race "Very Much to tho Good." For 85C We offer you a beautiful Pique seam, patent snap Glove, in tan, brown, green or red. You would consider this cheap at $1.25. FOP $1.27 DENT'S ENGLISH GLOVE. Wo speak advisedlv when we say, "The best on earth." AVe have just received direct a full assortment of this colobrated Glove. Up-to-date in style, color and all the re quisites. These Glovos retail in all the large cities for $1.75. For $1.75 DENT'S STREET GLOVE. To introduce, we are making X tho extremely low price named. Wo have this Glove in the leading shades Pearl, -Manilla and Havana. For $1.75 DENT'S DRESS GLOVE. 4-button fastener. We can sup- 2- ply this Glovo in tho much affected shades of Light Manilla. FOSter GlOVeS Wo want t0 clean them up. Only a few left, and the first comers can have them as long as they last at $1.00 for William quality; $1.15 for Fowler quality. The Popular Business Suit For tho coniinR season will he the Four-Button, Round Cut Sack Style, in neat checks, narrow Stripes nnd faint plaids. The materials are Cheviot, Tweed, Worsted nnd Capsimero. Our new Sack Suits, made by Hart, SehafFner & Marx, are cut in the latest stvle. They are perfect in design aud as graceful in appearance us though made to order. Some of these Suits at $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50 and $18 are wonderful exam ples of fine quality at a reasonable price. BlCVCIiES. Every Suit is fully warranted. 1. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY APRIL 7, 1808 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. l'osttim Corlal Food Coffee ut Com mission & Grocery Co.'s. tf Hieyclu sundries, fishing tackle, guns, titles and revolvers at Maior & Benton's. The Republican county convention met at Moro on Tuesday, and put a full ticket in the field. Today a drunk was the only victim before the recorder, and thjs part of the spree cost him $5. Have your old worn nxleB cut down and run like new at Lane Bros, black smith and wagon shop. 5-tf Hay is scarce in Umatilla county, and can only bo had in small lots. Good hay is Bulling in Pendleton at $10 75 a ton. Btnto Senator Samuel R. Hughes died at his home iu Forest Grovo at 1:15 Tuesday afternoon, of apoplexy, at the W of 02. In the nomination of precinct officers yesterday C. E' Bayard was nominated for justice of the peace and W H. Clark for constable. At a mepting of the Guild at the home of Mrs. L. Clarke yesterday, the ladies decided to give an entertainment for tho benefit of the church on Thursday, the 21st Inst. A postofllco key with ring and chain attached was fouud this morning in the postoflice. Owner can hove the same by calling at this office and paying the cost of advertising. Work was begun today on a wood cow for J. T. Peters & Co. It will be 24kU0 foot and will be used in place of thoecow "Interstate" for transporting wood from points down the river. Yeaterday Sheriff Combs.of Prinoville, arrived in this city, having in charge an insane woman who he was taking to tho tue asylum at Salem. Ho left this morning with his charge for the latter place. Mays & Crowe's new warehouse is re ceiving a Becond and last coat of paint today, which adds much to tho beauty of the new buildlncr. When it is fin hhed it will certainly be a credit to the oiock in which it stands. Today while Mr. Langlfle was huolng piece of timber for tho new ferry-boat the ax slipped and struck him in the "lit Inillctinir n serious cut. Ho had the wound dressed by a physician, andi - t'Hueiu is superintending the work aN uiual. Soya and nirla. hear Uita I Mr. Miller. toe evangelist, of Ohlcaao. will conduct Breat mass meeting for you tomorrow ' immediately after lohool, at the Meth Wist church, He will ilng "Grandina'8 OJU Arm Chair," and tall you a true Colorado bear toy. Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock box office 111 open and seats can be , "served for "King Hallabahoola II." Persons who have purchased ticks must get in line and take their turn. There will undoubtedly be a ureat rush, and to avoid this people should come early. It would bo hard to conceive ot a more beautiful line of spiing clothing for men than the H. S. & M. line dia piayed by PeaBe & Mays, in their fur nishing goods window. How they can afford to sell these goods at the same price that other dealers charge for ordi nary ready-made goods, surpasses our understanding. Today Mr. Nielsen Bold the whale's jaw bones, which he had arched over his Btore door, to Norman Draper, of Wobco. Mr. Draper is making a collection of relics of prehistoric times, Indian relics and petrifactions. Ho will take this collection, which will be very large, to Omaha, where he will place them in a museum. The program for "King Hallabahoola II" 1b being prepared today, and it will be one of the finest of the kind that lins ever been printed for any performance in our city. It will be a neat book, put in a beautiful embossed coyer, on which will be the club emblems. On account of its splendid make-up it will be an excellent souvenir of the second per formance of the Commercial Club. The owners of fisheries and canneries have only three days moro to prepare for the fishing Benson, as it will open at 0 o'clock Sunday evening. Everding & Farrel and Seufert Brothers have their cannery crews engaged at present in making cans and otiier preparations for a big run this season. At present there is said to be some salmon in the river, but as yet they have not come in large quan titie. Nearly all tho delegates to the con vention returned to their homes today, and on leaving appeared to be well sat isfied with the work they had accom plished. The Republicans of Wasco county can well be complimented on the good, clean ticket they have arranged, and there is little doubt that the men who composo it will meet with the hearty support of their party when it cabura to a matter of being elected. I At the regular adjourned meeting of ttie B. P. 0. E. held last night the fol lowing officers were installed : Exalted vnlar T, V, f!rnW! lnvnl knioht. VV. L. Bradshaw; secretary, E. M. WIngate; treasurer, A. S. Mac Alllstor; trustee, Thomas Kelly. The exaltod filler ap polntad the following gentlemen to offices: Enquire, Harry LoJlsdale j In ner guard, H. H. RIddeVij chaplain, John Michell, and organist, Archio Mc Cullv. Borne of tho officers elected were not present last night, end will be In stalled at the next meowing. L'ast evening ft rehearsal of "King Hallabahoola II" was held at the opera house. Tho orchestra was present and practiced the music for the performance. In fact, tho entire program was gone through as it will be next Tuesday euenlng, and the boys made a splendid showing throughout. Each and every character are at near perfect In their re spective parts as is possible for them to 4 One '95 Ladies' Cleve land Wheel Two '97 Eagle Wheels 520 at ' tOU - i $30 $30 One '96 Cleveland.... Gent's Wheel One '95 Eagle Gent's Wheel- One '97 Boy's Eagle Wheel One '97 Girl's Eagle Wheel In order to make room for our new stock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON PERSONAL .MENTION' got, and it will take more than the ordi nary amount of stage frieht to make anv number on the program a failnm In fti C. L. slightest decree. There will bn nn H,3f' musical rehearsal at Schanno's hall to night. Last night the fusionists' nominee for sheriff and one of the delegates to thei .Republican convention decided to econ omize on lodgings and share the bed to fietber. How long they shared it we d not know, but there must have been mix-up, for about 9 o'clock this morni the Democratic candidate was arou iuquiring of his friends where hislt publican brother was. He appealed to be Blightly ruffled, informed them that he bad made a mistake and taken one of the Republican's gaiters In place of his brogan and wanted to rectify the unfortunate . error. The owner of the gaiter was found and the matter settled peaceably. Now they are wondering what caused such an error. We answer by saying that they must have met too! many newlv-nominated candidates ha. fore retiring. Perhaps he may carry Hans Lage, who has been in this city his ideas of fusion to Biic.h Rn Ptfnt that attending the convention, returned to his shoes miiRt. r.oprf fnB !., !,. nl Portland today. Ireland, of Moro, is in the city A. E. Lake is in the citv from Wamic today. George Dufur went to Portland this morning. Mre. Mac D. Lewis is in the citv from Kingsley. Mrs. Frank Menefee went to Portland on the morning train today. Michael Callahan is in the citv todav from hiB home near Kingsley. I Roche Fargher, an extensive sheep I raiser from Naneene, is in town. f J. M. McCulloch and wife, of Prine Iville. are at the Umatilla House. 1 A. R. Lvle. of Crook conntv. went t.n Portland on tho Regulator this morn- this city, left for his home in Wapinitia today. Frank Wookcock, of Wamic, spent vpfitprrifiv in MlM 'ltv nnrl ratnrnorl tinma vthis morning. his shoes must need fuee with those ofu his neighbor. However, if the Repub lican shoe fit him he should have worn it. May Day Kxcmslon to Uuncl IClvcr. The Sons of Veterans are making prep arations for a May Day excursion to Hood River. In a ehort time voting places will be arranged and candidates for a May queen will be selected from among the young ladies of the city, and the one receiving the highest number of votes will have the honor of being queen of the May. Although arrangements aie not completed yet, it is expected that the Regulator will carry the merry makers to and from the scene of the fes tivities, and it will indeed be n pleasant change to some of our city pooplo to go for even a single day to as beautiful a rasort as Hood River. Appropriate ex ercises will be rendered and we are sure that a very enjoyable May day will be spent. I.- O. O. V. Notice. Notice is hereby given to those inter ested that the new Rebekah Degree Lodge, I. O. O. F., will be instituted on Friday evening, April 6th, at 8:30. Those intending to become charter mem bers are requested to be pnsent, promptly. By order of Mks. O. J. Ckaxdall, Cadi lu Your Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 3, 1804, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after March. 17, 1898. C L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. Hbaepinen, Attentlout Clarke & Falk have eeeurod the agency lor the La, Plata Sheep Dip, Mixes instantly with cold water. To Cor' Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets, AH druggists refund the money if they fall to cure. 25c. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That It what It was mode lor. J. II. Arbuckle returned from Port land yesterday, where he has been on a ehort business trip. S. S. Harkneee, of St. Louis, arrived in the city yesterday. He will take charge of ttie shoe department in Pease & Mays store. H. D. McEwen, a Chicago sheepbuyer Is in the city, and will probably buy u large shipment of mutton in this' section for the Chicago market. Ray Logan, son of Dr. Hugh Logan, returned from Port-land ' last evening, where he lias been attending the medic al college. He will spend the Bummer with his father in this city. Mr. Cline. Huntley, an old-timer in Oregon, is in the city from his homo at Pine creek, Gilliam county. Mr, Hunt ley was a resident of Wasco county when it extended as far east as trait Lake City, which certainly gives liim the right of being numbered among the pioneers. BOUN. At Hood River, on Tuesday, April 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Yates, a daughter. Mr. Yates is the accommo dating postmaster at that place. Mrs. A, O. Stubling & Son have hy brid and tea roses, three and four years old at 25 cents; young roses in bud at 15 cents or two for 25 cents ; carnations at 15 cents, two for 25 cents ; white and yellow marguerites; heliotropes, gera niums and fuschiuB at 5 cents and up. Pansles 25 ctB. per dozen. 4-wlmdlw WHBX TKAVJSUNG Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, us it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow els, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. When you smoke the Rose Queen 5- cent cigar you get your money's worth. tl A fresh lot of cauliflower, cabbage, sweets, oranges and lemone at Conimis slon & Grocery Co.'s. ..reseept Bieyeles.. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. MAYS & CROWE. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. REMEMBER. We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Kates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co, The VOGT OPERA HOUSE, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 12th. Second Annual Entertainment of the Dalles Commercial and Atbletic Club, O- PRESENTING II. KING HALLABAHOOLA AN ORIGINAL MUSICAL FARCE CJMEDY. A GRAND CARNIVAL OP NEWEST SONGS, Jokes and Original Comedy and Athletic Specialties 40 PEOPLE IN THE CAST. 40 40 PEOPLE IN THE CAST. 40 A PRODUCTION COSTING $400. ELEGANT COSTUMES! NEW SCENERY! Reserved Seats on sale, commencing Friday inornine, April 8th. nt 9 o'clock. at the Snipee-Kinersly Drug Co.'s store. a nciiof. The wind was whistling shrilly nbout the eaves', now high now low, hut un ceasingly whistling'. Outside all was gloom, and in the large draughty hall where the lights nickered sat a man who was listening to tho whistling of the wind. Though tho scene wns one which an old-time novelist would have used in order to give an impression of misery or lead up to a midnight mur der, the man in the gusty hall was the picture of happiness. But seel Anoth er now enters. They converse. Let us listen. "It is an awful night. IIow the wind whistles!" "Yes. Isn't it lovely to hear the wind?" "What? Do you enjoy it?" "Certainly! Though it has been whistling for an hour, It hasn't whistled ono of those cursed popular airs thnt make our lives one long nightmare. Let it whistle on." N. Y. World. Dotted Veil. Paradoxes are in fubhijn a woman pays seven dollars for a dotted veil and $7,0 to her oculint to correct astigma tism. An oculist once said that every dot in a woman's veil was worth Ave dollars to the gentlemen of his profes sion. The eye is being constantly strained to avoid these obstacles in its way, and, of course, it is weakened and tortured. Think of a woman paying $1.50 for something that will, in time, destroy her eyesight just as sure as fate. I leave it to you if she's not a parn gpn of n ninny? But women do these things in spite of everything except when the overworked eyes begin to pain, and then they're glad enough to do most anything for quick relief. Boston Transcript. jyj-ns. EVANS, MODISTE, Itooms In Mr. HMttln'n Lodging House. GKISENUOKFFKK & HITSDV, Physicians aiut Surgeons, Spcclnl attention given to surgery. Itootus 21 aud 22, Tel. 32S Vogt Block fi l MSlS Happy Bride is she whose friends have had the good taste to bestow silver upon her as a wedding ylt't. Nothing more appropriate, nothint' more accept able, nothing more useful. "A tliiiiK of beauty and a joy forever," Our stock of silverware is complete, I. C. Nickelsen Book St muie Company,