The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 13, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 2(5
Semite Practically Agrees
on a Resolution.
It Will Ainu Drclare In 1'avor of tie
qulrloc thn ItnmrdlMe ICvncua
tlmi if tlui Inland by .Spain.
Washington, April 12.
The senate foreign relations
committee is understood to
have practically decided on a
resolution declaring for im
mediate intervention and re
quiring the evacuation of Cuba
by .Spain.
Washington, April 12.
The foreign relations com
mittee resumed its sitting this
morning. They immediately
took up the task of formulat
ing a resolution defining its
idea of the course to be pur
sued in the present complica
tions with Spain. The' are
hopeful of being able to report
today, but the report may be
delayed so as to afford an op
portunity to hear General
The committee is finding it
a very difficult task to reach
an agreement on the terms of
the resolution. There is by
no means the same unanimi
ty as when they first met and
decided to report the Foraker
resolutions. The indications
at the beginning of today's
session were that there would
be a return to the compromise
proposition which was made
prior to the reception of the
The committee remained together un
til noon, urid then adjourned till 3:30, to
hear General Lee. A formal vote was
taken,but the committee knew whnt its
report would be when it adjouruod at
noon. The reeult whb not made public.
The best information obtainable ie thut
it will be a declaration for immediate
intervention, nnd that no action on tho
part of Spain short of evacuation of tho
ielaml will eatiefy this country.
No Acrcciiiuut Kenvlieil and No Itcpoit
tu Ho Made Today.
Washington, April J2. The Demo
crats of tho house foieign aU'aira com
mittee have agreed on a resolution of
independence nnd armed intervention.
The Republicans nre divided still. The
house comiuitte will make no report to
day. Washington-, April 12. The foreign
nffairH committee of the house took a re
cosa nt noon until H o'clock thia after
noon. Tlicy expect to have General Lfo
A bushel of milieus
doefii't weigh half us
much as ono stubborn
Hippy Thought Salve
ii a sure factor for the
cure of Skin Troubles
und Piles,
BOc glass Jars
For sale at DONNELL'S.
Royal makef the lood pure,
wholesome and dcllcioui.
Absolutely Pure
ROYAL fitvlMk poteen CO., St YDS.
before them at that time. The
licans are coming together on a
tion for intervention.
R?I ut-reeolu-
j Tho Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
j community of simple, honest, God-fear-!
in men and women, have prepared the
! Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is alwnys the same, timple, lion
' est, curative medicine that has helped
' to make the Shakers the healthy, long
. lived people that they are. The Shak
i ers never have indigestion. This is
'partly owing to their simple mode of
' life, partly to tiie wonderful properities
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
' tion is caused bv the etomach glands not
! supplying enough digestive juice,
j Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
, wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and nil its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot
"Extraordinary Advance Seined ou the
1'roduce Exchange.
San Fkancisco, April 12. Both bar
ley and wheat have made great and ex
traordinary advances on the produce
exchange call board. The advance in
May wheat from Saturday's figures is
10?.tu a cental, or 2.03 a ton, and in
December options lCc a cental, equiva
lent to 3 20 a ton.
In barley the advance is 12 and lOe
a cental, while since Thursday May has
gone up from $1,15 to $1.44, or 18';ca
i cental, equal 10 a ion, anu uk-
ceinber from $1 2o.. to $1.41 -j, or 15?., e
a cental, or $3.15. a ton.
Free I'llln-
Send your address to H. E. iiucklen
.C. O.n niioaitn fin" fir.t n frpfl finmnlp
! box of Dr. Kimr's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy iu action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria und Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Biakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
7'atriollo Indluiif).
Api'J.i:ton, Wis., April 12. A delega
tion of a dozen Indians from the Oneida
reservation Is endeavoring to inako ar
rangements for the enlistment of a num
ber of Indiana in case of war with Spain.
They aro disappointed iu not being able
to find anyone with authority to enlist
"A word to the wife is sufficient" and
a word iroin the wise should be tuf
licient, but you ask, who are the wise?
Those who know. The oft repeated ex
perience of trustworthy persons may bo
takeu for knowledge. Mr. W. M, Teny
says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
gives better satisfaction than any other
iu the market. He has been In the drug
business ut Klkton, Ky for twelve
years; has eoUI hundreds of bottles of
this remedy and nearly all other cough
medlcinss manufactured, which shows
conclusively thut Chutnberlain's is the
most satisfactory to the people, and is
the best. For sale by Blakc-Iey &
Decline of the Alanka Kutli.
Tacoma, April 12. The Steamers AN
Ki and City of Seattle left for Alaska
ports today, both passenger and freight
i lists being very light. The former car
j ried 75 passengers. The steamer An;-
t alia hna withdrawn from the Alaska
' service and will carry wheat to San
Hnckieu'a Arnica salve.
The beat salve in the world for cut,
bruiaes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevel
I sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, ana ai: skm erupuorji, and posi
tively cuius piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price '25 cents
per box. For sale by Biakeley and
Hciiithton, druczists.
I Our Minister to Spain Will l'roliably
i Leave Madrid Toduj ,
j Madrid, April 12. It is stated that
United States Minister Woodford leaves
Madrid today. Ii is further alleged that
he will be accompanied to the frontier
by an escort of gendarmes.
The foreign embassadors met at the
Italian embassy today. It is understood
the meeting was called as a result of
news lroru Washington.
lleutt tlie Klondike-
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex.,
has found a more valuable discovery
than has et been made in the Klondike.
For years lie suffered untold agony from
consumption, accompanied by liemmor
rhages; and was absolutely cured bv
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares
that gold is of little value in comparison
with this marvelous cure; would have it,
even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections are positively cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Trial bottles free at Biakeley &
Houghton's drug store. Regular size
50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded. 2
Sheep marking paint ; ready for use.
Two colors, black and red. Why you
should use our sheep paint. First, lie
cause the colors are ground thoroughly
in pure linseed oil by tine machinery ;
second, because it is made of high grade
color, with the proper amount of dryers
added to give it binding and lasting
qualities, which prevent it from washing
or rubbing off; third, it is much moie
economical, because it is p.lways ready
for use. We guarantee our sheep mark
ing' paints to give satisfaction. Try it
and be convinced. Clarke & Falk,
agents, The Dalles, Or.
A hot number : Thtee acres of ground
all spt to bearing fruit of different va
rieties, small berries and a spring of wa
ter that will irrigate the entire tiact and
all under the highest state of cultivation.
Price $S50, on rea;onable terms. Located
within one mile of the postoflice. Tiiis
is one of Dad Butts' latest suaps and
will only be on the market for a short
time at this price. Don't stand around,
good people, with your hands on your
purse looking for something better un
less you expect to get the world for ten
cents, but come up and see Butts end
you will urcatfnlly remember the day lie
sold you thin property.
One sorrel mare, white strip in face;
weight about 1000 pounds; branded J
on left stifle and on left shoulder. One
light sorrel iiorse, about same weight ;
bwinnied on left slioulder; branded A. A.
on left stifle. Anyone leaving same at
Jim Walker's place, head of Rattlesnake
grade, will bu paid jo. Address.
J. B. Jackson,
aii6-:iw Hood River, Or.
Foutz' cigarj are on sale at the follow
ing places: Snipos-Kinersly, Clark A
Falk and M. Z. Donuell, druggists ; Com
mission Co., Geo. Rucli, Fred Fisher
and Chas. Phillips, grocers ; Columbia
Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection
ers; Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan
Baker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilson and
The Midwav, saloons.
If tho United States and Spain become
involved in war, it will be impossible to
import Havana tobacco. Consequently
high grade Havana cigars will increafo
in price. Lay in a supply of Prize
Medal cigars while the price remains
the same. 10-tf
Tho farmer, th mechanic nnd the bi
cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts
ami bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is tho best thing to keep on hand,
It heals quickly, and is a well known
cure for piles, Snipes-Kinersiy Drug Co.
D. C. & A. C. colors in silk ribbon are
to be had at A. M. Williams & Co.'a.
Honor King Hallabahonlu's reception by
wearing the colors.
Guardian's Sale of Real Estate.
An older having been made by the county
court of Wasco County, Oregon, on the 'J5th da v
of March. lfeM, In the matter of the guardian
ship of James A. Drown, Jr., Kthel M. llrown,
Paulina A. Drown, David K. Drown, Mnry S.
Drown nnd George I). Drown, minors, authoriz
ing nnd UrcnMiiK the guardian nf said minors,
James A. Drown, Sr., to sell the Interests of unlit
minors In mid to the real estate herenlnaftcr de
scribed, and directing that the sale thereof bo
made nt pttrato snlo In the manner provided for
tho sale of renl estate at private sale by execu
tors anil administrators.
Therefore, under nnd iu pursuance of said or
der, I will, from and after the
2d day of May, 1808,
proceed to bell the uudh tried interests of said
minors iu and to the hereinafter dcsciihcd rent
property, at private sale, for the highest and
best bid therelor in cash. The real property
above refeired to is described as follows, to wit:
Undivided interests in and to a tract of laud ly
ing aud situate In Wasco County, O.cgoii, and
beginning at a point 2G rods south nnd :;o feet
west of what Is known ns the northwest corner
of the J. tL Wllso-i lot, said corner being one
hundred and clevui rods oust of tho northwest
corner of (he John A. Simms Donation Land
Claim No. HJ, In Tn 1, North Kange 13 East W.
M., running thence south ten rods; thence west
six rods and three feet; thencenorth ten roils;
thence east six rods aud three feet to tho place
of beginning, containing one-half an acre,
mure or less.
Uated The DaXUe, March ill, IMW.
ap2-il Guardian.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily viituoof an execution and order of Mile
duly issued out ol the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Wasco County, to mo directed, and
dated March IS, l&M, upon a judgment and de
cree rendeied anu entered in snld court on No
vember 11, 1SS1. in favor of tho plaintiff, Inn
ckc wherein Ihe AllUncc Trust Company, a
corj.oration, wns plalntlll, and against thede
feudtnts therein, C. W. Denton and Kllzubeth
Denton, for the sum of Jssi.-H, with interest
therton from the said date at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, aud the costs of aud upon
this writ (which said judgement nnd decree was
on the fith day of Jauuary, 18'JJ, duly assigned
and conveyed to Mrs. K. K. Thomson), and com
manding me to ninkc sale of certain of the real
property embraced in such decree aud hcrtiu
alter fully described, 1 will, on
April JiO, 1808.
nt 2 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the county
court house In Dalies City, Wasco County, Ore-
?:ou, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder
or cash In hand, all the light, title aud Interest
which the defendants, and each of them, had on
July U, 18M, the date of the mortgage foreclosed
by said dtcree, in and to the following described
twenty (J)) acres of land, to-wlt: That certain
twenty (M) ucres in square form out of the
northeast corner of the donation land claim of
CtiMrles V. Denton and Elizabeth Denton, his
wife, said donation land claim being Notifica
tion No. 601U, Claim No. 1J, aud being parts of
sections 5 and 8, In township 1 north, range 111
east of Wlllumeite Meridian, in Wasco County,
.Statu of Oregon, aud is more particulaily de
scribed as follows, to-wlt: lieginnlng at a
point 1." chains 77 links cast and G chains 7 links
north of the southwest corner of said section 5;
thence south 09 chains 50 links; thence east 10
chains '."J links; thence north '22 cha'us 20 links;
thence east 43 chains 50 links: theucd north II
minutes west 17 chains, 1J links; aud thence
est ."9 chsins S5 links to the place of beginning
containing 3J9 ol-lOO acies, more or less.
The Dalies, Oregon, Maich '."J, 1S9S.
mch23-l Sheriffof Wasco County, Or.
X Oregon, for Wasco County.
A. M. Crofoot, plaiulilf,
If. K. Crofoot, defendant.
To H. K. Ciofoot, the above named defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
heieby required to appear and answer tho com
plaint of tlie above named plalntlll' Hied iu the
above entitled suit against you ou Monday, the
2."d day of May, lm, said day being tho llrst
day of the next regular term of said Cou t fol
lowing the tlual publication of this summons,
aud if you fail so to appear aud answer said
complaint the above named plalntlll ui'l applv
to tho above eniitled Court f.-r the leliet prayed
for iu her complaint, to-wlt: for a decree of said
Couit to 'he effect that tho bonds of matilinouv
hetetofoie and now existing between you and
said plnliitlll be forever auuulcd, set side aud
held for naught, aud that said plaiulilf have the
cate and custody of the minor children of you
aud s il l planum'.
Ibis ummons Is served upon you by publica
tion theieof for six consecutive weeks In Tun CmtoNlCLK by older of the Hon. W. 1..
DrmlsliHW, judge of the above entitled Court aud
of the Seventh Judicial District of the Mate of
Oregon, which order bears date the lsth day of
March, li9s.
meh231 Attorneys for pluintfll'.
Administrator's Notice.
Notlco Is hereby jtlven that the undersigned
has been appointed by the County Court of the
Mate of Oregon for Wasco County, as admini
strator of tin. estate of Oliva Ksiiluir. decea ed.
All persons haviiu: claims iiKiilust said estate,
uie iieii'uy uouui-ii 10 il'si-iii iiieiii 10 iiiu ,u uiy
olllceln Ihe Dalles, Oregon, propeily verllled
with the proper vouchers, wllhlu ilx months
from the onto of this notice.
Palles City, oicson, April I, is'js,
apt-il Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
Not'ce Is hereby given that tho undersigned,
ndmiuUtrator of tho estatu of James M Taylor,
del eased, has tiled his llnul account III the Coun
ty Court of the Matu of Oregon for Wasco I'oun.
ty, and Monday, the 2d day of My, IS'js, at the
liour of ten o'clock a. in., has been appointed as
tho tlmefor healing objections thereto and tho
settlement thcicof, All persons Inteii'sted In
knldcsUlc are Kqulrcd to lile any objections
they may liuva thereto on or before said date,
apr.'-ll AtlmluUtiator,
Notice U hereby given that the utidurkined
has ltd ill the olllco of the County Clerk, of
Watcu County, her Dual account as uiluilnlstrix
of the estate of 1. I. lluigel, mid that by order oi
the County Court, for mid Canity, Monday, the
2d day of May, Is'lS, has been tWi-dnn tho limb
aud (lie court loom of tall Com t as the place for
the hearing of mid final account, All persons
Interested iu said etutu are nollllcd to appear at
suld time and' place and show cause why said
Dual account should not be approved ami al
lowed, ; A. 1. 11U11UE I'.
mcLOll. Adnilulstrutrlx,
Warmer days nre coming nnd ere lone tho thoughts of soino will turn
to cooler wearables. It is for that reason wo insert this nd. Wo wish to
c.llj'our attention to our very extensive assortment of nil th it's nice
aud desirable in
We wish to convince you of tlie fact that by buying your waists of us
you buy ihe bet money tn buy. "It is anteeable to know that what yon
wear is right.
Showinr st le of our special 50c
Shirt waist. Made with yoke, de
tachable collars nf same material,
nnd can he had in a prent variety
of checks and small plaids in me
dium and liulit colorings. All
sizes to 42 50c
Showing two of our most popular styles in wrap
pers. In this line, as in Shirt waists, we can otter you
choice of largest variety, newest patterns and materials
at most popular prices. 75c to 2.50.
Lawn wrapper, haudpome color
inpB, prettydesiirns ; elVectf, blue
pink and lavender, boleio front
edged with val. lace, fitted lin
ing, finished seams in arm
holes $1.90
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully lahoroil for their prosperity and happi
ness, for tho improvement of their business and homo
interests, for education, for tho olovation of American
manhood and truo womanhood.
IT HAS told at tho firosido, interesting nnd instructive
stories of tho doings of the world, tho nation and states.
IT HAS advised tho farmer ns to tho most approved moth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho
proper timo to convort them into tho largest possible
amount of money.
IT HAS led in nil mnttors portaining to tho wolfaro of
farmers and villngors, and for over half a century has
hold their confidence and ostoom.
and wo furnish it with tho Somi-Weokly Ohroniclo one
year for $1.75, cash in advanco.
This style can be had in all this
seasons choicest fabrics, patterns
ami coloring.
Our celebrated tfl wrappe.made
as style illustrated and can bo
had in blue, black and white,
feathered braid, fitted lining,
correct widths, $ I .OO