i t. Sf The Dalles Daily Chronicle, AtlvertlMii? lintcs. JYr IHCA. One inch or less in Dally tl M Otct two luetics mid uiiilcr four Inches 1 CO Otct four Inche? niul under twclva Inches.. 75 Over twelve Inches , W DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per Inch t- SO Over one Inch and utulcr four Inches 00 Otct four Inches nnil under twelve Inches. . 1 SO Over welvc Inches 100 Weekly Clubbing Kates. Chronicle anil Oregonian $2 -o Chronicle and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle anil Inter Ocenn 1.83 Chronicle and Trihune 1 "o Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 FRIDAY APRIL 1, 189S Call for Republican County Convention The Republican County Convention of Wasco countv. State of Oreson, is hereby called to meet In Katies City. In said county, ou Wednesday, April , 1808, t the hour of 8 o'clock n. m of said day, for the fiurpose of nomlnatinRcaiidldntes for the followi ng county officers: One countv Commissioner, County Clerk, Count) Sheriil, County Treasurer. County As sessor, Countv School Superintendent, County Coroner and County Surveyor; also precinct of ficers for the several precincts of said county: Bd ten delegates, to the Republican State mid Second District Conrrresslcual Conventions, and to transact such other business as may properly come before said County Convention. The convention will consist of 93 delegates chosen by the several precincts, and the several precincts of said county w 111 be entitled to repre aenUtion iu said convention as follows: Antelope Slice low Baldwin Bake Oven Columbia Dufur Deschutes ... . East Dalle ... 3t Hood Hi ;er. . Eight Mile.. . rolls . . .8 S Kinsslcy Mosler . Nansene . . . Oak Grove Ramsey Tygh Valley. ... Trcvltt Vl;ntn West Dalles .... West Hood Kiver Wamic .3 ..8 The same being one delegate at large from each precinct, and one deleente for every twenty-live votes and one delegate for everv fraction over one-half of twentv-tive votes cast in each of said precli cts for lion. T. T. Geer, Republican candi date for pnsidential elector at the November eUctlon inJSOO. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 9th day of March, 1S0S. J. M. PATTERSON, Chairman Republican County Com. 11. T. NOLAN, Secretary PEACE OH WAUt Today marks the crisis in the Spanish trouble. The latest reports received indicate that the answer of Spain to President McKinley's ulti matum has been received at Wash-1 dngton and that the contents will soon be made public. Upon the answer depends peace or war. We cannot help believing that a peaceful solution of the problem is probable, and that Spain will accede to the demands of this nation and of lin mauit Not to do so would be national suicide. Without the sup port of a single European nation of first-rate power, Spain can expect nothing but defeat, and defeat means litter bankruptcy and annihilation of "the present Spanish regime. It were "better for Spain now to acknowledge the superiority of strength which .America possesses and bow to the inevitable. Yet by the desperate straits in which the Span.sh government finds itself, that government may be drawn to war, prefering to suffer what it would call honorable defeat than sur render at the command of another nation its hold upon Cuba. Death and devastation may be preferable to the proud Castilian blood than to acknowledge non-success after the boastful claims put forth regarding Cuba. This incident in history is thrill ing. No communication was ever fraught with weightier results than the one now supposed to be in the president's hand. The country awaits the promised information with feverish anxiety. YOUNG MEN FOR ACTION. In ordinary times the American people pay very little attention to the navy, especinlly to the peisonncl of its officer?. There are no fewer than flfty.seven of the high-grade officers of our navy who saw service in the war of the rebellion, yet there is not one of them all whose name was nt all familiar to the general public prior to the blowing up of the Maine, except that Captain Muhan JmcJ achieved fame ns a writer. Bur jog the wav Farragut, Footc and Porter achieved special prominence, Farragut ranking with Sherman and WMridan as a popular hero. Should war with Spain come, undoubtedly ;tbe navy would have the brunt of it, It wculd seem from n Washington 4tfMtcli tliHt steps are being taken to retire Rear Atlmirnl Sicnnt from com. ronnrt of the North Atlantic station on account of the infirmities of ngo. Evidently the situation is somewhat cmhnrassing. The rear ndmirnl has j done the country good service. Ho i wa? with Farragut when lie ran the Mississipdi and Mobile gantlet. Ho : went through a dozen bombard , mcnts, and in each case combined j bravery, coolness and skill. Ho was one of those dauntless heroes who sailed up to a line of torpedoes and, ! without slacking speed, passed on, t But it is a long time now, measured by the length of human life, since those days. It will be remembered that when the civil war came on the loyal peo ple of the country relied much upon General Scott. The period between the close of the Mexican war and 1S6I was less than half as long as the period between the close of our last war and 1898. But the command of the army soon passed to younger men, men who, if they were with Scott and Taylor in Mexico, were too young and too low in rank to attract the attention ot the public. No doubt if war comes at all now it will develop from the younger men of the service, those who are to win renown. Inter-Ocean. Time and time again the necessity has been shown of securing some manufacturing enterprise for The Dalles which will provide a pay roll for laboring men and create a local demand for our raw products. It will be a matter of everlasting l egret if something is not done during the present season looking towards the accomplishment of this object. The local conditions around us are chang ing, and we cannot expect that trade will continue coming to this city un less we take some measure to secure it. A woolen mill established here will not only bring a good return on the money invested, but will also aid greatly in securing permanently for this city the wool trade which now wa enjoy. The men who can bring this thing about will long be remern bered as public benefactors. The hand of Providence was cer tainly present in the Inst election which placed McKinley in the presi dential chair. Although he has been criticised by those who desired more precipitous action, we are convinced that when all the details arc made known the wisdom of his conduct in the negotiations with Spain will be made apparent. None the less de serving of credit is Speaker Reed, who has lent to the president invalu able support. Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room 14, Vogt block, over tho post- office. ml7-2ra Smoke the popular brands Prize Medal, Guarantee and Rose Queen cigars manufactured by S. F. Fonts. tf VOGT Opera House MONDAY tP TUESDAY, April 4th and 5th. The Great Dante Assisted by Mile. Edmundaand a select company of artiste, in the grandest pro grain ever presented. New in every de tail. A least of mystery. A carnival of manic up to date. A delUKO of Illusions. A cyclone of mirth. PRICKS Reserved Seats, 7oc; Back Seats, 50c; Children, 25c, Reserved scats on utle at Sulict-Klnersly Prur Coiriaii)'' ktorc. Recommendation, !U W B A recommendation is necessary to many persons. A drngeist appreciates it when coming from a good physician especially. The character of our drugs, the dispatch and uccruacy with which all formulas are treated haBtnadeuB a rcpn tatinn we shall endeavor at all times to retain. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES, Just tUhat You ttlant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are allowing never be fore graced a single stock. Ileal imita tion ureton eflecte at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Regulator Line Be Dalles, Portland ni Astoria Navigation Co.' sirs. Regulator dDalles City FREIGHT AND PA88ENQER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port land dally, tcii' Sunday. DOWN THE VALLEY ) Are von going EASTERN OREGON? If 10, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The wctt-bound train arrives at The Dalle In ample time for patnenirerN to take tiietteamcri arriving In I'ortland In time for ttic outgoing Boutheru and Northern train; Kast bound panteugeri arriving In The Jalea In time to take the Kaat-bouud train. For further information apply to J, N. HAltNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock, I'ortland, Oregon, Or W. 0. ALLAWAY, (Jen. Agt., The Dalles, Oregon Executor's Notioe. Notice Is hereby given that the iindcrtlcncd, executor of the eitate of Elizabeth J. Ilolton, deceated, has filed his llnal account ax nald ex ecutor with the clerk of the county court of Wuco County. HUto of Oregon, and that In an order made and dated the '."Jlh day of March, 1VJH, wild court deslfnuted Monday, tho'.!dday of May. 1KW, as the time and the county court room In nalles City, Wasco Cou'iiy, Oregon, as the place for the beariiiK of said Dual account. All persons having" objections to the approval of said final account are hereby notified to bo pies ent at the time mid place last above named. mehiiO l aiHKO.N U'JUTOS, Executor. 11 THE i Weekly Inter Ocean LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANT It Is radically Republican, advocating S the cardinal doctrines oi that party with ability and eatnalntsi,Ji THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEW8 AND BEST It Is Morally Clean and ns a The Literature ot Its columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents. T'HE INTER OCEAN Is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, 2 I and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF 5 THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it Is in full sympathy 2 with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. $l.00-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEM-II.00 fVVZ THE DAILT A1TD SOTTDAY EDITIONS OF THE iittzr oceaii ake best of their arm. rriconrnnllv liv mnll Price or Httminy by mall Dally anil Sunday by mall Wholesale. JtlRUT IiIQUOflS, mines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Crandall&Barget DExiLEIlS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer has TT T r" has everything to be found in a Z. DONNELL, PESCniPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Subscribe for The Chroincle soil POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST itfBut It can always be relied on J for fair and honest reports of all po- litlcal movements.. OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without 8 Peer. g $4.00 per yenr 3 00 por yeur ju.uu per year m i m - BUSCH and BEER SEddUbottles. Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. the best Dress Goods tlie kest Skes first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. THE DALLES, OR 0.R.&H. TO THE EMST! GIVES THE CHOICE OV TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA- Spokane Salt Lake Minneapolis Denver St. Paul Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern-Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. 01. ELDER AND CITY Of TOPEP Leave Portland every five days for ALASKA POINTS. OCEAN HTKAMKKH I.bhto J'ortlnnd JEvorV Vur Day tor SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Stcnniers monthly from I'orilnml to Yokolinmn nnd Hong Kouk vm North ern l'nclflc Stenmeliin Co., in connection with O. It. & N. For full ilotalls call ou O. K A Co. a A Rent The Dullci, or nddresa V. II. llt'Ul.llt'UT. (icn. rasa. Ant , I'ortland, Or IJODSO.V, CAHI.IM, & CO., (icn. ARtx., iS'orth l'nclllu KtmiUHlilp Co. TIME OA 111). No. I, to Kpnlcniu! and Great Northern arrives at ':-')!. ni leaves nt Cn.'Wl j. m. No. '.', to Pendle ton, linker City and t'liluii l'aulllc,iirrlveaatll.l5 ji. m., dciuirth at ll:l p. ni. No .1, from Bpokauu nnd (Heat Northern, ar rives tit ti 'SO a. in., (lupartH at fliST, a. in. No. 1, from llnkir City and Union l'nclllu, arrives nt ol'JU a. in., dopiirts nt !i::S0 n. m. The fiillowlncr frelKiit tniliix carry 'iiscii;cra on the llrstaiid second districts, lint do not stop nt Matlou platforuihi No. '.'.'I went, arrive at 0 p. in,, departs ut 9: lj a. in. No. 21 east, nrrlves nt12:0 p. m., departs nt 1: 15 p. in. W, II. 1IUKL11UKT, Ccn. l'ais. Agt Portland. Oregon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ipes-Kmersly 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON J. 8. BCIIBNK, II. M. llw'y. Cashier l'resmeut. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - PRfc"V A General Hanking uusinena iruM Deposits received, huojoci iu Draft or Check. ... Collections made and proceeds prompt remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exolmiige jolt on New York, Ban Francisco on, in land. dirbotors D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. bciissc En. M. WlLLIAKB, GKO. A. Jj1KBS H, M. UKAi.ii. Notice of Final Settlement. the County Court, lor saiu '0,'Vi'', . , line 2d day of May, IHW, has. been l ' Ki ( and tho court room of saia t oiiri " i , r,onl IhohearliiKof al.l lliml accoii nt. A J Interested in said estate "0,,,'?1' '"'ffi ull said time ami ptaco and show en w ' ,,. final uccount should not bo. a pr lowed. a. i i 1 ""r.'.i. So Drug mohSil. Adiiiiun"1 I'A . K , KirJ A, A it.