.XVlBlBlBMU alBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlB. ONG BNIOYS Both tho method and results when Svntp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispelB colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of "its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most leal thy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it -to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrei) of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who "wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FHS SYRUP CO. SAM FRAKCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE. AT. HEW YORK, K.Y. The Dalles Daily GM&?& THE DALLES, OlSEOOX r PERSUXAL MENTION Ir. Watts, of Dnfur, is in the city. J. B. "Maury and Bon ot Grass Valley .are in the city. j X. P. O'Brien and sail, of Dufur are in ; tbe city today. Walter Johns went below on the Spo kane fiver today. Dr. Deitrich is in the city from his home at Dnfur. John L. Holiingshead of Antelope ie at the Umatilla. A.. S. Hembre is in the city from hie P iiomc at Grass Valley. William Heisler, one of Dufur'e citi zens, is in the city on business. Miss May Enripht came down from Wasco ye6terday to hear Warde in "Virgiuius" last evening. James Wilson, of this city, who has been in San Francisco for several weeks, returned home last evening. Mr. G. Siebold, who has been visitug Judge Liebe during the past week, left on last evening's east-bound train. Tn this city, on Friday, April 15:h, to the wife of C. M. Thompson, a daugh ter. Advertised Leiter. Following is the liet of letters remain ing In the posloffic? at The Dalles un called for April 15, 1B9S. Persat s calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Creigbton, Chas i i Burch, J A Bowman, Clark Barr Chae Dennis, Jas Edwards, J E Green, Cleuiinie Hansen, Herman Horn, Alvina iSIartin, Emma Merrifield, Jesse Mclntire, Chas T McCarthy, Mrs May MuKellar, Mies Ella Per ham, M I Booper, Harrv Smith, A B Wilson, Ltura J. A. Ci:oh8e.s-. iJrown, G fi .Darniel, Jas Doyle, Mrs D S :Fra9er, Mrs Jessie .Harris, Mrs W H Hoover, M G Keyser, Jno J -Marshal!, E J McMillan, Jas 31cEnerny, T 2Hetttnonds, J P Park, Mat liay, Sadie Straight, Wm "Wright, Annie "'A word to tbe wise is sufficient" and a. word from the wise should be suf ficient, but you ask, wiio are tbe wise? Those who know. The oft repeated ex perience of trustworthy persons may be j taken for knowledge. Mr. W.M.Terry eays Chamberlain's Congh Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug business nt Elkton, Ky., for twelve 3'cart; has sold hundreds of bottles of i ibis remedy and nearly nil other cough j snedicin'.-fi manufactured, which shows conclusively that Chamberlain's is the j most satisfactory to the people, end is j be best. For sale by Blakeley A Iloaghtcn. V,fl A. C. fituuling & Bon bare hy IwM'aiMl tea rotes, three and four years M sill'(enli; yonng roses In bud at li maa ar two for -5 cent ; carnations ml Vnauis, two for 25 cents ; white and fallow marguerites; heliotropes, gera mkimms and ftuchias at 5 cents and up. Paatie? 2f etfl. per dceen. -1-wlmdlw 9 am m Cmia U On Dmy. ittiamMaamo Quinine TaL- I itmnlrlf refund tie money If tbty U ta amra. Jfe. ENGLISHMAN Or riC.V.ANCE. Sir Ediria Aruntil'n Lite In tbe Flow cry Kingdom. Sir Edwin Arnold, who legalized his union with n famnaiine; .inpai:cse widow by an KnjrHsh marriage serv. v in London recently, was always corus politan in his ideas. Surely no Ecrish- tnnti born tnd bred has ever sum Jed in liieryinp bis own intliv!1iia!ity into tlsat of p'her pcc;!e's r.s the authtr of "The I.itrbT of Asia" and "The Lijrht cf the Wltl" ha done. When he vat in in hi younu days his work sbcwp-1 hi intent sympathy with the lhirdhists. and in the prsfnee to "The L.srUt cf Asia" he wrote: "This liook was wrr..ca by one who loved India and thp Irdiar. people." Tor two score of years he was "Eng- 1 Hsh to the core of his heart in the cdi I torials he wrote for the London TKi- graph, ard in lsDO he came to America, seemed quite able to understand us (as few of his countrymen eou'd do), and then he went on to Japan and immedl-t ately began to live a la Jananais. i He lived in a nutivt house, left h's , shoes at his door, slept on a thick quilt and, they say. cte in true Japanese fiyle. In his bedroom he had a cheap European washstand. two Japnnes? chests cf drawers of white wood ard blank iron work, end the usual sliding cupboard, into which bh bed was pi: when it was rolled up in ".he daytime.' The wa!is cf the room were of tissue paper panels powdered with si'vrr maple leaves, and a clear glass belt ran around the room "at a height incendu cive to prcnr:ety,"a one correspondent . of the day remarked. The drawing-room was glass paneled from door to ceiling, and the only thing in the whole house that hinted at other civilisations was an American stove, which stood in one of the corners. j With such suTTour.dlr.cs it is not much wonder that the impressionable poet found himself iroing through the ceremony of tea drinking with his charming companion of the hour, and that he was content to accept the cere-; mony as a bona fide marriage is tribute ; to his kinship with genius that since j the world beiran has ever flaunted a ! little the staid laws and regulations that j ordinary folks find necessary to com-; fortable existence. j It was in Japan, by the way, that Sir Edwin began "The Lirht of the World," and, indeed, completed it, too, uurinc nis stay oi severa: years. ou- nuelphia r.ecnrd. Cah in lour Checks. . , conutv warrants regisiereu prior to Jan. 3, 1S94, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after March. 17. 1RQc p t pTTTTt,B lo"- t,. riiiLurs, wuuui, .tv.b. . Ask your Druggist for a geaaroas 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious dra?. It U quickly Abcorbed. Gives Iieiief at once. the Faiiasw. f fll fi Iftl H F L fl AUays inflammation. ' r Tleals and Protects tfce Membrane. Hestore the Senses of Taste and fcir.eU. Full Size Sue : Tr ju a I , (j. . a. r.. n ... . -.tl . ELX BBOl'HEliii. 4 Wn5t Street, Hew Tort J-JUS- GElSENHOltFFEIt & Kl'EDV, Physicians aiid Sur2:eons, Special attention given to surgery. Booms 21 nud 22, Tel. 32 Wt Block Cigars. Wny do we retail more Cigars than othert? Wbv do smokers CO OUt of their way , , . , , ' and pass cigars of the same grade? J , Not because we bave better cienre , or better brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. j Why, because we have the finest ci-, gar case in the state and keep our cigars in better condition. Snipas-KInersly Drug Co. (Qticura WORKS Wonders bi cariaf tortiurJag, dlrffuriag, liiBiiMatiaa: kmrnor of the Skla. Scalp, smd Mwi whea ail c!ss faato. aU IkraackMt tat vcrU. IV.. Crriesu, aV. oar, tic. I BuotTur, U'k. vzi $'.. JVrri Dm AMP Ciu. Coar So'a Vnt-. two. mr"How to Can ETtry SUSj3rb Casr," fcm i "IRONING MADE fe R .5 jt ft STARCH DPm iidpc Kin rvwiwn MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS AS WHEN FlKST BOUGHT HEW ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH W'iLL GO AS FAR AS A POUND OF ANY OTHER L y.C.HUBINGER lav l-..... . I ... .. LI COPYRIGHTED This starch isprepared on ncientific principles bv men who havo bad years of practical ospcrienc in fancy laundering. Il restores old linen nnd summer dresses tr- tliolr natural whiteness and imparts n lieautlful and lnstins finish. Jt is tho only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless, containing neither nrscnic, mum or any other substance injurious to linen end can bo lued ercn for a buby povder. For sale by all wholesale 'and retail grocers. NOTICE OF FILING PLATS. U. S.Lakd OrriCE. 1 The Dalle. On, April S. '9S.f Notice is hereby Riven that the an-' i proved plat of survey of Township 12, ! South, llange 26 East "of the Willamette , this othee an I twil le otlicialiy hied in this offlse on Saturday, the 23tn day of .u.,m, m iuuciwMi.ui. Ja.s. F. Mooke. Register. W. H liir.OE Receiver. ! , , . Thousands of suuererj from grippe !,,.). rBatn.cA n t.oalt. l.v rw i .......... i Minute Couch Cure. It quickiv cures , , ...... coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, tnd ail throat and lung diseases. Snipeg-Kinersly Drug Co. At tbe Eat End Feed Yard. Harper Bros., of the East End feed j yard have a thoroughbred Jersey bull, ' which they will stand for the Mason at the feed yards. For terms apply to the j above. aprl2 lm Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room 14, Vogt block, over the post-1 office. rnlT-Um A fresh lot of cauliflower, cabbage, sweets, oranges and lemons at Conimis iSion & Grocery Co.'s. Olierjiiuen, Attention! Clarke & Falk have securod the ; agency for the L3 Plata Sheep Dip. i il:xes instantiv with cold water. DeWitf Littie Early Risers, Tbe Idmuui I) tl.- mils. Postnm Cerial Food Coffee at Com mission fi Groceiy Co.'s. tf When you smoke the Rose Queen 5. cent cigar vou get your money's worth. tf ST. GERMAIN: IFEMALE PILLS The onlr orliclual and seoutnc frencli-I'e- ' male l;culatr, of Mme h Germain. I'arln, L'nsurpaksed an being tale, ure, and reliable iu I every cde. fcold uuder poaltiv euarnntee or money refunded. Get tbe genuine. 1'rice 11.00 tr ix by mail, bole agent for the ruited 157 n inure nu taunun. winwri WatthlDgtuu St , Chicago. Patronize the ' All kind of work. White 6blrU a meclalty. Family work nt reduced rte. Wnh collected and delivcicd free, Telephone No. 119. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker! Jeweler All work promptly atttsdwl to, a ad wsnulat. 174 VOGT BLOCK Troy LAUNDRY. r9 r'0v STIFF AND NICE AND A HALF STARCH. BR0S.C9 ...... -.... .4 Dalles, Mora and Antelope STAGE LINE. Thrnueh hv c!v!lcnt vi& Cttass Vulli'V. Kent ; KUC ro nouoiv&. i douglas allen, The Dalle C. M. niTELAW, Antelope. , i EtaRC leave The Dalles irom Umntllla House i at T a. m.. alM from Anteloiic at ":'J0 a. m. every ' .Monday, WvdneMlny nnd Friday. Connection ! mde at Anteloi for J'rincviUc Jiitchell and i P"1.?" w-T.ona:. '-owe .ni.ecunns maaeui i nc Liaues wim railway, uauis nua ixmus. I Stages from Antelope rea-h The Dalles Tu ' uays. inuri-uavs ana naiuruays a: i:su n. ra. RATES. OT FAKE. Dulles to Deschutes do iloro do Grass Valley do Kent do CnMs Hollow Antelope to Cross Hollows . . . do Kent do Gra Valley do Morn do JteftChnec do Dalles ..II ro ' h . .' S 00 .. 4 SO . . 1 SO ..aw .. 3 00 5 CO Bicycle sundries, fishing tackle, guns, rifles and revolvers ut Maier fc Benton's. WeeklyTnter Ocean iWl LJRGEST CIRCULATION OF AKY J It is radically Republican, advocating tbe cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earnestness, Jtj jt i THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clean and as a Tbe Literature ot iti columns is equal to that of tbe best maga zines. It is Interesting to the chil dren as well as tbe parents. THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, anawhile it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. il.flfl-MlftF flic nni Ml wna, nvkban ran t win fiivv THTE DA1LT ATOSOTOATSmOHS 0T THE W TEK 0CZAR AKX BEST OF TKEIB KSIS. J'rlco oriinliy by mall $4.00 per year I'rioe or Sunday by mall is 00 iter year Daily and Huixlny by mall ., $0.00 pr year Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, 1t"l kSd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. Tola Flour use; every n j1! our g00d" ,0WfrlthM y b?e Io the trade, and if yon don't tbmk to call and get our price and be convinced. " Highest Priow Paid for Wlmt, Barley and Oats. ..CHAS. F-RBHK" Butehcns and Farmcns ..Exchange. Keep on itMUKht the celebrated coi.t'iiniA nr.t:i. nck-nowi. edged the liost !r in Tlio Iiallcs, nt the UMinl prire. ronie In, try It niul lie rot vinrrit. AIo the Finot brands of H'lnjj, Uijuors nud Cigar. Sandwiches ot alt Kinds chwiya on hand. Regulator Line The Dalles, ForlM il Astoria Navigation Co.' Regulator I ) allesCity FREIGHT AND PASSENUtR LINE BKTWEEX The Dulles, Hoixl Iilver, Ca'cnde I-ocks and Tort land daily, c" Sunday. DOWN THE VALLEY Od TO ( EASTERN OREGON ? Are vou going 1 ! If o, ae money and enjoy a icautl(ul trip on ' the Columbia. The weM-bound trnltt arrivi- ot , The Dalles in ample time for pasenper to take the Mcamer, arrlvtuB in l'ortland in time for the , map) uB soutncni nna ftonnyrn iraini; tasi bound pas-seiigcrs arriving In Tbe Da(let in time to btkc the Kaxt-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. HAKKY. Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland. Orccon, Or W C. ALLAWAV, Gen. A(rt., The JlalleH, Oresou Wanted. Atthe Diamond Mills, Good nulling wheat, f paid. The highest price mchlC-tf. POLITICAL PiPER IH THE WEST 5 I J JBut it can always be relied on 9 for fair and honest reports of all po- S Utical movemtatsJtjtjtjtjijjjtJl OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. 1 am mem vcaai nn 11 manufactured expretily for family iiack it guaranteed to give satisfaction. s 1 eM N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. H s Pullman Elegont Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. VAVl. MtNNKAPOM IHJI.UTH t- A KOO Olt.VXI t'lllt CK()OKSTO WINNirKO HELENA an ttCTTK TO Through Tickets CHICAGO WAHH1NOTON NKtV VUKK ItOSTON AND ALL 1'OINTH EAST and SOUTH i For ltilnrmr.tlnn, time rarfis, mapt aui ttcfccu, ; cal on or write to j W. C. AI.LAWAY. Acent, I The iMlk-n, Orecoa j A. D. CHAKLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 'lib, JIorrion Cor. Third. i'ortUail Oreson EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tralin. leave nud ore due to arrive at 1'ortUt, f OVEKI.AND EX-1 j I ureso. Salem. Koiie-1 burR, Anhlmid, Sne- ' ramenlo, Ugden.iiau 1 Franciaen, Mojave.f i Un AtiRele,El 1'ano, j New urleatm and 1 1 0:00 i' ,M.j ! I Eat J i i JloMiiiure and war fta-. sl-tloim h;30 A. J'. M Daily except Buudayt. fla Woodburu for Unlly except buuduyi ! .Ml. :.Ai!vel. miv,.rtnn. I ' Went bcio, Browiu- I vllle.SjirlngUeld and 1 1 Natron j I 17:30 A. il. ICorvallU and wayj (KtHtlOUl j Ml' M INUEl'fNUKN'CE VASSENGEIt. Expres traiu Kail y (except suiidny. l;S0p. m. I.v. . .Portland ...Ar.) &-23i. m T:3 p.m. Ai McMlnnville l.v. o.Wa.ic h:so p. in. (Ar .IndeK'iidence..l.v ) l.tOa m 'Daily. tUally, except sunaar. DINING CARS'ON 00 DEN KOUTE. ITLIJIAN BUFFET SLEEI'EKo AND KECOND-CLAS5 ELEEi'INO CARS Attached tu all Through Tialus. Direct connection athan hrnncltco with Occl dental and Oriental and l'nclllf mail Kteauulilp Iliiei, for JAl'A.S and CHINA. Folllne (late on u plication. Kates and tickets to Eattern tK)litU and Eu rope. AUoJAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLCU' ud ACBTKAEIA. can be obtained from J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent. TbroURh Ticket Oflice, 134 Third Ktreet. where through tlcketH to nil oinU in the Kuttern Httt, Canada und Europe can be obtained at lowest ratvH from J. 1). KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above tridlia arrive nt und depart ltoir Grand Central fetation. Fifth nnd Irrmi; trvet YAMHILL, 1UV1H10N. ratkcngcr Depot, foot of Jedernou ttrcet. U-ave for OSW'EOO, dally, excejit gunday. ' 7:l-0 a. in.; 1J:.'M, 1.5S, 5:15, C:a, :! p. m. (nnd 11 p. in. ou Haturday only, and !:L) a. in and 3:30 ii. m. ou bundayi only). Arrive at Portland dally at 6:40 and e ;30 a m.i and 1:3j, 4:15, C:a)aud7:&5p. m., (and 10:i u. in, 315 6:10 p. tu. ou ouudays only). Leave for Sheridan, week days, l 1 :30 p. ra Arrive nt l'ortluud, 0:30 a. la, Leave for A1K1.1E on Monday, tVedtiendny aud frbiav nt9:loa. m. ArriVf at l'ortland, Tue- dav, Thtirday and Snturdaj it 3:05 p. m. Except bunday. "Excqit Saturday. II. KOKllI.EIt, (Til. MAKKHAM, JlanuuTr AmI. 0. F. I'as. Act NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-Jl-WEEK EDITION- 18 1'ajcei a Week. 100 Taper u Vcor It Hands first ninong "weekly' Ia'a iu eize, frequency of publication freeliuesB, varleti and reliability of cor. tente; It ie practically a daily nt the low price o a weekly ; and its vaet net oi ubflcribere, extending to every state ana territorv of the Union nnd foreign coun triee, will vouch for the accuracy an" fairness of ile newe columns. It is eplendidly Illustrated, and among lie special features are a tine humor page, cxhaustlvo market retiorts, u,e latest fashion for women and a ion series of stories by tbe greatest living American and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jarome K. J"""'' Htanlrr WtrwtN; Mry K. itklut AMtbttSy Hom, rt llarte, ttraiHUr alauhewf . Ktc. We offer this unequaled oewepai "J The DalleaTwioe-a-Week Chronicle to getber om year for fif.OO. Tlie regular price 01 me two papers w t-w.