Special in Villinety. We shall offer on Wednesday, April 6th, a line Of Sailors, in latest Shapes (copied from the Knox), at 19c. Also beautiful Roses at 13c per spray. The success of our Millinery Department has been very gratifying, and the largo number of Hats alroady sold evidences the fact that our selections have mot with ,favor. Wo aro displaying a very large assortment of French Pattern Hats. Tho department is in charge of an experienced trimmer, who will be pleased to give you the benefit of her experience. Come early if you wish yonr new hat for Easter. Saturday, April 9th, our Special Sale for Easter will be LADIES' GLOVES. Dent's Gloves the best Gloves on earth. THING SO BECOMING StftoryKilTtO 1390 ay WJ ftWTjourr HIQL MM 10 a young man as a well designed and carefully tail ored top coat of light colored Covert Cloth or Whipcord. These HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX COATS ARE THE PERFECTION OF STYLE AND FINE WORKMANSHIP. We show them in all sizes, and fabrics suitable for young, middle aged or elderly men. EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED BY THE MAKERS HART, 80HAFFNER & MARX. GUARANTEED OLOTHINQ. This is the Top Coat we sell for $10.00 I HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX, Manufacturers of pJNK CLOTHING. Certificate of Guarantee. . ' Kf HEREBY A UTHORIZE every dealer in our goods to make the fol-' 1 I W lowing GUARANTEE in our name: i T We guarantee each garment made by Jtert, Styaffter 0 narx, and bearing the M label H. S. & Mt to be free from imperfections material and workmanship, to be 9 fc rr.v 4U,,.i,nt tnifh4uv0 rive. sua:, taiiorea ov seuieu wvTKmvn unit wuue vi c- m K rlnfh thnvniurhlv sbOUPcd tttld shrunk. J E Should any H- S. & garment prove nnsatisjactory ana not as aoove repre- sentcd, it may be returned and the money will be refunded. p --a We further guarantee all silk and satin sleeve linings S ..j .. 4i, u c a m. Fall and Winter Overcoats and Ulsters to wear two seasons. Jf they do not, we will reline the sleeves of the garments free of cost. - J HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX, Tin..: s , PEASE & MAYS. I SEAL j- Tin Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY APRIL 5. 1808 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. J Dante. AttheVogt Tonight at 8 :30 o'clock. King Hallabahoola's ad will appear tomorrow. Oranges 16a and 23c, lemon) 15c, ba nanas 25c per dozen at Pease & Mays'. Elder W. L. Mcllvalne will preach at the Christian church at 8 o'clock this evening. A new line of '93 models. Li Tour bi cycles at Maier & Benton's. Call and see thera. Have your old worn axles cut down and run like new at Lane Bros, black smith and wagon shop. 5tf Elder M. V. Boltz will preach at th Salvation Army barracks lomorro night. Subject, "A Good Soldier o Jesus Christ." Come and hear for your self. '' Tomorrow is the date set for the re publican convention, and' already a number of delegates have arrived in the city. Others will probably be in later in the evening. f A nartv of seven from Da Vis creek, in Lake county, passed through Lakeview recently on their way )a Alaska. They have two wagons afid eighty head of horses -end will m overland as far as they can. Five hundred feet of new hose hav6 been purchased by the committee on fire and water, which is a very com mendable move, since the fire depart ment had not sufficient hose in case of a serious fire. Grand lecture, entertainment and smoker, given under the auspices of Mt. Hood camp No. 59, Woodmen ot the World, at Fraternity Hall, Wednesday evening, April 6th, at 8 o'clock. Wood men are requested to invite their gentle men friends. The call for the Republican county convention states that the meeting will begin at 8 a. m. tomorrow. It was de cided later, however, that the hour was too early, and it bus been changed to 10 a. m., so that it will be an easy matter for the delegates to be present at this time. Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son have hy brid and tea roses, three and four years old at 25 cents; young noses in bud at 15 cents or two for 25 cents ; carnations at 15 cents, two for 25 cents ; white and yellow marguerites; heliotropes, gera niums and fusebias at 5 cents and up. ransies 25 cts. per dozen. 4-wlmdlw The two tracklaying crews on the As toria & uoiumma Kiver raiiroau com pleted the all-rail connection between Astoria and Portland at a point near Clatskanie at 4:30 p. m. Sunday. SeV- knral lmnrtf-pil ..jut i UUlm" ' XT-TKq Y place, headed by the Clatskanie band, were present to witness the driving of the last spike. Today the work of putting the tin roof on tho Wasco warehouse was begun by Maier & Benton's tinners, and as soon as they have finished this work, which will take but a few days, the building will be ready to receive the large wool crop which will in a short time begin to roll in at the rate of housands of pounds a day. William C. Kaufman, who owns a farm on the banks of the Columbia river about sixteen miles from Wilbur, was arrested by Deputy United States Marshal Arment last Wednesday on the charge of having assaulted Sarah M. Nee, an Indian woman living on the reservation, witli intent to kill her. Some think it is a put up job to get Kaufman out of the way and then Jump bis claim. The Republican county convention for Crook county was held last Satur day and resulted as follows: Delegates to the state convention Dr. V. Gesner, B. F. Allen, J. 0. Cartwright, J. H. Oakes. Representative J. M. William son. Sheriff J. H. Grew Clerk Ves Belknap. Treasurer B. F. Nichols. Commissioner H. B. Stewart. As B36sor Shone. Surveyor C. F. Smith. School superintendent II. B. Kibble. Coroner Gus Lipman. Today's bulletin does not bring forth any new developments in the war ques tion further than that tho president's message is ready and will be presented to congress tomorrow. It also states that Uncle Sam is not looking for medi ation, and that if there is any backing down done it will be by Spain. Pope Leo hopes to avert war, and has offered suggestions to both countries. The United States will stand firm on the Cuban question, and Spanish atrocities must atop immediately. Yesterday a a call was made on the long distance line from Walla Walla, for a party by the name of Louie Kinney, who some time ago caine to this place to accept a a position as a laborer. The call was made by his wife, who said their children were sick, one of them being at the point of death. Search was made for Kinney, but he could not be found. It is said tho family is without .means of support. If anyone knows of the where abouts of the patty they will do well to report to the Oregon Telephone Co. In speaking of the price of admission to "King Hallsjbahoola II" in an issue of a few days ago an error was made. It should have been 75 cents for tickete, no extra charge being made for. reserved seats. The box offico will open at 9 a. in. next Friday, and at that time seats can be reserved. .No seats can do re served before hand, and the first to be on hand will have the choice of seats. No partiality will be shown to any one, and in order to prevent any dissatisfac tion, no person will be allowed tore- rve more than five seats. The Eastern Oregon Land Co., through its attorneys, Huntington & Wilson, of this city, has commenced thirteen more actions in the United States circuit court to dispossess settlers of Sherman bounty who aro considered squatters, or tresDaesers under its construction of witiirrnaalnnnlgrnptj, Upon itS landBj affected by these sultsare Herman Rickman, Robert Jones, A. Gosser, Henry Dyce, J. M. Powell, James Macken, Thomas Macken, UHbIi Serviss, J. N. Coyle, L. V. Moore, A. Perrault, Henry Smith and Hattie L. Smith, his wife, and John Fulton. Job. Macken, Thomas Macken and Uriah Serviss, having already proved up on their claims and obtained title from the covernment, the actions as to them are brought in the equity department to have the patents canceled. Dalles Public Schools. AN IMPORTANT MEETING. A Humour of Mutter Onnnlitered-- A Special Meeting Catletl. Following is the report for the quar ter (4 weeks) ending Friday Mar. 25, '98. TEACHERS. Katt mil PHniarv. Miss Nan Cooper 1 nnd 2B Mrs. ltoche 3,4and5B Academy raw. Misn rtilrman 1 ?!r?:1l?.1.(1"inl 2 and 3D diiaa j nun j Miss Ij. Kintonl 6 MlssT. lllntoul GA and7B Union direct MIm Howe 1 Miss E. Cooiier 'IB MissSnell 4B Miss Cheese 4 A and 6B Linton Street Annex. MissBall 5B Court Street. MissMIchell 7 A and 8 B Miss Hill... ( HlL'b School 8, 3, 10j Mr. uinaers miuiiA Totals Ml 727 08a 49 T 4512 1 4Cl 1 not c No. days of echool, 20. Per cent of attendance on number be longing, 95. John Gavin, Principal. Last Night's Ferforuiance. i It seems to be always the case that when a first-class performance is put on a Dalles stage it is poorly attended, and last night only demonstrated the fact the plainer. The performance of Dante (Eliason), was superior to any of the kind that bae ever been seen in the city. His sleight-of-hand performances were clever in the extreme, and many of his tricks were new, original, and certainly mysterious. His work in magic was wonderful, as was also the performance of Mile Ed munda counted not ts be surpassed. Wo can readily recommend this per form a nee to the public, and are pleased to state that Dante will be with us again this evening. We sincerely hope that tonight's entertainment will be better attended than was that of last evening, for it has proven itself well worth see ing. Onu't Worry About the Itooster. You remember the story of Carlyle and the rooster that crowed early in the morning. Carlyle complained and the owner promptly suppressed the rooster. But still Carlyle didn't sleep. "It isn't the noiee of his crowing that disturbs me now,'' he said, "it is lying awake ex pecting him to crow." We will allow you to make your own application of tin's etory. All Pease & Mays ask Is that you look at their H. S. & M. line before buying a new Buit for Easter, Attoutlou, O. A. It. I The regular monthly meeting of tho city council was held at the usual place last night, with Mayor Nolan in the chair and Councllmeti Thompson, Kuck, Saltmarshe, Stephens, Wood, Johnston and Clough present. The minutes of the latt regular meet ing were read and approved, after which the petition of A. H. Curtis for a track leading to his mill was read and referred to the committee on streets and pubHo proporty. It was moved and carried that Thomp son and Kuck be added to the commit tee on streets and public property, and it was also moved and carried that Stephens be selected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Champlaln. on that committee. A remonstrance of Maetz & Pnndt against the repair of Court street, be tween First and Sicond, was read and upon motion wrb filed with the ordin ance. A like remonstrance of T. T. Nlchola and others against the proposed im provement of Union street was read and upon motion was .filed with the ordinance. A special ordinanco vacating the illey between lots A, B, 0 and D and I, J, K and L, block 51, was read and on motion placed on its final passage. On roll call the councllmen present favored the same and it was declared passed. Thompson, of the judiciary committee, made a verbal report in regard to the O. R. & N. franchise to First street, and recommended that an ordinance be pre pared regulating the use of the said street. It was moved and carried that the report be received and an ordinnnre drawn according to the instruction of the judiciary committee. Clough, of the committee on flro and water, made a verbal report stating that 500 feet of hose had been purchased. It was moved and carried that the action of the committee bo declared the action of the council. At this time Councilman Johnston. was excused from the meriting. Councilman Kuck, of the special com mittee on streets and light, made a verbal report recommending the ordi nance to be passed granting a franchise- to the Northwestern Light and Manu facturing Co. to lay pipes for the purpose of lighting the city with i;ae. On mo tion the report was received and an rec ommendation was adopted by tlie coun cil. It was then moved thnt the ordi nance on the above franchise be placed on final passage, and tho vote stood four in favor to two in opposition. A special meeting was called for next Monday night, April 11th, to consider the passage of the above ordinances. Reports of officers were read and re ceived, and bills recommended by tho officers were approved by the committee on finance and ordered paid as follows: C F Lauer, marshal $75 00 Geo. Brown, engineer 75 00 J S Wiley, nlghtwalchman 00 00 C J Crandall, treas 20 00 R. B, Sinnott, recorder 50 00 Electric Light Co, lights $14 GO Dalles Lumber Co, nulae 17 50 Mavs & Crowo. mdse , 8 05 W A Johnston, mdse 8 99 Maier & Benton, mdse 9 89 J W Blakeney, drayage 1 25 W.Henzie, drayage 1 00 T W Mann, drayage. 50 E Ferguson, dravage .., 125 Gunning & Hockman, labor 11 50 St. Arnold & Schnre, labor 3 25 O Benjamin, labor 2 40 H Clough, labor 3 25 A Sandrock, labor k 85 C Jones, labor 41 20 8 M Wilsom, labor 42 50 J Hebner, labor 31 40 C Thuree, labor 4 00 J Britton, labor 8 00 W Lane, labor 40 A Johnston, labor 15 00 P Eben. labor 1 80 H Lane, labor. . . , S SO J Lane, labor 7 40 A S Cathcart, labor 8 20 J Maloney. labor 2 00 J Heater, labor.. . .'. 2 00 F Heater, labor 2 00 Columbia Restaurant, meals 11 25 Our neighbor, Mr. Lynch, a veteren of the G. A. R. and the son of a veteran, is lying seriouslv ill at the residence of Mr, Douglas Dnfuri next door to the residence oi J. M. liuiitington, on Seventh street, between Court ami Washington. Go and seeliim. L. WHKN TltAVKliINO Whether ou pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow els, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forma of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists, Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, only. Bicycle sundries, fishing tackle, guns, ! rifles and revolvers at Maier & Benton's. An Interesting Story U attractive at all times. No one can tl'unl to let the evenings at home be spent uithout goodj reading mutter in these dayd when good books cost so little. Our stock olfqra some very attractive, up-to-date and standard literature which will interest all. I. C. Nickelsen Book & music Company, h ' Mt