Qimn Sale We a m a New Man o H. S. it M. Guaranteed Clothing is now recognized as the standard of fit and fashion. It is not enough to say it equals merchant tailoring. The work of the average merchant tailor does not approach it in grace of design or perfec tion of fit. A Nobby Spring Top Coat for $10.00. A Stylish Suit for $10, $12.50, $15, $16, $18. REMEMBER, our Furnishing Goods Department shows the correct Neck wear, Shirts, Gloves, etc., to he worn with such clothes. Iiadies' TailoHVTade Suits. We have just opened and placed on sale another shipment of Ladies' Tailor-made Suits and Skirts. We have marked these at a very low selling price. Navy Serge Suits, suk Lined Jacket, $6.50. All-wool Tricot Suit, navy or black, $6.00. All-WOOl Covert Cloth Suit, Silk Lined Blouse, $9. SKIRTS: Cotton Whipcord, suitable for outing or bicycle $1.40, $1.54 Navy and Black Serge 2.50, $3, $3.50, $4.50 " Fancy Bayadere Stripe $3.50, $4.50 ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, IS9SI WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Thursday evening At the Vogt opera houee Frederick Warilo in " Vidimus." Fresh Bock Beer at the Midway. Clnb ribbons nt A. M. Williams & Co.'e. "A Trial by Jury" at theM. E. church tonight. The weather forecaet for tonight is fair ; Thursday, fair and cooler. Hon Gold Bock Beer on tap at Stub ling's saloon. Give it a trial. Don't forget that Kellar keeps th beet ice erenm soda in the city. tf A carload of hogs, shipped by E. P Willard of La Grande, are being fed sjt the stockyards today TicketB for "VirginiuB" are on eale at the Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. Secur seats before it is too late. Yesterday an enormous carriage for one of the disappearing guns at Fort Stevens passed through the city en route to the fort by way of Portland. The river is rising very slowly, and the chances are that the freshet will be light 111 is summer owing to the unusu ally small amount of Enow in the Rocky and Blue mountains at present. A bulletin received at noon today Etatte that both houses of congress have passed reeojutious directing the presi dent to declare war, and the flying squadron has been sent to sea under sealed orders. The news is said to be unauthentic. Reports from down the river state that a fair catch of salmon is being made on lower river. Very few are being that the factii . When the t I noon a crowc Blakeley & the caught this side the Cascades, however, and the chances are the run will be light until such time as the river rises so that the wheels can be operated. f A small blase originated in the res taurant across from the reixrder'e office this morning, but the timely arrival of Becorder Sinuott and nine friends pre veuted an alarm being turned in. Had a fir, fituvtoi in .I..,. iI..nin.. along the east side of Court street it would have made u warm blaze. Not only was last night's performance admired by everyono present, but also the beautiful program which was gotten out by the Chronicle Publishing Com pany. The splendid printing and the neat arrangement of the whole is an other convincing proof of the artistic class of work done bv this office. Today fifty head of mules belonging to J. Jacolson.of Silver Lake. were shipped to Portland on the boat. We understand the animal will bo sent to Alaska to be jed lu packing to the Klondike. As beasts of burden command a high piice in Alaski, Mr. Jacobsen. will, If luck fa vors him, realise a hauiUome sum for tue band. Tills mornlug'a bulletin states that congress demando ths freedom of Cuba. The report of the special committee goes f beyond the president's recommenda tions and will be unanimously adopted Ths only thine to prevent a conflict is I f- ?..: .... i .i. -?.. eral Lee make9 Eomo startling d'iEclo3 uret, and among other statements says the Spanish officials blew up the Maine, A telegram received this afternoon states that a great split occurred in the; j Stute Republican Convention at Aetoria Two chairmen (Otis Patterson of Ilepp ner and F. J. Taylor of Astoria1 wera chosen to preside over the two respective factions. It is to be hoped that the dif-V to ferences will he settled amicably and lap that the factions will unite. bulletin arrived this aiter- d began to gather around Houghton's drugstore to learn the news, and as it was the next thing to an open declaration of war, ex citement ran high. A number of the militia disappeared euddenly, and their friends at present have a searching party in quest of them. It is rumored tbev have left for a Eummer outing near Mt. NJood. A CREDITABLE PRODUCTION. THE CLUB hoys no IT.OUD. TU EM SELVES A I'ncked flnuiH and Showers plaute Greeted Them. or Ap- What the Ort'Knutan Saya of Ward. The Oregonian of March 31st said: "Frederick Warde in 'Virglnius' drew a packed house at the Marquam last night and renewed a long succession of Portland triumphs. It has been four teen years since Wnrde's first perform ance of this role in Portland. "We cannot epeak too highly of the Vlrpinius' of Mr. Warde. As the lov ing father in the first act, sounding the depths of his daughter's virgin heart, full of tenderness and parental pride and love, he presented a picture of quiet yet forceful acting. As the warrior mourning the treacherous slaughter of his friend and brolher-in-arms, his pa thos was touching, and the transition from this to tho tempest of outraged fatherhood on learning of the attempted seizure of his daughter by the client of the tyrant was most masterly. But it is in the forum scene, where he con fronts the decemvir and asserts his rights as a Roman and a father, that his acting reaches its highest point. The last act, in which his great sorrow 1ms overthrown his reason, and he wanders about in seach of his child was finely done. As be listened for the beloved voice, first in expectancy, then with joy, then with doubt, and then with despair that he heard it not, ho prceented in rapid succession, four pictures worthy of Angelo, but better, because In them there was life." Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son have hy brid and tea roses, three and four years old at 25 cents; young roses iu bud at 15 cents or two for 'J6 cents ; carnations A delighted audience of over 500 peo ple witnessed the Eecond, annual per formance of The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club in "King Hallabahoola II." at the Vogt last evening, and al though expectation ran' high, it is safe say that none were in the least dis appointed. The natives, who were body guarJi to the king, who was admirably imperson ated byytfne who is a Dalles favorite J. Hartnttt played the part of curtain raisers in their drill and son;.', which was a very pretty feature and was well received. His royal highness then sang "When This Country Goes to War With Spain," and was loudly applauded. On account of the present crisis it was very appropriate for the occasion. Frank French as "Archibald Percival Algernon Hotstuff" hen called upon the king, and in his,burnt cork perform ance and the singing of "My Coal Black Lady," which wan heartily encored, pleased everyone. Mr. French has a splendid voice and his work last night was of fcuolj a character that ho should justly feel proud. Louie Corn i n i then appeared as "Count Calve Liver RustyCanner," and with hia little bears urnlshed a fund of amusement to everyone, while little Oscar Beck and Sylva Kelsay delighted old and young by their odd make-up and dancing. Nest caujo "Hans Buinuielspeiler" Arthur Clarke in a German character sketch, and after some jokes with the king, he sang a comic song, "Do Deicher Bicnic," in which were numerous local hits. Art. is an a rt-ist indeed when it comes to his make-up and conception of He can't be beat. Tho Infill diameter tketeh by John a German character. Hampshire, it goes without saying, was immense, and from the time that "Den nis Kearney und his pet donkey, Nathan, appeared on the scence until he hud fin ished his turn and responded to the en core, everyone laughed to their heart's content. His local stabs were well chosen, especially those introduced in the song "Up Went Poor Jakle." The donkey was well made up, and Ills part equally well acted by Pat McNeil. . This scene was dosed by n grand chorus by all who took part throughout ! eceno cue, and tho first division of the show was brought to a successful close, " Sceno Eecond was opened by Porter, Wilder, Cooper, Clarke and Hagley in their pyramidal statuary. This was in- BICYCLES. One '95 Ladies' Clove- (JM land Wheel tylU Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One '9G Cleveland ... (Qfl Gent's Wheel fOU One '95 Eagle Gent's AQfl Wheel Udll One '97 Boy's Eagle Wheel One '97 Girl's Eagle Wheel In order to make room for our new stock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON at 15 cents, two for 25 cents : white and . deed a pretty turn, each different pose yellow marguerites; heliotropes, gera- being vastly different from the proceed, niums and fuschlas at 5 cents und up. . iug one, and all were very difficult. P,tnele '.'5 cts. per dostun. -J-wlmdlw ; Great credit ie duo the boys, ae well as ! their Instructor, Mr. Dawson, for tho A torpid liver robs you of ambition ' manner In whic'i thee J were arranged and ri'lns your health. Do Witt's Little and i xecuted. Earlv Risers cleanse tho liver, cure con- The turn that ollowoJ this was stlpatbn and all stomach and liver ( thought by many to be the best In thej trouble. Snipes Klnertly Drua Co. performance, nnd, to my the least, it was was very fine. It consisted of tumbling featp, kneeling and standing, front and back somersault?, twitting mounts and back somersaults off the shoulders, and was concluded by the running front somersault over eight chairs, which is a dangerous and diffi cult performance. Ballard and Revis deserve much credit for tho manner in which they executed this turn, consid ering the short time they were practic ing. The colored lautyrT swinging by Van Norden, Schannp, Campbell, McCowun and Prune were very pretty. During this turn all the lights in the building were turned out except those swung by the boys, and the effect wan very beau tiful nnd executed with the skill of artists. The Eecond act waB opened by the singing of "Betsy Phelpsb'e Bloomers" by Hampshire, French, Hartnett, Cros sed and Clarke, and as the five appeared in barrels and wearing obsolete panta lettee, they took the house in great shape, nnd nothing would please the au dience but that they appear a eecond time. "Boaraeki" Charlie Heppner sang "I'm Such a Naughty Kid" in an admir able manner, after which tho 11 o'clock toast was drank by tho king to his ab sent brothers, and nt the same time a chorus of voices behind the scenes sang that melody eo dear to the heart of every Elk, "Auld Lv.ng Syne." Act second was concluded by the fairy skirt dance by Messrs. French, Frank, Snipes, Clarke,,Gude, Vogt, Barrett and Burget. They were dressed aj eight little girls ni blue, and their appearance, as well s their dancing, was very pretty. The entire audience went wild over them, and demanded n Eecond ap pearance of the eight fairies. The third act was opened by a chorus by tho entire company, followed by a whistling chorus. Two well-rendered and equally well received uolos were given by Charles Clarke and Will Cros seu, while the mnle quartet consisting of Messrs. Gilford, Kohler, French and Lundell, wob one of the lineal that has ever been gotten up in our city. All these gentlemen display murks of train ing, and when they all chime in to gether the room seem to be virtually filled with music. Tho boys quartet, consisting of Charles and Arthur Clarke, Will Frank and Fred Snipes, la unpar alleled for one that consists of boys who iiave had very little voice culture, and their singing is remarkubly sweet and melodiue. Tho solo by George Kohler was verv fine, and the encore received proved how well it was appreciated. The evening's peiformanco closed by it grand finale, consisting of it medley of the latest songs, and nt Its conclusion everyone was uiinnimons in voting that tho performance wan nil that could bo desired, Tho king, his tuhjectti ami tho visitors to liiu court nil did themselves proud, while tho oichestr.i added much j to wio snow uy us nuuuuues ami ac companiments, Tw Cure ft Cold iu Una Day, Tako Laxative Bromo Qulnino Tab lets, All druggists refund tl.o money 1 they fall to cure. 25c. "Very Much to the Good." ..reseept Bieyeles.. i 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. 5 Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. MAYS & CROWE. Wo have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. The VOGT OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT. Second Annual Entertainment of the p Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club. -- PRESENTING KING HALLABAHOOLA II. AN ORIGINAL MUSICAL FARCE CJMEUY. A GRAND CARNIVAL OP NEWEST SONGS, Jokes and Original Comedy and Athletic Specialties- 40 PEOPLE IN THE CAST. 4 4 PEOPLE IN THE CAST. 4 A PRODUCTION COSTING $400. ELEGANT COSTUMES! NEW SCENERY! Reserved Seats on sale, commencing Friday morning, April Stli, at 9 o'clock, at the Sntpee-KinorBly Drug Co.'e etore. TONIGHT. inODBraHouse Balow For an Indefinite Period, THE Kickapoos IN AN UP-TO-DATE Vaudeville Entertainment. Free to adultf), cxeapl announced dates, when special Mils r.ru uiven. Reserved teats each evenlui; for 1 ail its nnd escorts without extra clmrne. Entire cliniue of (irouram each nlulii, WJIKN TUA.VKl.INO Whether on ploaanro bunt or business, tako on every trip n bottlo of Syrup of Fiif, as it acts most pleasantly nnd ef fectually on the kidney?, liver nnd bow els, preventing fevers, headaches?, and other forms of sIckuetB, For talo in 60 cent bottles by nil leading druggists. Manufactured by tho California Flu .jruji Co. ui'y. TyjKS. EVANS, MODISTE, Itooms In Mrs. Ilrlttln's Loosing House J")S' UEISKNllOltrrKU JtUEIY Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. UooniB'Jl una ii, Tel.a.'S VogtUloofc 4 I Happy lirldo is who whosa frlenufr have had tho good taslo to besto bIIvi-i-upon her as a wedding gift. Nothing; more appropriate, uothinu uioro ncuept able, nothing mor.t uhoI'iiI, "A HiIdk off beauty and n joy forever." Our sUiuU of sllvorwaro is complete. I. C. Nickelscn Book & music Company