The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 16, 1898, Image 3

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"Vory Much to tho Good."
..reseept Bieyeles..
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.60 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
Millinery Sale
To JWank the Close of ou JRillineny
Sale We Shall Alloca....
A Discount of 20 per eent
On all TRIMMED HATS purchased at
our store on Friday and Saturday.
fl Olord to the Olise is Sufficient.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL 10, 1898
Fehlitz's Bock Beer at the Midway.
The weather fur tonight and Sunday
is fair. So Bays Pague.
Don't forgot that Kellar keeps the
beat ice cream Boda in the city. tf
Girl wanted to do general housework.
Apply to F. S. Gunning, Fourth street.
Today Charles Clarke left for points in
the interior im a business trip in the in
ternet of the Clarke & Falk Drug Co.
Next Monday the sherifTwUl turn over
about $25,000 to the county treasurer
tbie amount being the taxes collected up
to date.
Since yesterday morning the river rot
ii bout twenty incites, and today it i
coming up at the rate of about one incl
an hour.
The many friends of John Hampshire
will he grieved to iearn that he is con
fined to his room with a severe attack of
A hand of flue porkers are in the stock
yards today. Thoy were brought from
Klickitat county and are for the Colum
bia Packing Co.
Rev. O. D. Talyor has returned, and
will conduct service in the morning at
tho First Baptist church. Thoro will
be no evening service.
Tomorrow Rev. E. P. Hughes of Hills
boro will occupy the pulpit in the Con
gregational church at both morning and
evening services. Everyone is cordially
invited to attend.
A good lot 60x100 on Second street,
with first-class two-story building, well
at ranged for hotel, 300 feet from O. K. &
N. depot. For terms of sale see Butts,
at the office of Dufur & Dulur. tf
Tomorrow Rev. Bronsgeest will be at
the miesion in Kingsley.and his place at
St. Peter's church will bo filled by Rev.
Father Bolla, of Oregon City. Services
will be as usual on Sunday.
A carload of horses wore unloaded and
fed at the stockyards last evening. They
were from Union, Oregon, and will be
distributed along the line of the O. R. &
N. Co., to be used in construction work.
Some splendid chinook salmon ore
being caught at present. Today The
Dalles Commission and Grocery Co. hod
'me which were purchased from Beu
fert Bros., that were as fine as we hove
ever seen.
The bulletin today states that orders
iave been issued to mobilise the army
n tho South. They will be close to
Uba. They will be moved at once to
Clilcamaguo, Now Orleans, Tampa and
Mobile. The senate agrees to vote on
the Cuban question today.
At the time of going to presa yesterday
we did not have the nominees for super
ntendent of public Inslructiou and at
lorney.gcneral. J. H, Ackerioan, of
o tnomab county, aecored the noinl
lon for the former office, while D. R.
N. Blackburn was nominated for attcr-ney-general.
Both men are fully com
petent to fill the positions to which they
are nominated, and will certainly receive
t ie hearty eupport of their party.
Tomorrow evening, beginning at 8
o'clock, a polyglott servje will be held
at the new Lutheran church, consisting
of five minute addesses in English,
German, Norwegian and Swedish. This
Bervice will be interspersed with music
especially prepared for this purpose.
The Baker City fireraeu are practicing
for the Eastern Washington volunteer
firemen's tournament, that will be
held in La Grande in June. The de
partment will have two teams at the
La Grande tournament, sending a
hook and ladder team and one from hose
company No. '.'.
Today two eix-horse-team loads of
wool arrived at the Wasco Warehouse.
It wne brought from Crook county and
is virtually the first w ool of this season's
clip, all that came in to The Dalles
heretofore being pulled wool of an in
ferior quality. This which arrived today
was first-class in every regard.
There is u great change in the appear
once of things around the D. P. & A. N.
wharf today. The wharf boat has been
moved around to the upper side of the
wharf on account of the rapid rais'i in
the river, and woikmen are engaged in
clearing the wharf and makiug all nec
essary preparations for the freshet.
The new Lutheran church will be ded
icated tomorrow, April 17tK7 a' 10 B
ni. Tho Rev. M. L. Zweig, of Port
land, will officiate, and will be assitted
by Reve. Jos. L. Beofes, of Seattle,
H. C. Anda, of Tacomjrf and A. EJlund,
of Aetoriu. A special musical program
has been prepared for tho occasion.
In a letter to a friend here, Dr. Eshel
man states that after a profitable season
in professional work in Chicago he was
about ready to start home and would ar
rive here this evening. Ho will resume
his practice as soon as possible after his
arrival. He states that the weather in
Chicago is quite cool, and at the time of
writing ho saw no signB of approaching
spring. He will be agreeably surprleed
when he gets back among the green hills
of sunny Oregon.
A fine farm in the Willamette valley,
consisting cf 100 acres, four acres in cul
tUa'.Ion; 70 acres slashed, burned and
seeded to timothy j plenty of good water;
200 bearing fruit trees; plenty of small
fruit; ood box hotue and barn; 25
miles east of Oregon City, one-half mile
from good school; 3jt. miles from Leon
poEtolfice, Clackamas county. This
property will be sold cheap or exchanged
for farming land near The Dalles. For
further information see Butte, the real
estate agent.
The soldiers at Fort Spokane are
twenty-five miles from the nearest wire,
which is at Davenport. They are all
packed end readv to move at short
notice, and In the meantime ore eager
to learn the latest war news. A lieuten
ant is sent to Davenport every day from
the fort, ond he takes with him a carrier
pigeon to carry beck the news. Through
the long-distance teleplifmo office he
learns the latest reportsties the bulle
tin to the pigeon andyturns it loose. It
immediately flies to the post, making
fast time. One pigeon made the jour
ney in thirty-five minutes. As the
birds are wildthey cannot be cauuht,
and hence ate shot, and a fresh bird
sent out thehext day.
The Western Packing Company's
abatoir and cannerv at Linnton, which
has been closed down during the winter,
will probably resume operations by the
first of next month. The ranges are be
coming crowded with wild bronchos
feeding on the young grass, and the
horses will soon be in fine condition for
the slaughtering. Last year 9000 horses
were canned and shipped to Europe.
All horses brought to the abatoir are
not killed, however. The best and most
gentle ones are eelected for local use,
and a good number are shipped to the
EaEt, where they at this time of tho
year will find a ready market. The
wildest and least adapted for any other
upe than canned meat are killed.
Coutlnuutlon of the I'revloim Subject
The Church the Urlilo,
The Methodist church was packed
again last night with a most attentive
audience. Mr. Miller sang, by request,
"The Tempest" and later "Tho Good
Shepherd." Both were much enjoyed
by the audience. His singing grows
more and more in favor with the people.
Mr. Miller announced to the audience
that he had not time on Thursday even
ing to finish his theme as he desired, so
would, with their permission, continue
the same last night, and for Sunday
night would speak on "Can I have a
good time and bo a Christian?"
Last night he dwelt almost entirely on
the figure by which the church is rep
resented in the Bible, "the bride,"
Christ, tho bridegroom. He pictured a
most lovely marriage scene, with its
solemn vows and obligations. He re
called tho words of the betrothed as re
corded by Hosea, "I will betroth thee
unto mo forever; yea, I will betroth
thee unto me in lighteousnets and in
judgment, and In loving kindness and
in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto
me in faithfulness, and thou shalt know
the Lord." As the whole world expects
fidelity, constancy, devotion and unity
in the marriage relations, so God and
the world expect these same qualities of
life and action from the church, There
fore its members ore not at liberty to
join hands with the world In its pleas
ures, and if thiy do so, they lose stand
ing as being godly and Christ-like,
Quoting James Jv:4, "Know ye not that
the friendship of tho world is enmity
against God?" His position wbb well
taken, and well sustained by frequent
Bible quotations.
Tho meeting closed with an altar ser
vice. Quite a number signified their
desire to lead a Christian life.
To Cure a Cold tu Out Day,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tie money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
One '95 Ladies' Cleve- 6f)fl
land Wheel tyfU
Two '97 Eagle Wheels jjjjj
One '9G Cleveland.. . (Qfl
Gent's Wheel full
One '95 Eagle Gent's ftflfl
Wheel fdU
One '97 Boy's Eagle
One '97 Girl's Eagle QD
Wheel fUU
In order to make room for
our new slock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
To Those CjniliiK to Aluftku or the Klon
dike Gol.l KltliU.
One thing should be impressed upon
evey miner, prospector or trader com
ing to Alaska, to the Klondike or the
Yukon country, and that is the necessity
for providing an adequate and proper
food supply. Whether procured in the
States, iu the Dominion, or at the sup
ply stores here or further on, this must
be his primary concern. Upon the man
ner in which the miner has observed or
neglected this precaution more than any
other one thing will his success or fail
ure depend.
These supplies must be healthful and
should be concentrated, but the most
careful attention in the selection of foods
that will keep unimpaired indefinitely
under all tho conditions which they will
have to encounter is imperative. For
instance, as bread raised with baking
powder must be relied upon for the chit f
part of every meal, imagine tho help
lessness ot a miner with a can of spoiled
baking powder. Buy only the very best
lour; it is the cheapest in the end. Ex
perience has Bho'.vn tho Royal Baking
Powder to be the most icliable, and the
trading companies now uniformly sup
ply this brand, at others will not keep
In this climate. Be sure that the bucou
is sweet, sound and thoroughly cured.
Tliete are the abeoluto necessities upon
which all must place a chief reliance,
and can under no circumstances be neg
lected. They may, of course, be supple
mented by ue many comforts or delica
cies as die prospector may bo able to
pack or deeire to pay for. From the
AlasVa Miniug Journal.
A book of receipes for all kinds of
cookery, which is specially valuable for
use upon the trail or in the camp, is pub
lished bv tho Royal Baking Powder Co.
of New York. The receipes aro thor
oughly practical, and the methods are
carefully explained, so that the inex
perienced may, with its aid, readily pre
pare everything requisite for n good,
wholesome meal, or even dainties, if lie
has the uecessary materials. The mat
ter is in compact though durable form,
tho whole book weighing but 2 ounces.
Under a special arrangement, this book
will be sent free to miners or others who
desire it. We would recommend that
everyono going to tho Klondike procuro
a copy. Address the Royal linking Pow
der Co., New York,
Janet Walilotf.
The Santa Clara exchange has the fol
lowing to say of Monday night's play :
"Ingomar" is a spirited play, full of
inspiring scenes and strong situations
and wns presented In an admirable man
ner. Miss Waldorf is an accomplished
actress and u credit to her profession,
She i9 now on the ladder of success, and
in a few yours from now the writer pre
dicts she will rank among tho most
famous exponents of the dramatic art
in America. Graceful and yet firm, she
was an ideal Parthenia, Here in not
mere acting, it was tho personification
of realism, Win. McVny, the leading
The Wheel that sells
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
man, should not bo overlooked, as he
did some excellent acting, and his faith
ful Impersonation of "Ingomar" will
long be remembered by those who wit
nessed his splendid rendition."
The Waldorf company presents "In
gomar" and "The Hunchback" to the
theater-goers of The Dalles on Monday
and Tutsday evenings, April 18th and
I.adlcn, Attention!
Call at the office of tho Klckapoo In
dian medicine company, in the Baldwin
opera house building, and get full in
formation in regard to their wonderful
female specifics. Thoy have indorse
ments from some of the leading medi
cine men of tho world. Thirty-days'
treatments 50 cents; three months'
treatment $1.
Headache Prom Bye Strain.
A high authority says that "Eye strain
causes more headache than all other
causes combined." From this fact it
follows that thousands of people are suf
fering from headache, who do not real
ize that the cause is n defect or weak
ness in the eyes. They may havo taken
medicines without getting relief, or
they may have sufl'ered thinking there
is no remedy.
All theso cases can bo perfectly cured
with glasses that will correct tho error
iu the eyes, and retain sight by consult
ing P. G. Pant, tho optician, two doors
west of Keller's Bakery. tf
A Fact.
No ono need hesitato to purchase the
Kickapoo Indian remedlee, as thoy are
reliable. The Kickapoo company has
always enjoyed the very beat reputation
f jr reliability and equaro dealing. Their
remedies ore sold by all druggists, and
were handled by the druggists in The
Dalles Ion before the coming of their
advertising company, now occupying
tho Baldwin opera house. Ask your
druggists for Kickapoo Indian remedies.
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef
fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow
els, preventing fevers, headaches, and
other farms of sickness. For salu in CO
cent bottles by all loading druggists.
Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
Tho Waldorf Company in "Ingomar"
and "Tho Hunchback" at the Vogt
opera honen on April 18 and 10.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It was made lor.
Oillco over Unit Nut. Iluiik.
Fresh and the first
j of the season at the
! Boer.
at an honest price.
have strictly First-Class
J. T. Peters & Co,
For an Indefinite
Free to adults, except announced'
dates, when special billB are given.
Reserved Eeats each evening for ladies
and escorts without extra charge.
Entire change of program each night..
Happy Bride !b sho whoso friends
have had the good taste to bestow silver
upon her as a wedding gift. Nothing;
nioro appropriate, nothing moro accept
able, nothing more useful. "A thing of
beauty and a joy forever." Our stock,
qf silvorware is complete.
1. C. Nickelsen
Book & OHisie Company,
Jtooms In Mrs', Drlttln'h Lodging House.
A bjileniltil lUbortment ol Vi'ge
tnulo, Uurduit mul Uuis Smls In "WTWI
Hulk. Brat Wheat, Seed Oats, Hh
Htt'rt Hnilvy, Seed Hml Uyo.
Oil Mcitl Cnku unit KerltlUerr
Ilco Hitiiplk'u, Kurly Itiv-u I'otti
Men. hluvun Units of llrst links
Bi'cil Corn. I'miltry mut Egtfst
bought 'mul Mild lit
J. H. CROSS' n
Clicup Cutli (tracery mill IVcd
ritoro, Ht'cuml nnit Union fits,