DiVl$ tpfJOac BP "Botb the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant md refreshing to the taste, and acts entlv yet promptly on the Kidneys, Xiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tern effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual oxiStipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- Sliced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it -to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale m 60 ' cent bottles by all leadmg drug- ! gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- .nt.i 4- MnviTt4lT 4a nttT -ir -r-Vi t uic purnuT ivi uu, ; wishes to try iL Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRABCI3C0, CAL IDUISVIUS. Kf. HEW YOM, K.t. The Dalles Daily Ghrciiiu-fe TTIIE DALLES, OREBOS PEUSOXAI. MnXTItlX E. H. Scott of Moro is in the city. J. F. McClure of Wapinitia is in the ctty. C. D. Kelly is in from his home at Victor todav. D. P. Haves of Wapinitia is at the Umatilla House. lD. C. O'Riley, of the Columbia South 'rn, is in the city from Wasco. The Misses Lvtle of Wasco are the guests of the Misses Patterson in this city. Miss Addice Skillman. who lias been visiting Mies Laura Thompson, returned Jto Portland today. 'Mrs. Maggie Wilkerson and Mrs. Win. Pe3lee came up from Portland yester day and will visit Mrs. Blakeley for a few days. Mies Pearl Williams and Miss May Beall came up on the boat yesterday from Portland, and are visiting Mrs. H. Y. French. JIr. J. T. Eaiey of Portland, who came up yesterday to visit friends and attend 'King Hallabahoola II.," returned to bla home this morning. M. S. Jameson, formerly United States umshal at this place, who is at present clerk in the Hotel Portland, came up yeste-day in company with A. H. With legion and J. P.. Bowles to attend the r-erformance of "King Hallabahoola II." .!Xiiey returned to Portland this morning. JJue "Keel Light." A good audiencS at the Methodist church last night. The pastor and peo ple hod thought that because of the general iuterett in the club entertain inent there might be an appreciable falling off in attendance, but such was mot the case ; all the feating capacity of the auditorium was occupied. Mr. Miller eeng with much assurance "'Mighty to Save," the audience joining in the chorus. Uia lecond song en titled "The Tempest," was a very pa thetic ballad, descriptive of a wreck at ea. As announced, he used the "lied Light" as his theme. He began by fa) ine every tnuineer kcowe the value oi the red light. No railroad is operated without proper regard for its use. It is & signal of danger and authority. Should the engineer disregard the signal :nd drive on his train and it meets dtatruc tion, is it the fault of the man who dis played the red light? None would bo to unreasonable as to think thin. God'n ratnings are red lights ewung out all along the way our feet muu pass in thl6 iire. For the youn this eignal appeare more as invitations and r.dm unions, iiaten! "I love them that love me. They that fceek me early shall find me." The large audience listened with ti.e deepest interest. Home nw EceLeri were nt the altar and protected their faith in CliriRt. All left the chprcb eellng ''God is in this pltw.' ,-'v.s fflie "Trial by Jury" will brifa cter of the i Mr vie h .il?OTitHti,WH,fcf 4 Hi RATES FOR THE ENCAMPMENT. Lines n Which ltntt llnvi llfpn Itr diiertl on.Kiiiiuil-trii Tickets. littto? to the encampment over the Southern Pacific road nnd its branches wtil be one and onc-thiid fare for the round trip. Kach purchaser will pay ft'.tl fure fur n ticket one way anil tahe n i receipt from the agent for the same. I These receipts will contain n certificate i to be signed by the nsistpnt adjutant- ceneral, and will entitle the holder to return for one-third fare. The parties failing to secure these receipts at the . time (if tinri'lmsilicr tii'tf-tR Innsn (tin benefit of the reduced rates. These cer- tificates must be presented nt Portland n early as Saturday, the 21st, nt ."o. r.li Third street, and grand central station for tlie main line on East Side and Wucdourn Springfield branches, also West Side division mnin line. On the Yamhill division certificates will be presented to the agent nt the foot of Jefferson street. Rates over the Oregon Railroad and xHvication Company's lines will be one am one-'fifth fare fo'r round trip on nil J tneir lhiegi esc0flt rom iortiaml to The j D.llle?f wliert! a Bneisinl riue of for lhe j ronnd trip ,,a9 bcen mildef amli ns ,n lhe L f ,i, c,h,. rw.fi.. ,unnnr. dmser o a Ucket wiu . fult iue pl)e BV ,, t a rCL.ei t cert5fk.atei ! w,;1b, uhen ai , b tl)tJ nS9lstBlll ,,. j t a, w imMo the hMfsr ,0 1 retnrn fi , The Corvallid end Eastern Railroad Company will give a rate of one and one- third fare for round trip on tiie railroad ; and one and one-fifth fare on the river. They will make arrangements with The ' Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation I Companv, so that tickets may be pur-' chased clear thronuh if desired, with conveniences for trfnsfer at Portland. Rates on the Oregon City Transpor- tatic n Co.'s boats will be one and one- fifth fare for the round trip. Boats leave Independence and Salem on Monday, Wednesday and Fridav: leaves Portland at C:45 a. m., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I Rates on the Regulator Line will be $1 lor the round trip from Portland to The Dalles; boats running daily leave j i uuiiuij ui i a, in. iruuj iuu; ui ujs I street. Tickets will bo on sale at tlie : office, O.tk-street deck, and must be pur-! chased before going on hoard, as this j rate will not be made by pursers except from wav points. Parties who have1 never seen the celebrated locks a the j Cascades can take advantage of this op- portnnity to do so at a very low rate. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads me to write this. I can truthfully say I never used j any remedy equal to it forcolicand diar- ! rlioea. I have never had to use more ', than one-or two doses to cure the worst case with myself or children. W. A. Stroud, Popomoke Citv, Md. For sale by Blakeley & Houston. . 1 Postum Cerial Food Coffee at Com mission A Groreiy Co.'s. tf Bicvcle sundries, fisiiing tackle, guns, 1 rifles and revolvers at Maier & Benton's. ! "IRONING MADE BAST SEARCH REQUIRES NO COOKING y MAKES COLWRS AND GUFFS ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALT OF ANY OTHER STARCH HUfACTURED 0Ly THE I r UIIDIMrD DDACrO UtbillUUIIiWbn .Keokuk Jowa. mminjjm, TbU torch U prepared on elentlfle principle by mn who have bad VMra of practical MMricnca In fancy laundering. It restores old linen and ttuamer dnmm u tMlr Mtaral wblteoeM and ImparU a beautiful and tailing finish. It i (be only itareb anafactured that U perfectly tiamleiw, conUilnln noitber arseolc. nlum or tat wer tubftonce laj wlou to Uses acd ou tw swd eren tor baby pewsar. For ia!e by all wKtlMilt 'aM retail froccrg. Everybody read Tiiic Cnnoi.sicc. j Try Schilling Best ra and baking powder 1 When you smoke the ll .e Q nen 5 eont cigar ynn get your inont 'a worth. tf DeWltt's Litt.u liany Risers, A fresh lot of eanhllDrter, cabb ige, j sweet, oranges ami lemons tit Commis f sion & Grocery Co.'s. llt-t'ltllrll, A tllMttlllli: Clarke & Fulk have Kertuod the agency for the Ii Plata Sheep Mixes instantly with cold water. Dip. Smo'se the popular brand- Prize Medal, Guarantee and ciga-s manufactured by S KoSf Queen F. Fouts. If. Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room 14, Vogt block, over I putt office. inl7-2m Sheepmen, call at Clarke A Falk's ! and tret prices on the l.a Pla'a Sheep Dip. It is unn-poisuiioue, mixes in stantly ith cohl water, nud it id an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and ticke. 1 tf For Snlr. One lot, No. 7, block 7, Ilitelow's Ad dition. Cheap for ca?h. Apply to or addre8 Mns. It J. Wn.so.v, uich30 U- Telephone 1 IS. CWE FOR A DOSE. K:nnTe PimniW Pmtb- PILLS Illlmajacds. !Tify thcIIIooJ. un uuaHrmu tu pa. Thousands ot suffererj from grippe have bet n restored to health bv One .Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, Pf'I'PCt asthma, and all throat and lung ; .Snipcs-Kinersly Drug Co. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, 0., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazi! Kinersly Drug Co. Salve. iinpes- TyGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the best for sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCouki.i:, Prop. mchlG Cm !ittle hoy asked for a bottle of "pet "P in the morning as fast as you can," the drugzist recognized a household name for "DeWitt's Little Eurly Risers" anil gave him a Inttle of tho.e famous , little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. LOST. A dark bay horse, weighing about 1100 pounds, branded Z on shoulder, wu !,!, iPff fnfl Strnvwl fmm -u. ... e a- ' . ura5S nll.e-v; 1,-vol,e find,n' the nn" inal anil irifn.iiilin. I. .11 11' T. ..mv , inis city, v. 111 ne suuauiy rewanieu uichlG-lra . ... . 0ne 'n."te 5?Mgh Cur.. CUre 1 ui li wum i( whs mauc ijr STIFF AND NICE rWJbV KANSAS BABF cmr or 10. Cured of By llic DisfigoriDg CDTICDHA ECZEMA REMEDIES Our ttthv when Hire nvlfi nlil was lurtlr nf fllcttil with Eczema, Her lnul, nrim, lice. IIiiiIm. and nearly every Joint In lirr bwly a iiitrund Menllng wheu ne coucludtil tn (ry ClTlCCti.v Ueuedies. Wc H-,raii wllli C't'TicrnA (olnl- mcnt) atul CtTICfliA SOA! and cilrr ttif ftrrl i application wo cuulil sec a clumpe. After no liaj ' usl lliciu on Kimicnf tlii'mrvxtuid lnalrJ entirely, nml cratctl to siread. In Icm tlun n ' month, lio tra free f mm scale. nntl lilcnilslics. and j lo-d.iy a inrtlv skin ami li-tlr ns any clilld. I She wa shown nt IIt (trano Fair, and loek a ' premium ai the ircltlwt lilv, mer sixteen nlhers I Mn.i.Miis Taiik. lav ItelliTlew Ave. Kan. City. I Bald TtywLcic. Pome Uicu a Cusa.cocrliouon, NOTICE OF FILING PLATS. ! U. S. Land Ot no:. ) j The Dali.es. Ois, April S. 'DS.f ( Notice ia hereby piven that the ap-j proved plat of purvey of Township 12 j South, liance 2( East of iIik Willamette, Meridian, Oregon, has been received at i thie office an '. ill be oflieially filed in j this ofllco on Saturday, the iiSth day of j May, 1S9S, at 10 o'clock a. m. .Ias. F. Mooiie, Regiater. ! W. H. Dions, Deceiver. .tunt Itecelvrd. Tiie Dout Optical and Jewelry Co. has just received a new up-to-date eye pro-! tector. It weighs only two penny weight, j made of n composition which will not! ousel tUL Slttlt OI UlC LL. it IS ca.neu ; in tiie inside baiui ot your bat, anu is ! always ready for use. They retail at 25 cents. Cull and see them. ! We make a specialty of properly fit I ting children's eyes, and teet each eye i sepnratelv We carry a full line of frames, gold, alluminuic, nickel, bronze iwid rubber. We are receiving new goods daily, and best of ail we guarantee entire satisfac tion. I'.lit-iiiiialltin Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it u a ep.endid ;n;,,M, fnr rlmminiliuin nml nt Imr iinitunit lor . rheumatism anil oilier liousetiolu use ior Wlllcli we linve lOtlllU it valuable. W J. Cuvier Ked Creek N. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of tlie leading mer chants ot this village and one of the moat prom'ni nt men in this vicinity W. G. Phippin, editor Red Creek Her ald. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Farm for limit. The farm known as tlie Crate Dona tion Claim, situated on tlie river, five miles west of The D.illes, consisting of j about 400 acres, will be rented to re-, sponsible nartv. Also a responsible THE PRIZE a.hsdpirwfonled 10 tuke cbare:offtiTliB Dalles. Portland ni Astoria mart'Jl-Gt Max Vogt k Co. FOR SALE, Two lots, Noi. 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. Fiiir.MAKV, 19 4w Box ITS, Golihndale, Wash. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-joi:onnus fluid dip in the world ; guaranteed to cure ecab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot Ciaike & Falk, agents, The Dalles One Minute Cough Cure, cures. ThHt j what It was mde lor. Wanted At the Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat, paid. The highest price mchlO-tf. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly attcnd'.il to, and wurihiittd. 174 VOGT BLOCK Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tm" iSlo Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. ThIs F,our ,a 'nanufactured cxpreljr for family use : every ack ia guaranteed to give eatiefactlou. We sell our goods lower than any house In the trade, and if you don't think ac call and get our prices and be convinced, Highest Prioes Paid for Whuat, Barley and Oatf . ..GHflS. FRANK- Butcbeps and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kectn on tlrsurht the coli'tirntfil UOU'MlliA IIKKit, ncklioul Kltitsl tlic bent lrer In Tlie Dulles, tit the usual jirltf. t'onie In, try Itniid he ror vu.fnt. At the il)'t lirnmH (if W inc, l.l.iuurs ntnl Clears. Sandrjuichcs of nit K:ml !! on hand. Patronize the Troy Alt kind of wo-k White -inrs fiwialtv. anil dellvficvl ftw. Xt-lt-iilumr o. 1 1!. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Throush by dnytl;ht via Orand Valley, Kent nad t;rua HnlloHs. DOirGLAH ALLKN, The Dnllis. C. M. WillTKLAIV, Autliie. Stnsos leave The Dallus linm t'mnt'lla IIouic nt T r. in., iilso from AntclniMi nt 7.X0 n. ni. every f I.... ,'. 1.... ...... . .,.!.. ,...... ... : nidu ut Autulutie tor I'rineville, Mltclmil n:id I joint lwyOIlU. ClOie C llLfCtiOl made lit TtiC im,k.s lvl'th rali,vnV!)i traiIls uud ,,ortt,. ' pmaes iroin AnlclOi renfh The IHei Tuen nn"i inuraayi nu saturaays a: i:ju j. in. 1 nAih.i iai.i.. katks or r.vr.c. I)alle to Deschutes n 00 do iloro 1 JO do Grass Vutley " -.5 do Kent !! PO do Crii Hollows 4 ,0 Alitcloc to f'roia Hullou s 1 50 do Kent W do Uras Vutloy a M) do Moro , do Decliiieva do lialles 5 CO Regulator Line Navigation Co.' j strs. Regulator fe Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENULR LINE The Dalles, Hood lllver, Cascade I)Ck mid I'ort land dally, hund jy. DOWN THE VALLEY on to Are vou going ( EASTERN OREGON ? If bo, tnte money and enjoy a beautiful trip ou the Columbia. The t-boiind Italn atriven ui The Dallcii In iiinplt Uiiim for pasncnser to take i the steamer, nrriviiiff In l'ortland In time for the , outgoing Kouthetn und Northern Unltm; Eut bound tNiMoiifiei nrrlvliiK in The Dalle In time to take the Knit-bound train. For further information upply to J, N, HAI1NKY, Agent, Oat Street Dock, l'ortland. Oregtin, Or W C. ALl.AWAY, lien. Agt., ' The Dullek, UleROD J i N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. i H ! s i Pullman Elegont i l TOT13?iSt Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. I' A It 1. MtNNEAl'OI.I mri.t'Tii t'Aicno UIU.MI Foil CKOOKSTON WINXTI'KO HELENA mi IIUTTE TO Through Tickets cniL'Atio 10 WASIIlNnTON PIIIL.YMKLI'MIA SEW VOUK llt)STN AND ALL 1'OINTS LAST anil SOUTH For Inlornatloa, time cards, map mid ticket, ral on ur write to W. C. Al.LAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oresou ot A. D. CHAKLTOX. Asst. G. P. A., 1S. JIorriou Cor. Third. 1'ortlnuJ Ltre;tto EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route 01' THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train)- leave and nre due to arrive at I'ortlnL LCAVK. OVKKI.ANI) KX-1 iirc., siilem, Ute- . i l)Urp, Akhland, hue-1 1 S:(X) I' j 1 Kranclneo, Jlolave, ( I ! New urlcauh uud 1 l Kiit J , 'Koseburu and way i-ta-1 (tlo!ll 1 f Via Woodliuru lorl I I .Mt. Ancel, Hllverton. , West riclo, Hriiwim- V ' ville.eprliiRtleld uud j i , l Natron J I fl:30 A, M 1'. M Dally except Sunday. Dully except biuidayj ki A m i JCorvalllH M A al' UtlltlOIlb . unit way! :W 1'. M. INDKl'KNDKNTK 1'AHSENOKIt, Kxpress train Dally (except biindur). li.vip. m, Lv. .I'mtlaiiil ...Ar.) 8:irn, m :wji. in. a: .it'iimirile..i.v. !,:) a, il- h:3i) 1 1. in, tAt .inoeieiiueii(,e..i.v ) I .-tin m Dally. (Daily, except ounaay, DINING CAI'.S ON OCiDKN ROUTE. 1'UI.UIAN JUJKKKT KLKEl'EKa AND tiECOND-CLASS bl,KKlINl; CARS Attad.eU to nil Through Trains. Direct rontiectloii atfcati Kranclnco lth 0TI den'.ul aud Orletitnl and I'acitie mall tvumiihlp line, lor JAl'A.N and CHINA, gallliis dateo ou UI pllClltlDII. llate olid tlnketit to Kaktern iluth and Eu ro). AlxiJAI'AN, ClILVA, HU.NUl.UEl' alitl Al'STllAI.IA. tan l obtained Irom J, a. JCIUKLAND, Hl'liCt ARt-Bt. Thromrh Ticket O.'hee. 1S1 Third trcet. where 1 through tli'keto to nil point In the Eastern I titiite. Citnudu mid KuroiH' can be obtHlned ut f i lowest taten Irom J, 1!. KIISKI.AND, Ticket Afc-eut, All above trulim urriru at and depurt Irom Grand Central titatlou. Fifth mid Irviut BtrveU YAMHILL DIVISION. I'utnuiiKer Deput, toot of Jetletkou sticet. Leave for OSWEGO, dally, excejit SmidHy, at 7:20 a. in.; lS:a, l.&, r:16, fi:'i5, 'n:05 . bi, (and 11:S0 p. in. on iiaturduy only, and y:w)a. m mid ,1:fto p. m. on hundayH only). Arrive at i'ortlund outiv ut C:iuaud.s;:iOu in.; and 1:SS, 1:15, Cr-H) ami 7:.V p. in., (mid 10: a. in , 8-15 0:10 p. tn. on ouiidayn only. Iave for Rherldan, week days, atl:S")p. m Arrive ut l'ortlmid, 9:30 a. in. Leave for A1UI.IE on Monday, Wedne'liiy a: I'rlouy at :W a. in. Arriv at l'ortland, Ttif dav, 1 hurtday and Saturdaj it 11:05 p. m Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. II. KOEHLEIt, !iiia.'er U, II. MAKKHAM, AM. U. Y. A 1'uns. Aet TriZ NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 J'njgea Weck. 100 ruler u Year It ttunds llrnt among weekly" jmpers in nize, frtrjuency of jiuhliwitlon freehness, vnriet nud relhihility of cor. teute. It Ih jirncticftlly n daily at the low prico o n weekly; and its vttet list oi eubKcrihifrB, extending to every Btate auu territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its nown cohiuiue. It is splendidly Illustrated, and among' Its special features are a line humor page, exhaustive market reports, all tuo latest fawhloiii for women and a ion aeries of stories by the greatest livmi? American aud English authors, Ciiiibii Ioyl. Jerume K. .!eromi HUnloy Weyiuau, Mary K. WUklu Authuuy Uie, rat Hart. Uraurier Mallliow, Kte. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twlce-a-Week Chronicle o. get her one year for '-'.00. Tlie regulst price of the two papers it 3.W. r -