1 A Tbt Dalles Daily Ghvciii THK 1 I.L.KS, OltKOtIN SKIOYd Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, .Liver and Jiowcls, cleanses the ays tern effectually. disDcls colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Symp of Figs Js the only remedy of its kind ever pro duccd, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most leal thy and agroeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any oubstitutc. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRAMCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE. AT. NEW YORK K.Y. PERSONAL MENTION' D. C.'Allard, of Boyd, is in the city today. G- W. Williams, of Hood River, is in the city. J. B. Haverlev is in the citv from Du fur today. Cash Cooper, of Pnneville, is in the jUy today. Wilbur Ilendrix, of Kingsley, is in ktlie city today. Emu Anderson, of Nansenae, was in We city touay. Leon Rondeau is in the citv from his iionie at Jvingsley. J2!mer Kearns arritvd in this citv last -sight from Southern Oregon. Michael Callahan is in the city today from his home near Kingsley. James LsDuc of Dufur was in the city yesterday and left for his home this niornini:. A. J. Dufur, of Dufur, Oregon, re- turned from . a week's visit to Portland last evening. Harry F. Fredden returned last night Trom California, where he has been for several months. A band of fine fat porkers was shipped - down from Grants last evening for Wood -i.Bros.,, of this city. ii5r A. W. Giesy is in the citv on buei "Tress. He will leave for Salem on the early train tomorrow. C. M. Donaldson, of Baker City, nom inee for congress, is in the city today and made this office a pleasant call. Mrs. C. G. Hansen, of Hood River, who has 'been visiting at this place for a etiort time, returned to her home on the unornins train. A. Fields and wife and son, William, left on the boat this morning. They were on their way to Southern Oregon, where they will reside in future. The Meeting L,at Might. Evangelist Miller was at his best in fiin;itig last night. Many new faces were lu the audience, and it was plain ly to be seen that they were ciptivated by the singing. The meeting was very informal and all seemed to feel at home. Bald the preacher "I will not preach to night, except in pong. After reading the parable of the rich man who pulled down his barns and built greater saying, "Soul, take thine ease; eat, sleep and be merry." But -God eaid, "Thou foolish man ; this night thy soul ehall be required of thee; then whose ehall these things he." The thought conveyed in the parable is that the man was profoundly selfish and totally dead and indifferent to God, his creator and benefactor, which is the dominating sin of today. The talk was (brief, but telling. Taking hie seat at the organ he began : 3. ast alone with life's nitniorlci, in tight of the crystal tea; vAnd 1 mw the thrones of the sUr-crowned ohm, Jtfttt never a crown for me. Wfaen the song finished, profound ii Jawee reigned, and silent prayer followed. Whwi the invitation was given, the front' seat and altar was filled with anx- Toe leader Mid: "I feel like tinging What would yea like?" 'The "Trundle ,Um" was 9lnfd ht. This be tang with great pathos, and then fended eong after tong In together, until tiiey Hit seemed to catch the spirit 'it joy, and the meeting closed with an old'iHgh ioned shout in the camp. Sunday evening will he Mr. Miller's last eetvice. No one should (nil to hear him slug. H. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Diuoitive Cordial for many years, and it is always the same, f imple, lion est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long- lived people that thev are. The Shak Tills Is era never liave iniliirestion partly owing to their simple mode of life, partlv to tho wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. I ml ice . . . . ... ' Hon is caused by the stomach glands not supplying enougli digestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker pigestivo Cordial in vigorates the stomach and ult its glands so that after awhile they don't need help. As evidence of tho honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00a bottle. HuoKlen'n Annua salve. The best salve in me world for cult, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption,, and posi tively cuits piies, or no pay required It is guanu. teed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price ih cents per box. For sale ty Blakeley and Houghton, druircists. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can," the druggist recognized a household name tor "DeWitt's LittleEarly Risers" and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick he.td ache, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve Cures Pilrs, Scalds, (Surns. HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4-year mules (broke) tor sale. I also have horees, mares and geldings for sale, weighing from 900 to 1400 pounds. Any one wantinc work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. James Beow.v, 123-lm.t Victor, Or. FOR SALE. Two lots, N03. 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. FuilHMAKV, 19-4w Box 178, Goldtndale, Wash. If the United States and Spain become involved in war, it will be impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high grade Havana cigars will increase in price. Lav in a supply of Prize Medal cigars while the price remains toe same. iu-tt Ons Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It wis made far. TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. Af 11 r,maa flnnrcn.v.l tn . ha.t tnr I At . , , .,,,. .1 sal o at iygn a..ey itouer .urns, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCoukle, Prop. mchlO-Gm Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Co 111: 1 1 Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthmu, and all throat and lung diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's and get prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it is an .in fallible cure (or scab, hoof rot, lice and ticks. 1-tf DeWitt's Littic tariy Risers, The lumcui II -(It- ollls. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long AdolpU Fisher, tf Zanesvllle, O., suffered from pike. He was cured by using three loses of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Suipea- Kinersly Drug Co. Smoke the popular brands Prize Medal, Guarantee and Ito&e Queen cigars manufactured by S. F. Foots. La Plata rJhtep Dip, proven by every teat to be the best iion-pol'onou- fluid dip in the world; guarantee 1 to cure scab, itch, (ore throat, lice and hoof-rot. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles. When you smoke the Rose Queen 5 cent cigar vou get your money' worth. tf To lleut. Seven-room house below the blnfl", Enquire of A. H. Mac Allister, Chronicle office. Use Clarke &. Falk's Floral Lotion for rough fkin. Use Clarke & Falk's Koeofoam for the teeth. J-HS OElSKNnOItrrKK 1IUKDY, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Booms 21 and 22, Tel.&H Vogt block Thin Blood Where the Mood loses its t $ intense red grows thin and g watery, as In anemia, there is w m a constant feeling 01 cxhaus- w j tion, a lack of energy vitality $ & of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- $ ! 2 phosphites of Lime and Soda $ - i. m s . W JP is peculiarly aoapiea 10 correci w ' this condition. The cod-liver $ A II 1 I I $ olL emulsified to an exquisite fineness, enters the blood direct w and feeds its every corpuscle. & Ji restoring the natural color and $ giving vitality to the whole ft system. The hypophosphites u, reach the brain and nerve & aft 'nwan(i ann hit cttvnerh. m ening and beneficial effect. & S If the roses havs left your & 9 cneeks, it you are growing 4 . . W tnm ana exhausted trom over- ij 2 work, or if age isbeginnmg 9 to tell, use SCOTT'S Emul- ston. v Be ure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. j All druggisti; 50c. nd $1.00. crnTT JE. DrtWWC (-U ! . . . . V.l. A London Doator'a Peculiar Ex porionco with a Patient : The Treatment lit More GroKrnphlcal Than Mcdleul, Show lint Trouble to lie of a Meu tHl Nature. the Dr. William O'Xeill, late physician to several Lincoln institutions, sends the following' account of a strange ex perience to the Lancet. It describes a case of that vry old and cotnnionplaee complaint, jealousy, or "spirit of jeal ousy," a3 it is named in the Scriptures, where it is fully described and treated. Some years ago, he states, I was re quested to visit a lady who, it was rep resented to me, was very ill and re quired immediate attention. On en tering tiie house I was shown into the so-called sick room, in which there were three persons, all of whom seemed to nic to be in good health. There were present an old lady (owner of the house) and her daughter, who had ar rived a few days previously from a neighboring county to spend two or three weeks with her mother, and the daughter's husband, whose visit wus only to be for a day or two. ' The man was about 35 years of age, small in stature, swarthy in com plexion and plain looking. The wife was a striking contrast to her husband. She was rather tall, remarkably fair and handsome and was a few years younger than her good man. I asked which of them was the patient, but no answer having been given to my in quiry, I nslced again, men Uie young Cr "ith SOnle hesitation, Said: "I am the patient, and my complaint Js jenlousv. 1 am jealous of my bus band, and if 3'ou do not give me some thing- to relieve rr.e I shall go out of my mind." This accusation against the littic man seemed to me to bo most ridiculous; in deed, I could not help thinking that if the accuser had been the accused it would have been more in the nature of things. I ussured the lady I was ex tremely sorry for her, the more so that I was quite incompetent to treat auch a case. The husband protested his in nocence and declared there was 110 cause whatever for her accusations. The wife persisted in reiterating them, and so the wranulc went on till sud denly she fell from her chair on the floor in u fit the spasmodic movements of which were strange anil varied. At one moment the patient was ex tended ut full length with her body arched forward in a state of opisthoto nos. The next minute she was in n sit ting position with the legs drawn up, making, while her hands clutched her throat, u guttural noise. Then she would throw herself on her back and thrust her arms and legs about, to the no small danger of those around her. Then becoming comparatively quiet and supine, she would quiver all over, whilo her eyelids trembled with great rapidity. This stnte perhaps would be followed by general convulsive move ments, In which she would put herself in tho most grotesque postures and make the most unlovely grimaces. At last the fit ended, and, exhausted and in tears, she was put to bed. The patient was a lithe, muscular woman, and to restrain her movements during the attack with tho assistance nt hand was n matter of impossibility; so all that could be done was to prevent her injuring herself nnd to sprinkle her freely with cold water. The after treatment was more geo graphical than medical. Tho husband censed doing business in n certain town whero tho object of hia wife's sus picions lived. He was enabled to do ho by tho kindness of a friend, who ox Changed part of his district with him. The fit v.an not the disease, but'it was the fiymptom or monlfextntlon of a mind diseased or deranged, the atato of the mind baJng the result of a wom an s breedings over her real or imag inary wrongs, London Mall. Smo! Cigars. Wny do wo retail morotCigura than others? Why do smokers go out of their way and pats cigars of the same grade? Not becauso wo have better cigars or better brands, or any greater variety ; no, not that. Why, becauso we have the finest ci gar case in the state and keep our uigars in better condition. Snlpos-Klnorsly Drug Co. Patronize the All kiwi of work. White Shirts n smeliilty, Fnnillv work nt rwtucinl rates WnsU collcotcil and UCUVClCd free, Telephoim No. 110. H. D. Parkins, Agrt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL r All work promptly atttndel to, ami warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK Notice. Notice Is hereby alvcn Hint tho uniliTf Imicd Rtsigneoot tut: cstniu 01 .101111 1. uoot, 1111 111 solvont debtor, lia Med his tlnnl rctKirt nud nc count in mill estate mid that Mid report mill ae count will be, called tin for hearlnir inthoClr cult Court, of the statu of Oregon, for VHeo uounty, on .Monday tuu rai day ot May, ISM, said nay belne the first day of tho next reitulnr itnn 01 biiiii eourt, ana mat Hani report win nc ueiru hi sum lime oy inn jiiuee 01 said Lonrt. or asi soon thereafter nt the same can be heard by said Court. All persons Interested therein are iiouiieu 10 nio incir ODjecnons ut miiu au count If any theru re, prior to said day. uaieu inisa uay 01 April, l.tus. IIIIIlll fil.KS'V. AtMsncoof thi) estate of John F. Uoot. an in- toivem ucotor. uunu-wi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Thk Dallks, Or.,j February 15, ls'JS. j IvOtlcc Is hereby clvcn that the following- mimed scttlei has tiled notice of his Intention t'i make anal proof in ,uptort of IiIk claim, and iuui mini ir'Kii mil ui maue ucioro uesiMer nuti Kecelver at The Dalles, ureeon, on Saturday, Airll 10, lttii, viz: (luiuftH Hull, or The IiiIIak, H. E. No. 1717, for the BK NWJf. 8!i XKA and XKli SK4 See. 31, To I N., H. 12 K. . !. Ho names the following wltnetu to prove bis continuous retldeiicu upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Alexander Vance, Albert Walters, William Wolf, Frank ObtUt, all of The Dalles, Oregon. Ml JAS. V. JIOOKE, UcrtUter. "Wanted Atthe Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat, paid. Tiie highest price mehlti.tf. jyns. kvanh. MODISTE, noon in Mrs. Utittln's lodging House, ELY'S CREAM BAT.5I Unpotltlvncnre. Apply Into tho noitrils. It Ii quickly alisorlicd. CO cents at DruecUta or by mall : namolea 1 Oc. bv mull. .SLY UHOTUKIiS. CO Warren &L New York City. Watchmake Jeweler mmm Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters fqr Seed Grain of u kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, au kinds. Headquarters for; Bran. Shorts, SiELKKSD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. This Flour 18 wpnnfMtawil expreialy for family ue j every nack la Ruarantoed to give Mtiibotlon. We tell our soodi lower than m hnnn in h. 1 1 .. .. .. call and get our pricea and be convinced. I Hihert Prioes Paid for Wlwat, Barley and Oats. ..GflAS. F-W.. fiatchons and Farmer's ..Exchange.. Kciioti tlrmiKht tlio rclebratot COI.D.MlllA IIKKU, ncknmvl. tilKiil tho best liwr in Tlio Dalles, . nt tlio UMiul price. I'omo In, try N It ninl he roiivhieeil, Alo tlio l'lmst brunch of Wines, Minor anil Clear-,. Sanduuiebes of all Klmls. nlMiiys ou liimil. 50 Years 50 Undisputed BtiproniHCv iu tho World Competition, Cooper's Sheep Dip. Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value of Flock Cheap, Safe, Handy, Clean, Wholefome and Odorless. Recommended 1y .MimufHi'ture, Scour era anil JJinere. fcolu li.v PEASE & MAYS THE DALLES, OR. C. G. Roberts, General Agent, 247 Ael Streat, Portland, Oiejon. FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVSRY MA3ST. Tliia ofl'er in indie by the LLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided application be-imflo nt once, In order that lit Inventions, iipi.llniu'i and never falllnu remeuiex may receive mi' i icsi ivissiuie pui' llclty, mid prove their own uiuiit by hoiiihI line milt Mriliint miri-a, Mi, Alilliny whatnvor will be nrelvtil by the IIIIiiiiIk Htat Hutillarlum irom jiinoiiuiindcr Its treat ment until liHiinflelul Kiaulta are Mokmiwl- filKeil. Its remedies mid appliances have been cmniiieniUil by the ncwspapvrii of Two Conti nents and tiidorted by the grestcst doctors In tho world. Wiicro development Is desired, they neioiuiunii ii nnu never inn 10 inviKoraie, up build and fortify. They infiue now life and enenrv. Thev nor. inaiiently ttoii all losses which undermine the conMttmlon and rroducc ilesiKindency. They ieiuiie, ivjresu iinu reiore 10 inaiinooii, r KHrillKiu nr HR. They euro evil habits and IHj.iuancntly remove their ell'icts. as well an tnosu ot excesses and over-taxed brain work neurasthenia or nervous c.xlmuttlou. No fall tire, no iiiihllntty, no deception, no illmiii. lolntllim. W UITJ5 Ttl-UAV. ILLINOIS STATE Krunnton, SANITAEIUM. in. Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Throtmh bv davlicht via (lra.sHVullRv. k'em U11U IIKBS IIUlMJWB. ...... ... tin . V. M. WlltTKI,AW, Autolopo, StuKes leave The Dalles Irom 1'nmtllla Ifoux at 7 a. in., alfo from AuteloiK) at 7;ao!a. m. veri Monday. WtilneMlay and Krlday. (.'uiiurvtliiiik iiiwjo aiAineioiKj lor rrinuvitie, Jiitciioii and ajiau ueyona. i;iom c: uiiections iimdu nt '1 he Junes wiin railways, irains ami ixiatii. 8laKCs from Antclorio reaqli Tlio IMIIch Tuea days, Thursdays nud Hutunlnys ut l:li p. in, . KATES OC FAHK. Dalles to Deschutes .'. $t oo do Moro , if do Grans Valley as do Kent . ;i m do C'rosK Hollows to AnteloK; to Cross Hollows to o Kent :m do (irasn Valley ;t co no jioro do Descliuees ilo IMIh'H .., f, 00 Dr. Shackelford has removed hie ofliae to room 14, Vogt block, over the post office. 11117.2111 ' " " yw aoa 1 in,nK 10 ORTHERN PACIFIC Ry7 s Pullman Elegont Toui:ist Sleeping Cars Dining Oars Sleeping Car HT. I'Alll. " MINNKAI'dl.I IHtMITH KAKOII llltaNU POU OIHinKSTON WINNII'KO IIKI.KNA nu ItUTTK TO Through Tickets CHICAOO WAHIIlNdTON i'iiii,aii:miiia NEW VOItK IIOHTdN ANI A I.I. l'OINTH EAHT mul HOUTII Kor lntormatlon, tlnio cards, maps nnd tlckett, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Anent, The Dalles, Oregon Oh A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., iVi, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains lenvo anil are line to arrive nt 1'ortlaL OVKUlAND EX- t)rc4. Halcm. Hoso-1 btinr, Aililatnl, Hau El 0:00 1'. M. ramunto, Ogdeii.tJan rrancmt'o, Jioiavo lsa AiiKeleii,lil Pun Netr urlvans nnd 8:30 A.St. oncbursr and wav .-ta- lions fVla Woodbtirn tori I .Mt.AiiKd.Hllvcrton, Wont Bclo, llrownx- y vllle.Bpnngllcld aud I Natron j 1'. M Dally oxix-pt Bundayi. Daily except Hundaya t7:ao A. M. (C'orvullla ) stations.. nui! way :M1'.M. INDlvl'KNDnSCK l'ASHKNOEK. Kxprew trolu Pally (except Hilllday). l;.V)p. m. (I.v Portland ...Ar.) 8:'i1a.m 7:ai)p. m, Jai . McMlnin'lllo ,I.v. fn.'Oa.m H:iu p. tn. r A r. . l iinepuniRiice..l.v. 7 iiW a, m Dally. (Daily, except Munday, DININC1 OA (S ON OODKN KOUTK. 1'UI.I.MAN 1IUFFKT HI.KKl'KKS AND HUCOND-OLAB6 HI.EUl'INC- CAllb Attachcit to all Thrriuuli Trains. Direct ronncctlon at l-ati rraucUco with Occi dental and oriental mul l'uoltlc mall aieanisliip lines for JAPAN anil CHINA. Balllni; dates ou a) plication. iiaioH htm iickcik to fcoitcrn thuiiis ana r.u- rojie. AIM) JAPAN, UlllNA, HONOLULU anil AUSTKA1.1A, can Ik) ohtalmil from J. 11. KIKKliAND, Ticket ARCilt. Tlirouirh Ticket Olllcc. 11 Third street, where throimh tickets to all iwilnts in tlio Kuitcrn H tales, t'aiiuda and Europe can bo obtained at lowest rutea from J, II. KlltKI.AM), TICKCt ARenc. All ahnvo traliik nrrlvu at and denart Irutn Grand Central Htatlon. Fifth and IrvniL' atreeu YAMH1M. D1VI8ION. PakretiKcr l)eit, foot of Jeilerson itrccu I-eavo for OSWEfit). ilally. except Sniiday, at T.Jti it. in.; !.!., J:65, ft:li, B.Jj, "8:ttt p.m. fund 11:1X1 1. in. on Hatnrdav only, and 9:00 u. in and :wm p. in. on hnndayi only). Arrive at I'ortliind iihIIv nt r.iiu mul st.Tii a in.: and i:, 1:1.1. ;ai ami 7!i5n. in., (and 10:03 u. in, U'lS i:io p, in, on sjnitilayi, only). U'ave for Hhorldan. wcuk days, at 4:30 p. m Arrive at 1'ortland, U::X) a, in. U'ave for Alltl.IK on Monday. Weilnoday nni Krlnav at 0:10 a. m. Arrlv at l'ortland, l"uc- (lav, Thiirxday anil Batnrdai it 3:03 p. m. Except Hiuiday, Except Saturday. It. KOKIII.KIt, Jlanaiter. O, II. MAKKHAM, Amt. ti. 1. l'asi.. Ant Tri NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IB Weok. 100 I'ttjiera u Vear It etimds llmtnmonir "weekly" iwiiera 11 size, frennnnnv of liublll'tttluii frHalinuan unrlutt anil rplliilillitV of COT. tente. It la pmcticnlly r tlnlly t tlio low price o a weekly ; and ju vuat list oi BUbscrlbera, extending temkry stnte and territory of thn Union nnd forelpn cotin trioB, will vouch for tlio iiccurncy una fairness of Ho iiowr columns. It. U Hnlnnrfhllv llliiHtrnted. nnd HIDOIIB Its special features aro a fine bm"0' page, exnauitive tnaritet, rerm, laluul. fualilnnj far iviimen and H 1011 series of stories by the greatest living American and English atutiors, Coiian Doyle, Jam in K. Jromi NtanUy Weywsn; Mary K. WHI'' Anthaay Huia. Vrat Harte, Mraadar Maltkaw. Klo. WAApTavtkla nnonnalad neWBDafier BBll The Dalle Twlea-a-Week Ohronfcle to gether one w lor 18.00. , The rtgular price ot the two papers is ?.w.