The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 11, 1898, Image 1

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    'A .
Qtyt Dalles
NO 24
Lee and the Consuls Sail for
Key West.
yo DIoturbBiicn , Wn Cumeit In the
City by Their Departure
Havan'A, April U. At 10 o'clock this
morning tlio United States consul gen
eral, nceompnnlud by British Consul
G'lllln, called upon General Blanco to
bid him good-byo. Tlie governor-general
was very busy nnd could not receive
General Lee. '
Tilt) American flag on the consulate
building was tuken down by the consul
ate employes this afternoon.
At 1 o'clock this afternoon, Coneul
Gonera! Lee, accompanied by bis BtiifT,
boarded tbo dispatch boat Fern, nnd
Cor.euls Springer nnd Baker went on
board at o o'clock. The Mnchinn wharf,
where they embarked, was crowded
with curious persuuB, but no discourtesy
was shown.
At 5:110 the American voeeel be'gnn
leaving the port. The Spanish tug Susie
towed out the schooner James Dudley,
which arrived here Thursday last from
Punsacolo, with lumber, but did not dis
charge her cargo.
The steamer Evelyn followed with
about 50 passengers, and after her came
the Olivette, with 247 passengers.
There was shipped today on the steam
er Orizaba, $429,000 in French gold for
New York.
1 Correo eays that sixteen electors
from the suburb Chavez, who voted at
tlie hist election, left today, having been
supplied with passports as American
Tlie inhabitants of this city, enjoyed a
fine tropical day. Holy Saturday was
generally observed at all the churches.
The news of the American consuls
leaving tho port spread rapidly about
the city and produced considerable sur
prise. The matter was talked about, .wd
the remark, "Well, let them go," was
heard here and there,
Alexander Gollin. British consul here,
is ready to take charge of American in
terests so far as allowed.
A Ntutemiiaii and a Foul.
London, ApriU 10. Lloyd's Weekly
this morning publishes prominently an
interview with Colonel John Hay, the
American embassador whose remarks
are of the most indiscreet character.
Tho paper ulso publishes an interview
with Count De'rusccma, who is reported
to have said :
"The responsibility rests with Presi
dent McKinley. If he makes war, there
will be war which will last four or five
years, or forever, nnd will ruin both
Spain and the United States. We shall
fully avail ourselves of letters of marque.
The Maine was lost ' through ignorance
or carelessness on the part of her officers
and crow."
Two HinnUh CrulHnr Go tn Julu tho
Washington, April 0. Two of the
Spnulah cruisers that have been with
the fleet at Cadiz have left that place
for tho Capo Verde -islands, where one
of tho torpedo fleets is londezvoused.
'This Infonuation came to the navy de
partment today. These two vessels are
thoCrystoba) Colon and the Infanta
Maria Thoressa, both of which are ar
mored cruisers.
The information In possession of the
department In that only n portion of the
A bushel of notions
doesn't weigh half as
much us one stubborn
Garland's, i
Happy Thouftlit Salve
is a sure factor for the
cure of Skin Troubles
and Pilefl.
COO glatw Jars
For ule at DOHNELL'S,
Royal makei the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
original torpedo fleet that left Spain
and the Canaries, presumably for Porto
Rico, lias yet reached the Cape Verde
Ituoklen'ii amu salve.
The best Bulve in the world for cuts,
bruiseB, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption?, and posi
tively cuius piieB, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 125 cents
per hoT. For sale by Blokeley and
Houghton, druggists.
CiimpoH Will l'roliulily H Restored to
Loxdon, April 9. A dis
patch from Biarritz says:
Yesterday the queen regent
and Senor Sagasta had con
ferences with leading men,
including Senor Castelar and
Generrl Poleviejas, as to the
strongest government for them
in the event, that war should
be declared. It was the al
most unanimous opinion that
Sagasta should remain in
power, but there is little doubt
expressed that it would not
be long before a military gov
ernment would be constituted
and in all probability under
ucneral uampos.
The only voice raised against an oth
erwise unanimous resolution to support
Senor Sagasta was the voice of General
Weyler, who said :
'I do not balieved in the probability
of war, for the reason that I am sure
Senor Sagasta will yield to American
It is announced that 20,01)0 troops are
going to Porto Rico. A second torpedo
fleet is expected to leave Cadiz Sunday
for St. Vincent nnd Porto Rico.
Another naval squadron is being
formed with the newly bought vessel,
and some fast liners of the Sparish
trims-Atlantic company.
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fear
ing men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always the same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make tlie Shakers tho healthy, long
lived people that they are. The Shak
ers never have indigestion. This is
partly owing to their simplo mode of
life, nartlv to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indlges.
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cardial supplies what's
Ask Your Doctor
what effect alum has upon the stomach. Then
make up your mind whether you will put any
more low-price baking powder into your, husband's
or children's food.
Schilling's Best is pure- cream of tartar and'
soda. Nothing else. '.':
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vlgorates the stomach and all its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
'Shaker Dlgostivo Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, prico 10 cents 'to $1.00 per bot
tle. I roUnd's Alleged Telegram.
London, April 10. The Rome corre
spondent of the Sunday Special wired
the following:
Archbishop Ireland has cabled to the
Vatican :
"I am in despair. There is no longer
any hope for preventing war." '
"A word to the wise is sufficient" and
a word irom the wise should be suf
ficient, but you ask, who are the wise?
Those who know. The oft repeated ex
perience of trustworthy nersonB may be
taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M, Terry
says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
gives better satisfaction than any other
in the market. He has been in the drug
business tit Elkton, Ky., for twelve
years; has sold hundreds of bottles of
this remedy und nearly all other cough
medicines manufactured, which shows
conclusively tiiat Chamberlain's is the
most satisfactory to the people, and is
the best. For Fale by Blakeley &
Houghton. "
The Pelti of Anlmaln Arc Current In
Rami Went Virginia.
"The strangest money I ever saw,"
said a drummer for n Main street fiouse
the other evening', "was in the moun
tain districts of Kentucky and West
Virginia. Last summer I wus making
my semiannual tour through this dis
trict and I stopped one day nt a lit .Ze
grocery and saloon, not to sell goods,
but to get a drink of the 'mountain
dew.' While I was pouring out my
drink a big husky mountaineer en
tered the place and called for a drh.Ic.
As lie finished gulping it down he
readied into a big bulky pocket and
drew forth what looked to be a coon
skin. He laid the skin on the counter,
the barkeeper took the skin and, open
ing a drawer, hauled out a rabbit skin,
which I suppose was the change. The
mountaineer picked up the rabbit skia
and started to the front part of the
store, which was the grocery. He there
bought a twist of tobacco and tendered
the rabbit skin in payment. He re
ceived a big twist of long green, and
I was surprised to see the storekeeper
reach in another drawer and tender him
a squirrel skin. The mountaineer
tucked the squirrel skin in his pocket,
walked out, unhitched his horse and
rode away.
"I became interested and engaged the
proprietor in conversation. He told
me that sometimes he would go months
without seeing any rral money, and
that the mountaineers used tlie skins
In all kinds of trades, such as buying
horses, etc. He said that four times
a year i' hide buyer from Lexington or
Cincinnati visited the country and
bought up all the skins, which were
general!' concentrated in tlie few
itorea in the vicinity." Louisville Dis
patch. Ocrnpntlon for Them.
"I wonder what the arctic explorers
will do nfter the north pole haa been
"Well, they can make trips to see if
it isnrill there!" Puck.
Free I'llU
Send your address to H. . Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free eample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pille. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills arc easy in action 'and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipiition and Sick Headache. For Ma
iaria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels gretilly invigorate tlie sys
tem. Regular size 25c, per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
Sheriff's Sale.
. By.vlituoof nn execution and order of sales I
amy issued out ol tlio Circuit Court of the Slate
oi uregon, lor vfasco county, to redirected, nnd
dated March 18, 189S, upon it judgment nnd de
cree rendered ana entered In said court on No
vember 11, 1891. In favor of tho plMntlil-, In a
case wherein the AtlUnce Trust Company, a
corporation, was plaintiff, and against thedc
lcndcnts therein, C. W. Denton nnd Elizabeth
Denton, for tho sum of $S91.4S, with Interest
thereon from the said date at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, and tho cost of and upon
this writ (which said judgement and decree was
on the fith day of January, 1892, duly assigned
and conveyed to Mrs. K. E. Thomson), nnd com
manding mo to make sale of certain of the real
property embraced In such decree and herein
alter fully described,' I will, on
April 90, 1808.
at 2 o'clock r. ra., nt the front door of tho county
court house in Dalles City, Wasco Count v, Ore
gon, sell nt public auction to tho highest 'bidder
lor cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest
which the defendants, and each of them, had on
July G, 1889, tho date of the morigaeo foreclosed
by said decree, In and to the following described
twenty (20) acres of land, to-wit: That certain
twenty (20) acres In square form out of thu
northeast corner of tho donation land claim of
Charles W. Denton and Kllzxbcth Denton, his
wife, said donation land claim being Notifica
tion Xr. M)lj, claim No. 42, nnd being parts of
sections f and 8, In township 1 north, range 13
cast of Willamette Meridian, in Wnsco County,
State of Oregon, and Is more partlculaily de
scribed as follows, to-wit: beginning at a
point 13 chains 77 links east and 0 chains 7 links
north of the southwest corner of said section 5;
thence south 09 chains fiO links: thpnpc mint in
ohalns 29 links; thence north 22 cha'ns 20 links;
thence east 43 chulns 56 links, thence north II
minutes west 47 chains, 42 links; nnd thence
west 59 chulns 85 links to the place of beginning
containing 829 51-100 acies, more or lets.
me wanes, uiegon, Harcli 22, 89S.
mch23-i , Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Oregon, for Wasco County.
A. II. Crofoot, plaintiff,
II. E. Crofoot. defendant.
To 11. E. Crofoot, the above named defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to annear and answer the com
plaint of the above nainu'l plaintiff filed In the
above entitled suit against you on Monday, tne
23d day of May, 1898, said day being the first
day of the next regular term of said Court fol
lowing tbe final publication of this summons,
and if you fall so to appear and answer said
complaint the above named plaintiff will applv
iu me niKite i-iiiiueu luuti inr me reuei prayed
for in her complaint, to-wit: for a decree of said
Court to 'he effect that the bonds of rnatiimonv
heretofore and now existing between you and
said plaintiff be forever anuuled, set side and
held lor naught, and that said tilalntitfhuvo the
care nnd custody of the minor children of you
utid said plaintiff.
'inis summons is servja upon you by publica
tion thereof for six consecutive weeks in The
Dalles Chronicle by order of ) he Hon. V. L.
lirudshaw. Judge of tbe above entitled Court nnd
of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of
Oregon, which order bears date the 18th dav of
.March, 1896.
uuruu a: memshse.
mch23-i Attorneys for plaintiff.
Guardian's Sale of Real Estate,
An order bavins been made by tho countv
court of Wasco County, Oregon, on the 25th day
of March. 1893, in tbe matter of the guardian
ship oi jnmes A. Jirown, Jr., Kllici .M. Drown,
Paulina A. Drown, David E. Brown. Mary 8.
jiruw n mm ueorge i. jirown, minors, aumoriz
iuir and licensing the guardian of said minors,
James A. Drown, Sr., to sell the interests of said
minors In and to the leal estate hereuiuufter de
scribed, and directing that tbe sale thereof be
made at private sule lu the manner provided for
the sale of real estate at private sule by execu
tors nnd administrators.
Therefore, under nnd in pursuance of Eaid or
der, 1 will, from and after the
. d day of May, 1808,
proceedto sell ihe undivided interests of said
minors lu and to the hereinafter described real
property, at private sale, for the highest und
best bid theietor In cash. The real iirojierty
above referred to is described as follows, to wit:
Undivided interests in and to h tract of land ly
ing and situate in Wasco County, Oregon, and
beginning atu point 2(3 rods south and 'M feet
west of wuatls known as tbe northwest corner
of the J. (i. Wilson lot, said corner being one
hundred and eleven rods cast of the nortnwett
comer of the John A. Simins Donation Umd
Claim No. 39, iu Ti 1. North Range 13 East W.
M., running thence south ten rods; thence west
six rods and three feet; thence north ten rods;
thence east six rods aid three feet to the place
of beginning, containing one-bulf uu acre,
more or less.
Dated The Dalles, Starch 31, 1S91.
npi2-il Guardian.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tho undesigned
has been appointed by thu County Court ot the
State of Oregon for Wasco County, as admini
strator of the estate of Olivu Kspiug, decea ed.
All persons having claims against suid estato
are iicieby iiotllled to resent them to me at my
oilier in Tlio Dulles, Oiegou, properly verified
with the proper vouchers, within tlx mouths
from tho date of this notice.
Dulles City, Oregon, April 1, 1KV5.
U1H2-1I Administrator,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given thut the undersigned,
administrator of thoestuto of James M Taylor,
dot eased, has tiled his llunl account in the Coun
ty Court of the Stato of Oregon for Wasco Coun
ty, and Monday, thu 2J day of May, 1S93, at tho
hour of ten o'clock a. m., has been appointed as
tho time for hearing objections thereto and the
settlement theicof. All persons interested iu
Kaid estato are requited to tile any objections
they may have theteto on or before said date,
apri-ll , Administrator,
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned
has tiled In thu ulllcu of the County Clerk, of
Vuc County, her final account us adiulnlstrlx'
of tho estate of 1, I. Burget, nnd that by order ot
the County Court, fur ald Ccuuty, Monday, tbe
2d day of May, 1898, has been llxed nt thu time
aud the court room of sail Court as the place for
the hearing of mid final account. All persons
interested in said estate are notified to appear at
said time mid place aud show cause why suld
tlnal account should uot be approved aud al
Warmer davu are coming anil ere long the thoughts of finin will tarn
to cooler vuarables. It in for that reason wo insert tlua ad. We wish to
call your attention to our very extensive assortment of all tlnit'a nico
aud desirable in
We wish to convince yon of tho fact that hy btiyine your waists of us
you bnv the best money can buy. "It is agreeable to know that what you.
wear is right.
Showing style of our special 50o
Shirt waist. Made with yoke, de
tachable collar of same material,
and can be had in a urt-nt variety
oi cnecaa una email piann in me
etna miu uijian iJimui ill uic
nnd li,jtit colorings. All
to -12
ct i u m
. Showing two of our most popular stylos in wrap
pers. In this line, as in Shirt waists, we can offer 'you
choice ot'largest variety, newest patterns and materials
at most popular prices. 75c to $2.50.
Lawn wrapper, handsome color
ings, pretty designs ; effects, blue
pink and lavender, boleio front
edged with val. lace, tlttod lin
ing, finished seams in arm
holes $1.90
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi
ness, for tho improvement of their business and home
interests, for education, for tho elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood,
IT HAS told at tho fireside, interesting and instructive
stories of tho doings of tho world, tho nation and states.
IT HA3 advised tho farmor as to tho most approvod meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the
proper time to convert them into tho largest possible
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho welfare of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century haa
held their confidence and esteem.
and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one
year for $1.75, cash in advance.
auic eiivfii uc imn tn an i.,na
se.ison" choic-jst fabrics, patterns
50c and I'oloring-".
Tlita e(i.ln Vtn l,n,t in nil ilita
Our celebrated $1 vvrappe.',made
as style illustrated and can bo
had in blue, black aud white,
feathered braid, fitted lining,
correct widths $1 .00