The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 21, 1898, Image 3

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    1 1
We are the People
"Very Much to tho Good."
to look to
..reseept Bieyeles..
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
4 f 7"
Hpis .pan
'"' "" I I I- I III tl.TOi...i...
New Arrivals.
A large assortment of Sunshades and Parasols in black and fancy colors.
Fancy Sunshades ranging from $1.75 to $3.50 -Black
Parasols ranging from . . '.75 to 7.00.
Rain Umbrellas in endless varieties.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL 21, 1898
Up to I! o'clock today .07 of an inch of
ruin luul fallen.
I.ouiIh of potatoes are lining marketed
in this city daily.
The forecast for tonight and tomor
row in occasional rain.
Wanted, n woman todogoneral houso
work. Apply at this office
Don't forgot thnt Kellar koeps the
bent icu cream soda in the city. tf
Tillamook creamery butter 00 cents ut
The DuIIob Commission Ca.'s.
Oranges and lomons direct from grow-,
ere at lowest prices ut Dalles Commis
sion Co. 's.
For sale cheap. Twenty-eight acres of
Kood liuul, just outside the city limits.
Inquire of G. 11. Rowland. u212W.
"Euglo" AcetyleneGas Generators aro
superior to all. Agency at Hansen &
' Thompson's planing mill. o2Mm dw
4 1 The delivery wagon of The DalleB
jja Cotninleslon Co. has been repainted ard
hm lias tho neutest appearance of any in
the city.
' Six carloads, of beef cattle belonging
to Al Lylu, of Cross Keys, arrived in the
city this afternoon, and will be shipped
out tonight to Troutdale.
All an invited to he present at the
K. of P. hall this evoning and enjoy
themselves. The ladies of the Guild
will havo for Bale fancy aud useful arti
cles of all description.
Tho raiso in the price of wheat is mak
ing tho fanners anxious to got what
thoy have held over the winter to mar
kot, And a large uumbor of teams are
coming in daily from both sides of the
f Today a replevin suit over a horse is
being tried in Justice Filloon'a court.
" T 11 w . . 1 -1. f l.t.in1 1 A In1inti y uuiinu 10 piHIIIllll niiu ftuinimiu
Mitchell defendant. Huntington &
Wilson aro attorneys for the plaintiff,
while W. H. Wilson appears for tho
V defendant.
Last evening ninety-five head of one
and two year old stock cattle were
brought from Waehngal, Wash., on the
Sarah Dixon, and are being fed at the
stock yards today. They have been
purchased by French & Co., end will be
taken to the Gllliam,county range.
There Is little doubt that an enormous
crowd will be in the city on May 8th,
the date of the Red Men's excursion
from Portland. The '08 social club of
that place has chartered a car for the
excursion, and it is almost certain that
there will not be euffldient care in Port
land to accommodate those who desire
to come,
The shower which fell this morning
Heme to have been general all over the
Inland Empire, aud will be invaluable
to the farmer, whoee crope were begin
ning to be in need of auoh a ibower. A
'w mors days like this between now
and August 1st, will assure the grain
raisers of this part of Oregon u bounti
ful harvest.
Richards & Pringle's famous Georgia
& Ruscoe and Holland's Operatic Min
strels will arrive on the early morning)
train tomorrow, and at 11 :30 the grand
parade will start. Many do not realio
the magnitude of this great consolidated
troupe, and cannot until they appeal in
their parade, Come down town and tee
j for yourselves. Bring the little folks.
They will certainly enjoy the sight. 1
Yesterday evening a train consist?
of nine cars passed through tho city
route for Walla Walla. A number
artillerymen were on board on their wa
enBt, and a number of regulars who
were picked up on the way from Port
land. The soldiers stationed at Fort
Walla Walla will be taken on this train
to some eastern point, but we could not
learn where their orders commanded
them. ,
Some of the Portland baso ball teams
have written to parties in thin city in
quiring as to the possibility of getting
gauies with the Dalles team. As yetour
boys have not organized, but ourcity
has as good material for a nine US' can
be found anywhere, and it should be got
together as soou as possible so that the
boys will get sulllcieut practice. A
challenge has sent by a Portlaud nine
for May 8th, but this cannot be accepted
as there is no nine, and not sufficient
time to organize and practice. Those
who ure anxious to play this summer
should take the matter in hand at once
and get the beBt players togother i,iutnc
diately. t
In response to an invitation from the
members of the Ladies Aid Society of
the Congregational church tho Good In
tent Society of the Methodist church
met with thorn at the home of Mrs. J,
13. Ccndon yesterday afternoon. In
stead of having the regular meeting, the
guests were royally entertained, and
the afternoon was ono of good cheer aud
fellowship. A. very entertaining pro
gram had been, prepared, and afterw.pvd
refreshments of the daintiest kind were
served. About seventy-five ladies wore
present, and so well were the dutiesW
hostess performed that everyone present
was delighted with the pleasure which
lllttuor Company Next Monday,
The above company commences their
nn0flmP,,t of three nlahts Mondav
at the Vogt, opening in the beautiful
drama of "Friends."
The Blttner com
pany will surely pack the houso to it
utmost capacity, as their reputation ha
proceeded them here, and it .being th i
only continuous show on the road givln
a better performance than aluiqajt any c
the high priced attractions, the highes
price for .reserved seats being only 5(
A change of play and moving ploturr j
as well as specialties, are giveu ever.
night daring their engagement.
When you smoke the Rose Queen
cent cigar you get your money's worth.
handles are up-to-date.
Two Vry Popular Dalle Pojle United
lu Murrlacu Last Kvenlug
At the .hour of 8:30 laBt evening, at
the residence of Miss Lay, on Liberty
street, was solemnized one of the pretti
est weddings that has evyfcr tra'nspired in
The Dalles.
The chief participants were of our
best known people. The bride, Miss
Mary Lay, having come to our city,
with her brother ana two sisters, nearly
six years ngo, has won for herself an en
viuble place in the hearts of all who
know her. Her husHand, Dr. Hugh
Logan, has livedin The Dalles from his
y boyhood, and has won the respect
ntlre community by
worthy It was no wonder
union of two such individual
Lhey should find themselves fairly overf
'whelmed with the good wishes and
tokens of esteem that were shown. 1
upon them.
The handsome residence of the bride
had been decorated to the highest de
gree by loving hands, and with the
many brilliant lights, preeented a scene
unequalled in fairyland.
Promptly at 8:30, to the strains of
Mendelssohn's wedding match, played
by Miss Lang, the bridal party descend
ed the stairs and entered the narlors in
the following order : The best man, Mr.
Ray Logan, followed by thaorideBtualds,
Miss Minnie Lay and Miss Elizabeth
Lang, Rev. Mr. DeForrest, and lastly
the bride, charmingly attired in a trav
eling dress, leaning on the arm of her
future husband. Taking their, places
under a bower of bridul yreatb, and
with a background of towering begonias
and palms, the beautiful marriage ser-
Ice of the Episcopal church, with its
most solemn vows, vas impressively
read by the clergyma.
After congratulations and a short
time spent in examining the magnificent
presents exhibited in the south parlor,
the wedding supper was served.
At the hour for the arrival of the 11 :45
train, the wedding party left the house,
accompanied by a number of friends,
who wished them God-speed and a eafe
Dr. and Mrs. Logan will spend a num
ber of weeks traveling in the far East,
visiting many friends and points of In
terest, before returning to make tfeelr
l home in The Dalles.
Ae following friends of the family
M ong the invited guests : Judge
ftnd m
Bradshaw, Mr, aud Mrs.
reiers, rar. ana rare. ocuoncK, Air. nnu
Mrs. Sargent, Mr, and Mrs. A. R.
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Van Anda,
Mr. and Mrs.(Pea8e, Mr. and Mrs. Hob
eon, Rev. Mr. DeForest, Mrs. Thomas
Lang, Miss Lang, Mies Elizabeth Lang,
Mrs. H. Fairlowl, Mrs. Alice Sheldon,
Miss Mattie Cushlng, Miss Kate Sar
gent, Miss Clara Davie, Mies Minnie
Lay, Mr. Louie Porter, Mr. Frederic
Wilson, Mr, Ray Logan, Mr. and Mrs.
Crowe, Dr. and Mrs. Richardson, of
Salem, ana Dr. Marry Llttleuelu, of
brand of soap at
Mater A
I I Portland
One thousand styles and sizes.
For cooking and heating.
Price from fcioto $70.
Often imitated. Never equalled.
7uwnw yimTfl ait in
President's Uultimatum Re
This May lie Connlcterect a Practical
Declaration or War Woodford
Homeward Hound.
Sp:3lnl to The CUHOXICI.E.
Portland, April 21. The
ultimatum of the president
reached Madrid this morning
and was immediately present
ed to the Spanish government
b7 Minister Woodford. It
Vas at once rejected and Min
ister Woodford was given his
This is a practical declara
tion of war. Spanish Min
ister Polo left Washington
3'esterday via Halifax. It is
expected that hostilities will
commence at once.
The flying squadron sailed
from Key West this afternoon
bound for Havana.
Death of Murk Firming.
Sunday afternoon Mark Fleming, aged
about 53, died at the farm of James Con
nolly, on Cberry creek in Crook county,
after a sickness of about five days, lie
was herding sheep for Mr. Connolly at
the time ho took sick, and alter his real
condition was learned Mr. Connolly had
I 'm moved from the sheep enmp to his
residence, aud sent to Mitchell for a
On the arrival of the doctor, Fleming
was speechless and it whs impossible to
learn what his ailment was. It is sup
posed, however, that he had an attack
of la grippe, which turned into pneu
monia. Mr. Fleming and his family lived in
this vldinlty for a number years, at first
near Celilo and later ou the Ucttingen
place near this city,
He was an honest and industrious man
and leaves a host of friends.
Ills remains were brought to this city
by Mr. Connolly, he havintc arrived this
uiorninir, and the funeral tdok place
at 2 p. m. from the Catholic church,
' " ' T
The stern-wheel steamer Elwood,
purchased about two months ago by a
Canadian company, who will operate
her on the Stickeen river, .Alaska, lett
Portland Monday afternoon, bound for
that place, Captain Johnson, formerly
New Ideas at
The Wheel that sells
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Wo have strictly First-Glass
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates..
Phone 25.
In Commission in Wasco County Oregon, with Postoffice Ad
dress, March 1st, 1898. Arranged by C. L-. Gilbert, County School
Superintendent, The Dalles, Oregon.
John Gavin, Prin
J S Landers, vice Prin.
Elsie M Ball
Nannie Cooper
Ella Cooper
Katie Cooper
Cassie Cheese
Maggie Flinn
Melissa Hill
Minnie Michell
Salina Phirman
Frances E Rowe
Tina Rintoul
Louisa Rintoul
Katie Roche
Lena Snell
W L Harrington
Emma S Roberts
Ida Omeg
Ellen D Baldwin
Hattie Stirnweis
C M Sisson
Hattie Allen
Anna B Thompson
Lois A Helm
Mabel Riddell
Mabel Omeg
Angle Phillips
Minnie Elton
A May Sechler
Maimee Driver
Nona C Rowe
Cora Stanton
Frances H Fonts
O H Kerns
Edna Brown
Alice Ball
Mrs Alice Provins
O B Connelly
J B Gorham
Catherine Martin
C I Brown
Harry Kelly
noon RIVER.
R R Allard, Prin.
Justus T Neff, Prim No S
Eliza Stevens
Lillie Copple
Nettie Kemp
Madge Warren
Margrerite Shelley
Ida Foss
Hoyl Green
Anna Sears
H L Howe
Troy Shelley
T R Coon
Charles Elrey
Jennie Bushnell
Liendocia E Copeland
Minnie Harrington
F H Isenberg
Aaron Frazier, Prin.
Agnes Le Due
Nellie Hudson
Edith Peabody
Maude Peabody
J M O'Brien
Lelah Evans
E'S Hinman
Thos M B Chastian
of the Dalles City, who is well and
favorably known in this place, is in
command, and Cbas. Jennings is engi
neer. Besides the captain and engineer
there are sixteen men to constitute the
full crew. No amount of provisions or
equipments were taken except what
will be required to furnish sustenance to
the officers and crew while en route.
The tug Relief will tow her out over the
bar, and accompany her the entire dis
tance. The Relief is a powerful steel
tug, built by Claus Spreckles, the sugar
king. The Relief escorted the steamer
Ramona on the identical voyag6 some
time ago, It is the intention to travel
at night between the mouth of the Co
lumbia and the straits. By eo doing
less wind and smoother water are likely
to be encountered.
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
FIks, as it acts moat pleasantly and ef
fectually on the kidneys,' livor uml bow
els, preventing fevers, headaches, aud
other forms of sickness. For sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
JUtlibone HUteri, Attention!
The Ratbbone Bisters will meet this
evening at 7 o'clock sharp, on account of
the ladles of the Guild occupying the
K. of P. balh
To Cure a Cola in One Day,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
every point.
at an. honest price.
J. T. Peters & Co.
Lizzie Nichols
Ada Bell
D C Allard
P P Underwood
W H Walker, Prin. .
Ira Decker
Lelah Driver.
F A Beaty
Katie E Davenport
Mollie T Kelly
Emma Ward
Susie Ward
C R Deems
Laura Gardner
E B Haley, Prin.
One Aftshtimt
Timothy Miller, Prin.
Enna E Benson
Barbara. M Mac Donald
Clara Metzler.
Percy R JefTcott
For nn Indefinite
Period, i
Free to adults, except announced
dates, when Bpeclal bills are uiven.
Reserved seats each evening for ladiee
and escorts without extra charge.
Entire cbansie of program each cifilitr
Kooms In Mm. llrlttlu's Lodging Itousw
Fresh and the first
of the season at the
!! 3
1 ii
J! H
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