The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 11, 1898, Image 3

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Clearance Sale
m very Much to tho Good.
I ..reseept Bieyeles..
we Can Male a m Mi ni Yi
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
H. S. & M. Guaranteed Clothing is now recognized as the standard of fit
and fashion. It is not enough to say it equals merchant tailoring. The work
of the average merchant tailor does not approach it in grace of design or perfec
tion of fit. . -r
A Nobby Spring Top Coat for $10.00.
A Stylish Suit for $10, $12.50, $15, $10, $18.
REMEMBER, our Furnishing Goods Department shows the correct Neck
woar, Shirts, Gloves, etc., 1o be worn with such clothes.
' i
Iiadies' TailoJWade Suits.
We have just opened and placed on sale another shipment of Ladies' Tailor-made
Suits and Skirts. Wo have marked these at a very low selling price.
Navy . Serge Suits, Silk Lined Jacket, $6.50.
All-wool Tricot Suit, navy or black, $6.00.
All-WOOl Covert Cloth Suit, Silk Lined Blouse, $9.
SKIRTS: Cotton Whipcord, suitable for outing or bicycle $1.40, $1.54
" Navy and Black Serge $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4.50
" Fancy Bayadere Stripe : $3.50, $4.50
The Dalles Daily Ghronieie.
APRIL 11, 1898V
At the Vogt
Tuesday evening,
"King Ilullabahoola,"
Fresh liock Beer at the Midway.
Club ribbotiB at A. M. Williams &j
Co.'e. ;
rostuui Cerial Food Coffeo at Com-;- i
illusion & Grocery Co.'s. tf 1
Hop Gold Book Beer on tap at Stub-
ling'B salooa. Give it a trial.
Don't forget .that Kellar keops the
beat ice cream soda in the city. tf
t J1.ll . 1-1.. '
uicycie sundries, usoing iiiume, gums
rilles and revolvers at Maler & Benton'.
Sixty-nine bodies have Already beeriJ
taken from the slide on Chilkoot pass.
It is eaid that fifty more are Blill miss
ing. The weather la beginning to make itB
murk on the Columbia. Saturday it
roeo tapidly but isaimobt on a standstill
D. 0. & A. 0. eolorB in silk ribbon are
to be had at A. M. Williams & (Jo.'s.
Honor King Hallabahonla's reception by
wearing tho colors.
Yesterday Laura Donaldson who wbb
adjudged insane before Judge Mays Sat
urday, was taken to the state insane
asylum at Salem.
On account of many of the clerks and
business men taking part in "King-Hal
labahoola II," the b tores will close
promptly at 7 :30, Tuesday evening.
Tho second of the two big guns for
Fort Stevens passed through the city to
day on the 0. R. & N. line. Two cars
are required to carry the gun and its
N. Morris, who has been working for
an Alaska transportation company ip
Portland for several months returned
Saturday evening and will remain in
this place in future. 1
Tho board of Are delegates have postt
poncd their meeting, which was to havfe
been hold tomorrow evening, for one
week, on account of the performance of
"King llallabahoola II."
At 12 o'clock tomorrow "King Halla
bahoola II" will liavo a grand parade.
All tho characters will be on tho street,
and everyone la invited to see the great
est turnout of the season.
Today's bulletin states that tho Span
ish armistice is nothing more nor less
than a play for time. McKlnley's poli
cy will not change, however, and his
message will be sent to congress today,
The meeting of the Eastern Star to
morrow evening will beheld at 7:80, so
hat it will be finished before the
curtain rlsei for "King Hallababoola
H." All member! are requested to be
One of the largest salmon trout ever
'caught in 8.Mlle was landed by Frank
Huot yesterday, It lowered Inohee
and was indeed a tempting delicacy.
Mr. Huot and a friiiiid who was fishing
with him caught in all about twenty
fivo trout yesterday, and we know this
is no "fish Btory," n9 wo have seen the
lie has $1000 to loan on two or three
years time. City or country property
accepted for security; also some very
desirable bargains in both city and coun
try property always on tap. No trouble
to show goods.
bee Butts.
L. ' E.
Crowe, of this city, will in a
Bhort time havo his residence recon
structed and an addition built to it. The
interior will be torn out and remodeled,
and when completed will rank among
the most beautiful hcunes in the city.
Tho Umatilla alloy high scores for the
past week were us follows: Monday,
Muetg, Q2: Tuesday, Catficart, 50 j
Wednesday, Mautz, 59; Thursday,
Kercholl, 50; Friday, Burnett, 00; Sat
urday, Maetz, 72; Sunday, Gallner, 59.
Two cat loads of hoes belonging to Mr.
Knrtz, ol Weyser, Idaho, were unloaded
and fed at the stockyards last evening.
They were'en route to tho Union Meat
Company's slaughter house at Trout
dale, and were exceptionally fine pork
ers. An addition, 24x30 feet, will built in
a short time to the rear end of Kuck'a
harness shop. Tho increase in business
and consenueutly the additional stock
which Mr. Kusk is compelled to carry,
makes this a very necessary move.
Hoyle & Khabe have the contract for
the addition.
War will bo declared on all the ladles
who attend the minstrels tomorrow
night and neglect to remove those beau
tiful hats purchased at Pease & Mays.
His kinglets has so decreed, as they
will, without doubt, detract from the
interest in the stage, and put His High
ness in the shade.
The club high scores for the past week
were as follows: Bradshaw, Monday,
58; Stephens, Tuesday, 00; Toltnie,
Wednesday, 57 ; Bradshaw, Thursday,
52, Friday, 53 ; John Bonn, Saturday,
52; To! rule, Sunday, 59. Among the
ladies Mrs, Thoo. Seufert made 45 and
49 on Tuesday and Wednesday, while on
Thursday Mrs. Wm. Condon made a
sc'xrti.of 52.
The horse attached to the delivery
cart of tho Columbia Packing Co., started
and ran down Washington street at a
pretty lively gote, and turning tho cor
ner at Second streot, jumped on the
sidewalk in front of the New York Cash
store and struck the glass case in which
Gilford has his photographs diplayed,
doing considerable damage to it. This
caused the horse to turn and saved the
plate glass front in the store, The next
thing struck wbb a telephone pole, and
in this encounter Jthe horse tore loose
from the cart and ran as far at Mcln
erny' where he was stopped. The
cart was badly damaged but fortunately
uo one was hurt.
The agpearance of the distinguished
aotor, Mr. Frederick Warde, at the Vogt
Thursday night promises to be in the
nature of an event, and It will enable
his many friends and 'admirers to see
him in a character that has made him
famous " Virginius," in Knowles' grand
old play of that name. It may be fairly
said that the part has descended to him
by right of succession from a line of
actors that have passed away, and Mr,
Ward biings to the performance of it a
perfect knowledge of the traditions of
his predecessors in the role, combined
with the charm of bis own personality
and more modern views of dramatic art,
which give a freshness and originality
to the impersonation. And to these
qualities years of experience and con
scientious Etudy have betn added, so
that the result is a striking figure in tiie
gallery of men that have made them
selves famous on the American stage.
Eaftter at the CoiigreRatluniil Church.
The eervices at the Congregational
church yesterday morning were largely
attended, and the beautiful decorations
reminded all who entered the building
that it was Easter Day, for they were
unusually artistic and delicate, consist
ing of potted plants and cut flowers,
With Oregon grape leaves festooned
gracefully around the arches. The an
thems weie in keeping with the day,
and were sung in the excellent
manner in which the choir of this
church always acquits itself. The ser
mon by the pastor, W. O. Curtis, was
one of his ablest efforts, and as ho spoke
of the hereafter in connection with the
past and the life which we are to live be
fore the great hereafter, all seemed
deeply impressed with not only the
truth of the statements, but tho elo
quent and feeling manner in which they
were expressed.
At the closo of tho sermon baptism
was administered to four persons, two
of whom were received into member
ship in the church, after which the
Lord's Supper was commemorated.
Although it was the joyous Easter day
a feeling of sadness seemed to pervade
the congregation, though no allusion
was made to the fact that it was the last
Suuday on which lie, who has been
their pastor for the past ten years,
would occupy the pulpit as such. The
number of those in attendance yesterday
who are not members of any congrega
tion showed plainly the esteem in which
Mr. Curtis is held, not only by those of
kis flock, but by those who feel the
power of his influence as a friend and a
citizen whom we can illy afford to lose.
Indeed, such men are a power in a com
munity as well as in the church. How
ever, it is pleasant to know that the
fruit of Mb labors will be ours wheu he
has left us.
Great Day at llm Methodltt Church,
Those who heard Evangelist Miller at
the Methodist church yesterday learned
.that he was sound on the Bible.
There were no decorations, except a
few up-to-date ladies with their new
hate ; .but the revival interest was so
great that even these fine flowers at
tracted no special attention.
In the morning a large number joined
the church, and were given a warm re
ception, the officials leading tho way ful-
One '95 Ladies' Cleve- Mfl
land Wheel Y&U
Two '97 Eagle Wheels Jgg
One '96 Cleveland.... (OH
Gent's Wheel 90U
One '95 Eagle Gent's ftftfl
Wheel ... ..?UU
One '97 Boy's Eagle
One '97 Girl's Eagle "QD
Wheel PUU
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
lowed by the entire congregation shak
ing hands. The evangelist said : "Some
people wonder if there ia recognition in
heaven. I believe in having it begin cn
earth." (Amen!) Tears of gratitude
coursed down many faces as these new
converts were welcomed. It was a
warm time.
Notwithstanding the special Easter
attractions, the church was crowded at
night. Mr. Miller Bang, by request,
"The Old Fountain." After prayer by
thB pastor he sang "The Judgment."
This made a solemn impression. Fol
lowing this he said: "I owe it to you
and my God, whom I profe"5s to Eerve,
that I preach a whole gospel. The
world raises the question 'In there a
hell?' I will now give you the highest
authority answering this question :
'The wicked shall be turned into hell
and all the nations that forget God.'
Ps. ix:17. 'Her house is the way to
hell, going down to tho chambers of
death.' 'And whosoever was not
found written in the book of life was
cast into the lake of fire.' Thus he gave
scripture after scripture, while the great
audience listened with almost breathless
At the invitation many went to the
altar. The few who left when- the after
meeting began looked solemn as the
Mr. Miller announced his subjects for
tho week as follows: Tonight "'The
Delayed Execution of the Death Sen
tence." Tuesday "The Red Light."
Wednesday A trial. Nine witnesses
will testify; a jury of twelve men will
render their verdict. Thursday Can I
dance, play cards, etc., and be a church
member? Friday Can I have a good
time and be a Christaln.
Afternoon meetings will be held at
2:30, at which Mr. Miller will sing and
speak. B.
Mlia Uertha ltucliler I United In Mar
riage to Air. Kruest Uerlcliten.
A pretty wedding occurred last even
ing at the home of tho bride's parents in
this city, the contracting parties being
Miss Bertha Buchler, daughter of Au
gust Buchler, of this place, and Mr, Er
nest Gerichten, of Portland. The cere
niony took place at 9 o'clock Rev.
CuBtls, pastor of the Congregational
church, being the officiating clergyman.
After the ceremony a splendid supper
was served, and all present offered
hearty congratulations to the young
Miss. Buchler is widely known and
highly esteemed in this city and vicin
ity, having lived here almoet all her
life; whili Mr. Gerichten is a Bobur and
industrious youpg mail, and is at pres
ent engaged as foreman in a harness
and saddlery establishment in Portland.
The wedding was of a private charac
ter, there being but a few intimate
friends of the young couple present.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerichten left on the
3:20 train today for their future home in
Portland, taking with them the congrat
ulatlone and best wishes of their many
Dilles friends.
The Wheel that sells
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Kates.
phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co.
Second Annual Entertainment of the
Dalles Commercial
Jokes and Original Comedy and Athletic Specialties.
Reserved Seats n sale, commencing
at the Snipee-Kineisly Drug Co.'a etore.
Whether on pleneuro bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef
fectually on the. kidneys, liver and bow
els, preventing fevers, headaches, and
other forms of sickness. For sale in GO
cent bottles by all leading duggiBts.
Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
Smoke the popular brands Prizo
Medal, Guarantee nnd Rose Queen
cigars manufactured by S. F. Fouts.
To Cure a' Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Broiuo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
I Fresh and the first
-O of the season at the
A splendid assortment of Vege
table, Garden unci Grass Seeds in
Hulk. Beed Wheat, Seed OaU,
Seed Barley, Seed Seed Bye.
Oil Meal Cake and Fertilizer!,
lieu Supplies, Harly ltoko pota
toes. i: I even kinds ol llrst class
Seed Corn. Poultry and Kggs
uuugui uuu um ui
J. tf. CROSS
Cheap Cah Grocery and Feed
Store, Second and Union sts.
at an honest price.
have strictly First-Class
and Athletic Club,
Friday morning, April Sth, at 9 o'clock,
jyjus. EVANS,
Booms In Mrs. Brlttln's lodging House.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Special attention given to surgery.
Booms 21 nnd 23, Tel. 328 Vogt Illock
fl .
lis ;.!
Happy Brido is she whose friewfe
havo had the good taste to bestow silver
upon her aa a wedding trift. Nothing
more appropriate, nothing mote accept
able, nothing more useful, ''A thing of
beauty and a joy forever." Our stools
of sllverwaro is complete,
I. C. Nickelseii
Book & fnusle Company.
i sMfwm. yti
1 1 If