I) c D n 1 1 co VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 1,5 1898. NO 28 REGARDED INEVITABLE Spain Will Have a Fight on Jlcr Hands. MORE DENIALS MADE BY SPANIARDS I'roof. It 1" Claimed, Can He FurnUlicil That Ilnvaua Harbor Wai Not inli.ect Opposition rr llrlnga Weyler Out an tho I'ruMtectlve Savior of Spain. Madhid, April 14. Tbe newspapers hero regard war ub inevitable. The lat est dispatches irom Waehington have created profound excitement throughout Spain. The Spaniards protest against tie "odious Imputation" that Spanish officers are responsible for the loss of the Maine. It is asserted that proof can be famished to show that no torpedoes have ever been laid in Havana harbor. Tbe official Gazette tomorrow will pub lish a decree organizing a national sub scription to increase the strength of the Spanish fleet. The feature of the opjiosltion press is an endeavor to bring Weylerto the front And make him champion of the cause of revolution, under the guise of the savior of national honor. Weyler today un doubtedly has numerous followers, and tven the newspapers which, ever siuce his return from Cuba, have violently de nounced him, are now lauding the for cer captain-general of Cuba as the man who can save the nation. Weyler at Madrid. Madbid, April 14. Weyler arrived here today, apparently having been ailed by the government. He consid er: war with the United States as inev itable. NOT ASSENT TO IIKCOONITJON. Tbe I'rmldeut Determined to Veto Hen olutlou for ltecogultlon. Washington, April 14. The president is determined to veto the Cuban resolu tions if they carry a provision for recog nition of Cuban independence. He elated this todjy to a senator who called oahim. Washington, April 14. The action ol the house yesterday in adopting the Cu ban resolution made the eenato today the storm center of the war elements. The galleries were packed and thousands were turnedjnMf. Hale preBCStaia memorial, calling at tention to the", necessity of repealing some of the present navigation laws in the event of war. The laws, he said, prevent our merchant vessels from sail ing under a foreign flag, while every Spanish merchantman would be under the French flag. Our ships would there lore be preyed upon by Spanish priva teers. I'enroee presented the lollowing tele gram from Philadelphia: "The house resolution is dishwater; the Davis resolution is satisfactory j re member the Maine." A message was received from the li0oe transmitting to the eenato the Cuban reeo'ution passed by the house unanimous consent. The resolution yesterday reported by tbeBenate foreign relations committee aelaid before the senate, and Turner (Wash., began a speech, in which he iliarply criticised the administration for Us vacillating, irresolute, cowardly and pusillanimous policy in the Cuban ques tion. He said the developments of the Pt two weeks had shaken hie faith in those who held the president's ear and confidence. Turner declared himself strongly in A bushel of notions doem't weigh half as much as one stubborn fact Garland's. Happy Thought Salve is a sure factor for the euro of 8kia Trouble! and Piles. 600 glass Jars For sale at DONNEU'S. ft Royal makei the lood pure, wholesome and delicious. Ii POWDER Absolutely Pure noni Btxma powom eo new yobk. favor of the minority resolution, main taining congress could not delegate to the president power to make war, and vehemently attacked the president for delays in eerdinpc his message to con gress, charging that the delay was not due to General Lee's request, bnt to the fact that Archbiuhop Ireland cabled the Vatican in the hope that the pope might bring about a peaceful solution of the difficulty. Turner ridiculed the diplomatic nego tiations of the administration, und de- ' clared with bitter sarcasm that with ' such diplomatic agents ns we have rep j resenting the United States, the Madrid 1 government might eventually, for a suit I able indemnity, absolve this country for ' blocking the harbor of Havana with tbe shattered hulk of the Maine. Hoar followed Turner. He said this was no time for impassioned rhetoric, and manifestations of approval greeted the sentiment. He eaid that Turner, who represented only half a state, wae making McKinley, who represented 45 states, the subject of the same kind of objurgations that were inflicted upon Washington. Hoar thought the Maine affair was enough to justify war. Still he thought honorable reparation might possibly be secured without war. Turpie followed Hoar with a speech for the recognition of the Cuban repub lic. llucklon'a Arnica Balre. The best Balve in the world for cure, bruises, eores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, ! corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cui es piles, or no pay required It is guaraLteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per lor. For sale Dy Blakeley and Honghtou, druggists. WILL NUT GIVK VI' CUKA. Mpalu Determined to IteeUt Any Such Demand It .Made. London, April 14. According to a special from Madrid today, a Spanish minister has declared in an interview that should President McKinley notify Spain to evacuate Cuba this government will immediately and emphatically re fuse, and is fully prepared to take the consequences. The government does not regret according an armistice, as it there by proves its position from an interna tional point of view and makes it more difficult for the United States to inter vene without putting itself completely in the wrong. There was a big revolutionary demon stration at Valencia, capital of the Span ish province of that name, yeeterday evening. A large crowd assembled, a red flag was waved and the "Mareeil laleb" was sung. The police dispersed the people who took part in the demon stration and captured the red flag. " Free 1'llla- ! Send vour uddress to H. E. Uucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Hegular sie 25o. per box. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. (2) Smoke the popular brands Prize Medal, Guarantee and Rose Queen cigars manufactured by S. F. Fouts. Iletvnro nf Olnmcnt tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of eraell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous eurfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions fioni reputable physicians, as the dninago they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 7oc. per bottle. VSold by Druggists. 4. LOST. One sorrel mare, white etrip in face ; weight about 1000 pounds; branded J on left stifle and on left shoulder. One light sorrel horse, about same weight ; swinnied on left shoulder; branded A. A. on left stifle. Anyone leaving same at Jim Walker's place, head of Rattlesnake grade, will be paid f5. Address. J. B. .Jackson, npr6-3vv Hood River, Or. Foutz cigars are on sale at the follow ing places: Snipes-Kincrsly, Clark & Falk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists ; Com mission Co., Geo. Ruch. Fred Fisher and Chas, Phillips, grocers; Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection ers; Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan Baker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilson and The Midway. Ealoons. The farmer, the mechanic and the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. LOST A dark bay iiorse, weighing about 1100 pounds, branded on shoulder, with white left foot. Strayed from Grass Valley. Anyone finding the ani mal and informing Frank Kramer, of tiiis city, will be suitably rewarded. mchlG-lm I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads me to write this. I can truthfully say I never used any remedy equal toil for colic and diar rhoea. L have never had to use more than one or two doses to cure the worst case with myself or children. W. A. Stroud, Popomoke Citv, Md. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the best for sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mille, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCoukle, Prop. inchlC Gin The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of Eimple, honest, God-fearing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, and it is always the same, simple, hon est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long lived people that they are. The Shak ers never have indigestion. This is partly owing to their simple mode of life, partly to the wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion is caused by the stomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial eupplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach and all its glands so that after awhilo they don't need help. As evidence of the honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot tle. Thirty-five years make a generation. That Is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, 0., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Wltt'd Witch Ho.?l Salve. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. FOrflSALE. Two lot?, Noe. 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. Fuiibmauv, 10 4w Box 178, Golduidale, Wash, If the United States and Spain become Involved In war, It will bo impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high tirade Havana cigars will increase In price. Lay in a eupply of Prize Medal cigars whilo the price remains the same. W'tl One Minute Cough Cure, cure. Tkt ii what It wu ad fr. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. An order having been made by the countv court of Wasco County, Oregon, on the '.'5th day of March, 1S9H, In the mutter of the guardian ship of James A. Drown, Jr., Ktliol M. Urown, I'nulliiu A. Ilrown, David E. Urown, MnryH. Drown nnd George I). Ilrown, minors, authoriz ing and licensing the guardian or said minor. James A. Urown, Sr., to sell the Interests of said minors In and to the real estate hereinafter de bribed, and directing that the sale thereof be made at private sale in the manner provided for the sale of real estate at private sale by execu tors and administrators. Therefore, under and in pursuance of said or der, I will, from and after the 3d day of May, 18118, proceed to sell the undivided interests of said minors in and to the hereinafter descilbed real property, at private sale, for the highest and best bid thcrelor in cash. The real property above referred to is described as follows, Id wit: Undivided interests in and to a tract of land ly ing and situate in Wasco County, Oiegon. and beginning at a point "JO rods south and 30 feet west of what is known as the northwest comer of the J. G. Wilson lot, said corner being one hundred and eleven rods cast of the northwest corner of the John A. Simms Donatlou Land Claim No. 33, in Ti 1, North Kange 13 East XV. M., running thence touth ten rods; thence west six rods and three feet; thence north ten rods; thence east six rods aid three feet to the place of beginning, containing one-half an acre, more or less. Dated The Dalles, March 31, JAS. A. BKOWN, SB., api2-ll Guardian. Sheriffs Sale. Dy viitue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out ot the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Wasco County, to me directed, and dated March 18, 1S93, upon a judgment and de cree rendered and entered in said court on No vember 11, 1891. in favor of the plaintiff', in a case wherein the Alliance Trust Company, a corporation, was plaintiff, and against thede lendents therein, C. XV. Denton and Elizabeth Denton, for the sum of J&91.45, xxlth interest thereon from the said date at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and the costs of and upon this xvrit (which said Judgement and decree was on the ftth day of January, 189.:, duly assigned and conveyed to Jlrs. E. E. Thomson), and com manding m! to make sale of certain of the real property embraced in such decree und herein after fully described, 1 will, on April SO, 1808. at 2 o'clock p. m.f at the front door of the county court house in Dalles City, Wasco County.'Ore- ? ion, sell at public auction to the highest bidder or cash In hand, all ihe right, title and interest which the defendants, and each of them, had on July ii, lSs'J, the date of the mortgage foreclosed by said decree, in and to the following described twenty (JO) acres of land, to-xvlt: That certain tx-enty (JO) acres in square form out of the northeast corner of tbe donation land claim of Chsrles XV. -00111011 and Elizabeth Denton, his wife, suld donatlou land claim being Notifica tion No. 8019, Claim No. 42, and being parts of sections Sand 8, In township 1 north, range 13 cast of Willamette Meridian, in Wasco County, State of Oregon, und Is more partlculaily de scribed as follows, to-xvlt: beginning at a point 13 chains 77 links east and G chains 7 links north of the southwest corner of said section 5; thence south 09 chains 50 links; thence east 16 chains 29 links; thence north 22 chu'ns 20 links; thence east 43 chains ofi links, thence north 11 minutes west 47 chains, li links; and thence west .7.1 chiins 83 links to the place of beginning coutiilulug 329 1-100 ucics, more or less. The Dalles, Oregon, March 22, 1S!H. T. J. DRIVER, meh23-l Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. SUMMONS. I N THE CIKCriT COI'HT OF THE STATE OF J. Oregon, for W'usco County. A. M. Crofoot, pluliitlir, s If. E. Crofoot, defendant. Toll. E. Crofoot, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap)eur and answer the com plaint of the above named plulutift' Hied in the above entitled suit against von on Monday, ttie 23d day of May, 1898, said day being the tlrst day of the next regular term of said Cou't fol lowing trie nnai puuiieuiion or inn summons, and If vou full so to u linear and answer said complaint tlieubove named plalntlU'wi1! apply 10 die awro cn'jucu vuun i.ir iuv ii-m-i proeu for In her complaint, to-xvlt: for u decree ot said Court to 'he effect that the bonds of mutilmonv heretofore and now existing between you and suld plaintiff bo forever auuuled. set .side and held lor naught, and that said plaintiff' have the euro und custody of the minor children of you and slid plaintiff. ' This tummons is served upon you by publica tion thereof for six consecutive weeks In Tins Dalles Cimoniclk by order of the Hon, V. I,. jlrudshaxv, Judge of the above entitled Court and of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Oregon, which orJer bears date the lsth day of Mai eli, 189s. DUFUK A- MENEFEE, nich'i'M Attorneys for plaintiff'. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given thut the undersigned has been appointed by tho County Court of the Stutoof Oregon for xVasco County, us admini strator of the estate of OliX'a Esping, deceu ed. All persons having claims against biiid estate are hereby uotilled to resent them to me at my office in 'Ihe Dulles, Oregon, properly verified with the proper x'ouehers, within six mouths from the duto of this notice. Dalles City, Oregon, April 1, 189S. . W I l.l.l AM Ml CHE IX, apiJIi Admiiilitrator. Administrator's Notice. Notico is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Jaine.-, M Taylor, deceased, has tiled his Dual account In the Coun ty Court of tho State of Oregon fur Wasco Conn. ty, and Monday, the 2.1 day of Mxy, Ib'.b, at tho hour of ten o'clock a. m., has been appointed as the lime for hearing objections thereto and tho setlleiiieut thereof. All persons Interested In buid estate aie required to file any objections Ihey may huv.' thereto on or before suld date, 1. J. NORMAN, uprJ Il , Administrator, Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby glx-en that tho undersigned has filed In the ollleo of Ihe County Clerk, of xx uM'ot oiimy. nor nuui account us hhuiiuisiux of the estaUi of 1. I. liuigut, ami that by order ol UIU loumy louri, lor rum iji uiuy, aimmay , mu 2d day of May, WM, has been lined as the llnio and tliu court room of sail Court us tho place (or tlio Hearing oi nun nnai account, ah persons interested In said estate are notllled to appear at said time and plucu mid show caiuo why said final account snould nut be approved and al lowed.; A.T.UUIiaKr, uicbSil, Administratrix, Investigate the Merits 1 . GCHllotti Shoe. Will Hot Crack. Free from flrsenie.. A. M.WILLIAMS & CO. 9 k KlK For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully laborotl for their prospority and happi noss, for tho iniprovomont of thoir business and homo intorosts, for education, for tho elevation of American manhood and truo womanhood. IT HAS told at tho firesido, interesting and instructive storios of tho doings of tho world, tho nation and states. IT HA3 advised tho farmer as to tho most approvod moth- ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho proper timo to convert them into tho largest possible amount of monoy. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho wolfaro of farmors and villagers, and for over half a century has hold their confidunco and osteom. IT NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBNUE and wo furnish it with tho Somi-Weokly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. of Our $3.00 Calf Sapemop to All other Colored Iieathei. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841.