Tht Dtlks My Ctoaklt, Advertising Kates. if r inch. imibehor lew in Dully .11 AO Orer two Inches and timter (our Inches .1 00 Orer four Incho and under twelve lncnea. , 75 Orer twelve inches , SO DAILY AND WEEKLY. ' j OmiBcli or less, per Inch .13 50 Over one Inch And under (our inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches.. 1 AO O erwelvo Inches 100 .SATURDAY - - - APRIL 9. 1898 Weekly Clubbing; Ratal. Cbnaicle and Oregonian .$2 So Chronicle and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.83 Chronicle and Tribune 1 75 Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 MISREPRESENTING PRESIDENT M'KINLEY. 'Tvto weeks ago, when the presi dent asked for $5O,O00;Q0O for na tional defense, there was unanimous approval in every qunrter. Since then, however, there has been a con certed movement to create the im pression among the people that in the -hour of trial the president has not shown the proper amount of deter mination. The main responsibility, says the Jnter Ocean, for false views of the president's position rests with per sons who have professed to speak by authority. The traditions of his office, the conditions of the contro versy between Spain and the United States, the critical situation of affairs, all compelled the president to be silent. But there were men in the cabinet, in congress and out of con gress, eager in an over-officious way to talk for the president, to make explanations that were apologies or misrepresentations, to prophesy what ie would do and what he would not do, to insist that the president was striving to secure peace at any price, to insist thai under no conditions -would any negotiations conducted by his authority lead up to war. These explanations or apologies were repeated and they gained emphasis -with repetition. The men who took this couree seemed utterly oblivious to the welfare of the president of the sation. They played with the repu tation of the president as if he were a mere figurehead and they the di rectors of policies. The Inter Ocean pointed out at the time that this course was suicidal, that it would injure the president, xuin the party, and embarrass the national government. Still it was persisted in, some of the over-offi cious friends of the president going so far as to insinuate that were it not for certain strong men always at band to support him, the president would be carried off his feet. The tendency of all that these men said was to deprecate the president, to carry false impressions as to 'his strength of character, to impugn .his patriotism, and to question. his sin cerity. It will be remembered that in 'CI Salmon P. P. Chase, secretary of the treasury, could not for some time re linquish the, idea tuatjiic had a special mhuion of bis own in the cabinet, that he was a stronger man than the president, and . that he should be given a free band in accordance with , his abilities, In a year or two it be came apparent to the -people that the president was the master mind of bis cabinet and that he was patiently pursuing his own policy He was misunderstood and misrepresented occasionally, but no effort could jsislend the people. Tboy trusted Abraham Lincoln. Is the history of the past repeating Itself? Is Presi dent BIcKinley to be sacrificed tem porarily to other men's ambitions and policies? Of all men in the country no one 3 closer to the people than William osv-Wtey. rroDaoiy no man in ;fMio llfe'uraderstands the people so mHm be; no one is more capable of the value of jpopular mmk Pf no one has a clearer . I iL. ,ll Ull mnwmwmm owBiousgcBuswan, who ibM ijwttf acting to ipeak for .BBBBBBBBI-' " aTaTaW . i m TaVWaUBBK FBbV IUI UIUI I UVU U V needed no apology, and to put their own interpretation upon his messages and declarations, to bridle their tongues and retire to the rear? llerrara of Olutnant (or Catarrh that Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell nnd c implutuly dernngu the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions fiom reputable physicians, ns the iln mage they will do is ten fold to the good you can. possibly derive from them. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the. blood aud mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle. CsVSald by Druggists.. -1. The farmer, the mechanic and the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well knowu cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads me to write this. I can truthfully say I never used, any remedy equal to it for colic and diar rhoea. I have never had to use more than one or two dozes to enre the worst case with myself .or children. W. A. Stroud, Popomoke Citv, 3Id. For eale by Blakeley & Honjhton. TYQH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the beat for sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. HcCor.KLE, Prop. mclilOCm A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins yonr health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver trouble. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. VOGT Opera House The Dramatic Event of the Season Thursday, Eve. April 14 Engagement of the Actor Distinguished MCI WBBD E Who will present James Sheridan Knowles' great play Supported by an excellent ' company of 'actors. Reserved Seals $1.00 Just tUhat You Olant. New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock, ileal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. EJegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a smalt price, at our store on Third street. Also n full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. The Spring Chicken. RC! There is no need of special remedies for the young and healthy person. The spring chicken has been noted for its unwisdom. If you would have health and keep it, you must bo wise and pru dent. When you have a symptom, go alter it. Prevent ilu developing. When you aro well, keep well. The oniy vav you may is by having the best drugs at nnnu at all times. Ue;lre Doing . ;Jfeat ai)d rtistie .,prii?tii?.. ) por Reasonable price5. We Print -Anything in the Printing Line. Give (15 a trial, tyrorjl pub. So. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES, Regulator Line The s, Portland ana Astoria Navigation Co.' r strs. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PAS8ENUER LINE BETWEEN Tlie Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port land daily, TCPt hunaay. C. J. STUBMJiG Wholesale) arid Retail if ink Wines, LiqjUors dnd Cigarsfc Agenoy for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY from $2.75 to $0.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMP0ETED 00QHA0 from 7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.! ALIF0RNIA BRANDIES from $3.25 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop -Gold 'Beer Jin bottle. Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. :.- ill Z. DONN PESCSlPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams cfc Co., THE DALLES, OR PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every-, "body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer DOWN THE VALLEY Are von going THE Weekly Inter Ocean I LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST 5 M TT It is radically- Republican, advocating m tlu cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and carats tnessjMJt. JMBut it can always be relied on j for fair and honest reports of all po-J litical TnovementsJtjtJtJtJ&jtjtjljt 4 THE WEEKLY INTER OOEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of its columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines. It is interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF i nc wukjljj ana gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the dav. it is in full svmoathv with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western sUndpoint. J J HI IIiOO-FWICE QUE DDLLIB PER YEAR-$I.OO TJTE DATX.T A1TDTOKOATEDITI0ITS OF THE IMTEK 0CZAH ARE BJBST OF THEIR DSD. Prlcoof Dnllv by mull $4.00 per yonr "V .... tij iiinji , ,,ala,s.nt ior year mm Bally and Sunday by mall fu.00 per year S I Hi BMST! OIVE8 T1IK CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREQON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Salt Lake Minneapolis ' Denver St. Paxil Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Rates to ill Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON GEO. Id. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five daya for ALASKA POINTS. OR TO EASTERN OREQON? If to. utemonm and entnr a hmnllfiil trlnnn the Columbia. The wot-bouml train nrrivxnt The Dalles in ample time for ftatttngen to take the iteamer, arriving In Portland in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern train; Kjt fcouud paMenKeia arriving in The Dlc in time to take the Eatt-bound train. for further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, iiik oireei uocx, roriianq, uteton, i Or W; C. ALLAWAY, (ieu. Agt., , The J)le. Orgon DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplied Crandall&Barget UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Hobes, Burial Shoes, Etc. ' Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL watchmakerlJeweler 174 VOGT BLOCK has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes everything to be found in a first-olaes Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. caho Subscribe for Chiroi ncle OCKAN HTKAMKIIH Lcivn I'artland Kvorv Five Ilaya for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. fttnntnnrn mnnfhlv frnm Pnrlntwl Tokolmmn nnd Hong Kong vm North urn Piiolflo Stpnrnahip Co., In connection Willi V. U. IX x. For full ilptallx rnll on O. R & On. g Agent The DuUcn, or addrctiH W. It. IintUU'HT. fieii. rn. Agt , I'ortlmiUfUr DODHON, t CO., (Icn. At., North Tactile Htcmushlji Co. TIME UAItll. No. I, to H)kiiiio nml flrent Northern arrives nt,r:'j:n). m leaves tit 6:30 p. m. No. to l'cmlle ton, linker Clt- nml Union l'iieIlle,nrrtve.iatll:U j), in., (iepitrUt nt 11:10 p. in. No :), from Himkniie mid Orent Northern, ar rives nt il'&On, in., depnrta nt fi:.Vn. ni. No. 1, from llakir City ami Union l'aclllc, arrives at 'S'.'JJ n. in., dcpiirtB ut 1I:S0 a. m. The following freight trains carry iiaseciiKerg on the limtntiit nccouil dUtrlntw, hut do nut stop hi. aiiiiiiju imiiiiriiia; No. 7:1, anlvo nt & p. in., departs at'J:15 a. in. No. UI cast, arrive nt12:Z0 p. ni., departs at 1:15 p. in. W, II. nUHLDUHT, ncn. l'M. Agt Tortland. Oregon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OKEGON J. 8. 8CHMMIC, rriueiit. It, JI. llKAf. , Casble First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREaow A Ueaerftl itituking Business transacted iMpoalu raceiveu, suDject to oiguv nhiMtk. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa Nbw Yprk, Han Uranclico anc -or-land. DIRKOTOX8 D. P. TUOMPBOH. JNO. S. SCIIKSOK. Ed. M. WitMAata, Guo. A. Libb. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. IKANSAOTAQKNBKALBANKtNU BUSINE8 Lettert of CrIU Inaed available in the aaUrnHtates. Tranifara sold oaNaw York. Chicwo, 8t. Laala, 8m EntMiaco, Portland Ort- lon, Sfttl Waah., and various pim- in urMHiMtwiiiiwim. nln m all.BAllltf 'DP iV' orable terms.