The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 20, 1898, Image 1

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NO 32
3 i)t BcAkz
Preparing lor a New Insur
rection of Spain.
Hit In Waiting fur Ilie Algnal to Crrm
Hint riaoo Hlmneir at the Heart of
Ilia follower The Nltuatlon at the
HiBtilli Capital. .
Ni:v Yohk, April 10. Tho reality of
thu Curllst inovetiitnt is, snys the Lon
don correspondent of the World, now
too potent to be any longer ignored. Don
Carlos is reported by some of bis Eng
lish sympathisers among whom ib the
Earl of Ashburnhatn, an ultratnontnino
peer and leading figure to have left
Venice and to bu now waiting at eome
convenient place to cross the Spanish
frontier ut the proper moment end place
himself at tiio head of bis followers as in
former Curlim insurrections.
It is expected that a considerable body
of Catholic young men, including some
ollicora serving in the British army, will
volunteer for service 'with thu GurlistH,
although they will buve to proceed very
circumspectly in order to evade being
mudo umennuble to the foreign enlist
ment mh, under which Jameson was
The local Carlisle are convinced that
the present Spanish (dynasty la doomed,
and that Spain will bo forcee to choose
between republicanism and Don Carlos.
They add that tbe only chance of the
present dynasty is a successful war
against the United States, the possibility
of which is ecouted.
I'rofevsnr Jule Maroou I Oratl at
New Vokk, April 19. Professor Jules
Marcou, famous throughout the world
as a geologist, is dead ut his home in
Cambridge, Maes.
Born in SalinB, Jura, France, April
20, 1824, he wsib educated at the college
of liueuiiciuu, und afterward ut the St.
Louis college in Paris. As traveling
geologist ol the Jardin des 1'lanteH he
visited this country and Canada in 1848.
A flno collection of minerals which he
had made lie forwarded to Paris on the
following year. Later he directed his
attention to the geology of New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Mam
moth cave.
After a short visit to Europe in 1859,
ho returned to this country aud pub
lished his geological map of this country
and the British North American pos
sessions. Entering the geological serv
ice of the United States, he was the first
Keologist to cross the country, and made
a suction map of the 35th parallel, from
the Mississippi river to the Puciflcocenu.
Immured health compelled a return to
Europe in 1855, and from that year to
1857 he held a professorship in the poly
technieh school in Zurich.
In 18(11 he returned to the United
States, and with Professor Agassiz
founded the museum of comparative zo
ology, in which he held the chair of pa
leontological divisions.. From 1864 to
1875 ho devoted himself to scientific re
search and became u strong supporter of
Hio Tticonic system, of New York, pub
lished many papers on the eubject. In
1871 ho again entered the national eeiv-
A bushel of notions
flni.Bfif trultvli half fin 3t
.'Vr. V b.f... ...... .w
much as one stubborn
Happy Thought Salve
j a aurct factor for the
cure of Skin Troubles
and Piles.
60c glass Jara
Fnr sulfi At MNpIF.M.'S.
Royal make the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Akselutely Pure
ice, with which he was connected until
a few years npo.
Professor Marcou was decorated with
the cross of the Legion of Honor in 1867,
aud was a member of many scientific so
cieties here aud abroad. He had pub
lished many workB on scientific, geolog
ical and geographical subjects, both in
this country and France.
Lett for fort Sheridan.
Chicago, April 19. The first section
of the train containing troops composing
tho Fourth regiment ot infantry left Fort
Sheridan this afternoon. Other sec
tions leave tonight aud tomorrow. J.
G. Brooke, who will command the
forces at Chickamauga, will leave to
night and will be accompanied by his
General Wade, formerly in command
of the department of Dakota, accompan
ied by his staff, arrived in Chicago to
day en route for Tampa, where he will
take command of the light artillery and
llewure of Ointnentu for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell und completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucouB surfaces. Such articles
should never be U6ed except on prescrip
tions fiom reputable physTciatiB, us the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains
no mercury, und is taken internally, act
ing directfy upon the blood and mucous
surfuces of the system. In buying Hull's
Cutarrh Cure be sure you uet the gen
uine. It is taken internally, and made
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by Druggists. 4.
Von ttolabeu Given It Up.
Beklik, April 19. The German for
eign office declares thut Dr. Von Hole
ben, embassador of Germany ut Wash
ington, instead of joining in renewed
representation to the United States, is
urging the embassadors to stop their
attempts at mediation, us they are con
sidered worse than useless.
I was reading uu advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Dlar
rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter
prise recently, which leads me to write
this. I can truthfully say I never UBed
any remedy equal to it for colic and diar
rhoea. 1 have never had to use more
than one or two doses to cure the worst
case with myself or children. W. A.
Stroud, Popomoke Citv, Md. For eulo
by Blukeley & Houghton.
Heals the Klondike
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Mnryeville.Tex.,
has found a more valuable discovery
thun hue yet been made in the Klondike.
For years he suffered untold ngony from
conFumption, accompained by hemtuor
rhages; und was ahsplutely cured by
Dr. King's New Dierovory for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. He declures
that gold is of little value in comparison
with this marvelous cure; would huve it,
even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lunir affections ore i.ositively cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. TifalbJttles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. Regular size
60 cents and $1. 00. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded. 2
K. O. Chamberlain Dead.
New Youk, April 19. Earnest O.
Chamberlain) managing editor of the
Evening World, died last night of pneu
monia, aged S8 yean.
DeWitt' liti,iv' v-ai.y KMscrs,
The famous llttl.- pill.
Bye I the Window of the Soul
lleware How Von Vo It.
When should spectacles first be used,
and those in use abandoned:
First When you are obliged to move
small objeota to a considerable distance
from the eye in order to tee them dis
Second If you find it necessary to get
more light than formerly as for in
stance, to place the light between the
eyes and the object.
Third If, on looking at and attentive
ly considering a near object, it becomes
confused and appears to have a kind of
mist before it.
Fourth When the letters of a book
or paper run together and appear to
have doubled or trebled.
Fifth If the eves are fatigued by a
little exercise so that yon are obliged to
shut them from time to time, or relieve
them by looking at other objects.
Sixth If black spot9 or flakes appear
before the eyes or seem floating around
the eyee.
Seventh If th6 eyes become inflamed
or heated or any other exercise.
If you observe any of the above signs
or signals of distress, it should claim
vour immediate attention. The eye,
like the rest of the body, slowly but
surely reaches the acme the meridian
of its strength and perfection then
passes into a condition of weakness and
decay. When this stage arrives, we
should avail ourselves of the aids that
science and patient research haB thrown
in our way at so small an expense.
When you find your old spectacles
should be replaced by a new pair, it is
always for a stronger pair, for our eyes
never grow younger until we reach the
stage, of "eecond sight" in the somber
twilight of old .age. Immediate atten
tion to tha eyes when we find they need
it, means many years of sight saved and
better vimon. It is no more nor less
than a duty you owe yourself, for care
less delay results finally in vain regrets
and useless complaints.
Daut, the optician, knows just what
you need m the line ot glasses. Call on
Sheep marking paint ; ready for use.
Two colors, black and red. Why you
should use our sheep paint. First, be
cause the colors are ground thoroughly
in pure linseed oil by line machinery;
second, because it is made of high grade
color, with the proper amount of dryers
added to give it binding und lasting
qualities, which prevent it from washing
or rubbing off; third, it is much mote
economical , because it is always ready
for use. We guarantee our sheep mark
ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it
and be convinced. Clarke & Falk,
agents, The Dalles, Or.
Aaottiet- l'eace Movement.
London, April 19. It is reported that
a triple alliance, composed of Germany,
Austria and Italy, acting upon the sug
gestion of Italy, has proposed to the
powers a plebiscite, under which the
population of Cuba should be allowed to
vote ou the form of government under
which they shall live.
free 1'llU'
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Cp., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action und are
particularly effective in the cure of, Con
stipation und Sick Headache. For Ma
larin and Liver troubles they have leen
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do uot weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regulur size '25a. per box, Sold
by Blakeley' & Houghton Druggists. (2)
"A word to tLs wife is sufficient" aud
a word lrom the wise should be suf
ficient, but you ask, who are the wise?
Those who know. The oft repeated ex
perience of trustworthy persons may be
token for knowledge. Mr. W. M, Terry
says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
gives better satisfaction than any other
in the market. He has been in the drug
business ut Elkton, Ky., for twelve
years; has sold hundreds of bottles of
this remedy and nearly all other cough
medicines manufactured, which shows
conclusively that Chamberlain's is the
most satisfactory tp the people, and is
the best. For sale by Blakeley &
ItheumntUm Cured.
My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain
Balm for rheumatism with great relief,
and I can recommend it as a splendid
liniment for rheumatism and other
household use far which we hove found
it valuable. W. J. Cuyler, Red Creek,
N. Y.
Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer
chants ot this village and one of the
most prominent men in this vicinity
W. G. Phippin, editor Red Creek Her
aid. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
When you smoke the Rose Queen 5
cent cigar you get your money's worth.
Ladle, Attention!
Call at the office of the Kickanoo In
dian medicine company, in the Baldwin
opera 'house building, and get full In
formation in regard to their wonderful
female peciflcs. They have indortc
ments from some of the leading medi
cine men of the world. Thirty-days'
treatments 50 cents; three months'
treatment $1.
A good lot 50x100 on Second street,
with first-class two-story building, ell
arranged for hotel, 300 feet from O. R. &
N. depot. For terms of sale see Butts,
at the office of Dufur & Dmur. tf
Scblitz's Bock Beer at the Midway.
Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for the
To Rent.
Seven-room house below the bluff.
Enquire of A. S. Mac Allisler, Chronicle
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what it was made for.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for
rough skin.
Cash la Tour Checks.
AH countv warrants registered Drior
to Jan. 3. 1894. will be Daid at mv
office. Interest ceases after March. 17,
iowb. u. L,, f HILLIPS.
Countv Treasurer.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It was mde for.
Try Schilling's Bes' tea aud baiting powder-
Guardian's Sale of Real Estate.
An onler having been made bv the ronntv
court of Wusco County, Oregon, on the 23th day
of March, ISM, in the matter of the guardian
ship of James A. Hrown, Jr., Ethel M. Brown,
Paulina A. Brown, David E. Brown. Miirv S.
Brown and George 1). Brown, minors authoriz
ing und licensing tbe guardian of Baid minors,
James A. Brown, Sr., to sell tbe interests of said
minors in and to the real estato berenlnafter de
scribed, and directing that the Kale thereof be
made at private sale in tbe manner provided for
thu sale of real estate at private sale by execu
tors and administrators.
Therefore, under and in nursuanee of snlil nr.
der, I will, from and after the
3d day of Hay, 1808,
urncrcd to sell the undivided interests nf sain
minors in aud to tbe hereinafter desrlbed real
pioperty, at private sale, for the highest and
best, bid theretor in cash. The real property
above refeired to Is described as follows, to-wit:
Undivided interests in and to a tract of land ly
ing and situate in Wasco County, Oregon, and
beginning Htu point 'JG rods south and SO feet
west of wnat is known as the northwest corner
of the J. G. Wilson lot, said corner being one
hundred and eleven rods east of the northwest
corner of the John A, Simuis Donation Land
Claim No. 3D, in Ti 1. North Hange 13 East W.
M., running thence south ten rods; thence west
six rods and three feet: thence north ten rods;
thence east six rods a-id three feet to tho place
of beginning, containing one-half uu uete,
nmreor less.
Dated The Dalles, March 31, 1S9S.
upi2-ll Guardian.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an order of the county court of the State
ot Oregon for Wusco couuty, made on the 7th
day of March. lMtti, the undersigned, as admin
istrator of thu estate of W, J. Melns, deceased,
will, from und after Saturday, the 7th day of
May, lbsiS, proceed to sell the real estate bel ng
iug to said estate und heieluufter more particu
larly described, at private sule. I ho terms of
sale will bo one-thiid in cash, one-third ou tho
1st day of January, 1S'J9. and one-thin ou tho 1st
day of January, 1'JOO, with interest at 8 per cent,
per annum on the deferred puyincnU,secured by
mortgage upon the premises.
me janos uuu premises jioovo reierrea to, una
winch will bo sold as uforcsaid, are described as
The north half of the northwest quarter, the
southwest quurter of the northwest quarter, and
the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of section 12. in township 1 south, range li east,
W, M., in Wuseo County, Oregon, containing
100 acres.
Tho south half of the southeast quarter, aud
the south half of the southwest quarter in said
section, township and range, und containing 100
Dalles City, Oregon, April 8, 1S0S,
uiO-llw-l J, U. MEINS, Administrator,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been tiipiiluted by the Couuty Court of the
Btutooi Oregon for Wasco Comity, us admini
strator of tbe estato of Ollva Ksptug, decea ed.
All persons having claims aguinst said cstutc
are hereby notitled to resent them to me ut my
office in 'i'lio Dalles, Oregon, properly veriled
with tho Proper vouchers, within six months
from tho date of this uotlce.
Dulles City, Oregon, April 1, 1893.
api2-ll Administrator.
"He Don't Know
What He Wants
'had to give it up," is the way they refer in most
clothing stores to a man who walks out without buy
ing. They are wrong; he does know what he wants;
that's the trouble. Men who are hard to please in a
clothing stove are generally good judges of clothing.
They have a gift of "spotting" bad fabrics, poor pat
terns aud skimpy tailoring. They know how a gar
ment should fit. We never complain of such men.
WhjT should we? They are our best and most appre
ciative customers.
Out Jilen's Suits
at $7.50 and $10.00
Are some of the arguments we use to convince
people of our leadership in value-giving.
who want them.
For more than, fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully laborod for thoir prosperity and happi
ness, for tho improvement of thoir business and home
interests, for education, for tho olevation of American
manhood and truo womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive
stories of tho doings of tho world, tho nation and states.
IT HAS advised tho farmer as to tho most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho
proper timo to convert them into the largest possible
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho welfare of
armors and villagers, and for over half a century baa
held their confidence and esteem.
and we furnish it with tho Semi-Weokly Chronicle one
year for $1.75, cash in advance