The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 01, 1898, Image 1

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vol. xr
the dalles, Oregon, Friday, april i, 1898
NO 10
proposals for a Peaceable So
lution of Affairs.
Armlnllen Hetween SpnUnl anil In
nurgentd In Cuba 10 bo
Washinotos, Mar .31. The pres-
idrnl'u nssurnneo to congress in re- gj - --
gard to tlio outlook for a settlement , favorable the president will ei-nd a nies
of tliu eubiui difficulty without war ; sage reviewing the Spanish-American
is lmeeu on tne representations 5 ,
made to hitu by Minister Wood
ford. Woodford thinks, after re
npnted contorunces with the Spun
inli ministry, that after
1 meettiitr, the Spanish government
of its own accord will make a prop
osition to this country looking to a
definite settlement of the Cuban
question. The proposition is ex
nested to cover three points ae fol-
First Spain shall eeud the re
, concentrados hack to their homes
and supply them with the means
olfiistaining life until normal con
J ditions are restored.
Second There shall be an ai mis-
tice between Spain and Cuba with
5 tbe end of securing the settlement
i otall ditliculties and the removal
m of the Spanish forces from the island
of Cuba.
Third In case of failure of the
Cubans and the Spanish to come to
an understanding during the ar
mistice, Spain will submit the en-
4 ;
tire matter to President McKinley,
as arbitrator, with the understand'
ing Unit he will decide in that event
for the absolute independence ot
Washington, Mar. 31. It was about
10 o'clock when the president arose from
bis table and began to look over his
mall. Alter a conference with some of j demanded $11,600 for an alleged offense
Lis officials this nfternoon It was said against a German subject. The indem
that no message would bo sent to con- j nity was calculated as follows :
Sresa during the day in ull probability.; Damage to property, $3500; $3500 for
The rapid tire of diplomatic communi-' threatening to stab tlio German, and
cations between Washington and Mad- $4500, expense of collecting the money
rid, however, makes unforseen devel-. with a gunboat.
petncnts possible at any moment. President Coleman refused to pay,
Gencrul Grosveuor, of Ohio, nnd Rep- whereupon the commander of the gun
reacnUives Butler and Kilpatrick, of boat told liim thatGermauy would waive
Pennsylvania, Hawlev of Texas, Stuart
nd Jenkins of Wisconsin, Fletcher of
Minnesota, and Adams of Pennsylvania,
were among the early callers.
President McKinley etuted the situa
tion today to thoee members of congress
lubstantially as follows :
The administration is simply awaiting
definite response from Madrid. Nego
tiitlons are in progress and all will de
pent upon the effect of these. The nd-
ministration desires to avoid anything
lending to precipitation and undue haste j Washington.
in matters so fraught with grave con-1 e,ire f oinnwi.t. lor CMurrii that
(cquences. It is struggling for pence so 1 Contain Mtrcury,
'"as the national honor and dignity . As mercury will surely destroy the sense
HI permit. It is hoped the iesuo will j of smell nud completely derange the
wne to an early adjustment. whole syetem when entering it through
In the mean time, the president in-j the mucous surfaces. Such articles
formed them, that In his opinion there should never be used except on preserip
juonld bo no rabid or excited talk ; cool t tione fiom reputable physicians, ns the
judgment should dictate action in a ! damage they will do is ten fold to the
uer winch involves the houor of a ,
Sllln. I
The members of the house who saw :
ue president sav that If an unfavorable
WP'7 1 received from Spain congress '
Kill at ft--.. 1 . I
"it once bo informed. Should it te
Happy Thought Salve
a good, honest medi
cine. Put up in jurs
that make it handy to
use. If you are not
pleasod with it your
druggist gives your 50c
For sale at DONNELL'S,
Royal makei the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
controversy and make certain recotn-
i mendatlons. The message, lie said, will
justify the recommendations and these
'recommendations will be satisfactory to
; The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fear-
1 ini! men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
; and it is always the same, rl tuple, hon-
! est, curative medicine that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long-
, lived people that thev are. The Shak-
( era never have Indigestion. This is
I partly owing to their eitnple mode of
, life, partly to the wonderful properities
a of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges-
tion is -caused by the stomach glands not
, supplying enough digestive juice.
j Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
j wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
j) vigorntes the stomach and all its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
1. ..1 -
evidence of the
honesty of
I ci. ru ri..n.i ,i... i..,..
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot
Liberia Want AsHlntunce Against Ger
many unit I'ruuce.
New Yoitt.Mar. ol Joseph Hartzell,
an American Methouist bishop in Africa
who has just arrived from the Dark
Continent, says that while he was in
Liberia a German gunboat arrived and
the earn for indemnity if a treaty was
entered into placing Liberia under Ger
many's protectorate. Tills was also de
clined and President Coleman commis
sioned Bishop Hartzell to endeavor to
move England and the United States to
back Liberia in her endeavor to remain
independent of Germau and French in
terference. The bishop says he has laid tbe matter
before the British government and now
intends taking it to the government at
good you can possibly derive from them.
iiull'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
,10 mereurv! and is taken internally, act-
mr dlrectlv upon tlio blood and mucous
- . . T 1 flntlla
surfaces ol the sysietn. in uuym w -
i Catarrh Cure ho sure you get the gen
! uine. It is taken Internally, and made
unit. L 10 innvii 1
twin nhin. hv R J. Cheney & Co.
III uivuw v-v -v - '
Testimonials free. Price 70c. per uome.
g0TSod by Druggists. 4.
Only Two Navy-Vanl llullcllugs Kscmicd
Vallwo, Cal. Mar. 31.-Work at the
naw-yard has been shut down nnd 1760
employes are idle. A conservative es
timate of the damage done by the earth
quako t the navy-yard place it at half
a million dollars,
Only two buildings on tbe navy-yard
escaped damage, the administration
building and the ordnance storehouse
and workshop.
The saw mill and paint shops are a
mass of rums, and every other building
except the two mentioned reclved some
damage. One naval officer estimates the
damage at one million.
All complicated and expensive ma
chinery is out of place, and will have to
be taken down and sec up afterward.
The damage at Vallejo alone is estimated
1 ui
lleatt Ilia Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex.,
has found a more valuable discovery
than has jet been made in the Klondike.
I For years lie suffered untold agony from
j consumption, accompained by hemmor
Irhages; and was absolutely cured bv
j Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares
that gold Is of little value in comparison
with this marvelous cure; would have it,
even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections are positively cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Trial battles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's dug store. Regular size
50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded. 2
Sheep marking paint ; ready for use.
Two colors, black nnd red. Why you
should use our sheep paint. First, be
cause the colors are ground thoroughly
in pure linEeed oil by fine machinery;
second, because it is made of high grade
color, with tbe proper amount of dryers
added to give it binding nnd lasting
qualities, which prevent it from washing
or rubbing off; is much moie
economical, becauee it is p. ways ready
for use. We guarantee our sheep mark
ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it
and be convinced. Clarke & Falk,
agents, The Dalles, Or.
Free rills
Send your address to H. . Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free earn pie
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25e. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
Notice is hereby given that there will
be nn annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. at their office Saturday,
April 2, 1893, at 2 p. in., for the purpose
of electing seven directors, ana transact
ing such other business as mav properly
come before said meeting. By order of
the president.
The Dalles March 1, 1S9S.
O. L. Piiii.i.ii's, Secy.
I have been arllicted witli rheumatism
for fourteen year nnd nothing seemed
to give any relief. 1 was able to be
around all the time, but constnntlv suf
fering. I had tried everything I could
hear of and at last was told to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which I did, and
was immediately relieved and in a short
time cured. I am happy to eay that it
has not since returned. Josh Edgar,
Germantown, Cal. For sale by Blake
ley & Houghton.
I'll nil fur ltvut.
The farm known as the Crate Dona
tion Claim, situated on the river, five
miles west of The D.illes, consisting of
about -100 acres, will bo rented to re
sponsible party. Also u responsible
tarm bund wanted to take charge of a
farm. Apply to
mar23-0t Max Vogt & Co,
Rev. E. Edwards, pastorof the English
Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa.,
when suffering with rheumatism, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
He says: "A few applications of this
liniment proved of great service to me.
It subsued tho inttauiation and relieved
the pain. Should any suffer profit by
giving Pai" Ual" a hlal it will please
me." For sale by Blakeley & Hough-
tou. ,
La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
test to be the best uon-poleonou fluid
dip 111 the world j guaranteeJ to cure
scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Claike & Falk, ageuts, The Dalies.
Why do we retail more Cigars than
Why do smokers go out of their way
and pass cigars of the same grade?
Not because we have better cigars
or better brands, or any greater variety;
no, not that.
Why, because we have the finest ci
gar case in the state and keep our cigars
in better condition.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Ask your
for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contains 110 cocaine,
mercury nor nny other
Injurious drus.
It Is quickly Absorbed.
Gives neilef utonce.
It opens nnd clc.insc-3
the Nasal Passages.
Allava Inflammation.
Ilcals and Protects the Membrane. Itestorca tho
Senses of Taste and Smell. Ki.ll Slzeaoc Tri.ii
Size Ike. : at Onmclsls or bv mall.
Et.V BBOTIIEKS. a WftrreB Street, ewTorU
Just Kecelveil.
The Dout Optical and Jewelry Co. has
just received a new up-to-date eye pro
tector. It weighs only two penny weight,
made of n composition which will not
offset the sight of the eye. It is carried
in the inside band of your hat, and is
always ready for use. They retail at 25
cents. Call and see them.
We make a specialty of properly fit
ting children's eyes, and test each eye
We carry a full line of frames, gold,
alluminutn, nickel, bronze and rubber.
We are receiving new goods daily, and
best of all we guarantee entire satisfac
tion. Chainherlaln'it C.iutli Kemecly.
This remedy is intended especially for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough
and influenza. It has become famous
for its cures of these diseases, over a
large part of the civilized world. The
most flattering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
works; of the aggravating and persist
ent coughs it has cured ; of severe colds
that have yielded promptly to its sooth
ing effects, and of the dangerous attacks
of croup it has cured, often saving the
life of the child. The extensive use of
it for whooping coughs has shown that
It robs that disease of all dangerous con
sequences. For sale by Blakeley &
The Light of the Future.
Why not be independent and own
your own little gas plant, which will
give four times more light than ordinary
gas or electric lights at one-half the
cost? App'icable for use 111 churches,
stores, factories, hotels, residences nnd
country homes; safer than ordinary gas
or kerosene lamps. Approved by all the
hoards of underwriters throughout the
United States. We want a first-class
agent in every town. Write for cata
logue and prices.
Acktvlexe Gas Machine Co.,
iucb29 Iw Akron, Ohio.
At nil times flour equal to the best for
salo at Tygh Valley Holler Mills, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed.
W. M. McCouki.e, Prop.
mchlO Qui
My baby broko out with a ranli. lie would
Ki-ratch nnd vervain. It would take two to hold
III i . nud 0110 to nut medicine 011 him, Wo had
to hold hi m onu'tlnica uu hour before we could
t!ct him quleti d dou n. All itald Unit they never
f :v audi u fnoj or body 011 nuy buby at on him.
I had to tio hit hand lltjlit In u cloth, nluht and
day, tor live months, My sUter had ued OUTI.
CUlt A, und 1 began to use It. Afttr only ona
unpHcatloH.he luuttoicn and tlfjit as ho had not
for a mouth, l'oor little fellow. He lino not ft near
ou him now, und U us fair and hU llc.h Uas soft
ua any baby. While he lud this dlscuae 1 had to
cut tbe sleeves out of iiU clothes, and put gsuto
underwear on him to keen him cool, 1 had to
keep nieces of soft cloth around bis heck. It was
so wet with moUturo from the sores, and I bad to
clmniie tbe cloths sometimes ten or twelve times
a day. Mhi. A. IIAYNK8, Lisbon. N. I).
Wsrsa Uths with Cvticvka Soir. and (atls sppUc
tlont of Coiicosa (olnUntnt). lbs cntt tita sure.
old throughout ths world. Potts 0va o
Csim. Cosr., So'.t Props, Bettea, U, . A.
ptirTir (jO0d5 Dep't.
manhatten Shifts
Our Specialty..
Our Spring linos of
those celebrated shirts
now complete.
Needless to dwell on
the excellant qualities of
these goods. They have
no superior.
plot: to be had
in Cheapen
5170 Department
Out $3.00 Tan Shoe
Willow Calf, Goodvear welt, fast color
approved and
. 'sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssWflCsss
sttdLW Wssssssssstf'sslssssssssMssSlA
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi
ness, for tho improvement of their business and homo
interosts, for education, for tho elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at tho firesido, interesting and instructive
stories of tho doings of tho world, tho nation and states.
IT HA3 advised tho farmer as to tho most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho
propor timo to convert them into tho largest possible
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho welfare of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
hold their confidence and osteom.
and wo furnish it with tho Somi-Wookly Chronicle one
year for $1.75, cash in advance,
The particular Dresser
looks to us for his Shoes.
hooks and eyes. Finished in the most
up-to-date style.