( OPTO NrjOY Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, propared only from the most leal thy and agrocablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug cists. Anv reliable dmqgist who mav not have it on hand will pro- -cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FfG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL LOUISVILLE, KT. NEK YORK, N.t. The Dalles Daily Ghpciie. tub iAt,r.t:s, OKKOON l'EKSOXAf. SlKNl'ION- A. B. Mott, of 8 Mile, is in the city todav. ' Mrs. T. J. Shaw, of in the citv. White Salmon, is Misses Mary and Minnie Lay went to Pjrtland today. . C. Sanford, of Wasco, is in the citv on business. S. B. TomliiHon, of Hood Kiver. is cuiong tho guests at the Umatilla Houae. Dr. Hush Loiiitn was umnne the nas- to Portland on the morning train . Mr. and Mrs. R E. L McElrath are spending n few days with relatives in this city. Mrs. P. DeHuffWdnt to Portland this mnrninz for a short visit with friends in that city. D. C. O'Kiley, of the Columbia South ern, who has teen in the city for several daye, left for Waso on the Spokane .train last evening. IH. S. Prevost and wife, of Woodbnrn, -are in the city. They are on their way to Kingsley to visit Mrs. Provost's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bulley. Dr. J. Hensil, of Marysville, Cal., who has been visiting friends at Lyle, was taken seriously iil, and came n"n on the I ' Jjoat yesterday to consult Dr. Hollister. ""Mrs. C. N. Thornbury returned from Portland last evening. She has been in that city with her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Hudson, who :s under the doctor's care there, mid is getting along nicely. This morninz Professor Spiliman, of Pullman, Wash., arrived in this city and will visit his eister, Mrs. D, J. Coorr. Mr. Spiliman is a professor in the Washington agricultural college, and ha: taken a ehort lay-off to visit Dalles iriends. Mrs. M. Sellick and sfin.Bernie, are in 'from their home at Boyd. Mr. Sellick informs us that last night was the first since spring opened that it lias not frozen. The fall grain is in good shape, but he fears tbebpring sowing is serious Iv injured by the heavy frosts, and it tna7 be necessary tore-yped some of it. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council of Dalles City, that Union street will be improved between Main and Twelfth streets by grading end filling the same, and that the cost of said proposed improvement shall be as sessed upon property adjacent to said etrect, unices within fourteen days from the final publication of this notice the owners of two-thirds of the property ad jacent to said street file with the re corder a written remonstrance against eaid proposed improvement. . Dated this 15th dav of March, 1808. ROGKU B. SlN.VOTT, mlO-Ht Kecorder Dalles City. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council ot italics Uity, that Court street will he improved between Maiu and Second streets by grading and tilling eaid street, and that the cost of aid proposed improvement shall be etsed upon property adjacent to eaid street, unless within fourtein days from the final publication of this notice tho owners of two-tbirda of the property ad Hnteal to eaid street file with the re--erder a written remonstrance against 4kl proposed improvement. Dtd this J5 day of March 1608. " IiOUKU B. SlNNOTT. 4 mcbW-Ht Kecorder Dalles City. f'llRfl oMkrift Ware just received srt'MakrJfcnlsfl's. j SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. A Chinese typewriter has been in vented by Dr. Sheffield, of .liuigcho, China, which has n wheel oarryinp over t,000 diameters, m i tinged in 30 circles. It is said to exceed so far the speed of the swiftest Chinese writer, that its value is r.ssured. . i Heretofore, perfumery 1ms been de tached from flowers by soaking them in lard. A Tarlslan has now found r. way of gnthcvinjr the fragrance by simply snaking llic flowers in water, u process which can be repeated several times "ithout destroying tho flowers. Xenrly 13,Cl)0 patents were granted by the riiited States patent ofilee last year, or more than in any preceding year. Inventive genius is evidently act he in this country. Xot one in a 1 hundred of these inventions will per haps ever come into practical use. The total value of the mineral prod ucts of this country last year is re ported to be t.bout $740.0,00,00(1. The greatest less is in silver. The yield was 2,r.70.0no ounces less than in 1S90, and th value dropped about $3,700,000. The gain in gold was 127,000 ounces, or S2,C50,CO0. "During the course of a recent lec ture at Montevideo," says Science, "Dr. Sanr.relii stated thut the serum he ha'' obtained from the animals with which he I'.ns been experimenting, is effective iigainst yellow fever, and that it will cry probably euro yelfow fever in hu man beings.' The Massachusetts cattle commis sioners' ar.nua! report, just issued, says J tliat the r umber of cattle paid for as victims- of tubfrculo.sk during the j ear was R"t, nnd the amount paid for them was S17D,S()7. Quarantine and killing expenses and arbitration brought the average nmount patti for condemned cattle to $34 per head. FACE RAW AND My little boy was nfillcted with Eczema In acute form for a year, during which wo tried without success every known rcmcilv. The dla. order appeared on Hie ilsht chet-k and r;ns of a bllstery and bloody form. lib pilloiv, mornluca, would bear the bloody Imprint of the side of Lb face, while It was Iiup04lblc to prevent him from scratching lib f.ice owlns; to the Itching. Advised to try Ccticvra, I bought a box. The first application was m:idc at i.ight. and It it a fact, that tho appearance of the affected part ihowed a noticttibU Imjiraremtnt the neztmom inj, and, continuing tho treatment, an a result, my child hai a fair and emooth akin as can be found anywhere. W. 6. XEEDnAJr, Pataskala, O. Brant Crut Tbkitxett. Warm bathi. with Ccticcka SoAr, r-ntle application! ot CVTirssa (oint ment), the rrrat kin ctirv.and mild iio.es of Ccticcba Kesoltest, greatest ot humor cure.. Sold throughout the world. Pnee. Crrictria, .'.Oct roxv, SV.M IUsolveit. inc. and II. 1'orTli baco sd CHru. Co nr., Sole Prop., Bo. eon. W"Uow to Cure Etctt Skin Uncut." mailed fm. They It a rely Take I.lfe Scrloaaly, tln 1cn at a Funeral. The native Viennese 13 n jolly, good natured, shiftless creature. "So people on the earth are so jolly, or so easily nnd so much amused. Go to the Frater, the largest public park in Europe, .tnd from a hundred different beer-gardens comes the noise of toot ing brass band? nnd stamping feet and beatingdrums. Merry-go-rounds swing old and young, and dime museums and music halls are as full of people as they are empty ot decency. Go to the thea ters on any nitrht, and you will find them crowded hy an enthusiastic r.udi once, the galleries filled by noisy stu dents and working girls. The court theaters, which present only legiti mate dramas and operas, have nlno their numerous devotees. Go to the eolfee houses, of which there is one on every corner, and you will find them full, especially in the afternoon, with mer chants with their noses in the news papers, and clerks sipping their Mooha, and oflicers Hmoking their cigars, and cue-pushing and cnrd-shufTling youths. At night these coffee houses become tlie rendezvous of the lower element. I have never seen the Viennese serious, unless it be tit a funeral, and I suppose tnat even out of that he manages to get some fun. Vet lie is easily excited, and 'though loyal nnd law-abiding, his good nature may quickly turn into n fiery passion, and a Viennese riot is u serious matter. Edward A. Steiner, in Woman's Home Companion. TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all timee flour equal to the best for sale ttt Tygli Valley lioller Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCoiiki.k, Prop. mciiiG Gin Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. DeWitfs Littte hany Risers, Tho famfuj 1 1 J - mils. Ask your Druggist for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's CriaiiiBilti contain no cocaine, I mercury nor any other I jujunouaiunj. It U quickly Absorbed. UlvesItc.icfttor.ee. Allan Inflammitlon. COLD'HiHEAl Ileali and I'rolecU tbe Menbrane. lies tor e toe jtetuM of Taata and HmU. Full Slat Me i Trial Nlxe 0c. ; at UmitaltU or hy stall. f.Yj.R(l'lielQ(.1 WUTMaM(,!fawTlv BLEEDING What is Scott's Emulsion ? It is a strengthening food And tonic, remarkable in its flesh-forming properties. It contains Cod Liver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well known and highly prized Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially increased. What Will It Do? It will arrest loss of flesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of Cases Bt turt you gil SCOTT'S Emuttion. 50c. and $1.00, alt druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUts, New York. Sheepmen, cull at Clarke & Fulk's ami pet prices on the I.h Plata Sheet Dip. It is non-poisonous, miscs in- btanllv with cold wnter, and it is an in fallible cure for scab, hoot rot, lice and ticks. 1 tf Children nnd adultB tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, ezsma or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using De Witt'e Witch Ilnzel Salve. It is the great pile remedy. jy-s' GKISEXIIOnKFEn 1SUEDY, Physicians and Sui'oeons, fepeclnt nttciitlon given to surgery. Rooms 21 nud 22, Tel. S2S Vogt lllock. B S I1CNT1KOTOK II S WIUON CXTINGTON & WII-SO.V. ATIOKXEVP AT LAW, HIE lfALI.ES, OREGON Office ovor First Nat. Iinnk. .ISO ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS R?nnTe Pimples, Prwrent I.il'.O'ljness.ParifjrtlioBlood, LuroHe.idactieanillijipppiii. for hilln, TAV"iAf"u-c4ch a7 la nteaurr lorneaitn. Tiior neither rito noraickni. To con. " M b' lraMin. DR. B0SANK0 CO. Phllal K jyjKS. EVANS. MODISTE, Rooms itt Mrs. ilrittin'b lodging Hnuso. Wanted- At the Diamond Mills, Good milling whent. The higlieet price mclilG-tf. paid. Mm It BlCYCLiES. One '95 Ladies' Cleve 520 S25 530 $30 land Wheel Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One '9G Cleveland.. . Gent's Wheel . One '95 Eagle Gent's Wheel One '97 Boy's Eagle Wheel One '97 Girl's Eagle $35 Wheel Jn order to make room for our now stock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON "Vei-y Much ..reseept Bieyeles.. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. RE7VY17VBER Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mtIfeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- TOTl FlOTir '''s F'our 18 manufactured expressly for family OW-LA " use: every Hack is guaranteed to give' satisfaction. We sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo nail and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats. Dalles, Moro and Autelope STAGE LINE. ThroiiBh by daylight via Orim Volloy, Kcut and C'ruiii Holloivs. DOUGLAS AUKS, The Ilall. C. N. XV II ITK I. ,V XV , Antelope. fitaces leave The Dalles Irom Umatilla House nt 7 a. m., nUo from Atitelojx.- at 7:30 a. tn. every j mule at Anteloic (or I'riituvllle, Stitehell and :ils beyond. Close C" lincctlouh made at The uanes witn railways, trams and boato. HtaRct Irom Anleloiic reiwh The Dalles Tues dnys, Thunday nnd Hnturdays at list) . m. RATE8 Or FARC. Dalles to Deschutes Jl 00 do Sloro l 60 do Grass Valley 2 25 do Kent 3 00 do Cross Hollows 4 jo Antelope to Cross Hollows .. l JO do Kent. a oo do Grass Valley 3 CO uu Jiuro, do Dechtiees do Dalles 6 00 Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker I Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. TKANSACT A OESEK.VhBAXKt.SU IIUS1.NE3 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Hiiflit Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue points in Oregon and Washington. Collections tuade at all points on fay orable terms. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. TIm, It what It u nad for. to the Good." MAYS & CROWE. "Wo have strictly First-dlass J. T. Peters & Co. r ..GflflS. FfiAflk Butehers and Fatrmcps ..Exchange.. Keeps on dratiKht the celebrated COU'SUIIA IIKKK, acknciwl. tdjted tho best beer In The Dalles, at the usual price. Come lit, try Itntid be convinced. AIo the I'lntst brand of Vlne, l-huors mill Cigars. Sanduiiehes U of nil Kinds nlwuys nu hand. i Patronize the Iroy LAUNDRY. All kind of work. White Shirts n specialty. Family work nt reduoetl rates. Wash collected nud dcllveied Irec, Telephone Ko. 1 III. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Ttie columDia Packingco., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF JIANUKACTUKElib OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Cwrifs of -4r BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RlED BEEF, ETC. If ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tom-ist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. I-AIIL " M I S.N EA I'OI. I DUMJTH KAItOO ORAM) FOt CItOOIiSTON WISMI'Kn HELENA an litJTTE TO Throuah Ticket CltlLAOO WASHINGTON rlllLADKLPIllA yew roitic ItO.HTON AM A.1.1. POINTS EAST and SOTJTI1 For Itilnnnnttim, time cardt, tnnpbnud ticket cnl on or write tn V. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Tht Brtllcs, Oregon A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. i'. A., 2jo, ilorrlHDii Cor. ThlrJ. I'ortlnml Oron EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave nnd iiru flut- tn urtive tit Porting li:avi:. OVKUI.AKll EX-! liK.ih, Hiilem, Hnse-' ImrR, Akliiimcl, Bal'. I ritinuiito, (t;(luii,riuti I G:0O V. SI. Urn A)lKuIcn,Kl I'aso, i New urlcnns mm l I.IIKC J I ItoKubttrR nnd wny Ha- tllltIK MiSO A. 31. I'.SI ( lit Wdmllmra for) Iliitly bnmltiya I .Mt.AIKUl, Hllvcrtnii, 1 Iinlly i-t el hcio, llriiwnt- vxi'ctit I villc,riiirlHBlk'ld nnd butidiiyi. Outrun j i 7:: a. 31. (CorvulIlM I nttltloilh . nnd w"-( :S0I'.JI. ISDKl'KXDK.VCK I'ASSKNGEIt. Kxprcss trnln Dally (except Suudiiy), I;80j. m. (I.v Portland .. Ar.) 8:a, m iiop.ia. At..3ic.Minnviiii' .i.v. rijfiiiH.m lAr .1 . lniU'(oml l.M n. in Dally. Dull), exeept sundny. DIKING CAliSON OGDEN KOl'TK. I'l'l.t.MAN IIL'FKET Bl.EEl'EltS ASD Si:COXI-Cl.Aii8 Bl.EEI'lNO CAUS Attached to nil Through Trains. Direct connection nthan rrnnchco with Occi dental and Oriental nud I'aolllc until steiimshlp lines for JAl'AS und CHINA. HallliiB dales on a) plication. Hates and tickets to Eastern tKiluts and Eu roiKi. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HUNOU'l.L nnd Al'bTKAl.IA. can be olituiiircl from J. 11. KIUKI.AND, Ticket AKent. ThrmiKh Ticket Olllce, lilt Third ntrcot, where through tickets to all jHilnts in the KhMltu htates, Caiiudn and Kuropv cnu be obtained at lowest rates irom J. II. KIUKI.AND, Ticket Agent. All above trains nrrlvo at nud depart irom Grntid Central Btatlou, Klftli nud IrvniK streets YASllIlTl. DIVISION. I'msencer Dej-ot, foot ol Jedursou street. Leave lor OSWEGO, dnlly, except Sunday, at ivju a. in.; u.sii, i;m, n:i, ti:z.. "ti:u. p. ni. (nud ll:;io p. in. on tinturdny only, nnd !:uo a. m V! Arrive at Portland ually at tl:tu ami H;: a v at u:t0aud8::!0ii n m.; and l : 4:15, fi:'20 nnd 7:5.5 p. in., (und 1U;05 u. in U'13 i:10 p. in. on Sundays only), Inve for Shcrldnu, week days, ut 1:30 p. m Arrive ut Portland, u::i0 n. m. U-avc for AIUI.IE on SUinday, Wednesday nnd Krlday nt U:10 u. m. Arrlv nt Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Haturdai it 3:03 p. in. Excejit flmuliiy. Kxcojit Snturday. It. KOEHI.EH, gTh. SIAKKIIAM, SliuiHiicr, Asst. G. 1'. A Pass. Act FREE TRUL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. This oiler Is mndo by the ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided application bo made nt once. In order that Its Inventions. nntilliiuees nnd never fulling remedies may receive the widest possible pun Hetty, nnd prove their own merits by ,ctu' w mii uuu puriiiHiieni iiurim. uliatever will be received by the II! ' Htt Httiilturluin front uiiyouuuiiderlts treat ment uutll liiiiilliilnl ruiu BreucKiiow -otlRDil. Its remedies" und appliance. ihuvc ha u commended by tho ncHHpnpers of V . ! , ncnts nnd endorsed by tho Krentcst doctors m (he world. Wheru developinent Is desired, t iy nceompllsh it nnd never fall to InvlKorale, up build nud fortify. , .. , ,. ,,.. They Infuse new life mid encrey. 1 ln lf:r maticntly hIoji nil losses which umlurinliij. constlutilon und roduce despoudenc) im ie-toiie, iciresh nud restore to ! 'a snrilloM of ago. Tltoy euro, evil hub Is una pu immeiitly remove their ellects, us well those of uxecsses nnd over-tuxed lr tln wor. lieurnstlionlii or nervous uxlmustlon. r . lite, no iiublinlly, ll" tiecoiuiou, n r .... I..,. llll'K TO.UAV. ILLIN0I8 STATE BANITABIUM. EfDiton, III. 17UIKI). W. W1L80K. .m , .... 1 ATTOHNKY AT LAW. .,..Kfl0 Till". iMi.wr., Oflloo ovei First Nat. Uiuk.