The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 01, 1898, Image 3

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Tailor-made Suits
our costumes, just received, will be delighted, and our in
vitation to enjoy the fashion-show will be quickly accept
ed. Women's tailors have accomplished wonders in a
twelvemonth, and the betterment is all here. Interesting
for fashion study. Helpful for Spring decisions.
A world of these at $12.50 to $20.00. Suits of
Serge Cloth and English Homespun.
Ladies' Dress Skirts.
These handsome Skirts have stolen prettiness from
the most stylish of the new Tailor-made Suits. The neat
cord plaitings, the new apron effect ; every clever idea is
shared by these little-priced Dress Skirts. Some highly
elegant sorts are shown, and a multitude at the most liked
These hints, at $6.50 to $10.00. Skirts of good
quality Brocaded Silk and Serge.
Ladies' Jackets Capes.
All that is newest in stuffs and style; all that is
best in work and finish, is here represented. You will
never be satisfied to wear ordinary ready-made or cheap
merchant-tailored goods when you can buy such gar
ments as we are showing. Our Jackets and Capes rep
resent the very best materials made by expert custom
tailors after the most fashionable models.
Jackets from $3.50 to $12.00.
Capes from $10.00 to $17.50.
This department is now ready for your inspection.
The goods shown are selected from the Wholesale Mil
linery Department of Olds & King, who are acknowl
edged to be the leading milliners of Portland. We con
sider ourselves extremely fortunate in being allowed to
place before you this beautiful collection of Headwear.
Come in! Your mind's worth when you look; your
money's worth if you buy.
Plain Hats 25c to the fine Knox sailors, $4.00.
Trimmed $2.00 to $20.00.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APML 1, 1898
A special received this
afternoon says:
All the war vessels at
Key West and other
places have been stripped
and put into fighting con
dition. It is further stated that
one flying squadron has
been sent to intercept the
Spanish torpedo flotilla
now on its way from the
Canary Islands.
A good gentle mllcli cow wanted. In
quire at this office. m-3t
Postuni Cerial Food Coffee at Com
mission & Grocery Co.'s. If
Bicycle sundries, fishing tackle, guns,
rifles and revolvers at Maier & Benton's.
A new line of '93 models. Lt Tour bi
cycles at Maier & Benton's. Call and
see them.
Girl wanted to do general houee work.
Must be a first-class cook. Inquire at
this office. mar30-3t
The celebrated maltese cross garden
hose, a large shipment just received at
Maier & Benton's.
Freight for Canyon City. Will pay 2c
a pound. Jacobsen Book and Music
Company. m31 2t
A fresh lot of cauliflower, cabbage,
sweets, oranges and lemons at Commia
sfon & Grocery Co. 'a.
Tomorrow the Germania saloon will
open unuer the management of P. F.
Fouts, who will endeavor to regain for
this saloon its former popularity.
James Kelly purchased thirty-two
head of range cattle today from Al.
and will put them on pasture until they
are in a condition to tuin off.
Thirty-eifcht head of beef cattle were
brought in from Camas Prairie yester
day afternoon by It. A. Byrket for the
Columbia Packing Co. of this city. They
were nice largo beef, and in splendid
Yesterday about 5000 pounds of pulled
wool arrived at the Wasco warehouse
from different points. Some of it was
shipped in by Sherman county sheep
men, while more was brought in by In
dians. The Condon Globe appears this week
in an enlarged form, since the sis-column
paper published heretofore proved un
able to hold the amount of news which
its publisher thought its patrons de
served. An entertainment will be given by
the Good Templars at Fairfield school
house, Saturday evening, April 9th. The
grand secretary will be present and a
good time is assured. Admission, adults
10 cents, children free.
Mr. J. Hardwick, proprietor of Uncle
Jack's loan office, has finished moving
l his stock into his new location next door
to Fouts' cigar store, and in future will
! conduct the business the same as before,
except that he will carry more now
goods, and also do repair work.
The board of directors and members
of the Dalles Commercial and Athletic
Club are requested by the president,
G. C. Blakeley, to he present at a meet
ing which will be held at the club rooms
at 8:30 this evening, as matters of gravo
importance are to be considered.
Yesterday Bonn Bros., of the Dalles
Commission & Crojery Co,, purchased
the interest owned by Peter Stadelman
in that company, and will In futuro con
duct the business under the same firm
name and in tho same straightforward
manner in which it has been managed
Mr. Albert Bettingen arrived in tho
city lust night with theiemains of his
father. An error was made in yester
day's issue concerning tho date of the
funeral. It should have said ou Satur
day at 9 a. m., instead of Sunduy, as we
had it. Friends of the deceased aio in
vited to attend.
Senator McBrido says that if he can
get his amendment to the sundry civil
bill, relating to forest reserves, incor
porated into law it will release ubout
45,000 acres of land in the Cascade re
serve in Oregon, which can boused for
the benefit of the schools under the land
grant of the state.
Ourboys are very slow this year in
organizing a baseball team, Dulur,
Boyd and other smaller tonus through
The I.udles Hull In Hard Luck, Hut Are
til I Ahead.
The bowling match between the
ladies and gentlemen at tho club rooms
last night was a hard contest from start
to finish. Moat of the ladlen played in
hard luck, and a largo number of centers
were taken out, eo that their Ecorea fell
far below their usual records. A few of
the mon fell down, but ou the whole
they played remarkably well, as the
following will show:
Ht 2d Sd llli
Game (initio Game Qaino
Handicap CO (10
Mrs Seufert 32 20
Mrs Blakeley 23
Mrs VanNoiden 2(1
Mrs Nolan 20
Miss Schanno 23
Miss Ling 29
Totals 210 233 230 214
nt 2d ;id ttii
Bradshaw 52 38 50 35
Ballard 34 10 25 43
Sampson 35 40 51 37
N Sinnott 20 30 41 51
Houghton 40 21 30 48
Htetler 34 34 41 30
Totals 220 188 244 250
As can bo seen by the above, the
ladles were ahead in but one game out
of the four, and as they won both of the
games played on a previous evening,
each team had three games to their
credit. In order to decide the match
the country havo trained nines already
and are playing matched games, and
thero is no reason why a town tho elze
of this should not have an abundance of
sport of this kind.
Secretary Long is authority for the
statement that there is no truth in the
report published Wednesday that
Consul-General Lee is dissatisfied with
the president's Cuban policy, and has
cabled his resignation to tho state de
partment at tho same time requesting
that ho bo relieved at once.
Last Sunday night John Gage died at
his homo near Mitchell, in Crook
county, aged about 53 years. Mr. Gage
ranked among tho most prominent
sheepmen of Crook county, and was
highly ta eemed by all who knew him
for his honest dealing and noble charac
ter. He left a wife and family.
Today's bulletin says Spain's reply to
the president's demand for the libera
tion of Cuba was received last night,
but as yet it lias not been made public.
It is said to be in a defiant tone, and if
such be. the caso, war mayresult. To
day's dispatches will, In all probability,
state whether we will have war or peace.
Nothing has yet been heard of Mat
Nydgust and Swan Svvanaon, the two
men who started down the river from
this place several weeks ago and whose
boat was found at White Salmon a tew
days later. At present it seems almost
a certainty that both men were drowned,
else they would have been heard from
before this.
At 11:43 Wednesday night San Fran
cisco and tho greater part of California
were shaken by one of the most severe
earthquakes ever experienced there. In
San Francisco buildings wore swayed
violently for fully ten seconds, though
reports from other places state that the
vibrations continued for from thirty
seconds to a minute. Considerable
damage to property was created.
The Dalles is to be congratulated on
possessing such up-to-date merchants as
Pease and Mays. The magnitude and
exquisite elegance.of their millinery dis
play shows how carefully they have an
ticipated the wishes of their lady cus
tomers. That their enterprise is appre
ciated must be acknowledged by all.
Their store has been literally besieged
by the ladies since the opening of the
new goods.
The tickets for "Kini Hallabahoola
11" are selline very rapidly, and it is
feared that the Vogt opera Mouse, lane
as it is, will not be able to accommodate
a'l, with even standing room. No par
son can reserve more than five Beats,
and no partiality will be shown in the
matter of reserves, since the box office
will be open at a certain hour, and those
who come first will have the choice of
Attorney Frank Mtnefea returned from
Portland last night, where he and Mr.
Dufur have been trying the case of Boyd
vs. the Portland General Electric Co., in
Judge Shattuck's court, The plaintiff,
who was a boy 11 yeara old, received
Sirious injuries at Woodlawn some time
ago by running foul of a broken wire
belonging to this company, and at pres
ent bears, as a result of the contact, a
badly crippled hand and severo wounds
about the head, where lie was burned by
the electricity. He instituted a suit for
$5000 damages and hired Dufur & Mon
efee as his attorneys. Tho jury brought
in a verdict last night for damages to
the full amount of the stilt. Tho case
a as a hard fight from beginning to end
and the result is flattering to our Dalles
pins were counted, and it was foantE
that the ladies had won by thirty-nine?
pins. They were ahead forty-five pinB
In the previous games and In the four
games of last night tho gentleman had'
an advance of but elx, so that tho differ
ence showed thirty-nine pins in the
ladles' favor.
Tho match was all tho moro interest
ing on account of being close, and as tho
sympathy of the spectators was with tbe
lBdies, everyone seemed lo be wolJ
pleased with the result.
Itlillcule, However, ir Mot Argument,,
anil Facts arc Htnliliorn Thing.
Stomach troubles are. so common ami:
in many cases so obstinate to cure that;
people are apt to look with suspicion on
any remedy claiming to bo a radical, pei
manent cure for dyspepsia and indiges
tion. Many such pride themselves orn
never being humbugged, especially on.
This fear of being humbugged may bo
carried too far; so far, in fact, that many
persons suffer for years with weak di
gestion, rattier than risk a little time?
and money in faithfully testing
the claims of a preparation so reliable
and universally used as Stuarts Dyspep
sia Tablets.
Now Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are
vastly different in one important respect
from ordinary proprietary medlcinea for
the reason that they are not a secret
patent medicine, no secret is made of
their ingredients, but analysis show
them to contain the natural digestive
ferments, puro aseptic pepsin, the di
gestive acids, Golden Seal, bismuth, hy
drastis, and nux. They are not cathar
tic, neither do they act powerfully orn
any organ, but they cure indigestion on
the common sense plan of digesting the
food eaten promptly, thoroughly before
it has time to ferment, sour and cause
the mischief. This is the only secret of;
their success.
Cathartic pills never have and
never can cuie iudigestion and stomach
troubles because they act entirely upoi
the bowels, whereas the whole trouble is
really in the stomach.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, taken af
ter meals, digests the food. That is alb
there is to it. Food not digested or half
digested is poison, as it creates gas, acid
ity, headaches, palpitation of tho heart,,
loss of flesh and appetite, and many
other troubles which are often called by
some other name.
They are eold by druggists everywhero
at 50 cents per package. Address Stuart
Co., Marshal, Mich., for book on stom
ach diseases or ask your druggist for
Whether on pleasure bent or business-,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef
fectually on tho kidneys, liver and bow
els, preventing fevers, headaches, and
other forms of sickness. For sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading druggists
Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
To Cure a Cold in One liny.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money ii
they fall to cure. 25c.
An Interesting Story is attractive ar.
all times. No one can afford to lot the
evenings at home be spent without good
reading matter in these days when goocfc
books cost so little. Our sleek offers
some very attractive, up-to-dato anil
standard llteraturo which wi'l interest
I. C. Nickelsen
Book 8t music Company
A H'leniHd tiibortiiiont oj Vw
table, Garden nud (iaa scUs lit
Hulk, Seat Wheat, Seal Outs,
Seed Hurley, Seed Seed Ityc;
OU Meal Ciiko mid Fertilizer',.
Heo Supplies, Burly Koo l'ot:i
toes. Klevcn kinds o llitcl-
faced Corn. I'oiiltry and l.t,'B
bought mid cold at
Clieap Cali Grocery mid Feed
Store, Second and l iilou Stu.