The Dalles Dally Ctamfek Arivertlalaz Itatss. At tneh. Onflr.rh nr 1 raw in I)llv tt CO Orer two inches and under four Inches 1 00 Orrr (nnr lnche Kiiil under twelve inches.. 5 Orer twelve inches CO DAILY AMD WKIKLY. One inch or lens, per inch 12 60 ttrer one Inch nnil under four Inches - 00 Orer four inches aud under twelve inches.. 1 SO Over twelve inches 1 00 Waaklr dubbins; Bates. Chronicle and Oregonian $2 25 Chronicle and Examiner 2 35 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.85 Chronicle and Tribune 1 75 Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 FRIDAY APRIL 22. 1898 ENGLISH HEARTS BEAT TRUE, "We have the keen emphatic sym pathy of England. It would be very strange and unnatural if this were not so. If, for example, England had followed the bent of her inclina tion, and had scourged the Turk for his Armenian atrocities. American sympathy wonld have gone out in a tidal wave to the English nation. Or even if England were grappled in a war with Spain, and that war were not pitched on the high plane of hu man freedom, she yet would have onr moral support and sympathy. We need not question, says the Spokesman Review, therefore, the sincerity of these English expressions j)t sympathy and friendship, because ihey unquestionably spring from the heart. And very pleasing they are. -Already they have knit the bond of Iriendship between America and .England more closely and firmly than at any time since the revolution. England has given a substantial token of support by classing coal as contraband of war. The full weight and importance of that step has not "been clearly understood. It is no exaggeration to say that it may de ter Spain from fighting for Cuba. It means that if war result, neither lEngland nor her colonies will sell coal to the warships of either warring "power. Apparently that might seem of equal advantage to Spain aQd the United States. As a matter of fact it directs n severe blow at Spain's hope of condncting a successful naval campaign in American waters, De prived of coal, the warship is a life less, useless hulk. It can neither light nor run away. The Spanish warships operating in American waters must buy coal to be effective. They cannot get it in American nor British ports. There is a strong -probability that the South American Tepu bites will follow England's lead In that case, Spain would be placed at a tremendous disadvantage. This prompt and friendly act of England'g, coupled with the pressure which the Vatican and some of the continental powers are still exerting to persuade Spain to yield up Cuba and comply with America's demands, may yet prevent a war. THE CHRONICLE A PAPER. MORNING Realizing that The Dalles has long n.nitoil tAfrtAt n m n ttitltttntl Till' Chronicle has completed arrange' meats whereby these bhall be oh taiaed. On next Tuesday morning The Chhonici.i; will appear as a morning paper, containing a full tel egraphic' report of all the latest news, srTsTHiwpRie people of The Dalles are compelled to wait till the arrival of the Portland papers to learn of important events which have transpired during the preceding night and day. This delay will hereafter be obviated by the enterprise of The CrutONiCLK in placing the news of ' tbe world before its readers at the iMwakfast table. To successfully accomplish this JMtlerUking, a great outlay of ex "ijPMM will be required, This paper ttm Aifays enjoyed n generous sup ;ri rf;publio patronage, and it will :jMjy bo necessary that it should Mrtivwry but be .iaoreased. Tbe iqpmiiit of .telegraphic) dispatches M ife'ltarge, while a considerable tttiay wjil be incurred in securing Friday Eve. RICHARD & PRINGLE'S a -.FAMOUS IN MIGHTY UNION WITH RTJSCO & HOLLAND'S Billy Kersands Neil Moore, Jr. The Great Diamond Quartette Pattie Robinson Williams Bros. Geo. Titchner 40 - WATCH FOR THE PARADE, by Two Bands, at 11:30 A. M. FREE CONCERT ftZtiflSRXl? FREE CONCERT TICKETS, additional help m tbe mechanical and news departments. The management of The Ciironi cle hope and trust that the people of The Dalles will appreciate the effort it is making to provide them with the latest dispatches and complete local news, and will cheerfully lend their assistance in maintaining the high standard to which this paper aspires. The Chronicle will do part, and in the citizens will but do theirs, the result will be satisfactorily attained. At any rate the experiment will bo made, and then it will be seen if The Dalles can suppott a morning paper publishing telegraphic dis patches as other cities of like size are doing. A Fact. No one need hesitate to purchase the Kickapoo Indian remedies, as they are reliable. The Kickapoo company baa always enjoyed the very .best reputation for reliability and square dealing. Their remedies are Eold by all druggists, and were bandied by the druggists in The Dalles long before the coming of their advertising company, now occupying the Baldwin opera house. Aek your druggUts for Kickapoo Indian remedies. At the fast End Feed Yard. Harper Bros., of the East End feed yard have a thoroughbred Jersey bull, which they will stand for the season at the feed yards. For terms apply to the above. apr!2 lm Dr.GUNN'S 3f ONE FOR A DOSE. 1 RrmoTe Plmplen, Prorent BllionDeMPorifrthiBlood, Uoro llMdscbn and UriDenaii. A movement of the hoiT put , i lor h. Ther neither crips nor .ioken. To con Uc. Bow by druuiiw. 08. B0SANK0 CO. PbUa. Pfc We fire DoirjQ fleat arjd prtistie .priptip.. por Feasoi?able prices We Print Anything in the Printing Line. (give us a trial. $fyroi)iglt? p.ub. $o. LIS April ?? .OPERATIC AND STHR HRTISTS 75 Reserved seats on sale at the Snipee-Klnersly C. J. STUfcLtlflG Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Lkiuor Yellowstone Soyr Mash Jfckey. WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMPORTED 00QNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.! 0ALIF0ENIA BEANDIES 'from $3.25 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEEB on draught, and Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also jail kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer GrafidaMBwcjet DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Funeral Supplied The Dalles, Or. Z. DONNELU PSESClPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., !. J .lit mho The Chroinele lo$t Opera J-loe Orioi? Kily. fWg. GEORGIA'S IfflHSTREIiS Gauze Wm. Slay Allie Brown Jas. White - 40 CENTS. Drue Co and Retail to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) Blatz aud Hop Gold Beer in bottled. Robes, BunialShoes, Etc. THE DALLES, OR has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes everything to toe found in a flrst'Clasu Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Just ttlhat Yoa UUant. Now ideas in Wall Papor horo. Such wide variety us we are showing never be fore (traced a single stock, ileal inilta tlon creton effects at ordinary prices. Good pnpers at cheap paper prices. Elegant tleeitine, tasteful colorings, yours for it sum II price, at our store on Third street. Also a full Ijno of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. The Spring Chicken. There is no need of special romedies for the voting and healthy person. The spring chicken has been noted for its unwisdom. If you would have health and keep it, you must ho wise and pru dent. When you have a symptom, go alter it. Prevent developing. When you are well, keep well. The oniy nay you may is by having the best drugs at hand at all tiniee. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES, TdeCowiaPacKingCo., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF ' ilANUFACTUKKUB UK Fine Lard and Sausages. Gurersof BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIED BEEF, ETC. 50 Years 50 Undisputed supremacy in tho World's Coin petition. Cooper's Sheep Dip. Inoreases Yield of Wool. Enhances Valuo.or Flook Cheap, Safe, Handy, Glenn, Wholesome . and Odorless. Recommended hy Manufacturers, Scour ers and Buyers. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. O. G Roberts, Generul Agent, 2-17 Ash Streat, Portland, Oregon, ST, GERMAIN FEMLE PILLS Tho only original and lanulnn Franoiff. himId, of Mine Bt. (Jermtln, firi UnmriMised ss being mIo, i"ro, and reliable li ' every cw. Bold under Vtiltlvu "gusVn nZ for money refunded. (Jut too Veiiuliie; Hrlco II So iw box by nwll, Bolo M"ata for to? Un'inl "C! 0.R.&N. Tp T1IK BHST! OIVKB TIIK CHOICE OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Salt Lake Minneapolis Denver St. Paxil Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. m. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEP Leave Portland evory live daye for ALASKA POINTS. Ocean Htcnmen leave Portland every Five lMy for SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Stentnors monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Kong Kong via North, crn Pnclllc Htntnahip Co., In connection with 0. R. & N. For full tmrtlculnrs call on O. It. & N. Co.'. tiKCiit'fhu IJiillcs or wddrcsi W. II. HUKMIN'KT, (Icn. Van. Aut l'ortlAiiti. Or, DODHOK, CAKI.IM.CO., (icn. Autfi. Northern I'uclflc B(eumiilili Co. TIME CM It I). No. I, to Biokanc mid ( Northern nrrlvcs at 0:2,"i p. in,, lcavo.1 nt fi:!W p. m. No -, Pendle ton linker City ond Union i'nolllc, urrlvci 11:13 l. m.i (lqwrto UU) p, m. No .1, from Hjiokiuie mill Great Northern, r rives nt fl-j u. in., UuiMirU at. il:fi h. m. No. 1, Irom linker City nmi Union Tucltlc, urrlvcstt 11 ii, m., dcimrlH ut :i:."J) n. m. , The following frciRlit trnliiK carry tnii(cnxcrs on tin' lint and second districts, but do notitop at station platforms: No. went, nnlvo nt A j. iii.,ilepnrts nt 9:1 n. m. No. 21 east, arrives nt l'J:S0 p, ni,,dcparUflt l: l'iii, in. W, II. IIUKIJ1UKT, Ceil. Pass. Agt 1'ortlRiid. Oregon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass SDipes-Kinersly Mi Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON J. S. UCIIRHK. II, M. UKA.., president. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - . - O" A ueneral iianking iJUBineaii irum Deposit! received, subject to bigot OolleotloiJB made end proceede promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange eold oa New York, San Francisco and vort- :ana. dikkotoks D. P. Thompsok. Jno. B. Honw En, M. Wiuuamb, Gko. A. L H.AI.ukam.. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. IHANBAOTAGKNKHAIjHANKINO llUHINBS Letters of Credit Issued available in tbe ' Kutarn States. Bight Exchange nd Telearspbie TranVeri sold on New 8t. Jyoulf, San Francisco, 1"" gonVSeaHle Wash., and various polow in Oreaon and Washington. Collcctioni male at all poluts on W"