Tbc Dalles My Gbrcme!. tni: n ali.es, oreoux ore ENJOYS 25oth tho method and results 'when t Smm rf TTirro ?o tnVon- if iq nlonannt. sma rctrcsmng to the taste, and acts sruntlvTetDromntlr on the Kidneys, laver and Bowels, cleanses the sys ' "ton cSectnallr, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual ! constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ; nly remedy of its kind ever pro- uceu. pieasing to uic taste ana ac- :e)table to the Btomach, prompt in ate action and truly benencial m its effects, prepared only from tho most jbealthvand aCTecable substances, it3 Tnanv excellent qualities commend it 10 an ana nave maae it trie most, popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist "who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to try iL Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LDVnVlUS, Kf. NEW YORK, tl.Y. rCIiSOS.11, MENTION- fSker:2 Driver left todsy for Astoria. Ciiarles W. Reed, of flood River is in tiie city. If. L. Knck went to Astoria this saornin. R crc Oafces, the popular clothing drummer, is m tbe city. E. Jacabsen went below today to be present at the convention. Attornev A. A. Jayne was among those who went to Attoria tbie morning. Superintendent Gilbert was among the other passengers for Astoria today. riaak Menefee left on the morr.inj; train for Astoria to attend the state con vention. Nicholas J. Sintiott was among those who went to Astoria to attend the con vention. Miss Annie Dufur, who has been vis iting friends at Dulur. returned to her home in Portland on the Regulator this tnorning. JiOIt.N. "in'this-cRv, 'jP--'lr, April 12th, to Mr. and Xn. H. Hernng, wu Jut Iteceived. "The Dout Optical and Jewelry Co. hfte just received a new up-to-date eye pro iector. It weighs only two pi uny weight, uade of a composition which will not ' offset the sight of the eye. It is carried ' Su tho inside band of your hat, and is '.txhvBya ready for use. They retail at 25 cents. Call and see them. SVe make a specialty of properly fit -tins children's eyes, and test each eye a?parately. We carry a full line of frames, gold, atltuinitiuo;, nickel, bronze add rubber. We are receiving new goods daily, and best of nil we guarantee entire satisfac tion. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberluin's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads me to write this. I can truthfully eay I never used any remedy equal to it for colic and diar arhoca. I have never had to use more than one or two doses to cure the worst caso with myself or children. W. A. Stroud, Popomoke Citv, Md. For ealo by Blakeley & Houghton. Pb-GUNN'S ONE FOR A DOtC. Era Piroplw, TWeat JiihonnaMK. Pant, thu PILLS llA(Jiefaear.iI j;imit, m?! 7ij i' "f "UI mall aampl re, or foil box for dxustisu. DR. DOSANKQ CO. PhllA. Pa. LOST. A. dark bay horse, weighing about 1100 pounds, branded j on shoulder, witri'.wliitfi left foot. Strayed from 3niH Valley. Anyone finding the nni Mi and informing Fruuk Kramer, of !$kl city, will bo suitably rewarded. nichlfl'lm jt little boy asked (or a bottle of "get ,'mU:tb morning na fast as you can," tfto .(irufgltt ,recogniied a household mam Jm Yfiti't Little Early Risere" M4fM'liin ibattto of those famous MtofriMilwMHMtipaUon, tick held MiM. Mr nmI. stomach troubles. Rheumatism Cared. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, . And 2 can recommend it as a pplendid liniment for rheumatism and other househol 1 u?e for wh'ch v.e have found it valuable. W. J. Cuyler, Red Creek, N. Y. air. Mnrier is one oi me inning mer - chants ol this villoce nnd one of the i most prom'titnt men in this vicinity- J W. G. Phippin, editor Red Creek Her- aid. ForsalebyBlakeley & Houghton. Mrs. A. C. Stnblinc & Son havrfhv- brid and tea roses, three and four vears old at 25 cents ; young roses in bud at 15 cents or two for -5 cents ; carnations at 15 cents, two for 25 cents; white and yellow marguerites; heliotropes, gera niums and fuschias at 5 rents and up. Pansies 25 cts. per dczen. -5-wlmdlw TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At nil times flour eqnal to the best for sale at Tvch Vallev Roller Mill". prices to sun tue times. a;so mi:i leeii. ; . M. Mccocele, Prop. uichlG Bin mcst of the houses of Lima, Peru, au-.mals are kept on the roofs. . calf's first view of the sun is usually ; " f acd ,t ever desceads unth ( ;t conses 0-cwn as bief. pA y QF PARLLOIEXTS. , ! Salaries of Legialators the World j Over. Statcumen of the Trnnnvnal Receive the LarKCit Saiarlcn. Hat Ours Hnve the licit I'er iinlsllfi. So far as. payments ic Lard cash go, the branny burghers of the Transvaal are decidedly the befet off. Quite re ceot'.y the lloer paiiiatr.tnt iarreasod the salaries of its members to fO.i.00 a year fsr each individual, as they can ery easily affvird to do. wher. cue re members the bijr tax to! is which the unfranchised L'itianders are ccKipsiled (to pay. But m actual eniclun:en:s the Lr.ited states senator probab:y receives a better reward. He cets rniitaire and numerous minor fees and privileges, which mvcH his annual inccnie material ly over its nominal $5,000. Great Britain, as every student knows, ifives h"v Tcn-bcrs of sriiaars; ro salaries, nHhouph government of!tcia;s I for the time oeing are royally ia The first lord oi tbe treasury re- t-ives SSj.ooo, as also do the fere's1!:, hcn.e. colonial, 3nd;an and war secretaries. The Icrd chancellor receives SiO.GCO per annum, liut for the JL T. who does not hold office there is naught gave honor. Even the oid privilege of no being liable to arrent for debt while an M. P. has been abolished. The British colonics, however, do r.ol follow the example of the mother coun try. New South Wales and Victoria al low their M. P.'s f 1,3'JO per annum. Can ada and South Australia ?1,000, with an additional mileage rate for the former, and Queensland $730, with mileage. New Zealand representatives get Sl, 200. . France gives its senators and depu ties $1,500, but there is a "fctring" to this salary which might be tried else where, in Vienna, for ir.stanee," with Cod effect. Any member who is twice called to order during a sitth.r forfeits half his salary for two week:.. Cases exist where certain fiery French depu ties have lost their entire year's allow ances in this manner. Tial'ri'Jtr: grants members of tberep resentatives.' chamber S500 a year and pusses on the railroads, but enrion-Oy enough makes its senators work for nothing and pay their own traveling ex penses. In the realms of the little epieen of Holland members of the upper houste are paid a rum ecjunl to about $1.18 per diem for each Kession, but since they me?t only on 00 or 32 days :r. the year they cannot be said to clear much. In the second chamber SS30 per annum, with a traveling rrant of 2" cents for every hour spent on the railroad, are the allowances. Absentee Dutch law givers forfeit their salaries, whether their absence be caused by illness or not. The new Japanese parliamentary con Btitution compels each member of the national parliament to draw annually . from the treasury about .r,G3. Any member of the nriaiocratie classes re fusing to accept this salary, through pride or other reasons, is subject to fine and dismissal, by the parliamentary rules of 1SD0. ror'ufral In i.iggardly with its repre- ( sentatives, giving them only S320, and j Norway nays members from $310 to $4!Q, according to the length of the session. Iu Sweden members of the tipper J House serve nusoiuteiy lor patriotism mid the lower chamber members get only 5333. Moreover, $2.75 per (;cin is deducted for non-attendance. liven the unpaid rpper 1 -'.i!e is fined for ab senteeism, although its members get nothing not even train fared. The Greek lawgiver Ib a S3C0 per an num man, with additions for overtime work (such na in the recent war;. It was suggested recently that t);ts& ral nries should be "docked" Blight ly, so as to help pay the Turkish Indemnity, but the idea was condemned promptly. Switzerland gires her councillors some thing less than five dollar a week, with about hix cents a day for traveling ex penses. N. Y. Bun. - i ; SCROFULA. m m One of America's most fa- 5 , g ww- S oia xs external consumption. Scrofulous children arc often Si A t M.'t..1 ttfj it it I ocauuiui cniiaren, out nicy .7 lack nerve force, strong bones, stout muscles and power to a resist disease. For delicate it resist disease. For delicate children there is no remedy $ equal to I Scott's Emulsion I ' ; 7.7 r 7 " 4 C 4 "l ! 9 t. r.tf a. . t V. a n iius out idc ssin oy putting w ffi good flesh beneath it. It makes w j the checks red by making rich S blood. It creates an aooctitc & I r ( 4, tj A tLj. ...Jt n. X sl '"ZlTV I $ sure you eet SCOTT'S Emul sion. 50c and $1.00 ; all druggiiU. SCOTT & BOWSE, ChtciUu. New Ycrk. ! en ' r vV 1 If the United States and Spain become involved in war, it will be impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high crade Havana cigars will innren""e in price. Lay in a upp!v of Prize Medal cigars "while the price remains the same. 10-tf Sheepn.en, call at Ciarke & Falk's and get prices on the La Plata Sheep t Dip. it is non-noisonous, tr.ises in stantly with cold water, nnd it is an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and ticks. 1-tf Thousands of fcuffereri from grippe have been restoK-d to health by One .Minute Couch Cure. It quickly cures caughs, colds, bronchitis-, pneninnnia, grippe, asthma, nnd all throat and lung diseases. Suit es-Kiut-rsly Drug Co. Thirty five years nuke a generation. That is how long Adoiph Fisher, of Zanesviiie. O., suffered from piles. He i was cured bv using three boses of Ds Witt's Witch HarA Salve. Snipes Kicersly Drug Co. The farmer, the mechanic and the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best tiling to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is n well known cure for pi'es. Snipes Kinertly Drug Co. Cath Id lnur Check". All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. o, 1S94, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after March. J7, 1S9S. C. L. Piului-s, Countv Trecsnrer. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-poisonou finid dip in the wcrld; guaranteed to curt scab, itch, sore throat, iice and hoof-rot. Clatke & Falk, agents, The Dalies. FOR SALE. Two lots, Nos. 11 and 12, n block 14, ! Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. Ft'IIKJIAEY, 19 4w Box 176, Goidtndaie, Wash. Vtir One lot, 2"o. 7, block 7, Itigeiow's Ad dition. Cheap fjr cash. Apply to or addrefH Mi::i. P. J. Wilho.v, uich.'10-lw Telephone 118. bhu-pmi-ii, Attention! Ciarke & Falk have seeurod the agency for the La Plata Sheep Dip. Mixes instantiv with cold water. DeWitt's Little Eariy Risers, The famous titlc ONLY CURE FOR PIMPLES It U so becKtisQ It strikes nt the lame ot lUe Clogitd, Irritated, JiitamtU, Mugjbh, or Octworktd J'oRK. olJ throiiout tht wli Trntv. Dutro axd C'niK IC.il Co'i-OKJlio. taU rttptltt-m, Utuinn br-Uuv taf(eail'Uapi,''Olf(t,llliu.,bt. Wanted At th Diamond Mills, Good nulling wheat, jiaid. The bighoat price tnchlC tf. (MCII TsDAf Dr. Shackelford has removed hie office to room 14, Vogt block, over the post office, ml" 2m A fresh lot of cauliflower, cabbage, 'sweetP, oranges and lemons at Commis . elon fc Grocery Co.'s. When you smoke the Rose Queen 5- f vm W , worth tf Kvrrvbodv reads The Citr.oi.xici:. - r . ELVS CltEAlW BALM I apoxltlTPcnra. Apply Into the nostrils. It is quickly !morted. 60 cents at DrnrpUls or by mail ; ajn;ilcs toe by raalU XLY BKOTliniS. 66 Warren St.. New York City. Cigars. Why do wo retail more Cigars than j olucrs? Why do smokers go out of their way j and pass cigars of the same grade? i Not because wc have better cigars j or better brand-, or any greater variety; j no, not that. Why, because we have the finest ci gar case in the state and keep our c'gars in better condition. Snipss-KInersly Drug Co. ST, GERMAIN: FEMALE PILLS The only orlslntil end cruulnr I'rrnch-Fr-male Ut-sulntur, ot ilme -St. Gurnmln, t'urls. t"ijstiriasetl at liclm; h(c, sure, and rclinblc In every tiise. Sold under nosltlve Kuarnutcc or money refunded. Out tbc jjunulno. I'rlce f l.iw perbts by umll. .-olc ncuatx for thii (.'lilted !!; und Ctilind. KINfi IIAltVAUO CO, 157 Waxhlogtin St . Chicago. SherifTs Sale. T N' THE CIP.CUIT COt'KT OF THE sTATE OF X Oregon for Wuco county. T. I. Field, iilaiatUf va Win. nirRfeld, Uiura E. lllrpfeld. Fbst 5ntlonal llant oi The Iu!lr, Tboums Kcllr and A. ; . lteunett, defendants. Ily virtue of nn execution, decree and order oi talc, duly it.iuud out ot ana under the seal of the Circuit I ourt of the sate of Oregcu, for the tne County of Wnco, to me directed and dxted thc-"'i:h day of 1'tbruury, 1VJ5, um a decree for tne loreciosure 01 a certain moripice, ana juos meat rendeied aud entered In huid Court on the Itli dav-of December, 1-97, In tbe above entitled cuiise, in favor ot tlie I'MntM' jnrt afrnlnst the deieadants William UirRfeld and I-aura K. lllrp feld ns Judcinent debtors, in the sum of tifteen hnndrtd and twelve dollar!, and turcuty-iilnu t'tnrs, with interest thereon from the 4th day til ftfiember, ls37, ot the rate of ten i.t -cnt fwr annum, ana tbe further nam of ouu hundred mid llfty Collars as attorney" fee, and the further hum of tilteeit dollars, v.oMn, and tliu oxtof aud iiou thii wit:, and rumumnillnc me to niiifce ale of the real primerty euibruevd in Mich iicteeoi loreciosure uuu iiweliinlttr deuribed, I wtll on the lUtli (lav of April, 1HOH, at the hour of two o'clock in the ufternnon of said day, and at tho front uoor of the Countv Court hnilM; in IlitllCK City, V'aeo County, Ore gon, sell at puh'.ic unction to the hlRhcnt bidder lorcufch ii' baud, nil the rii;lit. title Htid interet which the delendHiilH William IUrKlcl'1 and liiira E. llirgfeid, Thom t Kly nnd A. S. lien nett, or cither of them, bud on the lh day of Aucust, 1SW, the dale of the mortgage foreclosed hctein, or which Mich defendant or any of the defendants herein havouojuircd, or now nave in and to the following de-.crih-.-d real nropurty, nituntKl and being iu Wn eo County, Ongou, to-ivit: An undivided one llllh iutcrext of all of lection No "I, the iiw U and the c of ,w tlon No. 13, alo all of XTtiou Xo. J.',, the nw i and the t-e , t wtlon No. T,, aud the nw i 01 n-clion No. i, all iu tovrniihtri No 7, routb ol iiiugeNo. 17. east of the W. M: also of section No. 3, township No. a, south of ranire No. 17, eust of the W. jI.,coti:nliiiiig In all 'SMM acres ac cording to the UoveniiiiKiit survey (page ,ltl,Vol. O of deed) also the i I, of thy bw ii and the t U of the ke J.', of Kectiou No. .11, township No. , , south of range 17, caw. ol W. M,, contaiulng 1W) acres, (j.aeu UC.Voi, K. d.-ed) slso all the iiw Ji of fectloitNo.il,, toushlp 7, south ol range 17, ejstof W. M (page 'Ml, Vol. N. of deedt.) hald interest In the ulve docilbcd real projier'y be ing the ame descended to und lnheilted by the said I-auru E. Ilirgleld uym the death of Alexan der Ilogers. and Mtlldn ilogers. her father and J rnutlier, Hald property will bo sold subject Ui fjuuiiiiiiuiiuii uuu fmeiau;iou as oy law pro vided. ' Uated at The Ualles, Oregon, this 34 day of Maich, li'.'i. nich.Vil, T.J DRIVEI'.. Shcrlfl'of Wn eo County, Oregon, Ons Minute Coup;h Cure, cures. That I what ll wis mxtte fur Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kind. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmiitiSL Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. This Flour w MfstnMd expreealy for family ; every ack hi guaranteed to give atisfaction. We teii our goodi lower than any bouae in tbe trade, and if foa don't think ao call and get our pricea and be convinced. Highest Prioes Paid for Wht, Barley and Oatt, ..GHflS. FRS5K.. Batchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kfcjwon ilrnuirht tlic celolirntfJ C()I.t'.MIUA M.rH, ucklinwl. wlscil the lot Ikit in Tiic Itnllc, it tho usual price. 'oi:ie in, try It nnd lie ro vli.ci-i!. Aln the l'lnt brnndt of Wlnw, Union mid t'lcnts, Sanduuiehes t of nil i;i:nis ui vriiys or. linnd. Patronize the Troy Alt klinlot wort. White Shlrti. n Mwclnltr. Fiiinlly wort nt reduced r. to. Wuh rnllerti'd n:id dcllveieU free, Tflrihntip o. 110. H. D. Parkins, Agt, , Tlic Coiiisiia Packing Go.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF aiANl'FACTCKKltS UF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. 1 Dalles, Mora and Antelope, STAGE MNE. Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent and Cross Hollows. IIOUOLAS ALLEN, Tlir Dslln. C. M. WI1ITELAW, Auteloim. Stages leave The Dalles lrom CnintlllR Houc at 7 a. 111., also from Auteloiie at 7:.'iu a. m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Connections made at Antelope for I'rinuville, Jlitrbeil and txiints beyond. Close c unectious uiude at The tialles with railways, trains aud boats. Hinges from AiilelOc rca'-h The Dalles Tues days, Thursdays and .Saturdays u: list) p. va. r..vrc or FAUE. Dalles to Deschutes 1 (XI do Moro.. 1 50 do Orass Valley '. 'J5 do Kent 3 00 do Crow llollon's 4 SO Antelope to Cross Hollows .. . ISO do Kent ' W do Grass Valley S 00 do Moro do Ucachuec do Dalles . 0 00 50 Years 50 Undisputed etipremacv in tiic World'e Competition. Coopers Sheep Dip. Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value of Flock Cheap, Safe, Handy, Clean, Wholesome aud Odorleee. Recommended by Manufacture", .Scour erB nnd Buj era. Sold hy PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. C. G. Kobertfl, Generul Agent, 2-17 Ash Streat, Portland, Oregon. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. H ; Pullman i Elegont Tou3?ist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car nr. vavi. MlNNEAl'OI.I DUU'IU KAItOO on.v.r rwt CHOOKSTON wiNNirno HELENA an ISUTTK TO Throuah Tickets chic.vco T0 WASHINGTON riin.ADr.LrniA NEW YOUR HUSTON A N I) AI.I. 1'OINTS EAST mill SOCTll For inlorciation, time cards, tn5u:id ticket, cal on or write to W. C. ALLA WAY. AKcnt, The Hali, Onwn ot. A. D. CHARLTON'. Asst. G. P. A., i.V. Morrison Oor. Third. I'ortUjd orn EAST and SOUTH via 1 iThe Shasta Route I OK THU j Southern Pacific Comp'y. I Train leave nnd arc due to arrive r.t I'ortlat. LEAVE. f OVEl:t-Nf) EX-1 t 1 mir re, Ashlauit, .r.c-1 a na l- ii 1 ramento, Ogden.tan ' I j I)s Angelee,El i'hso, ! 1 I New urleaus nnd ) ! I East J 1 TG V M ''-'''eo-i-B an1 WJ na- itlOIIh . 1 M Dally except Sundays. fVlit Wimlburs fori itt.Aneal. !llvLTtoti. ' Daily except HtVest dclo, Browns- vlUcSpnngacld aud ! 1 v.,,-..,, i BUU'jny v.. J 17 :M A. M.! jJ. B"fl r -r.M. INDEl'ENDENCE I'ASSENGER. F.xprvs traiu Dally (except Hunduy). I;."i0p. m. Lv. ..I'o:ltaad ...Ar.i ? :T.n.m 7::top. m. At Mc.MlunvllIc .l.v.5 S.Wi,b b:: p. in. r.tr .tnde't'iideiire..I.r J 4 oO a. in Daily. (Daily, except eundur. DINING OA Ks"oN OCrDEN K0VTK. FPLIJIAN BUFFET i-LEEFERo AND nECONy-CX.AS- fcLEEl'ING CAKb Attnclicd to all Through Trains. Direct conucctlun at .kan Jranclsco with Orel- dental nnd Oriental nnd I'ni'.Kc- utai: steamship lines for JAt'Ah mid CUINA. bsllmg dates oa n plication. I'.ntcs Mid tlcicts to Eatcrn point and Eu roi. Also JAPAN. CHINA. 1ION01.FU' and Ai'riTKAlJA, enu U obtained from J. 11. KIICKI.AND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket OUi(f,13t Third street, wher through tickets to all Uuts in the Esstera stHU-s, Canada and Europe can be obtained al lowest rates ftom J. R. KIUIUND, Ticket Agent. All above trains nrrire nt and depnrt Iroir Grand Centra! Station, Filth and Irving street YAMHILL DIVISION, l'asse nger Dcput, loot of JeSeison street. Ijeave for OStVEGO. dally, except Sunday, at 7:lT0 a. in.; 12:S, 1:33, 6: IS, C:'X, t5 p. ra. (and IIijo p. to. on BatunlMy only, and 1:W u, m and 3::w p. in, on Suudujs oul). Arrive at 1'ortland dally at "C:10 aud h:.10 a m.;uuui:. d 7:5 n, 5:10 p. in. on Sundays oulyj. Ixave for Sheridan, week dnys, -it 1:30 p. ra Arrive at Portland, !;S0 a. m. U-ave for AIUUE on Monday, Wednesday nui Friday tl):4i). nt. Arrlv- nt Portlaud, Tut' dnv, Thursday and Snturdnj it 3:05 p. m. Kxccpt Sunday. ""Except Saturday, H. ICOKIII.KK, Matutuer. (I, II. MARKIIAM, Ast. 0. F. i l's-i. Agt Tri Z NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-Jl-WEEK EDITION. 1 fun a Wrck. ICO I'ar u Vr. It etundn flret among "weekly" j!"" In eize, frequency of publication freshueeB, variety and reliability of cpr. teiita. It ie practically n dally at tlie low price o a weekly ; nnd ItH vufct list oi subscriberB, extending to every etate ana territory of tbe Union nnd foreign counj trieB, will vouch for tbe accuracy end fair net a of its news columns. It Is Bplendidly illuetrated, and among fta special features are a fine liutnw page, exhaustive market reporte, all tlie latest fashion for women and a on aerie of stories by the greatest mi" American aud English authors, Codbh Ooyle, Jerome K. J'"'"' MtauUjr Wrruu; Mery B. Authoojr Hove, Bret UrU. . Vruir Matthews, Etc. We offer this unequaled newspaper and Tbe DallMTwlce.a.Week Chronicle o gelher one yer for 1.00. The rgo!M price of the two papere u 3.W.