The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 22, 1898, Image 3

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We are the People
"Very Much to tho Good."
..reseept Bieyeles..
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
to look to
Prices from $37.60 to $50.00.
One thousand styles and sizes.
For cooking and heating.
Price from fioto $7x
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
New Arrivals.
A largo assortment of Sunshades and Parasols in black and fancy colors.
Fancy Sunshades ranging from $1.75 to $3.50.
Black Parasols ranging from . . .75 to 7.00.
Rain Umbrellas in endless varieties.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Fill DAY
APRIL 22, 1808
Up to noon tod ay the rainfall waa .11
of an inch.
Weathor Tonight nnil Saturday, oc
casional rain.
Wanted, n woman todo gonoral Iioubo- 1
work. Apply at this office.
Don't forgot that Kellar keops tlio
best ice cream soda in the city. tf
Tillamook creamery butter 00 cents at
The Dalles Commission Co.'a.
Bicycles for rent at Maier & Bonton's
naruware store, jo iw i
Several consignments of wheat were i
sold at Moody's yesterday at eighty
Oranges and lemons direct from grow
ers at lowest pricoB at Dalles Commis
sion Co.'s.
For sale cheap. Twenty-eight acres of
good land, just outside tho city llmlte.
Inquire of G. ft. Kowlnnd. aSl'-'w.
"Eagle" Auotylone Gas Generators aro
superior to all. Agency at Hansen &
Thompson's planing mill. nMm dw
The rivor is at present at a standstill
and if the cool weather continues it will
be likely to go down. At present it
stands nt the 10-foot mark.
The ilsh catch on the Upper Colum
bia at present is not suflicient to supply
tho home demand. Today the markets
were very short and could not All their
Web, tho elder son of A. N. Varney, of
this city, is roported very low" with co
rubrospinal meningitis. Tho disease
is said to be an epidemic, and much con
cern is felt that more casvs may devel
op.. In tho case of Bohnn vs. Mitchell, a
verdict was brought in in favor of the
defendant. A jury was called in the
caBo, and It took from 10 o'clock yester
day morning to 7 o'clock in tho evening
to get in the testimony &ttd render tho
abovu verdict.
ltoports from Arlington and Sherman
county state that tho rainfall in those
sections was heavier than in this viclnl
oluity. Sherman county farmers aro
jubilant, and say that with a few moro
rainfalls llko that of of the last few days
their grain crop for the year will bo all
um. couru no uesireu.
Reports from fishermen and canneries
vestfirdnv ahnu-pil that tho run of salmon
is Improving. Trapmen are doing little
or nothing, and the glllnetters are nof
yot ll.hlngnt the mouth of the river,
They are drifting In the river opposlti
Astoria. All anticipate an increase i
the run in the next few days,
Another ease of cerebrospinal menin
gitis developed on the beach north f
Ilwaco yesterday. The afflicted war
was an employe on the stranded alu
GUnmnrjii anil m itrnnif llld heart A I
It his not bean iaarned what the reault
of hla caae li. Considerable alarm has
been caused in'Aatona. and welLpoated
physicians declare that, while the dis
ease is not what is ordinarily known an
contagious, it is very communicative
and becomes epidemic.
The groat consolidated minstrelB of
Richards & Pnngle andllusco & Holland
arrived in two separate carB this morn
ing. Everything about the troup and
their outfit goes to prove that a superior
show of this kind has never came to the
city, and this fact will certainly be dem
onstrated at this evening's entertain
This morning's bulletin savs Captain
Sampson's fleet has received orders to
blockade Havana, andr will commence
operations at once. The Spanish flotilla
is still at Cape Verde islands, and noth
ing can be said as to where they will
proceed from that place. It is said that
100,000 volunteers will immediately be
called for.
Tho Goldendalo Sentinel eays: "In
the list of killed on the trail in Alaska
by the recent slide is T. Alderson, ad
dress unknown. It is geneially be-
lievod that it is Thos. Alderson, of this
place, as ho was working in that neigh
borhood carrying mall. It is sincerely
hoped by Tom's many friends that it
may not prove true.
An attempt to asenssinate Presidont
McKinley was made yesterday evening
with the nid of an infernal machine, but
was discovered in time to save tho pres
ident's life. No particulars of, the at
tempted assassination were given. Two
carloads of torpedoos havo been shipped
to the mouth of the Columbia and will
be planted at once.
Fred H. Brown sold two carloads of
fat cattle In Colfax Monday to Bruhn &
Henry, of Snohomish. There is oue
carload each of steers and cows. The
price paid wos 4 cents for steer and 3J
cents for cowe, delivered In Colfax. The
cattle will bo shipped to Seattle Mon
day. This is an usually choice lot of
cattle, averaging nearly 1200 pounds
each. They were fed grain since De
cumber 1st.
The ladles of the Guild wero very suc
cessful at tholr sale yesterday, qulto a
number of ladies attending in the after-
ii i ii
.noon, anu in ttie evening uie nan was
well filled, principally with young poo
pie. Misses Lang and Sampson offer) ).?
their services at tho piano, the greater
part of the ovening was spent in danc
ing, and between times the ice cream
table and candy stand was patronized
A pleasant home wedding occurred
last evening at the residence of Levi
Chrismnu, of this city, the contracting
parties being Mr. Honry Taylor and
Miss Lulu Ghrisman. The ceremony,
which was performed by Rev. J. H.
Wood, took placo at 8:30, and was at
tended by but a few friends of the con
tracting parties. Both Mr. Taylor aud
Miss Chiisman are well known in our
olty, having jived here for years, and nil
wish them the full measure of happi-
"Everyone who could possibly get down
town was ou hml at noon today to view
the -parade of Richards & Pringloe and
handles are up-to-date.
Rusco & Holland's famous ininstrele.
Two bands and over forty people were in
line, and the turnout and music was
enough to convince anyone of the real
meritB of the performance. This is the
first time that this troupe has stopped
ever in The Dalies, and it may be some
time before our theater-goers will have
another opportunity to see them ; there
fore a crowdeed house is expected.
The Porl'and Mining Bureau, room 2,
Chamber of Commerce building, is at
present the headquarters of the Omaha
exposition commisBioners for Oregon.
During the week many persons from
various parts of the state have called
there seeking information about the
fair, and to learn of the progress being
made in the assemblirfg of an exhibit of
mineral, horticulture, etc. Mining men
manifest great interest in all that ib be
ing done there for the fair. The ore
samples which are to go to Omaha the
first part of May are displayed at the
mining bureau. Visitors to the metrop
olis are cordially invited to "drop in"
and Eee the fine exhibits of Oregon ore.
Timothy CrosBman, an aged farmer,
living in Kent gulch, near Dillard,
Douglas county, was assaulted aud
robbed about 2 o'clock Sunday after
noon. 'He was alone at his homo when
two men, masked with flour sacks, en
tered and with drawn revolvers demand
ed bis money and began beating him
over the head. He was unable to offer
any resistance, and the robbers relieved
him of $4.05, after which they helped
themselves to provisions aud left the
place. Mr. Grossman had sold two
horses Saturday for $80, and it is sup
posed some oue knowing of the trans
action committed the act, expecting to
find the money on his person. No ar
rests have yet been made.
On Tuesday, April 26th, the Chronicle
Publishing Company will give to its pa
trons a morning paper instead ot the
evening edition. The necessity of a
morning paper that would take Asso
ciated Press dispatches and appear so
the patrons could read It at the break
fast table, has long been felt in our city,
and at last we have decided to issue
such a publication. Ou account of the
struggle- in which this country and Spain
are about to be involvedat present it is
all the more necessary to receive the
latest news at any price, aud we ask
that the generous people of this section
will assist us In this effort by their pa
tronage. There will be no evening pa
per issued and the paper will be pub
lished every morning except Monday,
and we will have it out in time so that.
It can be sent on the stages leaving tho
city ; also on tho early morning trains.
This will be an Inducement for people
along the stage lines to eubserjbe for the
Daily Oukgnicxk, and we trust we will
receive a liberal patronage from them,
War Halo Cheap.
A desirable residence, location on the
bluff, east of the fair grounds. Lot
100x100 feet. A, fi. Mag Allihter,
Chronicle Office.
Monkey fcrand of soap at Maier &
Benton's. 18 lw
Often imitated. Never equalled.
MXt In Q.aUt
United States CMer Nasliville Cap
tares a Spanish Umber Vessel
Only One Shot Fired.
The United States MinUter Readies Hen
iluye Safely After Some Exclt
lug Experiences.
Special to The Chronicle,
Portland, April 22. A
special from Key West says:
The fleet sailed at 5:45 a. m.
Fort Monroe, April 22.
G a. m. The Flying Squad
ron is still in the bay- Great
activity prevails on board all
of the ships.
Key West, April 22. Tho
U. S. cruiser Nashville cap
tured the Spanish ship Buena
Vura, of 1000 tons, having on
board a cargo of lumber. She
was on the way from the coast
of Texas. Tlie cruiser fired
her six-pounder and the Span
iards surrendered.
News just received from
Hendaye, on the Spanish
frontier, is to tho effect that
U. S. Minister to Spain Stew
art J. Woodford reached tho
frontier safely at 8 a. m., after
exciting experiences. Tho
Spanish police attempted to
capture a member of tho U.
S. legation, but tho attempt
was frustrated by. Woodford.
At Valladolid tlio minis
tor's train was attacked. Ho
slept quietly throughout tho
Washington, April 22.
The state department is pro
paring a proclamation an
nouncing tho blockade of Ha
vana harbor. A note to tho
powers has boon prepared de
fining our attitude as to pri-
? Bicycles Cleaned
. r tji
0 anu nupaireui
Wo, have strictly First-Olass.
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Kates.
Phone 25.
vateering and commercial
phases of the Avar.
The .war department will
issue the volunteers call as
soon as the volunteer bill is a
The state department is
considering the recommend
ing of congress to declare war.
Has Volunteered His Services.
The war' with Spain is now practically
an assured lact. wtiat tne outcome
will bo is fully decided in the minds of
all Americans, and the Spanish citizens
seem to have high hopes of the success
of Spanish arms. There is one thing
sure, however, that our army will not
consist of discouraged, dissatisfied, poor
ly-paid and miserably-fed soldiers; but
will be made up of volunteers who go to
fight on the principle of patriotism, and
to avenge the murder of our sailor boys,
who were engaged in the discharge of a
lawlul, peaceblo mission at the time of
their taking off. The Dalles has as
many patriotic citizens as. any one lo
cality in the United States. From the
little ecliool boy, who is now preparing
a wooden gun or beanshooter to 'fight the
Spanish with, up tothegrizzeled, beard
ed old vet., who knows the meaning of
war all are ready, cheerfully ready to
take up the cause of the Maine and pun
ish the perpetrators of the most dastard
ly crime known in modem history.
Today old Dad Butts has volunteered
his services to his country and expectB
to leave at the first command. By rea
son thereof he will have a grand clear
ance sule of real estate tomorrow, Sat
urday, the -3d, and will create a bigger
panic in the real estate market than
heretofore. All persons desiring prop
erty at war prices are cordially invited
to attend this sale, which will be held
at the office of Dufur & Dufur, between
the hours of 7 :30 a. in, and (i p. in, on
that date.
Meetings Will Clove Sunday Night.
Tho meetings conducted by Mr. Miller
of Chicago, at the Methodist, church the
past three weeks, are to close Sunday
Last night the evangelist gave a sure
euro for unbelief, which was listened to
with great interest. Tonight he , will
sing "In Sitfht of the Crystal Sea" and
"The Old Musician."
Sunday evening will be the farewell
service. .
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly aud ef
fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow
els, preventing fevtrs, headaches, and
other forms of sickness, For sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by tlje California Fig
Syrup Co, only.
To Cure a Cola lu Ouu pay.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fall to cure. 25c,
J. T. Peters & Co.
Happy Bride is she whose friends
have had the good taste to bestow silver
upon her as a wedding gift. Nothing
more appropriate, nothing more accept
able, nothing more useful. "A thing of
beauty and a joy forever." Our stock,
of silverware is complete.
I. C. Nickelsen
Book St music Company-.
in Odbi
For an Indefinite
Free to adults, except announced
dates, when special bills are given.
Reserved seats each evening for ladieo
and escorts without extra charge.
Entire ehan.e of program each night.
A splendid assortment of Vege
table, Garden mid Grass Seeds In
Hulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Hurley, Seed Seed Kyo.
OU Menl Cuke mid Fertilizers,
Ilea Supplies, Knily Koso 1'otu- mmmn
toes. KlLVCit kinds of llrtt class
Seed Com. l'oultry mid Kggs
bought und sold ut
"" Cheap Ciitlt Grocery and Feed
Store, Second unci Union Sts(
Fresh and the first
of tho season, at the-.