'V1 We are the People "Very Much to the Good." to look to for. .reseept Bieyeles.. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Pricos from $27.60 to $50.00. One thousand styles and sizes. For cooking and heating. Price from $ioto $70. I New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. PHEiHSOLS oIbBELLHS. New Arrivals.. A largo assortment of Sunshades and Parasols in black and fancy colors. Fancy Sunshades ranging from $1.75 to $3.50. Black Parasols ranging from . . .75 to 7.00. Rain Umbrellas in endless varieties. U- ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY APRIL 23, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Wanted, a woman torio general house work. Apply at this ofliee. Don't forgot that Kellar keeps the heat ice cream soda in the city. tf Tillamook creamery hutter GO cents at The Dalles Commission Co.'b. Plumbing,, tinning, bicycle and gun repairing done at Maier & Benton's. Oranges and lemons direct from grow .era at lowest prices at Dallea Commie sion Co.'s. For salo cheap. Twenty-eight acres good land, just outBido the city limits Inquire of G. It. Rowland. u212w "Eagle" Acetylene Gas Generators nre superior to all. Agoncy at Hansen & Thompson's planing mill. a'21-lm dw Rev. Sweitzer, of Forest Grove, will occupy the pulpit at tho Congregational church at morning and ovening service tomorrow. At tho Lutheran church the Rov. M. L. Zwolzig, of Portland, will preach on Sunday, the 24th inst., at 8 p. m. No morning service. Auothorshipmontof Cleveland wheels just received. They aro really tho only high grade wheel on tho market. Muier 6 Ronton sole agents. tf Muier & Beaton have just put in a 'lathe" in their repair shop, and are now better than ever prepared to do all kind of machine work, tf All tneinbors at Cedar Olrde, W. of W,, are requested to assemble at their hall at 1 o'clock Sunday to attend tho funeral of Neighbor Vurhey'e son. A mooting of the Elks will be held at 7 o'clock this evening. An installation will be held, after which u social season will be hold at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to bo present. Today tho 12year-old boh of Con tractor Iloyle, who Uvea on tho hill, waa ecullling with another boy and foil, breaking one of hi arms. Dr. Hollls ter reduced the fracture, and the boy is getting along nicely. Tho pastor, Rev. 0. D. Taylor, will preach at tho First Baptist church to morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Do all things work for good?" Along journey and tho oxultement of home coming have wearied Pastor Taylor, and lie will uot;h'oId evening service tomor row. As ne will not lasuo a paper until Tuesday morning, we feel as if it were our duty to remind our patrons once more of the Bittner theater company, which will Appear at the Vogt three nights, commencing Monday. They come highly recommended and deserve r patronage, The minstrel ahow of Richards A P'ingle and Buacoe & Holland at the Vogt Urn evening wm well attended and a flrat-clHH ahqw wh presented. This company has two splendid bands, a fine orchestra and a number ot stars in their The PEASE & MAYS. reapectivo lines, and we can heartily recommend them to public patronage. Yesterday J. Lauretson.who workB for Wood BroB., of thia city, was cutting meat at the Blaughter house near the city, when a cleaver fell, Btnking him on the hand, making a serious gash. Sev eral stitches hud to be put in to draw the wound together, but outside of hav ing to quit work for a few days, no seri ous injury will result. Today the case ot the State of Oreeon galnet Ray Mann was tried in tho jus tice court. Mann was charged with the stealing of a horeo valued at $10,. from D. J. Cooper, who filed the complaint. Hon A. S. Bennett wbb attorney for the defense, while A. A. Jayne appears in behalf of the state. Mann was dis charged aa the evidence against him was not sufficient to warrant his being held o appear before the grand jury. "Dandy," the little dog belonging to the Kickapoo Indian Medicine Com pany jumped from the top of the 30-foot ladder at 2:15 thia afternoon. Quite a crowds gathered to witness the leap, und were highly amused at the manner in which he climbed the laddder and made the jump. A matinee was given at the Baldwin opera house this afternoon, and "Dandy" will perform again nt 5:15 this evening in front of the New York Cash Store. From pn exchange we learn that a serious drouth threatens California. During tho vear but five inches of rain have fal(en, and tho growing grain is beginning to dry out, while the pasture Is so scare that thousands of head of cnttlo and horses ore threatened with starvation. It Is said that prospects for rain are very poor, alnco it Ib a rare thing to have rain in that etato lutor than March, and if such prove tho casi this year, it will be very disastrous fo the California stockmen and farmers. A man named Williams, who claims to hall from Colfax, Wash., is now a boarder at) the county jail, says tho Pen dleton Tribune. He icado his appear ance at jail Wednesday with a wild, hungry gleam in his eye, and begged for protection. He told Deputy Shoriff Frazlor ho camo from Colfax and that tho gamblora and rounders of that place wero persecuting him and aiming to tako his life. It is thought he waa an occupant of the jail at tho time of the recent lynching and that the episode affected his ml ml. The Salt Lako Herald saye: "Tho Bittner company presented 'Friends' to a largo nudionco ot the Grand opera house last evening, and to soy that it was handled by the company in an ex cellent manner expresses tho facts con cisely. The compnnv has undoabtedly gained tho confidence of the community, for as the week advances the crowds grow no smaller. Measra. Bittner, Wal dron, Kelley, Fred ricks oud Undorwood aro the gentlemen who do some very clever acting, assisted by Miss Mattle Ohoate and the other ladles, while Messrs, Moran and McClellan, the step dancers, together with the trlogrngh, furnish an abundance of amusement for handles are up-to-date. any one during an evening. The fact is becoming evident that the company has no superiors in the western states as a repertorie company, not excepting the renowned Frawleye, of San Francisco." L. L. Hill, who with John Cradle baugh is part owner of the Golden Eagle mine in Baker county, arrived in the city today. Mr. Hill informs us that they have their tunnel in 250 feet, and have fltruck fine free milling ore. He has numerous specimens of the ore, and the gold can be plainly seen on the sur face with the naked eye. When a mag nifying glass is turned on, the whole surface ot the ore fairly glitters with the shining metal. As far aa can be judged, there is a large quantity of this ore, and that Messrs. Hill and Cradlebaugh have a Klondike of their own cannot be doubted in the least. A drill of Co G, O. N. G., will be held at the armory tonight. All the militia men in this city are requested to be present, as thoEe who are not on hand will be discharged and others put in their plucos. At present the compauy consists of ehout forty-four members, and aa soon as possible the number will be increased to sixty-three, and such a thing is possible that orders may be is sued to increase the number to a hun dred members, Numerous applications have already been handed in, and the only difficulty will be to find room for all who voluuteer. Ex-members of the company are requested to be present, and will have the preference of the en listment. DEATH OF WEBBER VARNEY. After nn Illneni of Only Three Days Ue l'usats Away. At about 5 p. m. yesterday Leigh Webber Varney, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Varney, died at the e of his parents in this city. Vebber Varney, or as ho was better known, Wob, was born in this city Sep tember 7, 1883, and was consequently 14 years, 0 months and 15. days old. He woe an exceptionally bright boy, woe obedient and good naturtd, and on ac count of his industrious disposition was a great help to ills parents at home and at tho place of business in which Mr. Varney wob until recently engaged. Ho was feeling slightly indisposed for eovorol days before he was taken sick, but until Wednesday his malady was not considered serious. On that day he becamo bo ill that a physician was called, but when ho arrived the little fellow was unconscious and there could be no doubt that he was suffering from nn attack of cerebro spinal meningitis. HopeB of his recovery were entertained until an hour before his death, when a blood vessel in his head bursted and the attending physician saw that he waa past all medical aid. The funeral will be held at 2 p, in. to morrow from the Episcopal church. Friends of the family are cordially in vited to attend. To Cure a Cola lu One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lots, .All druggists refund the money if they fall to cure. 25c, 4 hKfr 4 S.'F flCBBT Often Imitated. Never equalled. ilHr aest In quality 3gBH to"Glaads." United States Cmiser New York Hap- 'tores foe Spisb Merchant Ves sel Pedro, After a Chase, OTHER CAPTURES NOT CREDITED Secretary Sherman WI1 Probably lie- sign The Department Will He Kemodeled In that Cave. Portland, April 23. The U. S. cruiser New York cap- lured the Spanish merchant steamer Pedro with 1,000 troops aboard, after an excit ing chase, under the guns of Morro castle. A report received from Lon don states that the Spanish captured the American liner Cit' of Paris, leaving England for New York. Another report was that the City of Paris had eluded the Spaniards and returned to Southampton. Both reports are strongly discredited. President McKinley today issued a call for 125,000 vol unteers to serve two vears. Washington, April 23. The report that this govern ment has possession of tho Hawaiian island is semi-of-ficially confirmed. Tho Spanish captured tho American ship Shenandoah, wheat ladon from San Fran cisco'to Quconstown. There is over' reason to be lieve that Secretary Shorman will resign' from tho cabinet within the next few days. It is felt by friends of his, that tho present crisis is proving too severe a tax upon his fail ing strength, and for this rea son ho will retire to private life. His successor will bo Assistant Secretary Day in all MAIER & BENTON ONE MORE nun Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. We Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Kates. Phone 25. probability, but it can be stated that Judge day has no desire to remain in public life. It is the president's natural desire to promote Judge Day to the position which Secre tary Sherman will vacate, but if he persists in the desire to retire from public life, there will be a re-organization of the department to the extent of a new secretary and assistant. Madrid, April 23. Last evening a crowd 6000 strong carrying flags and shouting "Viva Espana," "We want war," and "Down with the Yankees," burned the stars and stripes in front of Senor Sagasta, who received an. ova tion. Washington, April 23.--The Naval officials feel very confident in the abilit' of the Oregon and Marietta not only to protect themselves from the Spanish gunboat Temor ieff, but to destrop that craft if she ever passes within range of them. WHEN TUAVKLING Whether on pleasure bent or business, tako on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow els, preventing fever?, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. The farmer, tho mechanic and tbe bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's . Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is n well known cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co, Fur Halo i;iiH. A lot 100x160 feet, on tho bluff, east of the fair grounds, A desiruulo residence location. A. S. Mao Am.istkh. Chronicle Olllce. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse tho liver, euro con stipation and all stomach and liver trouble. Snlpes-Kiuersly Drug Co. Cab lu I'uur Cneoki. All countv warrants registered prior to March 12, 1894, will;be paid at my office. Interest ceases after April -'0, 1898. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer, MAYS & CROWE. have strictly First-Class J. T. Peters & Co. Happy Bride is she whose friends havo had the good taste to bestow eiirer upon her as a wedding gift. Nothing more appropriate, nothing more accept able, nothing more useful. "A thine of beauty and a joy forever." Our stock of silverware is complete. 1. C. Ickelsen Book & fllusie Company, TOfllGHT. MlwMpeiaHoiise For an Indefinite Period, Kickaooos THE IN AN UP-TO-DATE. Vaudeville Entertainment. Free to adults, except annonnceil dates, when special bills nro given. Reserved seats each evening for hulica and escorts without extra charge. Entire change- of program each nfghi. S XS 3ES 0 A bjilejulld assortment nf Vcgc. table, Garden uiul Cinws Seeds in Hulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Jiarloy, Seed Seed Itye. Oil ileal Ciiko and ltfrtljfeeM, lleo Supplies, Knrly Rom Pota toes. Eleven kinds of llrtt rliibH Seed Corn. Poultry and ligga bong tit and Bold ut J. H. CROSS' Cheap L'nth Grocery and Fead. Store, Second and Union Stv, Jim 2? E n s Schlitz's Bock Beer. Fresh and the that -O 01 I11B bUUSOlI. (Hli Midway. ' . '