The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 15, 1898, Image 3

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Clearance Sale
"Very Much to the Good."
..reseept Bieyeles..
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.60 to $50.00.
JVTillinery Sale
To JVIattk the Close of our jviillinety
Sale We Shall flllouu....
A Discount of 20 penent
On all TRIMMED HATS purchased at
our store on Friday and Saturday.
R UXord to the GUise is Sufficient,
The Dalles Dail Chronicle. J
Fit I DA Y - - AI'KIL 15, 1B9B 1
PchliU's Bock Beer at the Midway.
Weather for tonight and Saturday,
Don't forget that Kellar keeps the
beet ice cream soda in tbe city. tf
Girl wanted to do general lioueework.
Apply to F. S. Gunning, Fourth etreet.
The Jacobsen Hook & Music Co.
(hipped a large consignment of pianos
to Grant county yesterday.
Today's bulletin eays it is bard to eay
when the war resolutions will be passed
by the senate, as a long debate is prom
ised. Saturday may bring the result.
The river raised about twelve inches
from 6 o'clock last evening until this
morning, and from all indications will
continue to come up rapidly for a time.
A good lot 50x100 on Second street,
with first-class two-story building, well
airanged br hotel, 300 feet from O. 11. &
". depot. For terms of sale see Butts,
at the olliee of Dufur & Duiur. tf
On account of the raise in the river,
work is being rushed on the new ferry,
boat and wood scow, which are under
couree of construction on the bench, and
iu a short time they will be in shape to
' be floated.
1. II. Tatfe and Seufert Bros, have
started their wheels at Celilo, but as yet
are making a light catch. But few sal
mon have come Into the river yet, since
no catches of importance are reported
either on the upper or lower river.
The pleasant temperature which we at
present enjoy is not only favorable for
the growing crops, but the sheepmen are
also profiting by it, for better weather
could not be desired for spring lambs,
rid it is alsa good for shearing and dip
ping. Next Sunday evening, beginning at 8
o'clock, a polyglott service will be held
t the new Lutheran church, consisting
five minute addressee in English,
German, Norwegian and Swedish. This
ervice will be lnterepersed with music
specially prepared for this purpose
In yesterday's issue we stated that
Key. 0. D. TayLr would return to this
city oq last evening's boat. In this we
tore misinformed, as be will not arrive
until tonight. This morning the mem
bers of his family left on the Dalles City
to meet him, and will return with him
on tonight's boat.
The now Lutheran church will be ded
icated next Sunday, April 17th, at 10 a.
n. The Kov. M. L. .wezlg, of Tort
'nd, will ofllclate, and will be assUted
by HbVd. Jos. L. Bootes, of Seattle,
I. 0. Anda, of Tacoma, and A. Edlund,
of Astoria. A special musical program
"as been prepared for the occasion.
Tlie brickwork is finished on the ad
dition to the rear of Blakeley & Hough
ton'e drugstore, and In a short time work
n the interior of the building will com
tofciice. The building will be differently
arranged, large skylights will be put in
and on the whole the structure will be
in keeping with the extensive wholesale
and retail business that this firm trans
acts. Last evening everyone who was pres
ent as the Vogt went wild over the su
perb tragedy of Sheridan Knowles, "Vir
ginius." On the evening of the 18th an
other of Knowles' masterpieces will be
put on at the Vogt by none other than
the accomplished Jenet Waldorf with a
strong company. The charges will be
75 and 50 cents; children, 25 cents.
All preparations are completed for the
Red Men's excursion on May 8th. It iB
expected that it will toke at least thirty
cars to carry all who desire to take ad
vantage of this opportunity to visit The
Dalles, and a lively time is looked for
ward to. The last excursion of the Red
Men was a pleasant event and a success
in every particular, and there is no rea
son why this should not be the same.
News was received in this city yester
day of the accidental shooting of a little
sou of Katie Dunn at the Stegman place
in tbe Klickitat valley. It seems that
someone was taking the gun down fioin
the wall and dropped it on the table,
discharging the same. The load took
effect in the little boy's side and killed
him instantly. Mrs. Dunn ie the widow
of Dunn who was killed about three
years ago by a man named Greene, near
The delegates to the Republican State
Convention and the successful candi
dates will return on the 5:30 train to
morrow. They will be met at the train
by the and and the representative men
of their party in this city, who will cele
brate the occasion by an ovation. Many
of the business houses will close between
5 and 0 in order to allow their employes
to attend. The candidates will be met
at the depot by the band and conveyed
to the Umatilla House, where speeches
will be made.
A Fuel.
No one need hesitate to purchase the
Kickapoo Indian remedies, as they are
reliable. The Kickapoo company has
always enjoyed tbe very best reputation
for reliability and square dealing. Their
remedies are sold by all druggists, and
were handled by the druggists iu The
niiP Inn before the coming of their
advertising company, now occupying
the Baldwin opera house, ask your
druggifts for Kickapoo Indian remedies.
W"H K NT 1 1 A V Kb 1 S U
Whether on pleaeure bent or business,
tako on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleaenntly and ef
fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow
els, preventing fevers, headaches, and
other forms of sickness. For sale In 50
cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by the California ig
Syrup Co. only.
I To IH'iit.
Seven-room house below the bind'.
Enquire of A. S. Mac Alllster, Chronicle
oflieo. , ..
Try Scathing Iict fu and IMuc vw'
Stormy Session the Candidates
Are l'lRcetl In the Field.
A Bpecial received after going to prees
last evening stated the credential com
mittee majority report favored seating
the Simon faction, and when the motion
to adopt the minority report seating the
Mitchellites was lost, the latter walked
out, followed by sympathizers. The
Multnomah breech was said to bo seri
ous at this time. Outside of tnis, noth
ing has been heard concerning the feel
ings existing between the two faction?.
The nominations are as follows:
F. A. Moore was nominated by ac
clamation for supreme judge.
T. T. Geer, of Marion, received the
nomination for governor.
Next came tbo nomination for state
treasurer. Three nominations were
made, they being W. T. Wright, of
Union, R. Alexander, of Umatilla, and
Charles S. Moore, of Klamath. Two
ballots were taken, and the last resulted
as follows: Moore ICG, Alexander 115,
Wright 4; which gave the nomination
to Moore.
A. M. Crawford, of Douglas, F. I.
Dunbar, of Clatsop, C. A. Johns, of
Baker, and I. N. Sanders, of Union,
were named for secretary of state. Three
ballots were taken, and the third re
sulted iu Dunbar's nomination.
W. H. Leeds, of Jackson, was nomin
ated for state printer.
At the time of going to press, the re
sult of the nominations for attorney
general and superintendent of public
instruction had not been received.
I.t Night' ICevlval Meeting;.
The theme at the Methodist church
last night was, Can I dance, play cards,
attend theaters, etc., and be a church
member? Mr. Miller said: "Until re
cently this has been a subject for my
afternoon meetings, as I address it to
church members. Whenever persons
present themselves as candidates for
church membership they profess and
are supposed to be Christians. By their
own act they renounce the world, the
flesh and the devil."
Mr. Miller quoted Leviticus xx :22-27
inclusive, Deut. x:12-22, and Deut.
xviii :9-13. s bowing how God required
of Israel that they "love him and keep
his charge, and his statutes and his
iudements and his commandments al
way." Turning to the New Testament
he found the rule of life and conduct In
II Cor. vi:ll-18; Rom. xll:l-2; bt.
John xv:10j xvii:14, and 1 John i.
After these scripture readings he con
tlnued: "These are worldy amuse
ments j none would bo so bold as to call
them Christian. Jesus said: 'Ye are
the light of the world.' He nlso save
the world Is in darkness. It is a self
evident fact that light aud darkness can
not be in the eamo place ut the same
time. No more can a Christian bo of
the world and of Christ tit thosamo
time, 'If any man be in Christ ho Ih a
new creature ;' 'his delight Is in the law
of the Lord.' "
Tho Invitation was given to rise for
One '95 Ladies' Cleve- Qfl
land Wheel tyfU
Two '97 Eagle Wheels jjjjj
One '96 Cleveland.... iQfl
Gent's Wheel fOU
One '95 Eagle Gent's (Of)
Wheel iflU
One '97 Boy's Eagle QD
Wheel FUU
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
prayers, and then those who desired to
retire were permitted to do so. Several
came to the altar when these had re
tired. He then asked some in the audi
ence to come and shake hands. Again
otherB knelt at the altar, and these were
dismissed. Still the people lingered,
and he made a third call, when two
seekerB presented themselves. Aa it
was late, he again dismissed the audi
ence, and, apparently with reluctance,
they left.
The subject for tonight will be, "Can
I be a Ciiristian and have n good time?"
No service Saturday. Sunday there
will be reception of members and the
ordinance of baptism. B.
Coming; Attractions.
On next Monday and Tuesday even
ings, April 18th and 19th, the celebrated
Janet Waldorf and her superb company
will present 'Ingomar, the Barbarian,'
and "The Hunchback" to the theater
goers of The Dalles, and two snlcndid
performances are anticipated. The
Portland Oregouian pays the following
graceful tribute to Miss Waldorf and her
superb acting:
"The Waldorf company appeared at
the Marquam Grand opera house ycBter-
day evening and presented Mary Lov-
ell's classic and romantic drama of "In
gomar, the Barbarian." It is to be re
gretted that the theater was not crowd
ed, as (he production was the best that
has been given this season Tho audi
ence, however, became enthused with
the performance and the applause was
appreciative, timely and generous.
"The company and star, Miss Janet
Waldorf, are new to the histrionic
world, and were not known to our peo
pie, although the press notices were
highly commendatory to the attraction
" 'Ingomar' Is one of thoee plays that
never grow old, and those who witness
it onco go again and again. It is a mas
terpiece of dramatic interest, and the
story is a dream of all that U good and
ennobling ic the histrionic art of hold
ing the mirror up to nature. This is
Mis9 Waldorf's first season aa a star.
She has achieved in a few yeart' study
what has taken other actresses years to
accomplish. She is gifted in form and
feature with a handsomo presence and is
graceful to a marked degree, As Par
thcula, the Greek maiden, who went far
into barbaric wilds to find her father
aud seek his ransom, sho mado a delight
ful picture by her artlessness, uaivette
and gentle speech. Tho transformation
she wrought in the barbaric chieftain,
with his uncouth ways and rough speech,
to that of a lovesick swain, was a subtle
bit of dramatic art. Miss Waldorf is
young and has iv brilliant future before
her j sho is talented beyond her years
and U destined to occupy a prominent
position in the dramatic liriuament,
"Mr. MuVey pluycd Ihepaitof Ingo.
mar, tho barbarian chief tain, and shared
tho honors of the evening witli Waldorf.
He is n superb aytor aud luii made a
most pleasing impression.
"The remainder of the cast was in ex
cellent hands, Little is icqnired of them,
but they gave MIes Waldorf excellent
New Ideas at
The Wheel that sells
5 Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
Warde In Vlrclnlus."
A rither small andience greeted Fred
erick Warde at the Vogt last night. In
deed, when we consider the greatness of
the man in the role lie played, we can- j
not but feel surprised that he did not ,
have a crowded house. Were it any or
dinary theatrical performance, we would
have been forced to Eay that it was well
attended; but we are surprised whpn
wo think how seldom such an opportu
nity ia presented to us, that so few took
advantage of it.
Warde in "Vireinius" i
beyond our
power of description. Ir
fa moment he
passes from melancholy t
rage to kind
from sorrow to joy, frqr
ness and affection, and carries his audi
ence with him.
His support is good throughout. In
fact, some of those he has with him are
artists, and, on the whole, the perform
ance probably surpassed anything The
Dalles has had in this line for a long
When during the eveningAIr. Warde
answered a curtain call, he was present
ed with a beautiful bouquet with tho
compliments of his brotner Elks, to
which he responded in i manner that
won tho audience at once, and made tho
heart of every Elk beat witli a trua
brotherly feeling.
IlenilHche From Eyo Strain.
A high authority says that "Eyo strain
causes more headache than all other
caiiEcs combined." From this fact it
follows that thousands of people are suf
fering from headache, who do not real
ize that the cause is a defect or weak
ness in tho eyes. They may have taken
medicines without getting relief, or
they may have suffered thinking there
is no remedy.
All these cases can be porfectly cured
with glasses that will correct the error
in the eyes, and retain sight by consult
ing P. G. Daut, tho optician, two doors
west of Keller's Bakery. tf
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get
up iu tho moining as fast as you can,"
the druggist recognized a household
name for "DeWiU's Little Early RIsera"
and gave him a bottle of those famous
little pills for constipation, sick head
ache, liver aud stomach troubles.
Snlpe3 Kinorsly Drug Co,
The Waldorf Company in "Ingomar"
and "The Hunchback" at tho Vogt
opera house on April 18 and 10,
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DuWitt'n Little
Early Klsura cleanse the liver, euro con mid nil stomach and liver
troublo. .Snipcs-Kliiurily Drug Co.
A t 1UK.M.1 H .VI I..VH ,
T1IH IMU.Krt. OltKfiO.N
Olllco oyt-r I'libtKnt. Hunk,
I Fresh and the II ret
O of the teason at the
every point.
at an honest price.
J. T. Peters & Co,
For an Indefinite
Free to adult?, except announced
dates, when special bills aro given.
Reserved Eeats each evening for ladieB
and escorts without extra charge.
Entire change of program each night.
Happy Biido is she whose friends
liavo had the good taste to bestow silver
upon her aa a wedding gift. Nothing
more appropriate, nothing more accept
able, nothing more useful. "A thing of
beauty and a joy forever." Our stock
of silverware is complete.
I. C. Nickelsen
Book St music Company.
Hooma In Mia, llrltttn'H l.o.lijlng Home.
A (i)ilcmllit iiMiiirtmcnt m Vciro-
table, Uiinlon mill Oi hiviW In v?1K
Hulk. 8ml Wheat, feocit Outi, JEM
tk'tfil llarli'y, SewJ 'H iijv.
Oil Mi'iil CnKu ami IViMIUcra,
EJleo HumiIIuh, ICmli' Itii'H I'nta- im
love, isleveii Mini of iut Hans BM
bml i.'iirn. I'lmiiry and Keis ""'
lioilKlit ami boM at
T J. H. CROSS' t
"" riiciip t'a'h (Irocciy IVsil.
ritwi", KiTOiul iiml I'lil-Hi.i'b,