Tbt Dalles Difly Vbttnifo THK IIALI.KS, OKKOON ONB KIVJOY Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta .gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced,' pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most .healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in, 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand" will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. .CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, AT. HEW YORK, N.Y. PGltSONAIi MENTION Fletch Faulkner went to Portland this morning. 'Charles Cartwrigut, of Hay Creek, is in the city. Judge Barnes is in the citv from Pjinevillo today. M. E. Brink, of Piiueville, is at the "Umatilla House. Miss Bernice Maxson, of 'Vancouver, is the guest of Mre. Truman Butier in tbis city. "Mrs. Emerv Oliver is in. the citv from Portland visiting her parents, Mr. and Mre. W-. .b. Isylvester. -Mra. Mamie Wagley-'Brit-gB left for Arlington last night on the 11 :30 train, where she and Mr. Brlgga will make x<etr future home. Mrs. Briggs has many warm friends in this city, who will welcome her back at any time. 'Superintendent Gilbert went to Port land this morning. K O. E. Montgomery, of Cross Keys, is , in the city on business. Mrs. P. DeHufT returned from a visit Jto Portland last evening. . Si. E. Crowe went to Portland today an a tuort business trip. J. A. uouthit lett ou the morning -train for Portland on a business trip. C M. Pierce, the Goldendale lumber man, was in the city yesterday and went to fort!anu this morning. Ex-Governor Moody, who has been in the city for several weeks, Ieit for'hls borne-in balem this morning. F. N. Jones arrived in the city from his home at Sberar'a Bridge yesterday, ana lett lor rortlanu tills morning. M. M. Russell and wife, who were re cently married at Waeco, passed through the city last evening on their way to tiieir luture oouie at rioou itiver. Mr. John Richie, who was here as ad vance agent for Ellen Beach Yaw, was again in our city last evening. He is now agent for Frederick Warde. HOBS. In this citv, Friday. April 8th. to Mr, and Mrs, Henry league, a jsoo. Just Kacelved. The Dout Optical and Jewelry Co. has just received a now up-to-date eye pro tector. It weighs only two penny weight, made of a composition which will not offset the sight of the eye. It is carried in the inside baud of your hat, and is always ready for use. They retail at 25 cents. Call and see them. We make a specialty of properly fit ting children's eyes, and test each eye separately. We carry a full line of frames, gold, allurainum, nickel, bronze and rubber. We are receiving new goods dailv, and best of all we guarantee entire satisfac tion. LOST. A dark bay horse, weighing about 1100 pounds, branded "J 0(1 shoulder, with white left foot. Strayed from .Grass YUr, Anyone finding the ani mal and informing Frank Kramer, of this citv, will be suitably rewarded. ' , uchl6ltn Xa Plata. 8bf:Dip, proven by every teat to bVtbe built non-polonous fluid dip ua jt)ifmM;; guaranteed to cure Mb, Ittt, ewthmtt, lice and hoof-rot. CUika it Falk. MMto , The Dalles. reEHBCA vjKapBsr bsbbX SXgZ&L Ism J2P FOR SALE. Two lots, Nos. 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. FuumtAKY, 10-4w Box 178, Goldendale, Wash. Thousands of sufferer.- from grippe have .been restored to health by One Mintite Couch Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, mid all throat and lung diseases. Snipes-Kiuersly Drug Co. For Snln. One lot, No. 7, block 7, Bigetow'e Ad dition. Cheap for cash. Apply to or addrees Mits. K. J. Wilson, mcbSO-lw Telephone 118. If the United States mid Spain become involved in war, it will be impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high crude Havana cigars will increase in pricv. Lay in n supply of Prize Medal cigars while the price remains the same. 10-tf Foutz cigarj are on rata at the follow ing places: Snlpes-Kinersly, Clark & Falk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists; Com mission Co.. Geo. Kncb. Fred Fisher and Chas, Phillips, grocers; Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection ers; Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan Baker, Aue. Buchler, Ben Wilson and The Midway, pnlonng. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can," the druggist recognized a household name tor "DeWitt's Little Early Risers" and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son have hy brid and tea roses, three and four years old at 25 cents ; young roses in bud at 15 cents or two for 25 cents ; carnations at 15 cents, two for 25 cents; white and yenow marguerites; Heliotropes, gera niums and fuschias at 5 cents and up. Pansies 25 cts. per dozen. 4-wlmdlw Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville. 0., suffered from piles. Ho was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's and get prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip.- It is non-poisonous, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it Is an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and ticks. 1-tf Sheep marking paint; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep.paint. First, be cause the colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by fine machinery ; second, because it is made of high grade color., with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing off; third, it is much more economical , because it is always ready for use. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. A fresh .lot of cauliflower, cabbage, sweets, oranges and lemons at Commis sion & Grocery Co.'s. When ybu smoke the Rose Queen 5 cent cigar you get vour money's worth. tf One Minute Coagh Cure, cures. That 3 what It was made far. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cure Piles, Scalds, flurns. FRED. W. WILSON. ATTOANEY AT LAW, T1IK ll.Vl.LKd, OREGON, Ofllcc ovet First -Vat. Bins. FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY . MAN.- This offer is made by the . ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided application be made at once, in order that Us Inventions, appliances and never falling remedies may receive the widest possible pub licity, tiud provo tbelr own merits by actual ue aud permanent ourca. No Mnuny whatover will be received by the Illlnol Htute Sanitarium Irum anyone under its treat ment uulll beneficial reault itre acknowl edged, Its remedies and appliances bnrobeen commended by the newspapers ol Two Conti nents and endorsed by the greatest doctom in trie world. Where development i desired, they accomplish It and never fail to Invlgo -ate, up build and fortify. They infuse now life and energy. They per manently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and produce despondency. They re-tone, refresh and restore to manhood, re gardlesa at age. They curb evil hubtU and pe maneutly remove their effects, as well as those of excesses and over-tuxcd brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No fail ure, no publicity, no deception, no llsup pulutmeiil. VVHITK TI)-1)AV. ILLINOIS STATE SAUITAEIUM. JBvantton, 111. BMlMv cklrahwrtM Aaely lata the awMI. iItUqlekIrahwrbd. aMUaturaMMtiaf btbmII S aaaKuaa 16c b; DlMiBc.br MLV OM1K BAZ.M U ALT BHOTUJU. M Warn Mtw Y9fk CUT. "IRONING MADE EASY" SEARCH TSfeftT INVEV' lu-Yvinw tlx vvsviiiw MAKES C0LU1RS AND GUFFS ONE POUND OP THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH M -aaMUTACTUBE D ONLY ay JUC.HUBINGERBR0&C9 BKeokukJowa. New Haven,Conn., COPVRiaHTED This starch Is prepared on scientific principles by men who haro had years of practical experieceo in fancy laundering. It restores old linen and summer areoaea to their natural whiteness and imparts n beantlful and lasting finish. It is the only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless, containing neither nrscnic, alum or any other substance, injurious to liaeu and can bo used oven for a baby powder. For sale by all wholesale P and retail grocers. RID A TOWN OF RATS. The ltiKCillotin Sulieme of u Maine SL-nmnn. Nobody lias seen or heard of a rat j about Castine, .Me., since last summer, i says the New Yorl Sun. In July, when the whole town was overrun with rats ami everybody was in u panic over their destructive work, a coasting; schooner came there for wood, ami tlie captain sold lien Wardell a receipt for killing the animals. For a week or two Wardell went from house to house-sell-h:r a yellowish gray powder, which, he olfered to give away if it failed to de stroy the pests. Then the rats begun to die. Their bodies were-found in out houses and cellars and in ditches by the roadside. The smell was bad for a time, but the nits were gone and not one has been seen since. The compo sition of the powder remained n secret until Wardell enlarged his business and began to sell it in other towns. The Castine druggist was naturally anxious to know what killed the rats, and made note of the articles which Wardell bought. lie never asked for any kind of poison, but the drug vender believed that he purchased more calcine plaster than any ordinary man had need of using. He mentioned it to Wardell one day, and the secret was out. The rat killing powder was composed of Indian meal and calcine plaster in' equal parts. The rats ate the mixture for the meat it contained. Then they had a great thirst. The water caused the mass to harden in the stomachs of the rats, after which their digestive functions ceased to operate and the rats starved to death. MILK, BEER AND SUGAR. The Diet oa Which a Ilaaalan Hats Lived for Twenty Yeara. There is a Jew, a native of -Xitsk, ' Itussia, living in tbc east end of Lon , . don who has fasted for SO yeans, his sole daily diet during that time con sisting of six pints of milk, three pin,ts of beer and half a pound of Demcraru sugar. His name, says the New York Times, is .Morris Fox. He Is an excel lent Talmudical scholar, and, in spite nf his frugal media, he is the most wealthy, intelligent and wide-awake person in his quarter. He is now about 40. At the age of V, it appears, he caught some lingering fever which shattered liis digestive organs. lie look many kinds of treatment from many physicians until his stomach beenmt inured to all medicine. At the KlelT hospital they vainly tried to cure hirr: by sponging and electrolyKiti: at Vienna his physicians included the well-known Drs. Albert and Xnrthnagol. His treat incut at ( arhtbnil was a fallur'": the; he traveled to Konigsbory?, when t'.u physicians decided that he must live on sugar, milk and beer, lie adapted their prescription and soon regnined normal health. For 20 years no solid food 1ii:h passed his mouth. Ilccrolveil Her Snllorn. For the first time in history Queen Victoria has held n reception for some of her sailors, The affuir took place at Osborne house a'fter the return of the cruiser St. (ieorge from a three-yearn' Htoy in .South Africa. Thv crewhad had much lighting to 'lo while there, and after the Hhip reached Portsmouth 24 officers and 284 men were. presented to the queen personally. , . , 4 Ewrybody fx ds Thk Ohkolmiok. Try SU1Ub'i Bast fa ud baking .powflw STIFF AND NICE ST0 Cigars. Why do wo retail more Cipare than ! others? Why do 8iiiu4ters po out of their way and pnse cijrurs of the eume grathe? Not lecauae we have hetler clears or better hrunderor any greater variety, no, not that. Why, because we have the finest ci gar case in the state uiui keep our cigars in better i:omlition. Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co. SEED A splendid assortment ot Vege table, Guidon and (irass Setds in Hulk. Heed Wheat, Seed Outs, Seed Bailey, Seed Seed Hye. Oil Meal Cake and Fertilizers, Uee Supplies, K.irly Hose Pota toes. Eleven kinds of llrst class Heed Corn, l'oultry mid Kgg bought and sold at J. H. CROSS' Cheap Cub Grocery and Feed Store, Second and Union Sts. 12 E SEEDS ST. GERMAIN: :FEMALE PILLS , , ..., ., , uu wis j (fi(a u4-4 at m a male HfKiilatir, of Mme Ht. Germain, Parts. unsurpassed as ncing suie, sure, and renaDie in ev.ery case. Sold under positive guarantee or money refunded. Got tbe genuine. Price 11.00 per box by mall, bole agents for the United States and Canada. KING IIAltVAKU CO, 137 Washington Mt., Clilvago. Wanted. At the Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat. The hinheot price paid. mchlG'tf. 11 H IIONIIMOTON II S WILSON UNTINOTGN & WILSON, ATTOKNliYH AT liAW, T1IK DAI.l.KS. ORKQON Offleoovr First Nat. llank. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters .for Feed Grain of aii kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, n kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Stffitk13!D Headquarters for "Byers' Beet" Pendle ton FlOUr. bla F,our ,nnufotured exprenly for family uw wt. Ule. evOTvojt (. gUrMited to give Mtiefuctlon. W wll onr goods lower than any home In the trade, and if you don't think to call and gat our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wtaat, Barley and Oats. ..chas. pot.. flute heft's nd fatmfs .-Exchange. Kecpi on draught the celebrated ('OM'MIHA IlKKIt, ncknowl edited the best beer In The Dalles, nt thotmiul price. Come In, try Itnnd be convinced. Al'O the Finest brands of Wluci, Minors and Cigars. Sandtxtiches of nil Kinds nlwiiys on linud. Patronize the Tfoy MUpRY. All kind nf work. White Shirts a sptefnUy. Famllv work at reduced rte. Wash eolleeted and doliveled free, Tolnpluum Nn. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Tils Columbia PackiDg Co., PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MANUFACTUltr.'KB OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )K(fcn UEEF. ETC. Dalles, Hon and Antelope STAGE LINE. Through by daylight via Qrass Valley, Kent and Cross Hollows. 1MJIJGLAH AT.I.KN,. The Kallns. C. M. WI11TKLAW. Antelope. Stages leave The Dalles 1mm Umatilla House at 7. a. m.. also from Autelone at.7::X) n, m. every Monday, Wednesday and Ifriiaay. Connections mode at Anteloie for l'riuevlllc,. Mitchell and Eolnts beyond. Close ccuiiectlons made tit The alls with railways, drains-atMl boats. Stages from Antelope reach The Dalles Tues days, Thursdays and Baturdnys at 1:30 p. m. 51ATEH OF PA1IE. Dalles to Deschutes....... ?1 00 do Jloro , 1 80 do Grass Valley 1! 25 do Kent 3 00 do Cross Hollows. . , 4 IC Antelope to Cross Hollows,. 1 CO do Kent 'J 00 do Grass Valley 3 00 do Moro , do Denchuces do Dalles 5 CO 50 Years 50 Undisputed supremacy in the World's Competition, Coopers Sheep Dip. Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value of Flock Cheap, Safe, Handy, Clean, Wholesome and'Odorlegs, Recommended by Manufacturers, Scour ers and Buyers. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. C. G. Roberts,' General Agent, 2-17 Ash Streat, Portland, Oregon. N OfrTHEHN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegont Toiijrist Sleeping Cars Dining; Cars Sleeping Car WT. PAItl. " AIINNRAI'OI.I . UUI.VTH I'AltGO KANI FOR CltOOKSTON WINNU'KO HKI.KNA nn MUTTK TO Thiough Tiekcts CHICAGO VA8HINITtJ rHII.AItKI.riUA NEW YOKK HUSTON AND Al.t. lMHNTH KAMT'HIiil HOUTH Foriiitwnintton, tlmecnrds, mnpsnnd tickets, cnl on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Ajetit, The Italics, OrcKOU oh. A. D. OflARLTOX. Asst. G. P. A., M. Jlutrlson Cor. Third. Portland Urewm EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIU Southern Pacific Comp'y. TmIiin lta.v nnd nre duo to arrive nt 1'ortlaL IOVKKL.ANI) KX-I nrvit, ijulom, llofu-1 InirK, AHhlnud, Hue-1 rumcnto, Ogilen.Bnn Kruiiclieo, Moluve, 0s00 I'. It. i Aiii!ieH,ra i'hko, i New orlenim mid l Kant 1 'i;S0 A..M. Kotelmrc and way r.ta tlmis ' ... l'.M l)ily except Huudiiyt. fVlu Woodhiirn lot i Dnlly exau)C Huii'iuys I 3ii.Aiisei, Miiveriou, Went Hclo, llrownn. vllle,riirttigtleld aud I (.Niitron J i ISDKl'KSUKN'Ci: I'ASHKNGKIt. lixpess train Dully (except Hiimlay). l:.ril). m. (I.v. 'orlland....Ar.i 8:2." n. ni ";:Wp..m. At..MeMiiiiivlile..l.v. (i:nn,m H:W i. in. i at .inn iirieiKiiidence 'Dully. ti'iiiiy except Hurnlay. DININC. CAI18 ON OO DEN UOUTK. w;i,uiAN nrjKtKT hlekfehs AND HKCOND-OLASa BLEEPLNO CAKb Atlitched to all ThroiiRli Trains. Direct connection iit-Kau rrancUco vlth Occi detiul nnd Oriental and 1'acllic mull utt-anisliip line for J.U'A.N und CHINA. SaMng (lutes on aj plication. Hates t.iitl tickets to Euktern points and Eu rope. AIm JAl'AN, OIIINA, HONUI.U1.U aud AuHTHAI.IA, can be obtalntMi from J. 11. KMK1.AND, Ticket Agent. Tbrmigb Ticket Olllce, 131 Third itrcct, where throiiKh tickets to nil )lnt in the Eastern H tales, C'anmla nnd Europe cuu be, obtained at lowest rnteb from J. 11. KIKKIjAND, Ticket Acent. All above trultiH arrive at und depart Irom Graud Central Htatlou. Filth and lrvmg atreeu YASIH1U. DIVISION. I'attetiKcr Depot, foot pt 4ederson atrcet. Leave for Hhorldnn, week days, t l:M p. m Arrive at 1'ortlund, u: a, in. Leave for AIULIE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday ut0:)a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tum dav, Thursday and Saturdaj it 3:05 p. ui. Except Hitndny. Except Saturday. It. KOEltI.EU, Manaiier. (I, II. MAHKHAMi Awt. U. K. A I'uss. AKt TH'S NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'aa a Waok. 150 raiir a Year, It Btande Hrst amoriK weekly" imperfl in site, frequency uf publication freehnoBB, voriety and reliability of cor. tente, It is practically a dally at the low prico o a weekly ; and its vast list ' ubacrlbera, extending- to evory etate ana territory of .the Union nnd foreign counj tries, will vouch for the accuracy arm fairnesa of its iiowb columns. It is splendidly illustrated, nnd among its special features aro a fine liumor page, exhaustivearket reports, all tiie latest fashion for women and a 'on series of stories by the greateat living American and English authors, Oonap Doyle, Jsroroe, K. '"' HtanUy Wvymaui Mary K. V UMa AMthoay Hova, Uarte, Urandar Matlhawa, J"o. aia.fi nnwsnanerantl The Dalles TwIce-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for ia.OO, Tlie rfcgulw price, 01 tne two papers is vw. Leave for OBWEOO, tUlly, except Sunday, l 1:m u. ,n.i lmso, 1:55, 6:15, 6:23, sios p. m. (and U:: p. in, on Haturduy only, and 9:00 u. m and -1:311 ii. in, on Huudajw only). Arrive at i'ortland oully nl fi:'iiuil8;S0u m.s and 1:. 4:1fi, aiSO unti 7:fi5 p. m (and 10:05 o. m, &:1U p. m. on riuudays only,