t' f onRmiK ok0 ravjoYt Both tho method and results when iSyrupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant send rcf reshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Xaver and Bowels, cleanses the sys lem effectually, dispels colds, head--aches and f overs and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the 'only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ao--ccptablo to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most leal thy and agrecablo substances, its , many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most i popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 ccnt bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who "wishes to tiy it. Do not accept any .substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAHCISCO. CAL toumiiiE. a. hew york, h.y. I'KItSONAl. MENTION- 'S. B. D.iveris In the city from Wamic. Charles D. Prather is up from Hood Uiver. Emerson Wllliama, of Kingaley, is in the city. William Vanderpool, of Dufur, is in -tbu city. 'Grant Mays went to Portland on busi ness today. Chris Dethinan, of Hood River, is in Ktiia city today. W. H. H. Dufur U in from his, home JJufur today. Douglas S. Dufur went to Portland on the morning train today. 'Hans Lige, of HoodRiver, made this office a pleasant calltoday. John End, of wamic, is in the city nd allied at this office today. I. D. Driver, nonijtiee for sheriff on the fusion ticket, h in the city from .Wamic. .hi.. -o. Auucrcuii, Oliver nepuuiicuu nominee for county clerk, is in the city from Dnfur. Leon Rondeau, orfe of the leading farmers of the Kinsley neighborhood, as in the city. 3. W. Wheeler, of Spokane, grand lecturer for tho Woodmen of the World, .arrived in the city today. K&Mt TCJght's Revlral Meetlur. The interest in the revival meetings st the Methodist church is increasing every night, and the church is crowded at every meeting. A deep feeling seems -totake possession of the audiences, and nightly many are found at the altar cf jp raver. The lnging of Evangelist Miller is not only beautiful, but impressive. Eveiy tone is clear, and the words, which aie o distinct that every one is heard, cany with them an influence which is laslinp. Last night, among other selections, l.e ang ''I Am That Wandering Boy," which was founded on an incident that occurred in one of the missions at Chi cago. He also sang "Steal Away to .JeiUB." Mr. Miller took for his subject la t night "Gnilty Before God," and it -eeemed ' that everyone one in the room was touched by his earnest appeal. All should take advantage of this op portunity to hear so beautiful a singer. To Cure a Cola in Oue Day. 'Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tLe money if they fail to cure. j&c. liujd Sellout itepurt. The following is the monthly report -of the Boyd school for tho month ending J&pril 1st: Total number enrolled, 31. Total number of days attendance, 4-H, .'Number belouging, 25. .Average daily attendance, 22. JNo.of cases of-tardinese, 4. 'Days absence, 36. Camber of, visitors, 8. Tfaoce neither tardy nor absent during month were .Pansy Wing, Frank ley, Docio Bolton, Floyd Wing, diy Harry Southern and Ethel JCtewIsitors were Miis Etta Bolton, 1HK DALI.ES, Miss Ella McKolUr, Miss Flool Adkln Bon, Ml as Re Wilson, Mrs, S. Baker, Mre. M. Win and M. Allen. A cmllal invitation Is extended to nil to visit ns and unto our progress. D. C. AiXAim, Teacher Tut ItcelY"rt. The Dout Optical nnd Jewelry Co. has ljust received a new ujvtp;liite eye pro tector. It weighs only two puiny weiylit, mado o( ft composition which will not offset the sight of the eye. It is carried in the insido baud of your lint, and is always ready for uso. They retail at 25 cents. Call and see them. We make a specialty of properly lit tlnp children's eyes, and test each eye separately. We carry a full lino of frames, ftold, ulluminuui, nickel, bronze and rubber. Wo are receiving new (foods daily, anil best of all we guarantee entire satisfac tion. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Pile. Scald. Hums. Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room 14, Vogt block, over the post office. nil7-2m One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thit la what It was made f jr. THE TINIEST OF WATCHES. Mont Mlnntc Timepiece Now In Ex-, tatuiiee. Tho smallest wute.li In the world is at present on exhibition in a show win dow in Berlin. It is the latest triumph in tho art of watchmaking the art that has mutln such wonderful progress ( within -the last decade. j The lilliputian timepiece was made in Geneva, following are given some of thu tiny dimensions: I Tho diameter of the little watch is less1 than half an inch. The exact measure ment is 10' millimeters, or .4137 inch. 1 Its thickness is 3 millimeters, or .US2 inch, being but little more than a tenth of an inch. I The length of tho minute hand is 2 4-10 millimeters, or .0945C Inch. That of the hour hand is 1 3-10 millimeters, or .05122 inch. The entire works of the tiny watch comprise 95 individual pieces, and its exact weight is 14.3499 grains, or, ac cording to tho metric system, 93 centi- grammes less than a sing'e gram! j After having been wound up with the diminutive key the watch will run for! 2S hours. The mainspring when run down has a circumference of .13390 inch. Its weight is 33 milligrammes, or .5902 grain. i The weight of the four main wheels, with their springs, is 42 milligrammes,' or .0408 grain. There are -13 cogs on the little cylinder wheel, which has a, circumference of 2 millimeters, or .07SS ir.ch, und weighs .75 milligramme, or .01155 grain. ! Tho balance has a circumference of 3.57 millimeters, or .140G5S inch. In I one hour it completes 18.152 revolutions, j traveling a distance of 9,842 feet 61 inches. The most delicate tools and measur ing instruments were made .specially) for the construction of this lilliputian! watch. The preliminary work in the making of the timepiece was very cx-l pensive, and the selling price of the; watch is comparatively low, being SI,-, 250. N. Y. Ilerald. I "IRONING MADE mm SEARCH -Tfrtf INVENT HAKES jQOLLARS AND DUFFS ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL CO AS FAR AS A POUND AND PL tlAlX OF AMY OTHER STARCH the I r miDiMirD DDncro :W0KUKjQMW"AVENe0NN1 BtLcr btu injarkww tolfiiwi rtsffs dTa tec WW tmt. , For Mle by all wholeealt'an rttaU proct w. OCCUPATIONS AND DEATHS, Clergymen Bec:t to Lend (hp Slnst llonltliftil l.lvci. The registrar general has just Issued a supplement to the ilfty.iifth annual report of births, dentlui v. d r.i.(rrla;c in Kngiund ami .Wale-i, which tou:ali: I an account ol the iUiluence r.f ct'cnpa-. tion upon male morta.ity. as caewn o,v the several employnipr.is of thu inali persons between the ages of 'is nr.d Co whose deaths were rcgtetOied during IS90, lS'.U and 1SC2. Mombcis of the clerical profession are easKy lirst hi their resistance, to the in r it a which, make fcr dissolution. The jhniso is u&cd to denote the Horry of the estab lished church, Roman Cr.tliollf priests ami tv.ir.iJlers of Other dcr.omir.atmns. Their numbers in 1S91 timmtntc-t! tn.r.c RQ'J, anil they died at every age psrlnd less rapidly thau-a::y other clr.ss ia the community. All necessary rnrr.-t'Mirs being made, and the genera! martr.iit;. of males being represented by 1.000. that of the clergy is no more than .".3. The legal profession, as composed of barristers and solicitors, contains little more than half the number of- the clergy, cr 19.978 persons, and their death rate was greatly larger, reaching 621 as against 1,000 for all mn'es, anil as against !;5;t for n!l occupied males. The medical profession included 18,93i; males, physicians, surgeons and gen eral practitioners. The comparative mortality figure for the medical men is 900. An interesting paragraph of the report is devoted to railway workers, and speaks well for their steadiness nnd sobriety. Excluding directing officials and clerks, railway servants number 341.400. and they fall Into two main sections, which exhibit considerable dif ferences in respect of death rate. Up to their 55th year drivers and stokers die lcs rapidly than guards,, porters and pointsmen, but after that age they die much mere rapidly. The comparative mortality figure for the former section stands at S'lO. that for the latter at S25. The mortality from alcoholism among drivers and stokers is the same as among the clergy, or only two,, while among guards, porters nr.d pointsmen it is five, which is still considerably less than half the standard iigtire for occu pied males. An excellent place in the tables is held by agriculturists, includ ing farmers nnd laborers, to as to justi fy the belief that an active life in the open air will lo much to neutralize the effects of exposure to cold and wet. The liquor trades, as might be expected, levy an enormous toll on those who are engaged in them; and so also do sev eral industries which are well known to be injurious; but it is difTicnlt to' un derstand, unless it be as a consequence of intemperance, why butchers &h"u.d die in great excess of the bull: of th population. Their comparative fbrur" is 1,090, so that, roughly sneaking, and in an equal number of both, two butch ers would die to a single clergyman. ?."cxt to alcoholism as a cause of pre mature death are placed the industries which are carried on in foul cr in di.'st laden air, and to -these is attributed a great but largely preventable waste of life. There are trades in which danger conduces Jo high wages, and in which those concerned have objected to any abatement of the danger, lest it might nbate the wages as well'. London Times. STIFF AND NICE "Very Much ..reseept Bieyeles.. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. ; New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. REMEMBER. We Fir, Oak and , Maple Wood. To he sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oaii kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 2?t?;LkpniD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- Fl OUT '''a 'onr 18 manufactured expressly for family use : every Hack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our soods lower than any lionso in the trade, and if von don't think bo call and get our nricea and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. C wit sir BlCVCliES. One '95 Ladies' Oleve- (f)fl land Yheel tySU Two '97 Eagle Wheels at ifaU One '96 Cleveland.... Gent's Wheel .$30 530 One '95 Eagle Gent's Wheel. One '97 Boy's Eagle Wheel.. One '.97 Girl's Eagle Wheel In order to make room for our now slock, wo are mak ing tho above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON Wanted- Attn Diamond Mills Good milling wheat. The hlgheit price f' mchlO.tf, , to the Good." j at an honest price. MAYS & CROWE. lmvo strictly First-Clasfi J. T. Peters & Co. Batchers and PtxvmenB ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilrnuittit tho colcbnitwl COI.UMIIIA HICK It, iickmivri cUku! tliu bwt beer in The DnlUti, nt the UMinl price-, t.'oine In, try Itund be ronvilicci, Aln tht Klnmt brands of Wines, Minors mill Clzars. Sanduuiehes ol all Kinds (ilwayb on band. i 4- Patronize the . Troy ItAtiJiDHV. All klndof work. Whlto Shirt n HiKclnlty. titmlly workutrviluocil ntos. W'ah coIIitUi aiiddellvviedirv, Tolephone No. 111). H. D. Parkins, Agt, Tfie coiumDia Packing Go., PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF MANDFACTUUKUSOK Fine Lard and .Sausages. . Curifs of JIUND HAMS BACON j)R1ED BEEF, ETC. N OftTHERN PACIFIC. -RY. s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining; Oars Sleeping Car HT. IMIMi IWINNRATOM IIUI.UTM OHANU Flllt CltOOKSTON WINNtl'KO Itn.KNA nn HVTTR Elegont Toti?ist TO Through Tiekefcs UIIIUAOO WAHIIINMYON l-niLAUKLfMlA NEW VOItK IIOHTON AHI AI,L 1'OINTH KArtT aiuLHOUTM Tor InfnrmatliHi,. time cards, uirand ticket, cal on or wrlto to W. C. ALLAWAY. AKnnt, The lAllen, Oreoii Olt A. I). OHAKLTO'N. Apat. G. V. A., I V). .MotrihOit i;or. inirn. t'ortluuil Ureinii EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Ol" TIIK , Southern Pacific Comp'y. ruins Ivikvonnd lire duu- to nmre at 1'ortlnL OVK15I.ANI1 EX.l Ere, Hiilonti Hoo-' unti Aittiliuid, Hac-1 rntiiunto, OfliiiiJn I Fruncivot Mojttve, f N'uw Orlciui and I -5:00 V. it. i i.hi j ItoieburK miit wny t- tlOHK , :.T0 A. St. l'.M Daily except Hnmlayn. rVtn WniHlborn fori I Stt.AiiKuI. HUvuftoii, Weat Hcln, lhwwin- vllle.HiirliiR.luUliind (, Natron j Dally except Huudiiyd -?.n a it l.nrvulllH aad way) in-.JO A. SI. J,,u,UIlK 'j ISO l'.Sl, tNDKl'KNUHNCK t'AKKKKU. Kxprcss train Ditllv ru3cueut Hundavl. l:'jt),m. (I.v )'ortbuU....Ar.) 8:2'a.m 'TMiJI ii ill III. fnlllnMilll.. I v ft'Jl.i II. p. in. . tir..innupiiMiiurc..i.v. i:.jh. m Dully. fUaily, except tiuiidiiy. UININt! UAKS ON OODKN HOUTE. AND HKCOND-OLAS8 BIJCEI'INO CAKb Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection nt Kn Kraucinco with Occl dcntul and orlentulimd l'aclrlc mall aleanikhlp lluei lor JAl'A.N nnii UliiNA. tvilllng dates on at plication. Ha lea Mid tickets to Kaitcm imiIiiU nnd Ku riij.e. AIkoJAI'AN, tllll.NA, HONOLULU ami AllBTUAI.IA, cau b obulned from J. U. XIUKLAND, Ticket A Rent. Through Ticket OUlce, 131 Third atrect, whert throiiKh ticket to alt poinU in the Katvrn Htiiteii, Canada md uroH) can bo obtained nt lotvcnt ratoH from J. B. KIItKLANI), Ticket Ageut. All above truliu urrivo at nnd depart from (iraud Central HUllon. Kilth and Irvuik' streetn YAMHILL DIVIfllON. PnuenRCT Depot, foot of JcBcrion itrcet. U-iivo for OSWKdO, dally, except Sunday, t 7:20 n. in.; K:a), 1:5S, 6:16, 0:ilj, : . w. (and U:;w p. m. ou Hatnrday only, and S:t) a. m mid .'1:80 p. m. on hunrtavH only).' Artlve t I'ortland onlly at CUOand Hil a m,: and 1:35, N:l6,n:'JOaiid7:&Ap. m., (and 10:03 . m , 6:10 p. ui. on fcUindnyH only). lave lor Bherldnn, week days, at 4:30 p. m Arrive ut Portland, 0:;w it. m. Ievc for AUtl.IK on Slonday, WeilnesdHy and Hrblay ut!):t0a. m. Arrlv at Portland, Tuw dnVi Thurxday and Hatnrdai it :i:06 p, m. Kxcept Bunduy. Kxcept Saturday. It. KOKHLKIt, SlaiiHuer. (I, 11. MAKKHAM, Ast. (i. K. b Phm. Alft TrlS NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION, IB I'uffes u Week. ISO I'aimr vr It elands lirst nmonb 'tveokly" piipers in sizu, frequunoy ol piilillciUion (reelineas, varloti and rulltttillity of cor. tenta. It Ib practically a tlally at tlio low prlco o a weekly ; ami iw vuat list o BUbscriberH, extiiniliiiK every state ana territory of tlio Union nml foreign cou; tries, will vouch for tlio accuracy auu fairness of lie news columns. It Ib splendidly Illustrated, and among its special features are n flue liiinior nanii avlinltatlun markal rilltOrtS. all tllfl Jateat fasliioni for women and a Ion aeries of storlea by the greatest living American aud English authors, Uunan Ooylo, .leroim K. ileroni. HUiiUr Weymauj Mury B. WtlWM Aulhony Hoiie, llrat llarte, Iiraeaar MaltUiiw. JCto. We offer this unequaled nowspoper ami The Dalle Twlee-a- Week Chruulcle to gether one year for r-'.OO. Tiie rftgolt prcpf the iwp;wpwra it 13,00,