A Winter Overcoat Now Has an Unpleasant, xjuu-ui-wie-oeason jjok It is pleasant to got out of stuffy clothes. Wo are read' for the man who wants a good Spring Overcoat for a little money, and also for the man who wants the hest that money can buy. If You Want a Shift of a Pair of Socks Tn the brilliant, handsome colors of 1898, they're ready, too; and though fancy in looks as they should be they're not in price. SPRiNG HATS? Oh, yes; all the new shapes. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. 1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 1808. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Minstrels Richards & Pringles And ltoscoo & Hollunds, At the Vogt FridHy night, April 22d. The above consists of two great tronpeB consolidated, and is the lurgcat, cleaneBt mid moat up-to-date minatrel show on the road at present. The forecuet for tonight and Wednes day is fair. Wanted, a woman to do general house work. Apply at this office. Don't forget that Kellar keeps the beat ice cream soda in the city. tf Tillamook creamery butter 50 cents at The Dalles Commission Co.'h. Oranges and lemons direct from grow ers nt lowest prices at Dalles Commis sion Co.'s. A meeting of the United Artisans will be held tonight at 7:30. All members are requested to be present. Today the river is at a standstill on the 10 foot mark, and on account of the present cool spell will not he likely to raise much for some time. The ecow which was used for a ferry at" Hood Eivor has been brought to this place nnd will bo used until such time as the new boat is ready for service. A meeting of the Sons of Veterans will he hold at the usual place tonight. All members arc- requested to be pres ent as matters of importance will be considered. The coroner's jury that investigated the death of Deinarcus Hayden, whose body was found Saturday in a vacant ho u so at Demoss Springs, returned a verdict that be died of apoplexy. He was about (14 years old, and had worked t blacksmlthlng all winter in Wasco. The workmeu have finished the car penter work on the addition to the rear of Kuck'a harness shop, and today Splvey & FntB are giving the same a thorough coat of paint at present. The addition makes ample room in that pop ular establishment for the workmen and larun I'arry in order to supply the demand. The Woman's Rellof Corps of this- city has been 'honored by the depart ment president tn being detailed to exemplify the ritualistic work of the order at the state encampment, which meets here in May. Last night. a very Interesting drill was-, held by the mem bers, and they re preparing the work In a manner (hat will do credit to our , City, Spain has received orders to leave Cuba, and mutt answer iniide of -IB hours. Compliance with (his request is not expected, and if the lefuiei, a tor ward movement will commence on Cuba the latter part oMhe week. The Span 'b minister Is still in Washington and will remain until aueh time at the pres ident signs the senate resolutions. Most of the Oregon militia are. ready und the ujority of the men will go. During the last few days wheat has been gradually raising in price and to day the Wasco Warehouse is offering 80 cents for good club wheat. Although the price may go still higher, at the same time we would not advise anyone to run the risk of holding for an advance on this price. , William Gilmore of Grand Dalles re turned from Bumptor yesterday. Pie states that hie bowling alley which he has recently put in at that place is run ning full blast and that Buinpter is booming nt present. Daring the spring Sumpter has an increase of 200 inhabit' nuts and promises to be one of the live Host towii9 in Baker county. Today John Redmond of Rutledge, Sherman county, Ib in the city. He in forms us that the spring and fall grain in that county is not so far advanced as it is in this vicinity, but that it is look ing fine and with a fair amount of rain and under ordinary conditions will 'make a goad crop. Farmers and sheep men in Sherman county are jubilant over the mild winter and .spring nnd re port stock of all kinds in good condition. It is said that William Shields, of Al bany, has found the old historic cannon in the bottom of tiie Willamette at Al bany. The Herald jocosely says that company F haB appointed a committee, consisting of Corporal Fred Westbrook, Corpora) Jack Hammell and Sargeant James Finch, to raise the weapon, mount it, and, with Mr. Shields as gunner, will send it to Yaquina and plant it in Lover's lane, on the hill above Newport, to keep out any blood thirsty Spanish. "The hunchback" was almost as poorly attended last evening as was "Ingomar" on Monday night. Both pieces were splendid productions and well played, and everyone who attended wonders why it is that they had such poor houses oil both nights. On Friday, the 22d, a strong troupe will be here, and as this will probably end up the theatrical per formances for the season, everyone will no doubt attend. Arrangements for the Sons of Veter ans' excursion are being made, and it is expected that the same will be held on Saturday, May 7th. In all probability the excursionists will go to Hood River on the morning boat and return in the evening, which will give them ample time to enjoy themselves at the model plculc grounds at Hood River. Tickets will be on sala in a short time, and as the number to be sold must' be limited, anyoue desiring to go should purchase as soon as possible. The purlor of the Umatilla House was well filled yesterday afternoon to listen to the Shakeaperean readings by Misa Waldorf, who delighted the ladies for an hour or more. She gave three scenes from "Romeo and Juliet," in which she proved her thorough understanding of her art. Her faciei enpreeaions are per feet, and the force, coupled with a grace ful bearing, which she put into these renditions, showed the study which had been given every detail. This was in deed a treat to those present, and they also appreciated the opportunity to meet such a cultured lady. Tomorrow afternoon and evening, in the K. of P. hall, the ladies of the Epis copalian Guild will have on Bale fancy and useful articles of every description in the line of needle work. The ladies can spend a pleasant afternoon with them, and a general good time may be had in the evening. The young people are especially invited to attend in the evening, and as there is a piano in the hall, will no doubt enjiy themselves singing, dancing, etc. No one will be urged to make purchases, but all are invited to be present and enjoy them selves, and if the ladieB have any arti cles they are in need of, help them out by buying of them. In a letter received today by George Young from Forest Supervisor I. B. Ormsby, he states that Agent Bender cannot come here as expected on account of pressing business in other places. For that reason it will be impossible for Mr. Ormsby to name the exact date when he and Agent Bender will be here to ar range the matter of pasturing sheep and other stock on the Cascade Reserve. The matter will be settled however before June 1st, after which time the sheep men can range their flocks on the Re serve. Mr. Ormsby desires to meet as manv wool-growers as possible and con sult with them on this important mat ter, and bjB coming will be announced as soon as the date can be fixed. A Laughable and Pleaiant Kreut. In the days when we were boys and girls the songs of the sweet singers were full of melody and harmony. Then the end man waB to us far more interesting than the circus clown, and then the old plantation "breakdown" made us al most wish we could 'join the festivities. In by-gone days the elze of tho company cut no figure, it was the ability to pleaBe that counted. The Richards & Prin- gle's famous Georgias in mighty union with Rusco & Holland's operatic min strels, will be a pleasant relief to the theater patrons. The company is com posed of genuine negro performers, who are picked artists, and the press every where speaks of them in the highest term 8. This great consolidated show will be with us on the evening of Friday, the 22d inst. State Eoeainpinut, G, A. It. At a very full meeting of the commit tee on music, held yesterday afternoon, It was unanimously voted to accept the offer for that oocasion of the services of the band and orchestra of the 14th U. S, Infantry, now. stationed at Fort Van couver, Wash. The chairman of tho executive committee lias been In corres pondence (or some time with the band leader, and the presence of this noted band is now assured (or the first evening and for the parade next day. Arrangements are being mado to have the local band also. This should, and will, prove a great attraction, One thousand styles and sizes. For cooking and heating. Price from ftoto $70. Often imitated. Neverequalled. MAIER & BENTON PRESIDENT SIGNS Resolution and Ultimatum Sent to Spain. POLO HAS APPLIED FOR PASSPORTS The I?reatlept Demands In lilt Ultima tum That Spalu Shall Eradi ate Cuba. Special to Tub Chronicle. Portland, Or., April 20. The president this morning signed the resolution, and has sent the same with ultimatum to Spain, giving that govern ment until Saturday to. get out of Cuba. Senor Polo, Spanish embas sador 1o khe United States, called at the state department this morning for passports for himself and staff. A Havana special states if that city is taken tho Ameri cans will find it in ruins. It is not expected that Spain will comply with tho ultima tum, and a movement will consequently commence on Cuba at the expiration of tho time given. A less hopeful view for a quick campaign is taken, Some believe that the war will possibly continue a. year. In the ultimatum tho presi dent demands that Spain shall evacuate Cuba. This domand is absolute and no half-way reply will be entertained. NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY. A fuiltlve Dure for Dyttueptla. This may read ne though we were putting it a little strong, became it is generally thought by tho majority of people that Dyspepsia in its chronic forth is incurable, or practically so. But we "Very Much to the Good." ..reseept Bieyeles.. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.60 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. MAYS & CROWE. RB7VIE7VYBeR. We have strictly First-Class' Fir, Oak and : - 1 Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. have Jong since shown that Dyspepsia is curable, nor is it such i difficult matter ne it tirefappears. The trouble with dyspeptics is Hint they are continually dieting, starving themselves, or going to opposite ex tremes or else deluging the already over burdened stomach withbitters," "after dinner pills," etc., which invariably increases the difficulty eyen if in some cases they do give- a slight temporary relief. Such treatment of the stomach simply makes matters woree. What the stomach wants is rest. Now how can the stomach become rested, recuperated and at the same time the body nourished nnd sustained. . This is the great secret and this is also the secret of the uniform success of Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets. This is a com paratively new remedy, but its success and popularity leaves no doubt as to its merits. The tablets will digest the food any way, regardless of condition of stomach. The sufferer from dyspepsia,ac.'.ording to directions, is to eat an abundance of good, wholesome food and use the tab lets before and after each meal, and the result will be that the food will be di gested no matter how bad yourfdyspep sia may be, because, as before stated, the tablets will digest the food even if, the stomach is wholly inactive. To illus trate our meaning plainly, if you take 1,800 grains of meat, eggs or ordinary tood and place it in n temperature of 08 degrees, and put with it one of Stuart's Dypepsia Tablets ic will digest the meat or eggs ait perfectly as if the meat was enclosed within the stomach. Tho stomach may be eyer so weak yet these tablets will perform the work of digestion and the body and brain will be properly nourished and at the same time a radical, lasting cure of dyspepsia will be made because the much abused stomach will be given, to some extent, a much needed rest. Your druggist will tell you thai of the many remedies ad vertised to cure dyspepsia none of thorn has given so complete and general satis faction as Stuart'sDyspepsiaTablets.and not least in importance in these hard limes is the fact that they are the cheap est and give the most good for the least money. A little book on cause and cure of stomach trouble sent free by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. WUKN XHA.VJCL.INO Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow es, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness, For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. To Cure m Cold in quo Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets, All druggists refund the money if they fallvto cure. 25o, TONIGHT. BaiawinODE House For an Indefinite Period, Schlltz's Bock Beer. Freeh and the first oi the season at the Midway. Monkey brand of soap at Maier & BenUn's, 18 lw THE Kickapoos IN AN UP-TO-DATE Vaudeville Entertainment. Free to adults, except announced dates, when special 'hills are given. Reserved seats each evening for ladies and escorts without extra chargo. Entire change of program each night. Happy Bride is ehe whose friends have had the good tuslu to bestow silver upon her as a wedding gift. Nothing more appropriate, nothing more accept able, nothing moro useful. "A thing of beauty and a joy forever." Our stock of silverware is com pie to. , I. C. Nickelsen Book & music Company. M US. KVANN, MODISTE, Itooms In Mr. Urlttln's Lodging House. SEEDS A Bplenfllil iiBboitment of Vegc- E table, (jimltm Mini Glass. Seeds in v Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Out,. J2m Seed Hurley, Hoed Seed Jtyo, Oil Meal Cuke uml l'ertlHwr, lieo supplies, Kiiriy uom i-oin- mbmb; toe. Eleven kludw of llrst elnss B4Z Keed Cam. l'oultrv mill Eaun bought mid void ut n J. H. CROSS' r Cheap Cue)) Grocery nuij Peed Store, Second and Union Bt. SEEDS