A- Special-. in-Millinery. ., - 1 We shall offer on Wednesday, April 6th, a line Of Sailors, in latest Shapes (copied from the Knox) at 19c., Also beautiful Roses at 13c per spray. Tho success of our Millinery Department has been very gratifying, and the largo number of Hats already sol& evidences tho fact that our selections Have mot with favor. Wo are displaying a very large assortment of French. Pattern Hats. Tho department is in charge of an experienced trimmer, who will be pleased to give you the benefit of her experience. Come early if you- .wish your new hat for Easter. ' Saturday, April 9 th, our Special Sale for Easter will be LADIES' GLOVES. Dent's Gloves the best Gloves on earth. THING SO BECOMING 0 a young man as a well designed and carefully tail- ored top coat of light colored Covert Cloth or Whipcord. These HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX COATS ARE THE PERFECTION OF STYLE AND FINE WORKMANSHIP. We show them in all sizes, and fabrics suitable for young, middle aged or elderly men. EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED BY THE MAKERS nMTjciurrNUiiMJini HART, 80HAFFNER & MARX. GUARANTEED OLOTHINQ. This is the Top Coat we " sell for $10.00 K iHART, SCHAFFNER & MARX, Manufacturers of "?' T 1ST TT, CLOTHING. I Certificate of Guarantee. i i 1 i. ? t . r (E HEREBY AUTHORIZE every dealer in our gooas to mane tnejo,i t W lowing GUARANTEE in our name: r ' We guarantee each garment made by flart, Sl?atfr?er; 9 larx, and bearing the i label H. S. & W. to be free from imperfections in material and workmanship, to be ? sewed throughout with iure dye silk, tailored 'by skilled workmen and made of de- J F . .. it . I t .7. . U h 4itrinh rint.ii. thnYouffiuv svoneea ana snrunfe. 1 a V c,v u ; a w. trarmrnt trove unsatisfactory and not as above repre- E sented, it may be returned and the money will be refunded. 4 - . . ( i t r t . s ..- We further guarantee all sun ana satin sieeve nmngs used in the H- S. & 1H. Fall and Winter Overcoats and Ulsters to wear two seasons. If they do not, we will reline the sleeves of the garments free of cost. HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX; Chicago, Illinois. -jsEALf K AU.fOpBrMARKKI P IN PEASE & MAYS. Tbt Dalles Dtily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY APRIL 6. 1898 A report received from, j. ui uiaiiu turn aiiuiuuuii () states that tho president 1 will not give his report i to congress before Mon- 1 dav. If this bo true it is i hard to say when we will i J bo relieved of the present i suspense. 2 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Poetuni Cerial Food Coffee at Com mission fc Groceiy Co. 'a. if The weather forecast for tonight and Thuridny ia fair and cooler. Bicycle sundries, Ashing tacklo, guns, rifles and revolvers at Maier & Benton's. Yesterday license to wed wai issued to Miss Ida I. Sears and Edward Hawk ins, both of Hood River. Have voar old worn axles cut down an1 r-nn lilrn naur at. T.ano RmQ. HlarlrJl. smith and wagon shop. 5-tf j a I The Altona Press, in Umatilla county; expects to appear as an afternoon papei until after the campaign. Today various teams are being load i at the Wasco warehouse for Mitchelly Prineville and other points eouth of here. W. T. Risby, of Altona, last week told 3000 bushels of wheat to the Pacific Ele vator Company ou n basis of C5c for No. 1 club. Several teams are engaged in the East End today hauling away the loose rock and making other needed improvements on the streets. The Republican county convention is attracting considerable attentiou today but the principal topic of discuseion is, nevertheless, "King Hallabahoola II." The regular adjourned meeting of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will be held in the K. of P. hall at 8 :30 this evening. All members are re quested to be present. The Pacific coast is well protected in case, of trouble. After the contents of the president's message is known in Madrid it is thought that hostilities will commence immediately. We understand that J. G. Miller has enteredtbe United States navy at Mare island; For the next five years his time will be spent as cornetist in the Un'.ted States marine band at that place. Douglas county cattle-buyers have been in Coos county looking for enough cattle for an early spring drive, Although offering good prices, they found few cat tle for sale, the owners preferring to wait till later in the season, In Oakeedale Sunday afternoon A. C. Lebold was accidentally shot by a boy, who was hunting squirrels. A bullet from a 22-caliber rifle struck him in the breast, just above the pit of the stom ach, and physicians fear it has pene trated the cavity. G. A. Westgate, representing Moore, Ferguson & Co., of San Francisco, yes terday bought 100,000 bushels of wheat, which is stored in the Farmers' ware house in Albany, in warehouses at Tan gent, Lebanon and Tallman. JThe price was seventy cents net to the farmers. President Mc'Kinley will reques that troops be sent to stop the Cuban war. He is opposed to recognition, and says, the insurgents are not fit to govern themselvee. The government has sent six steamers to Havana to bringJLee and all Americans who desire to return home. The property owners seem determined to have good sidewalks this summer ,and quite a number are having the old worn out planks taken up and new ones put in their place. We hope that others who have not yet begun to make like improvements will profit by these good samples. Hon. 5 M. Veatch has forwarded to Washington his resignation as register ot the United States land office at Rose burg, and has asked that he be relieved at once. Hia term expired some time ago. Mr. Veatch will take to the stump soon and make an active canvass for election as representative. The Red Men entertainment at the K. of P, hall last evening waB well at tended, and the good time which this order always baa at their entertainments was enjoyed. A spread was served and the evening's entertainment was .closed, with a social hop,, which lasted til,! after 12 o'clock. At present everything looks very en couraging for the G, A, R. encampment, which will be held in this city in May. All necessary preparations that could possibly be made at this early date are completed, and the members of the G. A. R, and the others who are assisting them in their work, will do everything in their power to make tho encampment a grand tuccess. The pictures of the principal charac ters and groups that will take part in "King Hallabahoola 11" are on display. At 10:30 o'clock this morning the del ates to the Republican- county con vention wnrn i'aIIpi! ) in nrrlpr bv .1. M. in the windows of Pease & Mays, A. M( JjPattereon, chairman of the county con- Williams & Co., the Snlpes-Klnerelv Drug Co. and the Postofflce Pharmacy, and are attracting a great deal of atten tion. Every stranger who' sees them inquires in the next breath where tick ets for that show can be purchased. A runaway occurred near the Christian church last nlrfht. which might have been serious.. The horse started near Captain Lewis' residence, and at the time there was a small boy in the vehicle, who, ow-j ing to the speed of the team, was un able to get out. On Court street the ve-j tilde izot caught on a telephone pole and Htral committee, and at once 'proceeded fK business. The courthouse was crowd- eti wun not. oniy JtepuDiicann, mtt men fn?m every party seemeil anxious to be on hand arid witness the proceedings. Unlike the convention held u week or two since, no quibbling took place, but matters were, conducted in a business like manner, and interest ran hie!). i:ui yiniiuinii ui itiiu uuu cu nun x. ro Hudson, of The Dalles, and E. E. Sav age, pf Hood River, were nominated, and Mr. Savatfo was elected on tho first ballot. and harness. .The bowling team for the Commercial and Athletic Club lor the month of Ipril is as follows : C. G. Ballard, 41.28; Jadse Bridshaw.41.07: ILM.Oden. 40: IF. L. Hourhton, 30.14; N."J. Sinnott, 38.29; A. J. Tolmie, 37.15. Reserved: Victor Sampson, 20.18; M. T. Nolan, 6.18. The.gentlemen'a medal will be worn for the month by Carey Ballard, whose average in twenty games was 41.28. The pin for the highest single score was won by N. J. Sinnott, whoBe score was 70. Mrs. Theo. Seutert, hav ing won the ladies' medal for three,' months, will in the future be the owner of the same. Another medal will be lpurchased for the ladies. vCapitalist and Contractor John Kier nan, of Portland, owner of the stranded ship Glenmorag, passed through Ilwaco luesday morning on his way to the; scene ot the wreck. He is going to make a determined effort to stop the leak in her hull, caused by the crushing of the steel plating, and if he succeeds he will leave the ship in the hands of a compe tent keeper until the weather settles, when a fiual attempt will be made to float her. By permission of J.udge Bellinger, counsel for I. H. Taffe, in the suit of the United States against him, to condemn right-of-way for the Celilo railway across his property, appeared in court Monday to make some suggestions for the Guid ance of the court in the matter of award ing damages. Some time since' Mr. Taffe stipulated that Judge Bellinger should decide the amount of damages to be awarded, and Judge Bellinger went up and looked over the properly to en able him to arrive at a just conclusion as to what the damage would he. Taffe 'a counsel wished to make some statements and explanations in regard to the cot ter, and were given permission. U. S. Attorney Hall was present on behalf of the government, and, after hearing what the counsel for the defense had to say, replied. Mr. Taffe was present, and also Lieutenant Potter, U. S. engineer, who has charge of the proposed boat railway. The court after hearing the arguments took the matter under Advisement, and will deliver his decision as soon as con venient. WHEN TRAVELING Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup nf Fies, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow els.'preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. THE COUNTY CONVENTION. Nomination of Oanrtldatci Delegates to he Stale Convention. the frightened animals pulled locee. Nt1 "Committees on credentials and order damage was;done except to the buggyfobusine86 wt-re then appointed and the convention adjourned until 1p. m. The convention being called to order at 1 o'clock, the committees reported and their reports were accepted. The order of business was as follows: First, the selection of ten delegates to the state convention ; nomination of sheriff, clerk, treasurer, school supetin- tenient, commisBluner, surveyor and coroner. The following delegates were unani mously elected to the state convention: E. E. Savage, A. E. Lake, E. L. Smith, rH. L. Kuck, M. T. Nolan, J. S. Schenck, M. P. Isenberg, T. H. Johnston, Walter NFraine, Grant Asbby. ! . t ' rv m. me nomination lur eiieriu wan next in order. The names of Robert Kelly, E. S. Olinger, T. J. Driver and C. W. Haight were placed before the conven tion. The first ballot stood : Kelly 22; Olinger 16; Driver 36; Haight 18. On the eecond ballot Kelly received 30 votes, Driver 40, Olinger 12, and Haight 11. Third ballot Kelly. 30; Driver 42; Olinger 9; Haight 6. The fourth ballot decided the vote, and was' between Kelly and Driver. On this ballot Kelly received 48 votes, while Driver got but 45;- which gave Mr. Kelly the nomination for sheriff. The next in order was the nomination for clerk, and the name of Ed Keleay, who has during the past four years served faithfully in this position, wa brought before the convention. No other nomination was made, and he was nominated by acclamation. The nominees for treasurer were Will iam Tackraan, O. L. Phillips and M. H. Nickeisen. The first ballot resulted as follows.: Tackman 19, Nickeisen 17,. and Phillips 57, which gave the latter the nomination. C. L. Gilbert was nominated by ac clamation for county school superin tendent, as was also W. II. Whipple for county assessor. Those named for county commissioner were M. O. Evans and J. W. Hinriehs-. On the first ballot the vote stood 4G to 40, and on the second, Evans received 52 votes, while Hinrichs had 41. The nomination was placed on J. B. Golt and W. Campbell for county sur veyor, and the first ballot decided it in favor of Goit, tho vote standing 52 to 38. William Butts and Dr. O. C. Hollis ter were placed in nomination ior coro ner. Butte carried the nomination by vote of G4 to 30. As there were no further nominations of county officers to be made, a recess of fifteen minutes was given before the nominations for precinet officers took place, a ropo.t ot which will bo given tomorrow. The VOGT OPERA HOUSE, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 12th. Second Annual Entertainment of the Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club, T PRESENTING O KING HALLABAHOOLA II. AN ORIGINAL MUSICAL FARCE COMEDY, A GRAND CARNIVAL OP NEWEST SONGS, Jokes and Original Comedy and Athletic Specialties. 4fcO PEOPLE IN THE OAST. 40 40 PEOPLE IN THE CAST. 40 A PRODUCTION COSTING S400. ELEGANT COSTUMES! NEW SCENERY! Reserved Seats on sale, commencing Friday morning, Apiil 8th, at O.orclock at the Snlpee-Kinersly Drug Co. 'a store.