. . , v . ... . r--y 4 Mm Salt r "Very Much to tho Good." For 85C We offor yu a bpautiful .Piquo seam, patent snap Glove, in tan, brown, green or red. You would consider this cheap at $1.25.. FOP $1.27 DENT'S ENGLISH GLOVE. Wo speak advisedly when we . X say, "The best on earth." We have just received direct a full assortment of this celebrated Glove. Up-to-dato in style, color and all th9 re- quisites. Those Gloves retail in all the large cities for $1.75. ' For $175 DENT'S STREET GLOVE. To introduce, we are making . 2- the extremely low piico named. We have this Glove in the loading shades Pearl, Manilla and Havana. For $1.75 DENT'S DRESS GLOVE. 4-button fastened We can sup- ply this Glove in the much affected shades of Light Manilla. Foster GlOVeS Wo want t0 clean them UP Only a few left, and the first comers can have them as long as they last at 79c ts for William quality; $1.15 for Fowler quality. The Popular Business Suit For the coming seBon will be the Foor-Button, Ronnd Cut Sack Stylo, in neat check?, narrow Stripei and faint plaids. The materials are Cheviot, Tweed, Worsted and Cafislmere. Our new Sack Suits, made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx, are cut in the latest stvle; They are perfect in design and as graceful in appearance as though. made to order. Some of these Suits at $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50 and $18 are wonderful pies of fine quality at a reasonable price. exam- Every Suit is fully warranted. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY APRIL 8, 180J WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tuesday evening, "King Hnllabnhoola," At the Vogt. Fresh Bock Beer at the Midway. PoBtuni Corial Food Coffee at Com mission fi Groceiy Co.'b. tf Don't forget that Kellar' keeps the best ice cream soda in the city. tf The weuther forecast for tonight iB fair; tomorrow, occasional rain. Bicycle sundries, fishing tackle, guns, riflea and revolvers at Maier & Benton's. Have your old worn axles cut down and run like new at Lane Bros, black smith and wagou shop. 5-tf Full orchestra and character rehearsal of "King Hallabahoola" at the opera house at 8:1)0 tonight. liny is Rcarce in Umatilla county, and can only be had in small lots. Good liny is selling in Peudleton at if 10.75 a ton. There aro still n number of good seats for the performance of "King Hallaba hoola II." Anyone desiring thorn should apply at once. . Todny Hong, the popular Celestial who runs one of the Front street wash houses, purchased a bicycle, and in . futuro will be "alle same Mel lean man." Last Wednesday, while his parents I were absent, Howard Davlfl, aged 10, nc 1 cldeutally shot and almost instantly killed his sister, Gertrude Davis, a 12- year-old girl. Today Cuptain Wnud, of the steamer Regulator, left today on his last trip.and on his return, tomorrow evening, will lay ufl'in order to make preparations to go to Alaska, to accept a position offered him on the Yukon. Captain Waud has ever been a favorite, with river passen gers on this popular line, and he will be greatly missed. Last evening the large steam pipe in the electric power lronse, bursted, and in order to reduce the power nearly all the business houses closed before the usual hour. In this way the machinery was kept running under a small pres sure throughout the night. For a time the lights on some of the circuits went out, hut it was soon remedied and no erlous trouble wmb encountered. An opportunity will be afforded all who desire to make the acquaintance of King Hallabahoola II before his appear nee at the Vogt nexWTueiday evening. With their customary enterprise, Pease Mays have secured his services, and e will be in attendance at their special glove sale tomorrow. By tbe way, all reports to the.coatrary .notwithstanding, they have, and offer for sale, a full line of the celebrated Dent gloves for gentle wen and ladles. fThls morning's bulletin states that nothing is left but war, and that Consul Genorul Lee, has been recalled, Our re lations with Havana will he severed Saturday. Unless Spain yields before that time, war will cnrtainly be declared, and this seems all the more certain since Spnin declares she will not yield to McKiuley and that she will not be Batisfled with anything short of war. Our government is determined, and touble can be averted only by surrender on the part of Spain. W. II. Babb met with a painful and shocking accident Wednesdnv forenoon at Pendleton. He was harnessing a horse at hie ranch near Echo when the animal kicked hiui in the face. He wae putting the crupper under th'o beast's tail at.d was in a stooping position when the horse kicked. The force of the blow knocked him down, and when he was picked up his face was covered with blood. The lower jaw wis fractured at the angle, and a gash was cut in his cheek. Hie tongue was almost cut in two. The cut extends diagonally across the member. While the injuries sus tained aro severe and very painful, there is no danger of any serious .results from the accident. No more flattering recommendation for. "King Hallabahoola II" could have been desired thnn the anxiety of every one to secure seats at the box office this morning. Pat McNeil, late of the Com mercial Club, was the first one to ar rive on the scene, and at 4 :30 took his place in front of the drugstore. Soon others arrived, und by 7 :30 o'clock the lino was a half a block long and still in creasing. Had the box office remained closed an hour longer, the line-up would have ended somewhere in the East End ; but at 9 o'clock sharp the seats were placed on sale, and by 10 :30 the majority had been satisfied and the excitement abated. There are still ,d tew seats left, and in order to get them one will have to go immediately-f not sooner. The announcement of the .early ap pearance in our city of the distinguished actor, Frederick Warde, cijnnot but be a source of genuine satisfaction to lovers ol the drame and aduiires of all that is noble and true in art. For sixteen years Mr. Warde haaifeeu recognized as one of the foremost actors of the coun try. He has won the respect and admi ration of the Dubll by his devotion to his nrofession anoy fidelity to the Shakes pearean and legitimate drama. Mr. Warde appears7 in a character that he has made peculiarly IiIb ow,n, ''Virgin ius," in the grand old play of that name by James Sheridan Knowles. 1$ Is sate to assert, that no grander impersonation exists on the American stage today, and that its equal hue never before been in our city. In a private letter received from Fred Sklbbee, of this place, who several months ago left for Skaguay, he states that he has started in the saloon and hotel business there anal is doing well, He also says that property has raised wonderfully In price there since the rush commenced, and It costs 50 per month for a lot 50x50.. At present the nights are cold in F.knguay, but during the day it is pleasant. He informs ub that the reportB concerning the spinal meningitis ragini; there were falBe, and, as far us he knows, there were no cases at all in Skaguay or along the pass. Horses, mules and burros command a high price there, but outside of pack animals everything is very reasonable. He speaks about the loneliness of the place, but Outside ot this, has no com plaints to mnke, and concludes by send ing regards to all Dalles friends. At tbe Mctliodlat Church Last Night. The Methodist church was filled last night with an audience anxious to listen to E. F, Miller sing the gospel. After a short and enthusiastic song service, tbe evangelist gave opportunity for requests. A number quickly re sponded, and then followed a number of short earnest prayers along the line of requests. Mr. Miller had scarcely begun his talk when we -found ourselves literally "sit ting in darkness." Hastily concluding his remarks, he seated himself at the organ and sang "Calvary" and other touching songs. Lights were brought in and for a few moments be spoke of tbe work of children in tbe home, illustrat ing his remarks by several incidents where children had led the parente unto" the "way of life." He then sang a most pathetic Bong, "Willie and Papa." At tbe close of his remarks he invited persons to manifest their desire to lead a Cbrietian life, and quite a number rose in response The mooting was thought by the church to be the most effective of any yet held. B. I. O. U. jr. Notice. Notice is hereby given to those inter ested that the new Kebekah Degree Lodge, I. O. O. F., will be instituted on Friday evening, April 8tb, at 8:30. ThoBe,In tending to become charter mem bers are requested to be present, promptly. By order of Mks. C. J. Ckasdall. liuie Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of Mt. Hood Hose Co., No. 4, will be held at the hose house this (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock. J.W.Lewis, Secretary. Cacb iu Your Cheolci. AH countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 3, 1894, will be paid at my office, Interest ceases after March. 17, 1898. C. L. Phillips, Count v Treasurer. Smoke the popular brands Prize Medal, Guarantee and Rose Queen cigars manufactured by S, F. Fouts. BheetuneB,, Atteutlout Clarke & Falk have tecurod the agency for. the La Plata Sheep Dip. Mixes Instantly with cold water. Tq Cure a Col In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets, All druggists refund the money if they fall to cure. 25o, One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That U what It wu mr.ic for. ' BlCVCLiES. One '95 Ladies' Cleve land Wheel 520 Two '97 Eagle Wheels One '96 Cleveland.... ' Gent's Wheel One '95 Eagle Gent's Wheel 130 S30 One '97 Boy's Eagle Wheel , yitl One '97 Girl's Eagle QC Wheel PUU In order to make room for our new slock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAO & BENTON MILITIA ON A WAR FOOTING. Would lie Ready to Fight at Almost Any Moment, The Oregon militia is on a war foot ing. When the time comes to burn gun powder; when Ecreaming shot and shell go tearing through the air and dynamite plows great trenches in the earth, big enough to hold an Hrmy, the Oregon militia will be ready for the call of duty and lay down their lives, if necessary, for tbe honor of "Old Glory." The offi cers and men, for that matter are not doing any talking on the outside, but are letting their actions speak for them selves. The men are showing their patriotism by practical methods. Everyone of them is eager for war to vindicate America's honor, which they believe has been sul lied bv the brutal Spaniards, in tbe blowing up of the Maine, in flaunting their bravadoism in America's face and cruelly crushing a people striving for liberty. The officers are no less deter mined than the men, but they say noth ing, and are throwing tbe full force of their energy toward putting the men in a position to take the place of trained soldiers in the event their services are. needed. The new rifle impels a bullet with ter rific force, and at 100 yards will send its deadly messenger thronght several men. The gun to be used is the new "Crack Joergensen. Smokeless powder will be used entirely, and the target will not be obscured by tbe smoke of battle. The effects of battle with such weapons, not to speak of tho dynamite which would be. discharged from balloons, and the other great machines of destruction, could be better imagined than de scribed. In caee war is declared the guards would'be placed under orders, and go into camp and draw regalar pay. They would probably never be called on 'o actual duty, unless armed forces were landed some where on the coast of this state. AdvertUed Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for April 8, 1808. Persons calling for tbe same will give date on which they were advertised : Barndld, Geo I (2) Belied, Jaeper Boslar, A Butler, Emma Clark, Martha A Dickie, Kobt Donaldson, Laura Erikson, Jas Gil more, Anna Goode, A P Henser, V Hoover, M Keeler, Sam'l Lauklna, L Morris, Geo Naylor, Edith (2) Park, Mat Kosenblatt, Ike Stnit. G K Sandford Bros, Taylor, Ray wilder, M JJ Brooks, Leslie, E Carlson. E B Crose, Henry Dillon, B J Dunakin, J Fellman, Nora Godberson, Bertha Harris, Anna Headley, Cora James, Ori Kimble. Wm Lewis, Ralph Murch, Chas Nichols, Chas Plummer, Clarence Slay ton, E T Swansou, Cannle Knelling, A P Wells. Jerome Wood, W 8 J. A. Ckoksk.v. OeWitt's Little Early Risers, Tbe famous tlitl pill. I ..reseept Bieyeles..' j ! 1898 Models are now ready for inspection, i Prices from $27.60 to $50.00. ' New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. MAYS & CROWE. RE7vTE7VBER We have strictly First-Class : Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Kates. Phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co. The VOGT OPERA HOUSE, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 12th. Second Annual Entertainment of the Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club, . PRESENTING 4 KING HALLABAHOOLA II. AN ORIGINAL MUSICAL FARCE CJMEDY. A GRAND CARNIVAL OF NEWEST SONGS, Jokes and Original Comedy and Athletic Specialties. 40 PEOPLE IN THE CAST. 40 40 PEOPLE IN THE CAST. 40 A PRODUCTION COSTING 9400. ELEGANT COSTUMES! NEW SCENERY! Reserved Seats on sale, commencing Friday morning, April 8tli, at 0 o'clock. at the Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co.'a etore, 1). ol U. Anniversary. Last night the Workmen and.their families and the Degree of Honor spent a few home very onjoyably, celebrating the fourth anniversary of the latter or der. The following program was ren dered : Phu.nc "IWorlul.i fjlua O.Vilh Address Mrs. M. W. Brfegs Vocal Duett MesdamesStophens and Varney'. Recitation Fred Wa Vocal Trio Meedames Varney and Groat and Miss Georgia Sampson. Remarks J. H. Zane, o( Portland. Luncheon was then served. after which dancing was indulceu in until midnight, The affair wbb a success throughout, and those present will kindly remember the fourth anniversary of Feru Lodge No. 5, Degree iversaryof of Honor. r'HEN. ill A1 n plejieure WHEN SRAVKLINO Whether on pleoeure bent or business, take on every trip n bottlo of Syrup of Flits, as it acts most pleasantly und 'ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow els, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. ,Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room 14, Vogt block, over the post- office. Schlltz's Bock Beer. ml7-2ra I Fresh and the first of the season at the . Midway. jyus. BVANS, MODISTE, Kooms In Mrs, Ilrittln's Lodging House. J-US-OKISBNDOltrrfiK & JtUKDY, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention glvcu to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vogt Block Happy Bride is she whoso friends havo had the good tasle to bestow silver upon her as a wedding irift. Nothing more appropriate, nothing more accept able, nothing more useful. ''A thing of beauty and a joy forever." Our Btoels of silverware is complete, I. C. Nickelsen Book & musie Company.