Kono. April 25, 7 :30 r, M.-The remainder of the United StatMKjuadron baa left tbia port. OUR ULTIMATUM TO PORTUGAL Demand That the Spanish Fleet Be Ordered From the Cape Verdes. Washington, April 25. Portugal has been forced to reply to the ultimatum of the United States. This govern ment warned Portugal if she continues to allow any of the Spanish fleet to remain at the Cape Verde islands it will have to take its position as an ally of Spain and as an enemy of the United States. The notice sent to Portugal that it must compel the Spanish fleet to leave the Cape de Verdes or else acknowledge its friend liness to Spain was in the na ture of an ultimatum. Are ply was demanded today at 10:15. This morning Assist ant Secretary of State Adee said : "We have received offi cial notice from Portugal that as soon as the United States promulgates a declaration of war she will notify the Span ish fleet now at Cape Verde islands to leave within 48 hours or to remain until the end of hostilities. Portugal also notifies the United States that she will do nothing until war is the declaration made." of All SjiuiiIkU VesselH Must Loire. Washington, April 25. A note is be ing prepared by tho etate department giving notice thnt live days will be al lowed the Spanish vessels to leave the American ports. This move is in com pliance with international law, and the vessels will make haste to leave. Northern I'iicIUc Endeavoring to Secure T.ruiloi tiitlon tor Troop. Washington, April 25. Vice-presi dent Lamont, ot the Northern Pacific railroad, is in Washington at present endeavoring to transport the Pacific coast troops over hie line to the Atlantic seaboard. Judge Hewitt's Action. Salem, Or., April 25. Judge Hewitt has sustained the straight Populists and ordered a writ of mandamus command ing Secrotary of State Kiucaid to rile the nominations and place the names on the ballots. SQUAW MEN IN ALASKA. Whiten Who Marry the Indian Wom en of tho North. At Lake Lcbargc we met nn English man who wa3 inking his wife and three children for n trip to Five Finger rap ids. His wife wa3 n squaw, nnd her fnco wis painted black, ns were also those of "the children. I never did find out the real reason those squaws have for painting their faces black. Some Bay it ia becuuse they think it makes them more beautiful, and still others claim that it is n preventive from the mosquitoes. We became quite friendly with this Englishman. He was taking his .family to visit some of his wife's pc6ple. Ho had just recei-ed news from England thnt the death of three per sons made him heir to a noble title, and quite an inheritance, but to enjoy its possession, etc., of course he would have to return to England. "Of course," said I, "you nre going at once." He looked around at his family nnd said: "Well, I could hardly take them with me, nnd I'm too fond of them to leave them here; so I think I'll stay here my self and let the other fellow enjoy my property over there." This was all said with a degree of pathos which was al most sublime, and yet I could not help picturing to myself the sensation that thnt squaw wife would make nt some reception held among his titled friends if she were to enter nu naturel, ns we were looking at her then. I think something of the same thought must have passed through our friend's mind, for, hastily murmuring "what might hnve been," etc., he looked suspiciously like shedding n few tears, bade us a hurried farewell, and gathered his small family nnd belofTgings together and proceeded on his way. There are many white men in Alaska married to the Indians. They call them squaw men. Leslie's Magazine. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long AdolpU Fisher, of Zunesvlllc, O., suffered from piles. He was cured by using threo boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes. Kinersly Drug Co. No More Volunteer Wauttil. Washington. April 25 It is authori tatively stated that the president does not contemplate a call for additional volunteers at present. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little Early Misers cleapse tho liver, cure con stipatbu mid till stomach and liver trouble. Snipes. Kiuerely Drug Co. A Sure Cure. "Yes, Stubbs was go in'' into a decline an' the doctor said th' beEt thing for him was to get an easy government job arxl lie around do ing ncthing." "A sinecure, eh?" "I den't know wihat kind o' cure you call it, but anyway he's cured." Cleveland Plain-Dsaler. Menial Work. "Did you hear how young Cadlets made love to Miss Duckets?" "No: hew did he?" "He sent his valet to intercede for him." "Goodness! I never heard of such a thing!" "Ncr I; but 1 suppose, he thought it was bccer.th him to press his cwn suit." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. A little boy a6kcd for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can," the druggist recognized a household name lor "DeWitt's Little Early Risers" and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinerely Drug Co. Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, nnd all throat and lung diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. The farmer, the mechanic and the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best tiling to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cute for piles. Snipes-KInersly Drug Co. Another shipment of Cleveland wheels just received. They are really the only high grade wheel on the maiket. Maier & Benton sole agents. tf A good lot 50x100 on Second street, with Urst-clnss two-story building, well airauged for hotel, 300 feet from O. R. & N. depot. For terms of sale eee Butts, at the oflice of Dufur & Dulur. tf To Kent. Seven-room house below the bluff. Enquire of A. S. Mac Allister, Chronicle office, Uho Clarke & Folk's Floral Lotion for rough skin. When you smoke the Rose Queen 5 cent cigar you get your money's worth. tf Use Clarke it Fttlk's Rosofonui for tho teeth. Business is a fair exchange of advantages. You give good money to your grocer; he gives you Schillings Best tea the best he has. DRY GOODS BARGAINS A demonstration in staple Wash Goods is now going on in our Wash Goods Department. We are eellinu well known staples of recognized value at extremely low prices. Come and profit by it. There's more than enough for everybody. A 30-inch PERCALE In Claret, Turkey Red, China and Ind'go Blue, Gray and Black ground;, with a large range of new patterns. Tlie re gular selling price of this Percale is 12) cents per yard. We Hk but 8 1-3 cents. 32-inch PERCALE. Soft finish ami full regular weight. Two styles only Black ground with Gold or Purple poka dots. A wrapper or shirt waist made of this material would be very much admired. The value is 12,1 cents per yard. We ask you but 7 cents. 32-inch PERCALE. White ground with Red, Pink, Blue or Black Stripes or email Checks. Yon have always, and willingly paid 18 cents per. yard, the regular value. Our special price per yard Be. CH ALLIES. Large range of patterns on Pink, Lavender or Buff urorrhd.' l' special per yara uo. CALICOES. "Lombard" fancies 100 pieces just opened, offering an al most endlesB variety of choices patterns Special Price 4 cents per yard- A specialty in Bleached Muslins. 36-inch the regular price 8 cents. Our special at pr yard 5 cents Towel Bargains Bleached Cotton Towels, rod bolder, fringed. Per dozn 36 cents. Bleached honeycomb Cotton Towel, fringed, red border. Full 38-incli long. Per dozen 60 cents. Hosiery. Call for tho following special brands if yon want a good Hose for Ohildrens School Wear. "PuriUn" all sizjs, pr palr....8o "Bnrlii.zton" " " .... 10c "Rebel" " ' ...,2H "Corduroy" " " .... 17c Ilrtter lhau these there are uoiiu See our Women's Tan or Black Hose at 5 cents per pair. Parasols Steel Rod Parrsol, fast black twill, natural wood handle 5o cents. A. M.WILLIAMS & CO. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. For more than, fifty-six years it has never failed ia its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfullv labored for thoir prosperity and happi ness, for tho improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of tho world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised tlio farmer as to tho most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into tho largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho welfare of .farmers and villagors, and for over half a century haa held thoir confidence and esteem. IT NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBNUE and wo furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. J