OK0 ENIOYA Both tho mothod and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the eys tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptahle to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in SO cent bottles by all leading drug. cists. Any reliablo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FtG SYRUP CO. SAM FKAKOISCO. CAL LOUISVILLE. KT. HEW YOKK. H.X. The Dalles Daily Chrcuii THE DALLES, OKEOUN I'EKSONAJ, aiKNTION- r. Conrad E. Yeckel. of Glenwood. is in Vtiie city. A. A. Bonney is in from his home at V-lygu V alley. Henry B. Young is over from his home at Croldeiiuale. Arthur Hale and wife, of Goldendale, are in the city. H. O. Jackson, of Goldendale, is at the t) mat ilia House. W. K. McLeod.nne ol Kingsley's pros- perous farmers and stockmen, is in the city touay. Carey Jenkins, who lias been in Port land attending the reunion of the Colnm fcian literary society, returned yesterday Mr. Frank Irvine, who was sent for to attend the funeral of his brother, ar rived from Antelope about 4 o'clock last evening. Charles Clarke, who has been travel ing in the interior in the interest of Clarke & Falk, returned home last -evening. Ir. Frank Sommerville, who has been -Hpending the past two weeks in Port land, came up on last evening's train, and left for his home at Hay Creek to day. George Berrean arrived Saturday from Portland, where he has been attending the Portland Business College, and left tins morning for Wasco, where he will to to work as book-keener for his bro ther, who is in the lumber business at t tnat jila.ee "A HkukeaperUu Iteadln. "Mies Janet Waldorf, who is to appear as "Parthenia" in the famous play "In goruar," tonight, and who portrays this beautiful character with- eo much sweet ness and force, has kindly consented to give a Shakeeperiau reading in the par lor of the Umatilla house tomorrow af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock, for tho pleasure of the ladies interc&ted in the public library. The ladies appreciate this favor verj much, as Miss Waldorf stands very high iu her profession and is a lady whose pleasing manners make ber a great favorite socially. After the reading an opportunity will be given those present to meet Miss Waldorf. ItlieumatUtn Cured. My wife hab used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it hs a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for, which-we have found it valuable. W. J. Cuyler, Red Creek, JN. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one -of the leading mer chants ot this village and one of the most promlntnt men in this vicinity W.,6. Phippin, editor Red Creek Her ald, For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Ilaadaeke From Eye Hlraln. A liigbUthonty Bays that "Eyestrain aue "iuore headache than all other 'wwi combined." From this fact it 'Atllows that ibowaada of people are suf ,,afringiroui btwdMbe, who do not real ,Jtitbattb eaute n a defect or weak. wtM'ln tbe'eynt. 'Tbey may have taken utwlietaM witboitt gttisg relief, or 4fey may have iBtTertd Ibiaking there ho remedy. All thete csm ft be pereetly cured with glnsces thut will correct the orror I in tho eye?, nml retain eight liy comult inu 1. G. DiUit, thn optician, two doors west of Keller'H Bukerv. tf llewnrc nf Olninrnt fur Vntarrlt Hint i Cotitnln Mercury. As mercury will surely destroy theeonso of smell and omplutely doranyn the, whole system when entering it tliroueh the mucous surfaces. Such nrticles ! should never be used excojit on prescript ' tions from reputable physicians, na the diiinne they will do is ten fold to (ho good you can possibly derive from them. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure b'e sure you set the ccn uino. It Is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists. -1. A Fact. No one need hesitate to purchase the Kickapoo Indian remedies, ns they nre reliable. The Kickapno company has! i . ... . aiwaye enj iveu tne very oest reputation for reliability and square dealing. Their remedies are sold by all druggists, and were handled by the druggists in The Dalles loin; before the comln; of thuir advertising company, now occupying the Baldwin opera house. Ask votir druggists for Kickapoo Indian remedies. Oh! 1 Don't Know. People know a good thing when they see it. The American people, it is said, love to be humbugged. There is one real estate agent in the city who does not humbug anyone, for it is out of his line. That agent is D.id Butts, and the way he makes eales is a caution. Paste this in your hat and when you want anything in his line call on him. A Golilru Opportunity. Stock ranch 500 acres, good house, barn, and outbuildings; 160 head young stock cattle; 4 work horses; 1 saddle horse; wagon, farm implements, etc., sufficient to run a farm. Sixty acres in cultivation, well watered. About one hundred miles from The Dales, Or. For terms see old "wide-awake" Dad Butts. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads me to write this. I cau truthfully say I never used any leniedy equal to it for colic and diar rhoea. I have never had to. use more than one or two dosca to cure the worst case witii myself or children. W. A. Stroud, Popomoke Citv, Md. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can," the druggist recognized a household name lor "De Witt's Little Early Risers" and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. At the fcaat End Feed Vard. Harper Bros., of the East End feed yard have a thoroughbred Jersey bull, wbicb they will stand for the season at the feed yards. For terms apply to the above. aprl2 lm TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the beat for gale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCouklk, Prop. inciilG Cm The farmer, the mechanic and the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. Suipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's and get prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it Ih an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and ticks. 1 tf To Kent. Seven-room house below the bltifl'. Enquire of A. S. Mac Aliister, Chronicle office. Smoke the popular brands Prize Medal, 'Guarantee and Rose Queen cigars manufactured by S. F, Foute. A fresh lot of cauliflower, cabbage, sweets, oranges and lemons at Comiiiis gfou & Grocery Co.'s, Bicycle sundries, liijhing tackle, guns, rifles and tevolvero at Maier& Benton's. Postum Cerial Food Coffee at Com mission A Groceiy Co. 'a, tf Wiien you smoke the Roto Queen fi- cent cigar you get your money'a worth. It Try ScbUltof' ui few ,aoa bauiag powatr One Minute Cough Cure, cure, imi la wriat It wau made r. Schlltz's Book Bear. Freeh and the fint nf the season at the Midway. Modern Treatment of Consumption The latest work on the treatment of diseases, written by forty eminent American physicians, says: Cod-liver m oil has done more for the con- X sumpthre than all other reme S dies put together." It also J says : 44 The hypophosphites $ gj of lime and soda are regarded 9 $ by many English observers as $ specifics for consumption" w Srnft'c Fmnlcinn i contains the best cod-liver oil I in a partially digested form. combined with the liypophos phttes of Lime and Soda, This remedy, a standard for a quarter of a century, is in exact accord with the latest views of the medical profession. Z Be sure you get SCOTT'S $ Emulsion. All druggists ; ioc. and fti.oo. w SCOTT & BOWNE, ChrmUts, New York. W NOTICE OF FILING PLATS. U. S. I.AXD OrncK. The Dau.kh. On, April 8, '9S.f Notice is hereby given that the ap proved )Iat of etirvov of Township 1 South, Range 20 Kast of thn Willamette Meridian, Oregon, has been received at tins omce tin I will be ofJiciallv hied in this flLe on Saturday, tlie liSth day of May, 18!)8, at 10 n'rlock a. ui. J ah. F. MooitB, Register. W. H. Dkhih, Receiver. LOST. One sorrel mare, white strip in face weight 'about 1000 pounds; branded J on left stille and on left shoulder. One light sorrel horse, about same weight Hwinuied on left shoulder; branded A. A on left stifle. Anyone leaving same at Jim Walker's plareT head of Rattlesnake grade, will be paid fo. Address. J. B. Jackhon. apG-3w Hood River, Or. FOR SALE. Two lots, Nos. 11 and 12, in block 14 Grftes Addition, The Dalles, Oregon Fur particulars address the undersigned. M. E. Fuiiemauv, If) 4w Bex 178, Goldendale, Wash ELY'S CltEAM BAT.DI lanrioaltlvocuro. Apply into the nostrlla. U la quickly ftlworbcd. 60 cenU at DruzelaU or by null ; samples lDc. by mall. Jtux uuuiiituta. so warren tsu. new loric cur. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druegists refund tLe money if they fail to cure. 25c. Uie Clarke & Falk'a Floral Lotion for rough t-kin. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, (iurns. Administratrix Notice. Notice Is liercbv Riven Unit the undersigned hrH breri rcKuliuly appointed by Hie county ennrt of the ntate ol OrtRon lor Wusco County an aduiluiitiHtrlx of the citato nf (Jhiirle V, .lohn Bton, deeeei. All perfOllH having claim HKaliut wild estate lira hereby no'Ifled to nro- hunt them, with the proper vouchett, to inu tit ineoince oi h.ii. nnaon, in untie t;ity. ure rod, within tlx months from the date of tbla notice, Pallet City, OrcRon. Feb. 23, UW. UAKItlK 31, JOHNSTON. fcb2C-1 AUmluistrutrix. J-lt8-GElSKMIOltKFEU & HUEDV, Pliysiciaus and Surgeons, Special attention given to aurgcry. Roouih 'Jl and Tel. 22S Vont Illock FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. Tills offer is msfdc by the LLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provide! application bo made at once, In order ilint Its Invention, nppUanceMinil never falling remedies may receive the widcat polblc pub licity, and prove their own merits by Mutual uae Mill iKMHHiint our. No Jllouey wliatnver will be received by the Illiuola Hutu HunllHrliini from iiiiyoiieunderiu treat ment uutll lieiiMflalnl rault areaoknotvl. iIkiI, 11k reinedle and appllaueex have been commended by tho iiuwapaper of Two Conti nent und ciiriorted by the (tretcat doctor In the world. Where development Is dealred, they accomplUh It and never fall to invigorate, up build and fortify. They InfUM now life and energy. They per manently atop all lonkea which undermine the constitution and r ounce deapoiideney. They ro-tone, refreh and reatore to manhood, r aurdleaaor ugi, They cure evil hablUnod pe manently remove their efltcu, ai well ita thoae of exceaaea and over-taxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervoua exluuatlon. No fail ure, no publicity, no deception, mo tlUap iwlatmNi. tl KITK TO-UAV. iilBlmiii ILLII0I8 STATE IAIITAIIUM, Kvaaatoa, 111, Cigars. Wny do wo retail moro Clears than oLnurs? n Why do smokers po out of their way and pass cigars of the same grade? Not because we have better cigars or bettor brands, or any greater variety j no, not that. Why, because we have the finest ci gar case iu the state and keep our cigars in better condition. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Patronize the MUflDRY. All kind nf work. White Shirts n specialty. Family work m reduced r..tes. Wash collated! and dellveted free, Teltiiilioue No. 110. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Wi 1 All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAG-E LINE. Throiich br davllsht via Uras.i Vallev. Kent and Cross Hollows. IIOUGLAH ALLKN, The Ilallra. C. M. WII1TKLAW, Autisluiie. Stages leave The Dalle!) Irom Umatilla Uoue vmlS-.Ti n1! lITrv i 'Vn.i TdnV r ;,me,y.?,r,l iVYUovlluJ. JlS'li'mll !oae ccniicctlona made at The i ac 7 a. in. also irom Monday, Wednesday IllhllC III AIUCIOIM- oi:it oevona. u: Miles with railways, trains and boats. K I aires from Antelope reaoh The Dalles Tuca- days, TUurnlaj's and Saturdays at 1:30 p. m. RATES Of PARE. Dalles to Deschutes SI 00 do Moro 1 60 do dress Valley 25 do Kent :i m do Cross Hollows 4 50 Antelope to Cross Hollows 1 M ao iciu z ou do Oraw. Valley a 00 do Moro , I do Iesrhueei do Dalles 5 00 t I Watchmake I A1TTA I AT) 8M..................................... 'j Weekly Inter Ocean fWj LARGEST CIRCULATIOM OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST J J It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earnestnessJtlJlJt THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST s It Is Morally Clean and as a The Literature oi Its columns Is equal to that ot the beat maga zine. It la Interesting to the chil dren aa well as the parents. THE INT ER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, 2,d whik it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives Its readers the best and ablest discwsions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and polities from the Western standpoint.,. Mi Sl.fiA-DllftC Aiic itm aniinii, vwhkMn rsn imh fiivu 5 ??12A5;I ATO. SnfDAY editions of the INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. a 4," li . . v. . 0 Dally anil Sunday by mall Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, au kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TJStVSo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. ? Flour m nanafaetund expressly for family uw; every nack la guaranteed to give Mtiifaotlon. en as z v&&sssJsr ,n tbe trftdet Bnd " you - Hif hst Prices Paid for What, Barley and Oats. ..GHflS. F--. fiotchens and pQPmera ..Exchange.. Keep on ilratiuht thu celebrated CO 1.1? Mil i, V IlKKlt, iickmiwl eddod the bent beer In Tho Hallo, nttlii'imial prlre. I'onio In, try It niid be roi vlurcd, Al-o thu KliiPfit brands of Winpj, M inora and Cigars. Sandrjuiches of nil Kindt always on hand. Regulator Line The Dalles. Fortlanfl nj istori Navigation Co.' r FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalle), Hood River, Cascade Looks unit Port lanu dally, ;i'nt humlay. DOWN THE VALLEY Are vou' going OR TO EASTERN OREGON If an. MTr mnnnv nnrl nnfm n fu.niitlfid trtt nti 1 the Columbia. The wuat.botind train arrlvi Ht The Dallci In ample time for paMemrcru to take thcateamer, arrivlns; In Portland In time for the i niiiirninc- Nnnrrinrii miti Niirihi.m trHiii., Ku.t. bou,", l"eniP orrlvlnic Iu The Dalle In time wku ' Kaat-bouud train. For furth information apply to J ,,IA'lr'Ki A0!1'1 .. . - Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon. Or W C. ALLAWAY. (ien. Act.. The Dalles. Oreico: Wanted. At the Diamond Mills Good milling wheat, pniil. The hiirlient price mclilU-tf, (J(But it can always be relied on 2 for fair and honest reports of all po- 5 litical movetnentiJAjtJtjtjtJtjiljttji OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. i is vcaa i fin " imr your a ...$0.00 per year a laai rm . . ' . Si RnmiIafn.ifinnlU fliti ST N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N s Pullman Elegont Toui-ist Sleeping Oars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'AVt. M1NNKA1MII.I DULIITII KAKpO OltANIl'r'Oit C'ltOOKSTON WINNtl-ro UK LENA IUJTTK TO Through Tickets CIIICAOO WAHI11NOTON IMIII.AIKI.III1A WW VOKK HOHT4IN AND Al.I. 1MIINTH KAHT anil HOUTH Korliilnrmntlmi, tlmu I'ardii, innpkiuid tlckuu cm! on nr write to W. C. ALLAWAY. AKent, The Haiku, Orcxou Oh A. 1). CHAKLTON. AbsL G. i A., M. JlorrlMou cor. Third, t'nrtluiid OruKim EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -or1 nit:- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trnliih leave iinrt ate duo to nrrtvo Ht I'nrtlaL I.KAVK. OVKUI.AKI) KX-' iirean, Hiilom, Ho.o InirR, AhIiIhiuI, Hiic- rtmi.Mitf. flitl.,ii U.iii i:oo r. si Frunctaeo, .Mcijiivo, I I)s AliKelea.KI M'v urieuiiN aim IKiiat J Honetmrc mid way Mu- tlOIIK fViu WiKKllmrn fur 1 I Alt. Annl. Hllvertou, J. Weat Holo, lirowna. vllle.riprliigtlolU mid (.Natron j ':30 A. M. r. m Dally except Hunduya. Dully except Hundaj-A t:S0 A. M.i ICorvalllH ntntlnnit. . mid wuyj ilSOI'.M. lNlJUI'ESDKNCK I'AHBKNCKIt. Kxprcas trutti Kally (uxcupt Huiiday). limp. iu. I.v. ,1'ortlnml... Ar.) H:i')n.m 7:;J)p. in. Al MoMinnvllli..l.v. Jr.Mn.w. fiVM p. 111. 'At .lnniK!iiileiicc..l.v ) I.Mii. m Dally. IDaily, except Huiiday. UlNINti CAK8ON"(KiI)KN UOUTK. 1'UI.I.MAN JIUKKKT HI.KKl'KHH AND HKCOND-UI.AKb BI.EEl'ING CAKb Atlaclic-d to nil TlirniiRh Trains Direct I'ditnectlnn at t-nu t-ranclsco with Orel- (lentiil nml (irluiitiil mill 1'nclliu mull nlraiinhlp lines for JAl'A.N mid UHINA. Sailing datiw ou n plication. iiaiin miii iicueiK in r.iinicrii pniiiik aim r.u- roiie. AlaoJAl'AN. UIIINA, HONUM'l.U alia AirHTltAl.lA.cmi lie nbtiiined mill J. II. K1UKI.AND, Ticket Aftcnt. TlirniiRh Ticket Otllcc. 1111 Third Htrcet. where tlmniKli tlckutK to nil nointa In the Ku.itcru HtntfK, C'miHilit mid Kuroe can lw nhtaincd at lowest rated Irom J. 11. KIItKI.AM), Ticket Acent. All nbnvn tmliiH urrlvu at mid ileiiNrt Irom Ormid 1,'entral Htatlon, Kllth and Irvine atrtvtt VAMIUI.l, DIVIHIUK. I'atacilKcr lleHt, loot n( Jodcraon direct. Leave for 08VK(H. dallv. except Bundiiy.M t.m a. ni.; ia:a), n&', 5:16, etas, "nioi p. m. (mid 11:S0 p. in. on Baturday only, mid u:00 a. ni , m. on minoaya oniy;. llv ni OMOaudMifiUa ni.: Arrive t midl:. m , 3-1S l:lS,G:.n) niid 7:W p. m (and I0:U5 a. f;iu i. m, on dundaya only). U-nve for Hhcrldati. week days, st 1:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, o::!U a. m. Ilvc for AIIM.IK on .Mimilnr. 'eliu'dav nnd Krloav at 9:10 a.m. Arrlv at I'nrtlaild, TUrt- dav. TlmrKlay and fiatnnlai it 3:05 p. in. Except Sunday, "jixcept SaturdHy. K. KOiniI.EIt, Mmiuuer. ti, II. MAKK1IAM, Aat. (1. K. i 1'hm. Ast Tri Z NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION- l'oe Waek. 106 I'm'era a Voar, It etandfl flrat iuuodk "weokly" pnjiera in size, frequency of publication freelinoHB, varletv and reliability of cr' tonte. It la practically tluily tit tlie low n..lin n .. ...u..L-l.,. anil Ita VIIHt IlSt 01 ubscrlbora, extendinK to every stiite ana territory o( tho Union mid forulKii conn trie, will vouch for the accuracy anu falrneia of Ita newa coiuuuifl. It Is BDlendldly Illustrated, nil" Ita special features aro u ne nuniur page, exhaustive market reports, all tne eriea of atorles by tho greatest nvinif American and English autiiorn, Oanan IloyU, Jaruma K. BUnl.y Weym.n, Mary K. Wllklos Anthunr Ma, Bret Uurte, Mfiuitr MkIIUmwsi Kto. We offer this nnwualed newspaper anu he Dallas Twioe-a-Week Olironicio gather one year for f!i.p0 , Tlie regni price oi tne two papers