The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 09, 1898, Image 3

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    (tone Sals
"Very Much to the Good."
For 85C offo1' vou a boautiful Piquo seam, patont snap Glove, in tan,
brown, green or red. Yon would consider this cheap at $1.25.
For $1.27 DENT'S ENGLISH GLOVE. Wo speak advisedly when we
-L-l say, "The best on earth." Wo have just received direct a full t
assortment of this celebrated Glove. Up-to-date in style, color and all the re
quisites. Those Gloves retail in all the large cities for $1.75.
For $1.75 KENT'S STREET GLOVE. To introduce, wo are making
. -t the extremely low price named. Wo have this Glove in the
leading shades Pearl, Manilla and Havana.
For $1.75 DENT'S DRESS GLOVE. 4-button fastener; We can sup-
5 ply this Glove in the much affected shades, of Light Manilla.
Foster GlOVeS want t0 lean them up. Only a few. left, and the
first comeis can have them as long as they last at 79cts
for William quality; $1.15 for Fowler quality.
The Popular Business Suit
For the coming eeapon will be the Fonr-Battoni Ronnd Cot Sack Stylo, in neat checks, narrow
Stripes unci fuint plaids. The materials are Cheviot, Tweed, Worsted, and Cassimere. Onr new
Sack Suits, made by Hart, Schafi'ner & Marx, are cat in the latest style. They are perfect in
design and as graceful in appuarance us though made to order.
Some of these Suits at $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50 and $18 are wonderful exam-
.pies of fine quality at a reasonable price.
Every Suit is fully warranted.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL i), 1898
At tlie Vogt
Tuesday evening,
"King Hallabahooln,"
Fresh Bock Beer at the Midway.
Postum Cerlal Food Coffee at Com
mission & Grocery Co.'b. tf
Hop Gold Bock Beer on tap at Stub
ling's saloon. Give it u trial.
Don't forget thai Kellar keeps the
best ice cream soda in the city. tf
Freight and passenger traffic is increas
ing on the Regulator line at present.
llicvclo sundries, fishing tackle, enn?,
riiles and revolvers at Muier & Benton's.
A. A. Bonney, of Tygh, has been ap
pointed stoclc inspector for Wasco coun
Wheat has increased in price 5 cents
during the past few. dayB. Club- wheat
is now selling at 7oc.
The morning service at the Congrega
tional church will begin at 10 :30, in
stead of 11, See church notice.
Have your old worn Rxles cut down
and run like new at Lane Bros, black
smith and wagon shop. 5-tf
Last evening Wood Bros., of this city,
received a carload of fine beef cattlo
from their ranch in Malheur county.
The train from Spokane passed through
about 8 :1C tills' morning having uoen
delayed by some trouble or other up the
Official members of the Methodist
church are requested to meet at the
office of Win. Micboll this evening at 8
We are pleased to announce that Dr.
SIddall, who has been sick for sovoral
days, is once more able to attend to his
professional duties.
Several largo Hocks of wild geese have
stopped to feed or Eureka flat, in Walla
Walla county, on their way to their
northern feeding grounds.
A late dispateh states that an ova
lancho occurred on tho Chlcoot Pass an
killed one hundred Klondlkora who we
attempting to go over the trail.
Business is rushing today, as an in
usually large number of farmers are n
the city, and everyone seems to ha e
more or less to purchase beforo Easter.
An entertainment will be given to
morrow evening at 8 o'olook by the Ju
nior Endeavor of tho elmrch of Christ.
Everyone has a cordial invitation to
Today's bulletin states that the situa
tion remains the same it Washington,
and that nothing of importance is ex
pected until after the president's mes
eago comes In.
Twenty thpuwnd young.chinnok sal
mon from the OUckamM, hatchery wre
turned loose in the Wilson river .this
week. Those who had charge of the
flih made the trip to the river by gob
from Foreit Grove.. A foot o wow era
a case
encountered on the mountains, and
many fallen trees had to be cut out of
the road. The fish were in good con
dition when released. At tho hatchery
they are now feeding 200,000 young
chinook salmon on raw beef liver.
Nothing now remains on the nortlj
beacti of the German bark Potrimpos
save the hull. All the rigging and the
light w6rk about tier deck haB been re-
imoved and placed on flutcars for ship
ment to Astoria.
A number of our local trout-fishers
have been trying their luck of late, but
a9 yet no large catches have been made.
It seems, to ba too early, ns the trout
have not yet commenced to run up
A dwelling hotiso belonging to Dr.
William Chapmau, of Seattle, burned
at Columbus, in Klickitat county, last
Monday. The house wub occupied by
Robert Maxwell and nearlv all its con
tents were burned.
Today Dr. HolliBter examined
of insanity which was brought
Judge Mays. The patient was
Donaldson, and as she is troubled with
insanity of u bad nature, she will be
sent to the asylum in Salem tomorrow.
Yeeterdav afternoon an immense
crowd of children, and some parents, at
tended the meeting at the Methodist
church, when Evangelist Miller enter
tained them with songs and un interest
ing tulk for some time. The children
were more than pleased.
A few days ago at Hood River, while
several email children were playing with
bows and arrows, little Hazel Glass re
ceived an arrow wound in her left eye
whieh caused a very serious hurt. She
was taken to the Good Samaritan hos
pital at Portland.
Last evening State Lecturer Wheoler,
of the Woodmen of the World delivered
au eloquent and very interesting lecture
on woodcraft at Dufur. The lecture was
attended by the Dufur lodge and numer
ous invited guests, as well as somo of
our Dalles people, who accompanied Mr.
This morning Mrs.' Waud and Mrs.
Charles Alden left on the .Dalles Ulty
for the Cascade Locks, where they will
meet Captuin Waud and Mr. Alden and
return with them on this, their last trip
on tho Regulator. Mr. Alden will leave
in a few 'days for his wines at Spanish
Gulch, while Capt. Waud will leave for
the Yukon some time next week.
The services at the Methodist church
tomorrow will bogln with a love feast'
and converts' meeting at 10 o'clock, fol
lowed by preaching and reception of
members at 11. The Epwortb League
at 0 :30 and preaching at 7 ;80 p.m. All
of theee services will be. under tho
leadership of the evangelist, Rev. E. F.
Tho following tribute was paid to
Frederick Warde by the .Uregoulan of
March' 31st ; "Be sure the heroic drama
,U,uotded,M .the throngs to see
olnlua" and 'Inaomar" attest,
true actor etUI buhls part to play and
his audience to Instruct, however vo
uptuooily 'the .dancer moves or gaily
One '95 Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel........... ..
Two '97 Eagle'Wheels
One '96 Cleveland....
Gent's Wheel
Prices from $27.60 to $50.00.
..reseept Bieyeles..
1898 Models are now ready for inspeotidn.
One '95 Eagle Gent's QQI)
. Wheel ,.?UU
One '97 Boy's Eagle nn
Wheel MO
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
i i i
S and Repaired.
Phone 25.
the minstrel sings. We have yet to
hear Mr. Warde bewail the decline of
the drama or the errors of critics or the
decay of the stage. The chief mourners
at such occasions of gloom have gener
ally had part in the work of destruction."
We have always considered Observer
Pngue a thorough "ladies' man-;" but
what of the weather he is to send ub for
Easter Sunday? The report says "occa
sional rain. This will certainly cause a
twinge of pain in the hearte of many of
our fair maidens, who have been count
ing so much on appearing in their new
Easter bonnetB and Bwell gowns on this
occasion. They will no doubt look with
envy at the small boy, whose highest
aim is to have a sufficiency of Easter
eggs, and who cares little whether it
rains or shines, so long as this one wish
is satisfied. .Of course (?) our young
men are not particular whether they'
can wear their spring suits on this occa
sion or not.
Lester V. Sayles Suspected of Having
The Show Will Certainly Bo n Flatter
Juc Success.
The reporter had the pleasure of at
tending another rehearsal of "King
Hallahahoola II" last evening, and was
indeed surprised at the perfect manner
in which each and every feature passed
ofl. One might attend every rehearsal
and nover grow weary of the variety of
wit and fun of the performers. Among
the many characters to which he will be
attracted, after he has paid his respects
to the king, he will not fail to notico
"Archibald Percival Algernon Hotstufl","
"Count Calf Liver Rusty Canner,"
"Hans Bummelspeiler," "Dennis Kear
ney," one of the Irish 400.
The turns are strictly -up to date, and
are, on the whole, something that a
Dalles audience will see for the first
time. Their jokes are also new and
well choson and their singing in solos,
quartette and chorus is good enough to
please anyone, while the orchestra ac
companiments add much to the per
formance. It is the intention of the boys to give
tho audience a thorough surprise, and
for that reason wo cannot speak further
concerning their program,
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly aud ef
fectually on the kidneye, liver and bow
els, preventing fevers, headaches,
other forms of sickness. For sale in 6Cr
kntnoa t all lanrllncv A rm.ff lot of
Manufactured by tho California Fi
Syrup Co. only.
Smoke the popular brands Prise
Medal. Guarantee and Rose Quetfn
cigars manufactured by S. F. Fouti,
Death suddenly overtook Lester P.
Sayles in Portland at 9 o'clock Thursday
evening. He and a friend, George
Housman, went to the Vienna cafe, on
Morrison street. While seated at a table
Sayles dropped a white powder into a
glass of water, which' he drank.
Immediately thereafter the young
man gaBpeu anu fell forward, uncon
scious. Dr. Rand arrived at the cafe
a few moments later, aud caused Sayles
to be taken lo St. Vincent's lioepital,
where he expired about an hour after
During the early part of the evening
the young man complained of feeling
Sayles was 22 years of afee. His father
was tlie Rev. Thomas Sayles, who died
about twelve years ago. He lived with
his widowed mother, Mrs. Jennie Saylee,
and a sister, at ICS East Seventli street
He had been employed by the Wiley
B. Allen Company, music dealers, in
Dr. Rand held an autopsy on the re
mains this morning, and found that the
powder taken into Sayles' stomach was
a poison, r.ud indications pointed very
stronclv to cyanid of potassium. To
verify his suspicion as to what the poi
son was, lie is having a chemical analy
sis made.
This fact lends color to tho theory that
he took the drug with suicidal intent
What cause he could have had for taking
his own life, however, will probably ai
ways remain a 6ecret.
lie gave no intimationrf such an in
tention when he sat down to eat with
his friend. In fact he was as calm aud
deliberato as if ho were only taking a
drink of water.
Young Sayles was for several months
in the employ of the Jacobsen Book and
Music Company, aud while here he
made many friendswho were shocked
at his untimely end.
Itcbokah Lodge Organized.
bheenuaen, Attentlout
Clarke & Falk have tecurod t!
nov for the ia riata oneep ui
ix inftantly 'with cold water.
To Cure m Cold lu One Day,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets, All druggists refund tie money if
they fall to care. S6o,
iet evening what will in future be
nowu as Azalea Rebekah LoJge. No
W0, 1. O. O. F., was instituted at this
place by Mrs. Ida Foster, president o
the state Rebekah's Assembly, assistod
by Mrs. Grace Liwrie and Mrs. Carrie
Mauley, of Portland., At present this
lodge has a charter membership of
hirty-nine, and as it is very popular,
this number will, ; without doubt, in
crease rapidly,
The following officers were elected
N. G Lulu D, jOrandall j V. G Re
becca Wilson; Secy, Alice Lyle; Trees.
Elvlna Nielseni War., Annie Raweon
Con., A! in Ira Burgett; I. 6., Mary
Ward; 0, G. Anna Blakeney; R. S. N
G., O. D. Doaue; L. S. N. G., Emma L
Doane : R, S. V. G Belle C. Kinehart
L. S. V. G Georgia Sampion;. Cfcap
lain, Mary Learned. .
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at. an honest price.
"We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
u ' ''
To be" sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
J. T. Peters & Co,
Second Annual Entertainment of the
Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club,
Jokes and Original Comedy and Athletic Specialties.
Reserved Scats on sale, coinmenctnc Friday morning, April Stb, at 9 o'clock,
at tho SnlpeE-Kinorsly Drug Co.'a fctore.
Juit Kecnlvecl.
The Dout Optical and Jewelry Co. has
just received a new up-to-date eye pro
tector. It weighs only two penny weight,
made of a composition which will not
offset the bight of the eye. It is carried
n the inside band of your hat, and is
always ready for use. They retail at 25
cents. Call and eeo them.
We make a specialty of properly fit
ting children's eyes, and test each eyo
Wo carrv a full line of frames, gold,
alluminuin, nickel, bronze aud rubber.
W nra rpcpiuinir tiHW unnilH (lllilV. IUI(l
best of all wo guarantee entire satisfaction.
Dr. Slmckelford has removed his office
to room H, Vogt block, over tho post
office. ml7-2m
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cure Piles, Scalds, Uurtm.
A splendid assortment of Vege
table. Garden and Units Seeds lu
Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Ouls,
Seed Uarley, Seed Seed Hye.
Oil Meal Cake aud Fertilizers,
Deo Supplies, Early Koto 1'ota
toes. Eleven kinds of ilrst clnt.8
becd Corn. Poultry aud Eggs
bought and sold at
Fresh and the first
of the season at the
n J. H. CROSS' D
Br ..., SI-MA... onsl r.Ai m
IsIJCUJJ VttlU IJ iUCCJ ; Bill ft VV4
Store, Second and Unlou&ts,
Itooms lu Mrs. Rrlttin's Lodging House.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Special attention given to sutgery.
Kooins 21 and 2-- Tel. 3i? Vogt liloolc
Happy Bride is she whoso friends
have had the good taslo to bestow silver
upon her as a wedding wilt. Nothing
more appropriate, nothing mora accept
able, nothing more useful. "A thing of
beauty and a joy forever." Our toek
of silverware is complete,
I. C. Nicklsen
Book & music Company