The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 07, 1898, Image 4

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    I - - OHKUON
.Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Pigs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
35ently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Saver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head?
aeho3 and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
-only remedy of "its kind over pro-'
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
.healthy and agreeablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the mo3t
jsopular remedy known.
byrup of Figa is for sale in 50
cent bottlca by all leading drug-,
giats. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
-wishes to try it. Do not accept any
lO'jtsviLLz, m: isw yom, v.y.
THE "CRIME OF 1873."
A Correspondent Gives Ills View ou
the .11uch-1alkeiMr Subject.
Yellow L.'.BORcna : A word with
you. It is evident that thu free comast
of silver question is to be dragged out as
an iasiu) ajrain. The political epeakeri
will soon be around instructing the
"dear people" in political economy, etc.
"Now, while they are getting their gnus
ready, snppsao we lool: up thia coinage
of silver question n little. If wj expect
to get n. correct idea on anv question,
we uui3t atadv its nature the natural
'Cjndiiion6 pertains to it
wliai is silver? How do
wo t
et it?
AVbare do wo find it.'
Silver is a metal, tyhich eivilizrd na-,
tiona have fo'r,agis'uised as money
when coined. We get il ihy. crushing
and smelting very refractory rc-cka. The
machinery for doing tds work properly
and profitably is very expensive. A
eznirle plant of thi kind costs many
Ihonsands of dollars, and is just beyond
the reach of any small capitalist. A
roan of very small means may discover,
locate and acquirs title to n silver mine;
but in order to realize anything, to pro
ducu bullion, he must-have a larpe capi
tal to work with. Now, nature has im
posed other conditions., Nature has not
sss: t to make -any silver unlets, as
is the cuiO with .'old; - - .
.So much lor the nature of the case.
Now let us seo as to the history of silver
mining in the United States. The his
tory oi the ease is just as we should ex
lied to find it. TlTe bare handed pros
pector lias univereally faimd .to cope
with the full-haiided capitalist. From
1S59 to lS73,there wore 2,000,000 ounces
of silver bullion produced in the United
States, and in that memorable year
1S73 this enormous pile, or piles, of
bullion was ownsd exclusively by that
claej of people commonly designated
"tho money power." The Rotlichild
familv owned a jood share of it, and
.Val! street backers tho rest. The men
T.'ho had climbed the rushed mountains
with grub stakes on their backs; who
had Hiven years of toil and nnxlety hi
discovering for civilization these mines
of wealth, had been skillfully and legal
ly dispossessed of his interest by the
wily capitali3 Now, don't suppose
that I would blame the capitalist for
casing the advantages which be held in
these mining deals. If there is any
blame, it is in the nature of the case.
Nature should have made silver nuggets;
then a poor man could have used his
Slick and shovel to some profit to him
self. ,JJow, In 1873 thefe 2,000,000 ounces of
silver were worth $1.00 per ounce. Be
auee thl government at that time per
mitted free coinatie of silver, and pure
mttrr being too toft to use in commerce,
Jtfcad been, found practicable to takeout
it "alx cents' worth cf pure silver
iter teach dollar and place in its stead
mm cheaper, bat liarder.'Bietal. So
'4M jMre bullloB'wae worth $1,00. But
M yw. these hollbo baroas did sot
vjarfaMMt Mrntl to aoia it into
lexnl tender money It was better than
if coined.
'But, accordlnu to history, there camo
a time (1873) when in the halls of tho
American congress there was assembled
a noble body of deep-thiuking, far-teeing
statesmen, with great hi it hearts,
which throbbed in unison with common
human 'rights. These noble men rose
up in their might and enacted a law
that knocked tho calculations of thoso
bullion barons higher than n kite. They
closed tho mints to tiio free coinage of
silver. This was in the interest of tho
wholo people, for the people needed this
bullion coined and in circulation. It
seems to havo been very severe on the
bullion owners. Bullion has been
shrinking in vjiluc over since. Still the
government which means tho whole
people havo profited in exact propor
tion to thu shrinkage in value. Every
since this memorable, year of 1873 the
government lias bought this silver bull
ion, tho average price paid being about
(51 cents. Rv simply issainir sliver cer
tificate; those certificates circulate at
par u9 does any other money the car
Uiicatea when finally mleemed leave
tho government n net profit of about
forty cents on each - ounce of silver,
Now, fellow-voters, this is a plain,
slmplo and truthful statement of the
elver question. Our government gets
tho entire profit, which' under free coin
age wmt to the bullion owners. The
net profits derived from coining silver
bullion lias been something over one
and a half millions of dollars annually
sitico 18713., Government coinage has
put 'millions of It-gal'tender silver dol
lars in circulation that under free coin
age wero locked up in the shape of
A very few of the very wealthy people
of the world are engaged in producing
silver. F. S. G.
A dail: bay liorte, weij;hin(j about
1100 pounds, branded ,on shoulder,
with white left foot. Strayed from
Grass Valley. Anyone finding the ani
mal' and iniorniinj; Frank Kramer, of
this city, will be suitably rewarded.
Two lots, Nos. 11 and 12, in block 14.
Gate? Addition, The Dalles,- Oregon.
For particulars address the undersigned.
M. E. Fuiikjiauy,
10-4w Box 178, Goldendalo, Wasii.
Thousands of sufferera from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, 'bronchitis, pneumonia
grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung
diseases.1 iSnipes-Kinersly.Djuj.Co.
If or ul.
One lot, No. 7, block 7, Bigelow's Ad
dition. Cheap for cash. Apply to or
addres3 Mits. It. J.,
rachSO-lw Telephone IIS.
A torpid liver robs you of anibitir.n
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver
trouble. Snipes Kinersly Dru Co.
At all times flour equal to tho best for
sale at Tysjh Valley lloller Mills, at
prices to suit thMimre. Also mill feed.
W. 31. UcCoicci-e, IVop.' ,
uicrilC Oni
. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven ,by every
test to lie tho hest r.on-po!ouous fluid
diii Hi "lu world; guaranteed to cure
scab, itch, boru throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Clarke & Falk, Haunt. The Dalles.
DeWitt's Witcis ttazzl Salve
Curc Piles, Sc4!da, tJnrns.
Dr. Shackelford has removed his office
to room 1-1, Vcgt block, over tho post
office. ml7-2m
One Minute Cough Cur, cures.
Th?t la what It svai mutlc itr.
mi'. I A I.U'.c
Ofllco over First Sat. Uuk.
Al iUMSKYa A l LAW ,
Ofllco ovr Flrtt Nut.. Bunk.
At tho Diamond Mills,
Good millinc wheat,
The hlj!hu?t price
inch 10 if.
ri CnUMf SAXJC laaMritlTww.
AyalriXellMMKitU. ItUdckhrabMrbd. M,
mutt Dwgglm at by mil ; uu loc by mil
MT BMOTUKM.M Warraa Hui Mr Yoik Citt,
"Just as
as Scott's and we sell it much
cheaper," is a statement sometimes
made by the druggist when Scott's
Emulsion is called tor. This shows
that the druggists themselves regard
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos
phitcs of Lime and Soda as the
standard, and the purchaser vho
desires to procure the u standard"
because he knows it has been of
untold benefit, should -not for one
instant think of taking the risk of
using some untried prepa
ration. The substitution
of something said to be
"just as good' for a stand
ard preparation twenty
fivoyears on the market,
should not be permitted by
the intelligent purchaser.
Bo tare vou j?et SCOTT'S Kmulsion. See
that tho man and fish nro ou tho wrapper
- ;oc. and $j.oo, oil druggists.
SCOTT & noWN'K, Chemists, Now York.
I Engliah Women Take Aotivo Part
i in Voto Getting.
j The AVlvca of Cniullilatcs for Olllce
i Carry on h llcrjiilar Cuuviinm of
j Tlieli- 0-.ti .otoi tfiitly
The American woman lias, practi
cally, no divcct vcicc in the government
of 'the United States a fact frequently
and forcibly presented to us by the
j female KufiragiuU. Her Lnfrliaii cih-
tors, also excluded from the ptiriinnicnt
arv franchise, are, nevertholcbo,
many u British election is tunid by
the imicnce of the wife or sweetheart
or sister of one of the contending can
didates. Du.-iuir an American campaign the
I rival' aspirants for oflice stump their
states or districts, while llwir inni-
i ilies arc ut home eagerly read i't heir
speeches and hopinif and praymjr that
tiiir own particular dear one will be
elected. The wife of a nominee lor con
(.rreo.s is raised, to tho seventh ii.avc;i of
Liiss when her husband is called on by
Ids party to lend it to victory. He ini
i.iediatolv assumes the leadership of lo-
I cal society, and Her projecta of aocial
conquests in Washington form the nb
Korbing. topic of licr conversation. Hut
she rarely does any work to help her
luisband upon his path to the cnpitol.
On tlr. other limit, consider the proc
esses of an Knfflish election. When a
Sontlcninn decides to stand for a cer
tain borough cr district, ho starts out
Lr.clccd by pcrcoijul and political friends
who arc anxious to see hini
His wife or sister is pretty sure to be
jrcr-Krd into service. Mettiphorically
Flaking, she takes ofl lier c:it and
"s in hammer and tonrrs. In a country
district, when the nominee is bonked to
spyuh at a ccrtain town or village, the
lecal delegation of worthy burjrhers
arr! farmers mcts him vnd I'is party
at' Hi? .station. The would-h-i -M. P. js
MFcortcd to the platform, from wli'chlio
i:; to tell his friends "what ovila e;j
ist in the fovernment, and how he will
riifht tlwr.i if elected.!'
Aleanwhlle hie vrife begins her can
vass. Accornpanle'd by Sir Basil Wants
hio name, Bart., and Captain Hon.
Ilufh Soandspn, the candidate's lady
visits the hemes f tho voters. Tin
bvxosn lionswifc welcomes her with
cfnteel eoiuteny.'dnd uahtr the com
pany into tho parlor. The visitors can
not say too much in praise of u con
uir.nnato taste shown in tlu- ;,'.-:ii-K-r;reen
carpet and the uhy-blue wa!lpnp';r. At
last the retreat Is sounded, and this
feminine vote winner proceeds to the
nc::t housp, and tho nest, until the
whole villnge has been visited, compli
mented and made secure from the op
position, as. far as womenfolk arc con
cerned. -The Primrose league, the great con
servative association, has been n moat
formidable political machine in Eng
land, and thia is officered and innnnrrcd
by women. At the same time it la n
orrnve question with all Americans who
have witnessed an English election
whether they would like to tw their
own women nt iiuch work. StanleyW
wife wan badly hurt when he yan can
vassing a district n South London, and
thp list of women who have been cut
or bruised on the hustings la not a
short one.
Knglinh'womcn do not confine their
work to canvassing. They speak for
their candidates, and some of them
arc nmoner the best political Hpcakers
In the country. Lady .Tpuno is really
eloquent, and the marchioness of Bui
ishury has been known to "talk for
the torics." Ilut times havo changed
since the letter part of thriaat century,
and kisses nro no long traded for
votes, after tho fashion of the lovely
Georglanu, duchess of Devonshire,
when she canvassed Westminster for
Fox. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
I iff 1 All
Why do wo retail more Cigars than
Why do smokers go out of their way
and pass cigars of the same grade?
Not because wo havo better cigars
or better brands, or any greater variety;
no, not that. ,.
Why, because we hnvo the finest ci
gar case in tho state and keep our cigars
in better condition.
Snipes-Kinorsly Drug Co.
2Eh Jrlw
A fvdcnrttd assortment of Voce
tnble, Garden nmt (Jiiisn Stcda tn
Unlit. Si-od Wheat, Seed OaU,
Seed Hurley, feed Seed Ityo.
Oil Moid Cnke mid l-'ettillMrs,
Iteo Supplies, Kntly Uoo I'otti
toes, lilevon kinds of llrrtt class
f-ced Corn, ivultry m.d Kggs
bought mid sold ut
2 J. H. CROSS' jj
Cheoji TiiOi (Irorcry mid l'eed
atou', iccoml uiul Union Sis.
JEz !0
Sheriff's Sale.
J Oregon for W'nsro county.
T. J. Hclil.vlalntlff
Wm. l)lrfell, 1-iuiru.K. IHrprftl.l. First Kallotinl
Hank ol Thu Dullrs, Tliomas Kollv nml A. 1.
Iiy virtue of ntt u.ccciitlon,tccrtj nml order of
wile, iluly Usutd out of uiul under tlicsuilof
tlieClrt'iilt Court of tho bntu of Oicuon, for tlio
tlio County of Vncn, to me illicctnl mid iliitcil
tlieMtli Hay of rcbruury, U'JS. upon u ilccrce for
thu forecUiMiro of n ccit.iin mortif.o, nml JuiJif
meiit roiideieil and cntcrnl la nilil Court on the
Itli dny of December, 1-'J7, in tho above entitled
pause, in favor oi the -1 i n 1 1 f I .mil iiualnst tho
defeinlMiitM William Hlmfeld dinl Lnurii K. lllnr-fi-ld
n judement dibtors, In the mm of fifteen
hundrtd and tuehe duilii and tweuty-aluti
cent, 1th Interest thereon from tho 4th day of
I) Iwr, 1 V.i", a t tho rate of ten ierrtnt per
iii r. ii in . auo the further Mini of onohiiudrtdaiKl
llfty Oollars ns attorney's fees, and the further
.sum of lllteen dollars, costs, and tho (ostsof
and upon thtK wilt, ami comtnniHllii me to
malty salu of tho real property embraced in such
ncifoof forceloiir and hereinafter deorlbcd, I
will ou the
liMll il.i.v of April, l.SDK,
nt the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of
said day, and at tho front lor of tho Couutv
CourthoUfe in Dalles City, Waeo Oo-inty, lire
lon, tell tit public auction to tho hlsliest bidder
lorcaMiii bund, all the rlsht. ttlle and Intcrevt
which the defcminntH William tUre,fold anil
l.Tiiift V. HIiKfcUl, Thorn Jh Kelly and .,ti. livn
iu tt, or either of them, had on the 1'h day of
Aomiit, li'JZ. tho ditto of tho inort;uKO foreeloKHt
ht-ieln, or which Mich defendants or tiny of tho
defendants herein lmv:uinlrol.oriiowhavcIti
mid to Ihe following tlwcillxHl roil projiorty,
Mtuuttd ami btln in Waco Couutv, OrtKOii.
to-ult: An until vldud one-lltth Interest of nil
of icctlon No 21, the mv J. and the to A of .
tlon So. 2;;; also all of i-eutiou No. ', the mv
and tho a oi hectlon No. L'7, ami tho mv J. oi
section N'o.;;, all In townthlp Ni 7, Hiiuhof
lanKC No. 17. east of tho W. 51: alfii of section
No. o, town&hip No. f , touth of ranae No. 17, east
Of tho W. ;.I..'ontiiillllli,' In nil SMl.tM acres ae
eoidini; to tho lioverinuent survey (pai;c"ail,Vol.
O of dcedf) aleo thu & '.j of thi fiiv i ,md tlie b -t
of tho to of section No. .11, toivuship No. 7,
south of liinuu 17, castol IV. Jf.. oulltaiiiiliK Ku
iierus, (pnsc llii.Voi. K. deisU) also all the mv Vv
of section No. ;i3, totriKhip 7, south of rai)KOl7,
Custof W. 51., (pflRO :Vfl, Vol. N, of dectls.) ,-a(l
Interest In tho aUivo de.-cilbetl real property be
llitliosiinotlCRCeiideil lo ami Inheilled by the
.said Laura 11. Jllrt'feld iihiii tho death of Alexan
der Holers inltl 51'ttlldn lingers, her father and
mother. ;n4d imprty will bo told tjiibject to
confirmation und reilemptloa hi by law pro
vided. Dtited r.t Tlio Dalles, Orkoii, this Sd day of
Jlarch, lb'JS. inch.vti.
T.J. DItlVlIU,
Sherlll of Waco County, Oregon.
This ofFor i! iiimle'liv tlm
provided appllefitloii le mado at once, In order
that Its Inventions, appliances and never falllui,'
remedies may receive the widen possible pub
licity, and provo their own morlu iy inutml
tn mill piTinitiieiil cureM. Nt Altintiy
wlininvnr will be rieelvtd by thu Illinois
Sinit) .janlliititiiii Horn anjoiioiinderlts treat
ment until littiinlloliil rsnlt uri'itelin.nvl
,lir'i. Its remedies and appliances have been
cum inclined iiy mo niiipaern oi r wo itilin- i
nents and endored by tho Krctgt dtylors In'
tho world. Wlieio ilevelopmcntls dtslrcd, tliey
accomplish It and never fall tu luv go ate, up-I
MUim ami iwiiiij,
'I hey Infuse new life uiul energy. Thov jior
mnnciitly stop all losses which undermine tho
constitution and irolucc despondency. They
rc-tone, refresh mi'l restore to mnuhood, i
(runllnsB or uito. Th'iy euro evil habits and
po inuueutly remove their ellicis, as well as
thosu of excesses anil over-taxod brain work,
jivurasthcnlii or jiervotis vxhuustlou. No full
lire, no ii)l Inli.v, no deception, no illsaii
ItnliitiiiBiii, At HITK Tt)-IA V.
ICvHimtiin, 111,
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TF8n
Headquarters for MByen' Beat" Pendle
ton FlOUr. ThlB Flour .ntn'wturd exprwly lor tamily
: every ck U RiMranUed to give MtiilMtioo.
We tell our gooda iower than any bom la the trade, nd If you don't think to
ull and get our pneu and be convinced. ' ,
Hifhit Priow Paid for WhnX, Barley and Oati.
..Gps. m-
and pexpmePB
Keeps on ilrauwlit tho colebrntcit
('()1,U5I)1IA IIKK.U, iiplitmwl
cdKixl tho best deer fit Thu Dulles,
nt tho usual prlwi. I'otni) lif) try
It and liu roi.vllicctl. AIo tlio
Klnnst brands of Wlncj, I.tpuirs
unit Cigars.
I of nil Kinds uluays on baud.
Patronize the
All kind of work. Whlto Shirts n specialty.
Knmllv work at reduced r tes Wash eollectetl
ami ile'llveml free, Toiriilionn o. ill).
H. D. Parkins, Agt,
tub GoiumDia mm go,
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dalles, Mora awl Antelope
Throush hy daylight via ( Valloy, Kent
and Cross. Hollows.
IHHIOI.AH A 111, K.N. Tho IiiiU.
V. 31. WIHTKI.AW. Alltoliipo.
BtHKes leave Thu Dalles trnm TJnmtllhi House
at 7 u. tn nlso from Antulntm at 7:au a. in. every
.Momlay, Wetlnestlay and biltlay. Connections at Antelope for l'rtnovllk', -Mitchell and
poi'its beyond. C'oso c- nueclioiis inaduat The
Dalles with railways, trains und boat.
r-UKcs from Autelopo tivtch The Dalles Tues
days, Thimdnys and 8iitiirdays nt i;so p. rn.
Dalles to Deschutes
do 5loro...
do (Irass Valley.
do Kent ,
do Cross Hollows
Antclopu to Cross Hollows
do Kent
do Grass Valley
do JIoio
do Doc.huccs
do Dalles
.J1 00
. . .' 1 M
...'.' '.'3
. . . li (HI
... -I W
. . . 1 Ki
. . . a iw
... 3 U0
50 Years
UniliHimtfid snpreniacv in tlio World's
Incroasoo Yluld of Wool. '
IZnlmncoo Vnluo of Flock
Cheap, Safe, llnnily.'Ck-Hi), Wholesoini)
und Oilorletti.
HccoinniuiKk'tl by Alanufitcturo-e, Hcour
era and lltiyere. . Said Iiy
C. G. Koborts, Geriorul Agent, 247 Ash
Streat, Portland, Oregon,
Sleeping Cars
Dining Oars
Sleeping Car
HT. I'Attl,
' OUANMl'im
iii:i;i:jA mi
Through Tickets
For Information, time cards, miip,snnrt llekets,
cal on or wrllo to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Ai;cnt,
The Dalles, Orciton
A. i. CHAULTOX. Am. G. 1'. A.,
JM. JlotrUon Cor. Thlnl. I'ortlanil Oreitoii
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
oi?' Tim
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains lenvu and nto duo to nrrivo nt rortlnu
OVj:itI.AND KX-1
press, fialcin, Host.'.'
ImrK. Anhlatid, Hut'-1
riimunto, OKdou,Bnn i
Krinitilkcn, MoJiiVC,
I.os AiiKflos.Kl l'limi.
Now lirlciuiH and
M:00 1'. il,
I I'imt I
s;0 A..M,
Itotchttrj; mid way l-
fVln Wootlbiirn lorl
I Ml.Anuol, Hllvorton,
West Htslo, llrornii-
vllk-.SpriiiKilold and
I, Natron J
i--"n m irnrvallls und way
INDKl'KNDIINf'i: i'AHi:N(?T:il. KxprcMJ train
Dally (c.wptHtinday).
llfflp. m. (l.v.....rortlanll....Ar.i Sia'ni.m
:W. m, Ai..MoMliini'iili.-..l.v. .ri;.'iOa,m
l::aip. in. (,r..Iiiilfii.'iiil(.Miof.,l.v I .in. la
Dally. (Daily, -Jtecpt btinilay,
DlNINli CAll8ON7)lKN ItOl'TK.
Atlaolicil to all Through Train.
Direct coiiiK'ctlon at t-nti hraiioln-o with Occl
duutiil unit tlilcntnl ami 1'iicllii; mull nli'itniklilp
llni's (orMAl'Att nlitl 0111NA. Kalllnj; Uatw on
ii lillenllon.
IlitU'M Atiil tlt'kctK In linlern polnt5 ami hn
iojh;. Al"JAl'AN, CHINA. llDNDl.l'l.L MVi
At'ijTl'.AI.lA.vaii l.oohtnltRtl Irom
J. 11. KIUKIjAND, 'Ilckct AKit.
Throush Ticket OHIcv, lt Third strwt, whtrc
thronyh llckcw to nil point in the l'ulfrit
htiltw, Caiwiliiniut Kurdi call Ui oblalntd at
lOHt'ltt IlltCM fiotn
J. II. UIHKl.AN'I), Tifkct Aitcnt.
All abovo trnliik nrrivo ut nmt dupirt Horn
(iiaud Cuutna Htallou, l-'llthimd Irving ttrcct.
U'livu for Slieriilati. ik dayh, :it hSOp. n
Artivuut I'ortlanil, 'J:.' a, in.
U'avu for AIKMK ou Monday, Wcilm'wlaj ' "'"t
Krl'Uiy at U: 10 it. in. Arrlv' nt rortlninl, CM
tlav, T)iurniay mid Satunla, it S;0" i. m.
Kxccpt bniiday. Ksccjit Baturday.
ASSt U. I'. .V I'afS. ASt
18 VageM n Week. 100 I'opor Vear,
It etunJa lirutomong "weokly" l)
in eizo, frequency of publication
freshneas.'variety and reliability of cpr.
tenia. It la practically ft daily t the low
price o a weakly ; and its vuut list oi
ubcriberB, extondiiu? to every etato ana
territory of the Union and foreign conn
tries, will vouch for tlio accuracy anu
fairness of ite news columns.
It is splendidly lllmtrated, and among
Us speciAl features aro a lino humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all e
latest fasbloni (or women and a wn
series of etorles by the greatest living
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