VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1898. NO 30 It VOTES ON RECOGNITION The Resolution Provides for Armed Intervention. NO IXTBXTIOX TO ANNEX ISLAND Stirring Sperrlies Clone thr Four Ilrtiato Twrntyi,l Hrnatom Were Heard. Washington, April 10. The United States senate hue spoken. Its voice is for war war until the euffron flag of Spain eliall have been furled in the Western hemisphere, and furled forever. Its voice, too, is for the- Independence o( the Infant republic of the Gem of the Antilles. "Free Cuba und the independ ence of the island republic" was the shibboleth of the senate throughout the four days of debate which catne to an end tonight. While the verdict returned was de cisive, it is jiifct to say that it ie not final, Jfotee ol discord nltnost forebooding in their touts were sounded, litis fore , boding was uot due in any sense to anxiety about the result of the- impend? ing conflict. It was prompted by a fear lest, if the action taken by the Eenate should ultimately be accepted as final, this government might become involved in couiplicatkna that in future years shonld prove serious. At y :10 o'clock the Davis resolutions those reported from the committee on foreign relations, amended bo as to in clude the recognition of the republic of Cuba were passed by a vote of 07 to SI, k a substitute for the resolution adopt ed by the bouse. No less than twenty-five senators ad dressed themselves to the momentous question under consideration during the day, and it wub not until the first vote that on the amendment of Turpie, pro viding for recognition of the ieiund re public !iad been taken, that the senate was brought faco to face with the tre mendous importance ot its action. The scene in the chamber of many historic debates was ona of Incomparable solemnity and impress! veneti;. The gal leries, which iiad been filled apparently to their utmost capacity throughout the day, were masted with brilliantly et tired women and men distinguished in all walks of public and private life. On the floor was every member elected to the senate save one, Wilthall, who was egain detained from his seat by serious illoesB. Probably the most notable utterances ot the closing hours of the debate w ere made tonight. Hale, Gorman, Allison, Aldrich, Jones of Arkansas, and Hoar, all deeply Impressed uy the maguilude and possibly awful consequences of the etepabout to bo taken, addressed the enate with un eloquence and solemnity bom only of t lie most profound feeling 'or their country's welfare. As the words tell from their lips the chamber thrilled with an Intensity of interest bich bordered upou awe. The test vote, quite naturally, was up on the amendment oflered by Turpie, recognizing the independence of the Cu mi republic. It prevailed by a majon VolU, the vote being 51 to7. Eepresontntives Grosvenor and Ding 'eJ were in conference with the presi 't tonight. The visit of the former 'understood to be , connection with iM coarse to be pursued in the houte Monday when the senate Cuban resolu "oni trill come up. Grosvenor, when ' Blated tlmt was not certain " what form the resolutions would Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. Km POWDER Absolutely Pure woyh bakimi yowpta CO., St YOflK. , take when they finally came up for the president's approval or veto, and that any prediction as to their ultimate form just at present would be ineraly specula tion. Ol'TIUtEAIi AT MAIjARA. United (jtntr CiiimulHte Attacked liy a Spanish Muli. Malaga, Spain, April 10. There wa9 a serious disturbance here today, result ing in an attack upon the United States consulate. Tiie demonstrations began with a parade of small crowds through the streets shouting patriotic cries, but the mob eventually gathered and at tacked the United States consulate. Stones were thrown and the mob pro cured a ladder, tore down the shield having upon it the arms of the United States, and dragged it along the streets. Ab this dispatch is eent the excitement continues. Madrid, April 10. St nor Capdonon, minister of the interior, has instructed tiie prefect of Malaga to give the Ameri can consul satisfaction, and to arreetthe leaders of the outbreak. Free l'llls Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free, sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pille. trial will convince you ot their v merits inceo 1'iiis arc easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stipntion and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter lous substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their fiction, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2) Gnrcla's I'lan of Operation. Kingston, Jamaica, April 10. Presi i dent Octavo Law, of the Jamaica junta j has a telegram from General Calixto Garcia, which will be forwarded from Jamaica by the next steamer. The dispatch suggests a plan of op eration in Eastern Cuba in conjunc tion with America. Keats tnn Klondike- Mr. A. C. Thomae, of Marysville.Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has jet been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompained by hemmor rliHges; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparinon with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all thtoat and lung Directions are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Jlegular Eize 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 2 To Look for Andres III Klondike. Stockholm, April 10. Prof. Stdling, who has been appointed to conduct the search for Audree, the balloonist, has decided to proceed to the Klondike, ow ing, it is eaid, to the fact that geogra phers give credence to the report that Adree has been heard from in those lati tudes. He will start on or about April ','lst. Foutz cigars are on sale at the follow ing places: Snipes-Kinersly, Clark & Falk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists; Com mission Co., Geo. Kueli. Fred Fisher and Chas, Phillips, grocers; Columbia Candv Factory and A. Keller, confection ers; Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dm linker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilton and The Midway, saloons. Bicycle sundries, llsliing tackle, guns, rifles and revolvers at Maler & Benton'f. Sighted Ofl St. Thomas. Island of St. Thomas, West Indies, April 10. The repoit is current here that five warships passed this island yesterday to the northward. They are said to have been going in a westerly di rection. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fear ing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, and it is always the same, simple, lion est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long lived people that they are. Iho Shak ers never have indigestion. This is partly owing to their simple mode of life, partly to the wonderful properities of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion is caused by the stomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial eupplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vlgorates the stomach and all its glands so that after awhile they don't need help. As evidence of the honesty ol Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot tle. liuomeu'o Arinca oalre. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcerB, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cui us piles, or no pay required It is guaraLteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bor. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton. druKzista. Thousands ot 8ufierer3 from grippe have been restoed to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. If the United States and Spain become involved in war, it will be impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high grade Havana cigars will increase in pricv. Lay in a eupply of Prize Medal cigars while the price remains the same. 10-tf Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, Q., guttered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-poUonous fluid dip in the world; guaranteed to cure scab, itch, tore throat, lice aud hoof-rot. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tihi W what It was made for. A bushel nf nultrma doesn't weigh half na much us one stubborn (net Garland's, i Happy Thought Salve h) a sure factor for the cure of Hkiu Trouble! u rues, 50c glass Jars For sale at DMMELL'S. Use only one heap ing teaspoonful of Schillings Best Bak ing Powder to a quart of flour. You must use tu tcaspoonfuls of other baking powder. Sheriffs Sale. Jly vlitucof nn execution mid order o sale duly issued out ol tlio Circuit Court of Hie Stale of Oregon, for Wasco County, to me directed, mid dated March 18, 1S'J3, upon a Judgment nud de cree rendered mid entered In mild 'court on No vember 11, 1K9I. in favor of tlio pIMntill', inn case wherein llie Alllsnco Trust Company, n corporation, was plaintiff, mid against the do tendents therein, C. W. Denton nnd Kllznbeth Denton, for the mm of l&Dl.is, with Interest thereon from tlio said dnto at the rnto of eight per cent per annum, and the costs of and upon this writ (which mild judgement and decree was on the 6th day of January, 18U2, duly assigned and conveyed to Mrs. K. K. Thomson), nnd iom. mandlng mo to mnko sale of certain ot the real property embraced in such decree mid herein after fully described, I will, on April 20, 1808. at 2 o'clock r. in., at the front ilonr of Iho rntinlv court homo In Dulles City, Wnsco County, Ore gon, sell at public auction to the highest 'bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title mid Int. test wnicn inooetcniiaiiis, ana each ot tuem, had on July n, ISM), the date of the mortgage foreclosed by snld decree, in nnd to the following described twenty (30) acres of land, to-wlt: That certain twenty (JU) acres in square form but of the northeast corner of the donation land claim of onirics iv. ucntoti ana Bil.ibcth Denton, his wife, said donation land claim being Notifica tion No. 8011). Claim No. 12. and h.Mnir tmrtsrif sections 5 and 8. In township 1 north, range 13 vov v. iMiiiiiiiuiiu oiuuuiMii, in n asco ijouniv, Statu of Oregon, mid is more parttculnily de scribed as follows, to-wit: lleginulng nt a point 13 chains 77 links cast and G chains 7 links north of the southwest corner of said section 5; thence south 09 chains SO links: ttienno rout in ohalns39 links; tbenec north S'cbn'm'JO links; thence east 43 chaina 6G links: tlicnca north II minutes west 17 chains, 4J links; and thence west 59 cli 'litis 85 links to the iilaec of liOL-iiinlnr? containing C'D 51-100 acres, more or lefs. ine Danes, urcgon, aurcii 2!, 1898. T. .1. DRIVER. mch23-i Sheriff of Wasco County. Or. SUMMONS. IN THE CIUCI'IT COl'UT OF TIIE STATE OF Oregon, for Wasco County. . M. Crofoot, plaintiff", vs IT L r.nr.... .I,.... ......... Xvt VlUlUUt, Ul'll'llUUIl i. To II. K. Crofoot, the nbovc named defendant: in t lie mime oi tnc stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear nnd answer the com plaint of the above named nlalntiff' filed In tlin above entitled suit against you on Monday, the 23d day of May, 1898, said day being the first day of the next regular term of said Court fol lowing the final publication of this summons, aud if you fall so to anoear and answer snld complaint the above named plaiutill'wi'l apply iu me uduvu vnuiieu uoun inr ine renei prayed for In her complaint, to-wit: for a decree of said Court to he effect that the bonds of matrimonr heretofore and now exlstine between vnn nnil said plaintiff' be forever anuuled, set i tide and held lor naught, and that said plalniitriiave the care and custody of the minor children of you and sild plaintiff. mis tummons is cervsn upon you uy publica tion thereof for six consecutive weeks In Tim Dalles Chko.niclk by order of the Hon. W. L. limdshaw. ludtre of the above entitled Court nnd of the Seventh Judicial District of the Statu of uregon, which orler bears date the lbth day of DUr-UIl it MKNI-r l.IC. mcb23-i Attorneys for pluiutift. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. ,n order linvliis been made bv the county court of Waseo County, Oregon, on the 'Jath day of March. 1Mb, in the matter of the guardian- snipoi James a. nrown, jr., f.tncl :l. lirowu, I'aullim A. Urown. David E. llrown. Mnrv S. Ilrown and George I). Urown, minors, nuflioriz iiitt and liccusini; the cuardlan of said minors. James A. lirowu, Sr., to sell the Interests of said minors in and to the real estate bercnliiaftcr de scribed, and directing that the sale thereof be made at private sale In the manner provided for the sale of real estate at private sale by execu tors and administrators. Therefore, under and in pursuance of said or der, I will, from and after the d day of Bitty, 181)8, proccd to sell the undivided interests of snld minors in und to the hereinafter described real ironerty, at private sale, for the h uhest nnd best bid therelor In cah. The real property above referred to Is described us follows, to-wit: undivided interests in and to a tract of land ly ing and situate in Wasco County. Oregon, aud beginning at a point 2ti rods south and :) feet west id what is known as the northwest corner of the J. (1. Wllso'i lot, suid corner being one hundred and elevui rods east ol the northwest corner of the John A. Slnims Donation Land : ulm No. 39, in Ti 1. North Itaime 1:1 East W. M., running theneo south ten rods; thence west six rods and three feet: thence north ten rods; thence east six rods irid three feet to the place of beginning, containing oue-lialf an acre, more or less, Dated The Dalles, March 31, 189S. JAS. A. HltOWK, Sit., api'J-ll (Juardian. Administrator's Sale. Vntlrfl Is hereby iflven that nndnr niiillivvir. tiie of an order ot tlio county com t of tlio State of Oregon for Wasco county, inarto on the 7th day of Maicli, 1898, the undersigned, ns admin- lstratoi oi tuo esialo oi vt , J, Mollis, deceased, will, from and after Saturday, the 7th day of May, 1S98, proceed to sell tbo real estate bel ng lug to said ettateniid heieluafler more paitlcu jarly deicrlbrd, at private sale. 'Iho terms of sale will bo one-till i 1 iu cash, oue-thlrd on the 1st day of January, 1899. und onu-thlM on tlio 1st duy of January, 1900, with Interest fit b per cent, per annum on the deferred paymciiti,seciircd by mortgage upon me premises. The Uuds and premises above rcfericd to, und winch will be sold us aforesaid, are described as follows; The north hull of tlio northwest oiiarter. the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, aud the northwest quarter of the southwest oiiarter of section 12, in towiiihlp 1 south, range i east, v, 3i,, in nusco county, uregon, continuum ICO Hcrey, The south half of the southeast nuartei. and the south half of the southwest oiiarter in said section, township and range, and containing H'0 acres. Dulles City, Oregon, April 8, 1898. upO.llwJ J. O. MElNs, Administrator. Administrator's Notioe. Notice Is hereby kIvcii that the tinderslirncd bus been appointed by the County Court of thu Slate of Ort'Kon for Wasco County, us adinint- strutor of the estate of OUvn Ksplng, deceased, All persons having claims agulnst said estate ate hereby notified to resent them to me at my office In Tlio Dulles, Oregon, properly verified wiiu me proper voucuers, wituiu six uioutus from the auto of this notice. Dulles city, Oregon, April l, 1898 1.1 AM MICHEI.L, "He Don't Know What He Wants had to give it up," is the way the' refer in most clothing stoves to a man who walks out without buy ing. They are wrong; he does know what he wants; that's the trouble. Men who are hard to please in a clothing stoie are generally good judges of clothing. They have a gift of "spotting" bad fabrics, poor pat terns aud skimpy tailoring. They know how a gar ment should fit. We never complain of such men. Why should we? The' are our best and most appre ciative customers. Out Men's Suits at $7.50 and $10.00 Are some of the arguments we use to convince people of our leadership in value-giving. GOOD SUITS FOR LESS MONEY for those who want them. A. M.WILLIAMS & GO. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes ol farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi ness, for tho improvement of thoir businoss and homo interests, for education, for tho elevation of American manhood and truo womanhood. IT HAS told at tho firosido, interesting and instructive stories of tho doings of tho world, tho nation and states. IT HA3 advised tho farmor as to tho most approvod moth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into tho largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho wolfaro of farmers and villogors, and for over half a century has held thoir confidence and osteom. IT NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBNUE and wo furnish it with tho Somi-Wookly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. 1 1 Aanumsirator. MM m pl'Mi