r w . 4 . "f . Overcoat Now Has an Unpleasant, End-of-the-Season Look It is pleasant to get out of stuffy clothes. We are ready for the man who wants a good Spring Overcoat for a little money, ai)d also for the hian who' wants the hest that money can buy. If You Want a Shift ot a Pair of Socks i I V '' Tn the brilliant, handsome colors of 1898, they're ready, too; and though fancy iii looks as they should bo they're not in price. SPRING HATS? Oh, yes; all the new shapes. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY APRIL 19, 1808 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tonight At the Vogt "The Hunchback." Schlitz's Bock Deer at the Midway. Use Glurke & Falk's RoBofoam for the teeth. Monkey brand of Boup at Maler & llenton's. 18 lw Uicycles for rent at Maler & Benton's hardware store. 18-lw Don't forget that Kellar keeps the beet ice cream soda in the city. tf The river hue practically come to a standstill, during last night the raise being ubuut an inch. Deputy Assessor Lape hus asseseed in Yakima county l-'8,000 bead of sheep, nearly all of which are in the vicinity of I'roeeer. As it is almost impossible to run the old forry-boat and tuke eut tbe machin ery itt the same time, the managers huve sent for tbe Hood ltiver ferry, which will be ueed until the new boat is ready to go into service. High bowling scores at tho Umatilla alleys lust week Monday, Wilder (55; Tuesday, Muetz CD ; Wednesday, Muetz 04; Thursday, Birgfeld 03; Friday, Btrg- ftld 02 ; Saturday, Esping 68; tiunday, Maetz 03. The high bowling scores last week at the club were; Monday, F. A. Seufert 51 ; Tuesday, Hosteller 61 ; Wednesday, Houghton 51 ; Thursday, Mrs. Blakeley 51; Friday, Ogden .63 ; Saturday, Tolmle ttl; Sunday, Braduhaw 57. .... .... the luneral of Johnnie Irvine, who died in this city Saturday evening, was held at tbe Christian church this after noon, An appropriate sermon was preached by tbe pastor, Kev. Bollz. The service was largely attended by tbe many friends of the departed, most of whom have known him since he was a child od his father's farm, near this city. Charles Neal, who lives near Golden dale, in order to kill tbe fleas and bugs on one of his calves, covered it with coal oil and grease. He alao concluded to brand it at the same time. When the red-hot iron was applied for that purpose, the oil and grease caught fire, uud before the flames could be extin guished the animal was almost destitute of hair. The calf still Uvea, however, but it is not nearly so frisky as of yore. Last evening Judge Bradshaw made another phenomenally jigb score on the dub alleys. Ha started out by making ix strikes. In the jfeventh frame he made a spare; la tbeXlghtb strike; in the ninth a spare, ado ended with three trlkesj. Is tbe ssfcenth frame he got two piM with tbi first ball, and the third pin rocked, bit did not fall. Had begot the nip, be konld have scored 80, which would havegiven birn a record equal to any on Mrecoast. It is a strange coincidence that the battle of Lexington, tbe first engagement in the Revolution, was fought on the 10th day of April. Eighty-five years later the first blood in the civil war was shed on the same day of thiB Bame month in tbe attack on the Massachusetts regi ment in Baltimore; and again on the 19th of April, 1808, our country has practically declared war againBt that bated nation, Spain. This will certain ly hare to be looked to as a memorable date in our history. The funeral services of Eddie John ston took place at Odd Fellows cemetery this morning at 10 o'clock, Eev. DeFor est conducting the same. Tbe choir, consisting of Mrs. C. O. Bunker, Miss Beulah PatterBon, Messrs. Fred Snipes and Frank French, sang "God's Ways Are the Best" and "Little Lambs." The little white casket, which was literally covered with beautiful flowers, was car ried by Messrs. It. H. Lonsdule, E. M. Williams, F. Faulkner and M. Vogt. with whom the little one was u favorite. The O. 11. & N. has a construction train running between this place and Umatilla, raising and ballasting the track in tbe sand beds along the Colum bia. The gravel for ballasting is ob tained near Grant Btatiou. Box cars titled up with bunks are used as sleep ing quarters for the men. A gentleman connected with tbe survey says the Co lumbia river is rising Bteadlly near Grant, and will soon flood tbe gravel bed, so that work must be suspended or another place chosen from which to get tbe gravel. Rumors were afloat today '.that orders bad been issued to Company G of thiB place by Governor Lord, and some ex citement was caused by tbe announce ment. Orders have been issued, bow ever, strictly prohibiting any member of tbe guard to make public anytning in the way of orders received from bead quarters, and for that reason nothing definite could be learned. There is one thing almost certain, however, and that is, that if a call is issued to the Oregon militia, our boys will have to go, and we are sure tbey will do so with a good will. We understand war was declared at a late session of congress laflt night, and today everybody is in a state of suspense until the news can be confirmed. A war has been declared for the last few months in our own town and . it has not been done by congress. Butts has de clared that he will recognise everybody who wants to do business with him and allow them to become independent (fi nancially) after they have purchased some of his real estate bargains, and he does not proposo to wait for any other nation or Individual to say whether or not people shall deal with him, but in tends to pursue an honest, consistent course In business matters that will in sure fair play to all parties negotiating with him for good, chef p "buys." VIRTUALLY DECLARED The Resolutions Signed by tbe Sneaker. Handed to Vice-President Mart ' and Then to tbe President, SPAIN UIVEN 24 HOURS IN WHICH TO REPLY. A Measure Is Being Prepared for Imme diate Passage, Placing 300,000 Men at the President's Disposal. DeWitt'a Little Burly lasers, Tk famous lit tie, plli. Special to The Chronicle. Poktlani), Or., April 19. Amid the greatest excitement, congress at 1:15 thiB morning threw down tbe gauntlet to tbe Spanish government, passing the following resolution by tbe following vote: House, 310 to 0; senate, 42 to 35. Joint resolution for recognition of in- 4 dependence of tbe people of Cuba, de manding that tbe government of Spain relinquish its authority in the govern ment of tbe island of Cuba, and with draw its land and naval forces from Cuba and from Cuban waters, and direct ing the president of the United States to use our land and naval forces to carry tbe resolution into immediate effect. Following is the resolution as it now stands : "Whereas, Tbe abhorrent conditions which have existed for more than three years in the island of Cuba, so near our own borders, have shocked the moral sense of the people of the United States; have been a disgrace to christian civili zation, culminating as they have in the destruction of a United States battle ship, with 266 of its officers and crew, while on a friendly visit in the harbor of Havana, and cannot longer be en dured, as has been set forth by the pres ident of the United States in his mes sage to congress of April 11th, 1898, up on which the action of congrees was in vited; therefore be it "Resolved, By tbe senate and house of representatives of the United States of America, in congress assembled: "First That the people oi, tbe island of Cuba are, and of right ought to be, free and independent. "Sseaad That it is the duty of the United Stated to demand, and the gov ernment of the United States does here by demand, that the government of Spain at onpe relinquish its authority and government In the Island of Cuba, and withdraw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. "Third That ,the; president of the United States be, and is hereby directed and empowered to use the entire land and naval forces of the United States, and to call Into the actual service of (he Ons thousand styles and bites. For cooking and heating. Price from gioto $ja s. afafXaj 1 .1 FfA Cjbbbw m Often imitated. Neverequalled. MAO & BENTON United States the militia of the eevernl states to such an extent as may be nec essary to carry these resolutions iuto ef fect. c "Fourth That the United States hereby disclaims any disposition or in tention to exercise sovereignty, juris diction or control over eaid ieland, ex cept for the pacification thereof; and asserts its determination, when that is accomplished, to leave the government and the control of the island to Its own people." The resolution will be signed by the speaker at noon today ; go to the vice- president and thence to the president. It is expected he will sign immediately the declaration of war made. A call for 70,000 volunteers is anticipated today. 1 p. m. Speaker Reed and Vice-President Hobart signed the resolution, which has gone to the president, who will sign eame this afternoon. McKinley will at once send our ultimatum to Spain, al lowing 24 hours for reply. There being no doubt of Spain's anewer, warwill be declared. There is the greatest activity in military circles, and the movement of troops Bouth is being pushed with the greatest dispatch. The war spirit runs high all over the country. Greatdemonstrations are being made over the paBHing of the resolution, and surety of a chance to avenge the blowing up of the Maine. Congress is preparing a measure for immediate passage, placing 200,000 men at tbe disposal of the president. f.ast Klght's Meeting. The meeting at the Methodist church last night was characterized by great solemnity, as indeed lmye been all the services. Mr. Miller sang "A Poor Shi ner Like Me" and read from the fifth chapter of Mark the casting out of a legion of devils from a man of Gadarea. They acknowledged Christ as divine,and besought that they be allowed to enter a herd of swine feeding on the mountain side; anywhere to esuapo.from his pres ence. Jesus permitted thin, and there were devils enough in this one man to send 2000 hogs into the ecu, there to choke and' perish. The meeting .was very informal, and after some further comments on tho lesson, he invited the Christians to gather around tho altar. After a short, earnest prayer service, the meeting closed. Service this evening at 7 ;30. B. . WIIBK THAVKMNO "Very Much to the Good." ..reseei?t Bieyeles.. Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow els, preventing fever, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent botttesr'by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. biily. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. J jrricas irora spgy.ow xo qsou.uu. New Ideas at every point;. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. MAYS & CROWE. REMEMBER Wo haye strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To he sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co. iwcniuian i art NirsMT J Splendid anil Well-Itenrtered Play Attendance l'oor, The vast majority of our theatergoers missed a treat last night by not attend ing the Waldorf company's performance of "Ingoaiar." Miss Waldorf proved by her acting in the character of "Parthenia" that her equal is haul to find, and that her su periors are certainly tew. Mr McVey took the part of "Ingomar" to perfec tion. Not only is their acting perfect, but the stage presence of both is such as to win tbe admiration of all who admire beauty of form and a graceful bearing. Our people, who have bo few opportu nities to see a troupe of this character in such, classic productions as "Ingomar" and "The Hunchback," should not fail to attend tonight. It is often said by Dalles theater-goers that they wish a good show would come to this city. Now we have such a one, and why do they not attend? A Si Perkins or Un cle Tom's Cabin troupe always draws a crowded house, and when a perform ance that Is worth while seeing; one that everyone can profit by ; cne that is worthy of being called a elaseic drama, presented by the heat talent in tbe land, comes to our city, they are forced to play to empty benches. If such shows cannot be appreciated, they certainly cannot afford to come Here. We sincerely hope that tbe encour agement which will be given tonight's performance will be sufficient to induce a good troupe to stop here, occasionally at least. Kickapoo Indian sngwa for the blood, s'omach, liver and kldneya, Kickapoo Indian oil cures aches and pains. Kick apoo Indian worm-killer, the childten's saviour. Kickapoo Indian salve, the great healer, cures skin and cutaneous diseases. Kickapoo Indian cough cure knocks coughs, colds, croup, etc. Kick apoo Indian pills cures chronic constipa tion ana chronic neaaacne. ask your druggist for Miem. A good lot 50x100 ou Second street. with fir6t-claBS two-Btorv building. ell arranged for hotel, 800 feet from O. It. & N. depot. For terms of sale see Butts. at the office of Oufur & Dufur. tf TONIGHT. F BaiQwmOpe aHouse THE For an Indefinite Period, . Kickapoos IN AN DP-TO-DATE ' Vaudeville Entertainment. Froe to ndultp, except announced dates, when special bills are given. Reserved seats each evening for ladies' and escorts without extra charge. Entire cbonge of program each night. '(is LADIES WITH RED FACES And oily, greasy complexions, or subject to kin, will ImgrutiiieU to learn that the purest, ncctvav, wins IJ1W9! vucutltu Otvill IIUIIUCI and beautiUer yet compounded is CUTICURA SOAP It is so because It strikes at tbe cauit of most coiuplexioual dl8r)guratlous,viz.: the Clogged Irritated, Inflamed, ox Otervorked 1'ouk. Suggestion i After cycling, golf, tennis, riding, or utiluUcs, a butu with Cuticuim Boav is roost soothing, cooling, and refreshinu, preventing charing, redness, nd roughness of the skin, sooth, tng luflaromstlon, and when followed bjr gentle nolntingwitbOt)TiccRS(ointment). proves bene. scisi ui reueiog urea, ismv, or sirsinea muscles. I . H. W . IL. WH9 iflfVWaiMJM. Ul WWIi . f lb Soak Ita.i Mholvsnt. SOa. and Si, tin Chu. C'isr..bgls Prop . Boun. ST " lie to Obtslas arfiusM Coiopkxlon," tn. Price, Ci'Tlcus, Ve. ryrns use ill Happy Bride is she whose friends have had tbe good taste to besto-v silver upon her as a wedding gift. Nothing more appropriate, nothing more accept able, nothing more useful. "A thing of beauty and a joy forever." Our stock of silverware is complete. I. C. Nickelsen Book & music Company, M US. KVANS, MODISTE, JtooinH in Mrs. llrlttlu't. lodging House. ES XS D S ZS E A bplciullii lubortmcnt ol Vege table. Harden anil Grass Smls lit Hulk, Betil Whent, Becd Oulf Seed Hurley, Heed Becd liyo. Oil Meal Cekti and IVrlllUoru, lleo Supplies, iCurly lioio l'otu toes. Klevetl kinds of llrat cln.i Seed Com. l'uultry mid Egg bought mid sold ut X5 D J. H. CROSS' n Cheap t:Jt (Irooery nml Feed Store, tiecond and Union btb, EDS i