The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 14, 1898, Image 3

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Clearaie Sale
"Vory Much to tho Good."
..reseept Bieyeles..
JVTillinery Sale
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.60 to $50.00.
To JVIattk the Close of out JVIillinepy
Sale We Shall Allouj....
A Discount of 20 per eent
On all TRIMMED EATS purchased at
our store on Friday and Saturday.
fl Ulovd to the CUise is Sufficient,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL 14, 1898
Thin evening
At the Vogt opera house
Frederick Warde in "Virgintus."
Sehlilz's Bock Deer at the Midway.
Weather Tonight and Thueday, fair.
Don't forgot that Kellar keeps the
beat ice cream soda in the city. tf
The gravel train is at work today fill-
log in and leveling up the track east oi
A good lot 50x100 on Second street,
with first-class two-Btory building, well
arranged for hotel, 300 feet from O. R. &
N. depot. For terms of sale see Butt,
at the office of Dufur & Dutur. tf
Yesterday Rev. O. D. Taylor arrived
in Portland and will be home on the
boat this evening. He hae been in Mich
igan since last fall, and his case in the
cDnrte of that etate, we understand, is
e'.ill unsettled.
Both east and west of the mountains
the conditions have been favorable for
spring plowing and planting, and unless
there thoukl be a change in conditions
Oregon will prjduce a large crop of
wheat tliie year.
6. J. Nutting, from New York, has ac
cepted a position with the firm of Mays
Crowe, in this city, He is an experi
enced hardware man, and will certainly
prove satisfactory to the many patrons
of that establishment.
A large consignment of mowers, rakes,
wagons and other farm implements, ar
rived on the boat last night tor Mays Jc
Crowe. It will be but a short time un
til these implements will be in demand
by the farmers in the interior, and this
Popular firm is preparing to supply this
Dr. Hare, a well-known citizen ol
North Yakima and Frank Williams, of
Elleusburg, have formed a partnership
'or opening a large trading post at Top
Penish, in Yakima county, where
lrge building will be erected. The firm
ill also have charge of the Btinson
band of horses, worth over $00,000.
It may be a long time before The
DHei will be favored with such a play
that which will be put on at the Vogt
knight. Frederick Warde is an Bctor
l world-wide reputation, which has
wen won by the part he plays in "Vlr
gmlus." He will aniwir in that roll to-
n'8bt, and to miss seeing him may be
miss tho chance of a lifetime.
The Klckapoos' show at the Baldwin
'Ml cveninit was euual. If not snnerlor.
any medicine show that has ever been
n tho city. The show Is simply for the
'urposo of advertising the Kickanoos'
Ptent medicines, and unlets announced
O'tterently, it will be fre Mch uveninir.
and a good, clean,ujto-date vaudeville
performance can be enjoyed by all who
Captain Joseph Allen, who has served
M P"t on the Potter has accepted the
rw.iion as captain of the Sarah Dixon
on the Regulator Line, and will be mas
ter of the steamer Regulator when that
boat is put on the 'river again, while
Captain Coe has charge of the Dalles
City. Today Captain Johnston will take
etiarge of the Eteamer Elwood, which he
will take to the Stickeen river in a Ehort
We are informed by Wilbur HenJrix
who is in the city from hie home near
Kingsley, that the reports concerning
the extreme drvness of the ground is
not true. Both spring and fall grain
are doing very well, and with the usual
amount of rain a bountiful crop will be
harvested. Many of the farmers have
been engaged they finished their
spring sowing nnd in plowing Eurnmer
fallow, but are about finished with this
Mr. Langille arrived in the city last
evening from Hood River, and on her
arrival here received a telegram from her
son, Will Langille, Etating that he had
just arrived from Dawson. She went to
Portland this morning to meet him, and
they will bo in this city in a few daye.
Mr. Langille came over the pass one
day before the terrible avalanche, and
made the trip from Dawson to Skaguay
in 19 daye, or came within one day of
equalling the fastest trip ever made be
tween these places. His party brought
out 400 letters free of charge.
Secouct Evening a Success.
If such were possible, "King Halla
bahoolu II." was a greater euccess on
last evening's performance than the
r- . . , t Ilia
previous evening, uo uum
boys having played before an auaience
it . .i ! .i 1 1 1 1 i u'jirA
on ttie prereeuiug c cuius, i; "..
more free in their actions and seemed to
throw themselves into their parts with
greater energy than on Tuesday evening.
The house was as large as could be ex-
pected, considering the number that at
tended the previous night, and the total
ecelpts ftr both evenings were iH-'.-'j.
Th actual expense as yet cannot be
fully estimated, as there are some small
bills to be naid. and anyone navmg any
claims against the boys are requested to
present them before Saturday, tne loin.
HeaiUclie from Ky Bimlu.
A high authontysays that "Eye strain
i .l.n.t all riMlAr
causes more neauHcuo m
causes combined." rom this laci h
follows that thousands of people are suf
fering from headache, who do not real
he that the cause is a defect or weak
ness In the eyes. They may have taken
medicines without getting relief, or
they may have suffered thinking there
is no remedy.
All these cases can be perfectly cured
with glasses that will correct tho error
in tho eyes, and retaiu sight by consult
ing P. G. Daut.the optician, two doors
wee t of Keller's Bakery. 1
Mrs. A. C. BtuDlingu" "
brid and tea roses, three and four years
oi.l at o.s pante: volllIK
roses in uuu uv
15 cents or two for 25 cents ; carnations
at 10 cents, two for 25 cents ; white and
yellow marguerites; heliotropes, gera
niums and fuschlas at 5 cents and up.
Pdiisle 25 cts. per doz-ii). 4-wlmdlw
Stormy Session Yesterday An
Agreement Arrived At.
Malcolm A. bloody Nominated by
clamat Ion Other Nominations.
At 10 o'clock yesterday Chairman C
II. Carey called the Republican conven
tion for the eecoud congressional district
to order. E. L. Smith of Wasco nomi
nated T. C. Taylor of Umatilla for tem
porary chairman, put the motion and
declared it carried. Carey refused to
recognize Taylor, and V. M. RaEtnus of
Multnomah nominated Otis Patterson of
Heppner, whose election was declared
by Carey, amidst great confusion. A
division was called for and refused by
Both chairmen then took the plat
form. Chairman Taylor recognized the
nomination of C. E. Cochran for secre
tary, and Pattereon recognized the nomi
nation of F. W. Eppinger. Each was
declared elected. Concurrent motions
for committees of five each on creden
tials and on organization and order of
business were entertained by both chair
men and declared carried.
Preliminary to the opening of the con
vention two petitions were handed to
Chairman Carey, one signed by 48 of the
SOJdelegates outside of Multnomah coun
ty, asking him te name Taylor as tempo
rary chairman, and the other signed by
The refusal of Carey to grant the firsu
petition was the reason why Smitl
nominated Taylor and put the motion
The Patterson convention remained in
session while conferences were being!
held between the leaders of the two
Two propositions were submitted. The
Taylor party proposed that Multnomah
retire and let the 80 outside delegates
eettle the matter of temporary organiza
tion, so that business cculd proceed in
the regular way.
The Patterson party proposed that the
wlule matter be referred to the state
convention tomorrow, meanwhile candi
dates for congresH to bo named by out.
side delegates alone.
At2jl0p. m. tho Taylor convention
was called to order. The committee on
organization lecommended that the tem
porary organisation be made permanent,
and to proceed to nominate a candidate
for congress.
It waB feared that Baker, Gilliam and
Clatsop would remain out, but they re
turned to the organized convention and
participated in its actions.
The name of Malcolm Moody of this
nlace was brought before the convention
and ho was nominated for congressman
, (rom t,)(J t;COU(i district by acclamation
Today' J'roceedlugt.
Kmtflul to Tllf CHBOSICM.
Ahtokia, April 14. The Republican
State Convention was called to order at
11 a. m. by Sol. Ilirseh. 'ietnpornry or
One '95 Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel
Two '97 Eaglo Wheels Jjjjj
One '96 Cleveland.... QQfl
Gent's Wheel ?UU
One '95 Eagle Gent's QQfl
Wheel f OU
One '97 Boy's Eagle M)0
Wheel PDU
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
ganization was effected by the unani
mous election of ex-Mayor Toozo of
Woodburn as chairman, and O. E. Coch
rane of Union county as secretary.
Chairman Tooze then appointed the
committee on order of business and cre
dentials, and adjournment was taken
till 1 p. m. The committee on platform,
consisting of one delegate from each
county, was eelccted during tho noon
hour. Just before adjournment tho fol
lowing resolution was offered by Judge
Pipes of Multnomah :
"Resolved, that the following mes
sage be at once wired to President Mc
Kinley: 'The Republicans of Oregon in
convention assembled, to the president
of the United States, greeting: With
the utmost confidence in the wisdom of
your administration, and pledging you
the support of the state of Oregon, we
express our earnest conviction that tne
Maine was destroyed by the design or
criminal negligence of Spanish office re,
and that this outrage is just cause for
the United States to drive the Spanish
nation from the Western Hemisphere.' "
The resolution was adapted amid deaf
ening applause, after which the dele
gates arose and gave three cheers for
A telegram received at 1:45 p. m.
stated that tho committee on credentials
was still out and that they would not
report until after 3 o'clock.
( Tho following nominations were made
up to the time of going te press :
Malcolm A. Moody of The Dalles, con
gressman, second district.
H. S. Wilson of Tho Dalles, circuit
judge, seventh district.
A. A. Jayne of Tho Dalles, district at
torney, seventh district.
J. D. Wilcox of Sherman county, and
Joseph Morton of Hood River, joint rep
resentatlves for Wasco and Sherman
M. T. Nolan and II. L. Kuck of The
Dalles, state and congressional commit
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a boltlo of Syrup of
Figs, as it acta most pleasantly and ef
fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow'
els, preventing fevers, headaches, and
other forms of sickness, For sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
At the Baal Kiid feed Yard.
Harper Bros., of tho East End feed
yard have a thoroughbred Jersey bull,
which they will stand for the season at
the feed yards. For terms apply to tho
above, iiprl2 lm
A torpid liver roba you of ambition
and nlna your health. DoWIU'h Little
Early Risers cleanse tho liver, euro con
stipation and all stomach and liver
trouble. Snipes. Kinerely Drug Co,
To Cure u Cold lit Onu Day,
Take Laxative Bromo Qulnlno Tab
lets, All druggists refund tLe money If
they fall to cure. 25c,
New Ideas at
The Wheel that sells
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
A Crowded House at the Services I-nst
Evening at the M. E. Church.
A packed house at the meeting at the
Methodist church last night. As an
nounced, tho service was a trial by jury,
the followiLg persons composing the
jury : Messrs. tiaruwicic, roes, v ueai-
don, Bolton, Sylvester, Lane, Campbell,
Parrott, Michell, Murphy, Parent, Kir-
by. Any judge would think tine a fair
ly intelligent jurv. After they were
seated, Mr. Miller sang "Our Father's
Care," founded on Matt. x:29, and
"Where Are the Nine?" He then ar
raigned the culprit, Jesus of Nazareth,
instructing the jury that from the testi
mony of tne witnesses that would ap
pear they must render their verdict as
to the foundation for His claim that He
is the Son of God.
The first witness was prophecy. Mo
ses and Isaiah responded, and by many
strong assertions declared him to be the
person ho represented. Counsel said he
would call others, but their testimony
was taken collectively. Acts x :43.
Second witness Angels. They tore-
told His birth; they announced It; they
ministered to him; they were at the
tomb on the morning of the resurrec
tion; they attended him to Olivet when
he ascended.
Third Friends. John the Baptist,
Peter and John.
Fourth God. "This is my beloved
Son, In Whom I am well pleased.
Fifth Nature. The winds and the
sea obey him.
Earth Tho earthquake ; the gaping
Sun "Now from the sixth hour there
wos darkness over all the land unto tho
ninth hour."
Testimony of enemies
Judas "I have betrayed Innocent
blood." Officers sent by high priests
to arrest Him "Never man spako like
this man." Pilate "I am innocent of
tho blood of this Just person." Satan
"Thou art the Christ, tho Son of the
living God." Death He is my con
qnror. Last, the Holy Ghost, sent as
promisod to the disciples, filing them
with courage so that they boldly
preached Jesus, the Son of God.
The unanimous veidictof the jury
was then given to the audience Thus
Jesus has fully proven his claim to be
tho Son of God, tho Saviour ot men
The audience also united in tho eame
Quite n largo number Indicated their
desire to became Christian!'.
Mr. Miller s.uig by request "My
Mother's Hands,"
The larjo audionco reluctantly left,
alter being dismissed for thu second
time, II.
Olllcoover Kind Nut. Hunk,
I Fresh and the first
of thu season at thu
every point.
at an honest price. p
have strictly First-Class
J. T. Peters & Co.
For an Indefinite
Free to adultp, except announced
dates, when special bills are given.
Reserved Eeats each evening for latlicB
and escorts without extra charge.
Entire cban je of program each night.
Happy Brido is she whose friends
have had the good taste to bestow silver
upon tier as n wedding gift. Nothing:
moro appropriate, nothing more accept
able, nothing more useful. "A thing of
beauty and a joy forever." Ouv stock
of silverware is complete.
1. C. Nickelsen
Book St musie Company.
-if ItS. KVANH,
Rooms In Mrs. Ilitttln'b Lodging Umue.
A npU'iullil nmortment ol Vceo
tnblu, Uaiduii nnit (Inns Si-t'iU In
Hulk, Smt Wlu'iit, seed (lulu,.
Seed llnrliiy, Keed Bctd Ityo,
OU Meal Oiku nml fertilizer.,
lleo Humillti", Kaily Koso Pota
toes, lilcveu kinds ot tlrnt eliiM
fieed Corn, l'oultry mid 1'yus
lioutjlit mid Hflld at
Cheap Cuh (iroeery nnd I Veil
titoie, ticuimd mid I'nloii ;1K