The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 18, 1898, Image 3

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A Winter Overcoat
If You Want a Shift
op a Pair
In the brilliant, handsome colors of 1898, they're
fancy in looks as they should be they're not in
SPRING HATS? Oh, yes; all the
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL 18, 1898
At tho Vogt
Tonight and Tuesday
"Ingomar and "Tho Hunchback."
Schlitz's Bock Beer at the Midway.
Ubc Clarke fc Fulk'a Rosofoam for the
Use Clarke & Fulk'a Floral Lotion for
rough tkin.
Monkey brand of eonp at Maier &
Benton's. 18 lw
Iiicycles for rent at Maier & Benton'a
hardware store. 18 lw
Don't forget that Kellar keeps tho
beet ice cream ttoda in the city. tf
Bide on the Dallet-Prineville etuge
route will bo closed on Wednesday, the
liOth iiiBt. All bidB must be in prior to
I that time.
A good lot 50x100 on Second Ptreet
with flrst-class two-story building, wel
ai ranged for hotel, 300 feet from O. R.
.1... . , ,.,. I).,..
ix. ut'pui, rur leruiB ui euic ecu uuib.
at the oflice of Dufur & Dulur. t
Since Saturday tho river raieed abdut
three feet, and this morning stands it a
fractiou above the fifteen-foot mirk.
No one expects to see the river go ver
the thirty-foot mark this summer.
lesterday at Goldendnle Air. Iliac
Hi'88 was married to Estolle MiiBttWe
Both are residents of that city mid Ire
two of Goldendale'e highly esteoiied
young people. After the ceremony tiey
came to this cltv by private conveyance
and are visiting friends here at pruee
A bulletin received this morning say
that congress will in all probability stand
firm in spite of the vigorous opposition
to the senate resolutions. FearB are en
tertained oy many that the senate may
yield. Madrid still waits In suspense
for the action ot our government. Much
interest is taken in the final action.
Tho Waldorf company, ojiieiBtlng of
ten taleuted members, arrived In this
eity yesterday, and this evening will
preseut tho grand drama "Ingomar,
tlio Barbarian." Thia la the first time
that Mies Waldorf and her talented
company have condescended to appear
in our city, and wo hope that she will
receive the patronage that an actress of
her ability merits.
Yesterday the little steamer, Aunarine
of 1'ortland, was brought up to thla city
and will be used m running tho Dallet
Kocklaud ferry boat. The machinery of
the old boat will be taken out and placed
Jo poBltlon on the new one which la rap
idly nearlng completion, and in a short
jlme we will have a ferry at tble place
helter suited for the traffic and safer
'han the one now in uae.
Kickapoo Indian aaswa for the bldod.
towacu, liver and kidney. Kickapoo
Indian oil cure achea and pains. Kick
poo Indian worm-killer, the chlldien'e
viour. Kickapoo Indian salve, the
VtH healer, cures tklo and cutaneous
Now Has an Unpleasant,
End-of-the-Season Look
It is pleasant lo get out of stuffy clothes.
Wo are ready for the man who wants a
good Spring Overcoat for a little money, and
also for the man who wants the best that money
can buy.
of Socks
diseases. Kickapoo Indian cough cure '
knocks coughs, colds, croup, etc. Kick-1
a poo Indian pills cares chronic conetipa
tlon and chronic headache. Ask your
drugeist for then).
A large number of Dalles people went
fishing yeeterday up Mill creek and on
Eight and Fifteen mile creeks. No large
catches of trout nre reported, but the
pleasant outing was sufficient recom
pense, even if no Geh were caught. The
Btreatns are too high at present for good
George A. Young, of Ridgeway, presi
dent of the Oregon Sheep-Growers' As
sociation, ha9 received a letter from
Captain Ormsby, forestry agent, stating
that he would be here about the 18th
inet. He will be accompanied by Spe
cial Agent Bender, and the object will
be to make some arrangements concern
ing the Cascade Reserve. They will
remain for a week or more, and during
thia time deeire to meet and consult
with as many sheep men as possible, in
order that some arrangements may be
made in regard to run lining sheep on
this range.
The dedication of the Zion Evangelical
Lutheran church took place yesterday
and was attended largely by people of
the various religious creeds in the city.
Tho dedication sermon, which was very
interesting and well delivered, was
preached by Rev. JamejrF. Beates. The
oQiciating clergyman was Rev. M. L.
Zwizlg, ol Portland, assisted by Rev. A.
C. Anda, of Taeoinaand W. Edlund, of
Astoria. The mnslc, which was very
fine, was furnished by an excellent choir,
accompanied b Prof. Win, Birgfeld.
The polyglot eervices in the even
ing, as well ae the dedication, was well
Little Eddie JtiliuMou Dead.
This morning at 12:03 Edwin P.. John-
faton, aged 2 yeara and a few days, son of
W. A. Johuston, died after an illness ol
about a week.
Seldom does the death of an infant
affect eo nianv not closely connected
with its home life and winning little
.1 t.Vl 1! A
ways, as aoes mat oi rumu. n
chubby, bright and attractive little fel
low, he seemed to bo the pet of every.
one, and was always ready to romp and
play with any who might notice lilm.
He seemed such a healthy child that all
were surnrleed to hear of his serious ill
ness, und deeply grieved this moining
to learn of his death. Tho parents are
broken hearted, and though their
friends sympathize with tliem sincerely,
they realize how little it must avail.
The funerul service will take placo to
morrow at 10 a. m. at the grave. Friends
are invited. .
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Flit, as it acts moiit pleasantly audef
r....i...iiv nn thu kidneys, liver and bow
els, preventing fevers, headaches, and
other forms of sickness. For ealo in 50
cent bottles bv oil leading druggists.
Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
ready, too; and though
new shapes.
The Uepubllcan Nominees Glren u ItouR
Ilijr Kecepilou.
When tho 5:30 train pulled Into the
depot on Saturday evening quite a
number of carriages awaited thesuccesE
full candidates who had been nominated
and the delegates who had been in at
tendance at the state convention.
A procession was formed which was
headed by the Dalles band and marched
down Second street to the Umatilla
House. All along the line of march
hundreds of people were gathered to
view the parade and greet thoEe whose
efforts toward nomination had been
crowned with success.
On the arrival at the Umatilla House
B. S. Huntington delivered an appro
priate address of welcome. Speeches
were made by nominee for congress, M.
A. Mooday ; nominee for district attor
ney, A. A. Jayne; nominee for circuit
judge of the Seventh district, II. S. Wil
son, Mayor Nolan and other representa
tive citizens and delegates.
After tho Bpeaking a banquet was
served in the dining hall, at which a
number of speeches were made by
those present.
During the bonquet a message was
read announcing the paesage of the sen
ate resalutlon recognizing the independ
ence of Cuba and favoring armed inter
vention, and much enthusiasm was
shown by all present when its contents
were announced.
It ie conceded that Messrs. Moody,
Jayne and Wilson and the legislative
ticket will carry Wasco county by a large
majority. The ticket throughout is one
of which the Republican party may well
feel proud, and one which every Repub
lican in thia county should heartily sup
l'ttiies Away Saturday Night, a Victim
uf Cuuituiiiptluu. ,
Johnnie Irvine, son of John Irvine, of
thia place, died at his father's home,
near the garriBoii, Saturday evening.
He waa born on the home farm, about
three miles below this city, twenty eight
years ago, and has made this his homo
ever emee. About four yeara ago he
waa token eick, and short' y afterward
his malady turned into consumption,
since which time he has been gradually
Hie brother, Frank Irvine, of Ante,
lope, has been sent for, and will be here
to attend the funeral.
Mrs. John Irvine, mother of the de
ceased, died a little over u year ago,
and through his sickness he has been
cared for by u sister's gentle hands.
'Die funeral will take place from the
Christian church ot 2 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon. Friends of tho family are
Huuday' llevlval Services.
A good audience attended the morn
ing service at the Methodist church yes
terday morning. Mr. Miller sang "The
Palace of the King" in a most touching
manner. For a second selection be sang
' H C.t i thousand styles and sizes.
r ur cuuicinn; anu ucaunrj.
Pi ice from giotoftro.
Often imitated. Never equalled.
to "Garland."
"Will It Bo Too Late," and from the
almost oppresfaive silence it seuned all
were debating tho solemn question
"Will it be too late? will the judge say
I know ye not?"
The text used was that familiar scrip
ture "I will follow thee; but" Mr.
Miller rehearsed the many excuees
given by those who intend to follow
Jesus, but they wish to defer their ac
tion until a more convenient time. Tl ey
are known to all, and are too inconsist
ent to be accepted by any sensible per
son. The truth is, "Nothing but sin
have I to give; nothing but love shall I
At the close five adults were baptized,
three probationers received into the
church and one by letter.
The church was crowded at the even
ing meeting. The theme announced,
"Can I bo a Christian and have a good
time?" waa the one used. There are
different ideas of a good time, and eo all
would not agree upon the same thing as
answering their idea of a good time.
It is true of all hearts baptized of the
Spirit, thoroughly consecrated to God's
work, that their pleasures, their good
time, consists of the same thing, whether
on Greenland's icy mountains or India's
coral strand to do the will of Him
whom they love ; His service is a delight.
Tho after-service was very solemn and
impressive, those coming to the altar
appearing deeply affected and thorough
ly in earnest.
The meetings will continue each even
ing this week, except Saturday, at 7:30.
Tho pastor and people extend a most
cordial invitation to all. B.
"Iugoiuar" aud 'The Hunchback."
Manager KInersly should be com
mended for bis energy in securing tho
famous attractions "Ingomar" and "The
Hunchback" presented by tho Waldorf
company of players, who have received
the finest press notices given on the
coast thia season. They will givo the
former tonight and the latter tomorrow
night at the Vogt. A Santa Cruz ex
change says:
"Ingomar ia a spirited play, full of
inspiring scenes and strong situations,
and was presented in nn admirable man
"Miss an accomplished ac
tress aud a credit to her profession. She
is now on the ladder of success, and in a
few years from now the writer predicts
sho will rank among the most famous
exponents of the dramatic art in Auier
ica, Graceful and yet firm, merry and
yet melancholy, she was an ideal Par
thenia. Hers waa not mere acting, it
was the personification of roaliem.
Her support is of the very best, and
those who fail to see thia company will
miss a treat. Prices 75 cents; back
seata 50 cents; children 25 cents. No
extra charge for reserved seats,
To Cure a Cold lu One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
DWJtf7wUch Hazel Slv
Curea Piles, Scalds, Uurni,
"Very Much
..reseept Bieyeles..
1808 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to
New Ideas at
The Wheel that sells
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Wo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To he sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
A l'osltlve Cure for lyspopiia.
This may read as though we were
putting it a little strong, because it is
generally thought by the majority of
people that Dyspepsia in its chronic form
ia incurable, or practically eo. But we
have long since shown that Dyspepsia ia
curable, nor is U such a difficult matter
as it first appears.
The trouble with dyspeptics ia that
they are ontinually dieting, starving
themselves, or going to opposite ex
tremes or else deluging the already over
burdened stomach with"bitters," "after
dinner pills," etc., which invariably
increases the difficulty even if in some
cases they do give a elight temporary
relief. Such treatment of the stomach
simply makes matters worse. What the
stomach wants is rest. Now how can
the stomach become rested, recuperated
und at tho same time the body nourished
and sustained.
This ia the great secret and this is also
the secret of the uniform success of Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets. This is a com
paratively new remedy, hut its success
and popularity leaves no doubt as to its
The tablets will digest the food any
way, regardleBR of condition of stomach.
Tho sufferer from dyspepBia,ac,'ording
to directions, is to eat an abundance of
good, wholesome food and use the tab
lets before and after each meal, and the
retult will he that the food will bo di
gested no matter how bad your dyspep
sia may be, because, as before stated, the
tablets will digest the food even if the
Btomach is wholly Inactive. To Illus
trate our meaning plainly, if you take
1,800 grains of insat, egga or ordinary
tood and place it in n temperature of 08
degrees, and put with it one of Stuart's
Dypepsia Tablets ic will digest the meat
or egga an pertectly as if the meat
was enclosed within the stomach.
Tho stomach may bo ever bo weak yet
these tablets will perform the work of
digestion and tho body and brain will
be properly nourished and at the same
time a radical, lusting cure of dyspepsia
will bo made because the much abused
stomach will be given, to some extent,
a much needed rest. Your druggist will
tell you that of the many remedies ad
vertised to cure dyspepsia none of them
has given so complete and general aatls
faction as Stuart'aDy8pepsitiTablets,and
not least in Importance in these hard
times ia the fact that they nre the cheap
est and givo tho most good for the least
A little book on caimt and cure of
atomach trouble sent free by uddressing
htuart (Jo,, Marshall, Mich.
A l'MCt.
No one need hesitate to purchase tliu
Kickapoo Indian remedies, as they are
reliable. The Kickapoo company lias
always enjoyed the very best reputation
for reliability and square dealing. Their
remedies are sold by all druggists, and
were handled by the druggists in Tho
Dalles Ion j before the coining of their
advertising company, now cccupylng
the Halt! win opera houee, Ask your
druggists for Kickapoo Indian remedies,
to the Good."
everv boint. 5
j x
at an honest price.
J. T. Peters & Co.
For nn Indefinite
THE Kickanoos
Froa to adult?, except announced
dates, when special bills are given.
Reserved Ecats each evening for ladies
and escorts without extra charge.
Kntiro chunso of program each night.
Happy Brido Ib eho whoso friends
havo had the good taste to besto.v silver
upon her aa a wedding gift. Nothing;
more appropriate, nothing more accept
able, nothing more useful. "A thing ok'
beauty and a joy forever," Our stock
of silverware ia complete.
I. C. Nickelsen
Book & music Company,
Hoonib lii Mrs. llrlttln'h Lodging Home.
A splendid nfcuortment ol Vego
tntilc, Garden ami Ura Seeds tiv "WTWf,
Hulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,. J
Heed Hurley, Beed Sel live.
Oil Meal Ouku and Fertilizers,
Ellco HtiMillus, Karly itoi-t) 1'otu-
toes. Klevcn kinds of llrs&oluss
Beed Corn. IMultry and :
bought und Hold at
n J. H. CROSS' n
Cheap VMh (Irocery nnd Feed
Htore, Hecoud and Union Sts.