Liadies' Tailor-made Suits LADIES WHO VISIT THE SHOWING of our costumes, just received, will be delighted, and our in vitation to enjoy the fashion-show quickly accept ed. Women's tailors have accomplished wonders in a twelvemonth, and the betterment is all here. Interesting for fashion study. Helpful for Spring decisions. A world of these at $12.50 to $20.00. Suits of Serge Cloth and English Homespun. Ladies' Dress Skirts. These handsome Skirts have stolen prettiness from the most stylish of the new Tailor-made Suits. The neat cord plaitings, the new apron effect ; every clever idea is shared by these little-priced Dress Skirts. Some highly elegant sorts are shown, and a multitude at the most liked prices. These hints, at $6.50 to $10.00. Skirts of good quality Brocaded Silk and Serge. Ladies' Jackets Capes. All that is newest in stuffs and style; all that is best in work and finish, is here represented. You will never be satisfied to wear ordinary ready-made or cheap merchant-tailored goods when you can buy such gar ments as we are showing. Our Jackets and Capes rep resent the very best materials made by expert custom tailors after the most fashionable models. Jackets from $3.50 to $12.00. Capes from $10.00 to $17.50. MILLINERY. This department is now ready for your inspection. The goods shown are selected from the Wholesale Mil linery Department of Olds & King, who are acknowl edged to be the leading milliners of Portland. We con sider ourselves extremely fortunate in being allowed to place before you this beautiful collection of Headwear. Come in! Your mind's worth when you look; your money's worth if you buy. Plain Hats 25c to the fine Knox sailors, $4.00. Trimmed $2.00 to $20.00. Pali, goods markkd n piain riouwcu. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - - MAKCH 31, 108 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A good gentle mitch cow wanted. In quire nt this office. m-3t Postum Cerlal Food Coffee nt Com mission & Groceiy Co.'s. If Bicycle sundries, fishing tackle, gun?, rifles and revolvers nt Mater & Benton'. A new line of '03 models. Li Tour bi cycles at Maier & Kenton's. Call and see them. Girl wanted to do general house work. Must be o firet-claea cook. Inquire at this office. roar30-3t The celebrated maltose cross garden hose, a large shipment just received at Maler & Benton's. Freight for Canyon City. Will pay 2c pound. Jacobsen Book and Music Company. m31 2t A fresh lot of cauliflower, cabbage, eweets, oranges and lemons at Com mis sfon & Grocery Co.'b. Last night a carload of beef cattle ar rived from Huntington for Wood Bros., of this city. Like all the beef that is sold in this popular market, they are in (splendid shape. Last evening CharleB Clarke, who liaB for six years been in the employ of the Snipes-Klnerely Drug Co., resigned his position with that firm, and will imme diately accept a like one in the drug store of Clarke & Falk in this city. d a c: itruitn,... ty, Wash., is in the city today. He in forms us that the grand jury which is investigating the Marshall lynching, is meeting with very poor success, and there is little chance of them bringing in an indictment against anyone. Today the workmen are giving the finishing touches to the beautiful new glaes front in Mays & Crowe's store. This is a marked improvement, as it al lows more light to enter the store, and at the same time furnishes display windows second to none in the city. Miss M. Scully, of Portland lias ac cepted a position in Pease & Mays' mil linery department. Miss Scully is a lady of a great deal of experience in this work and she offers aline of goods to the public that eurpass any that have ever before been shown in The Dalles. Rev. W. H. Iliff, of Portland will bo in the city this evening and will preach at the revival meetings which are being held at the Methodist church. Rev. Wood has received word from Evange list Miller saying that he will bo in the city and commence work with them next Sunday. President McKinley demands the in dependence of Cuba and declares that hostilities must immediately cease. A crisis will be reached in two or three days. In spite of all Spain's bravado sho entertains the president's proposi tion, and there is little doubt that she is weakening. A number of boys and young men are in the habit of going to different places in tiiis vicinity to practice shooting, and using as targets robiiiB, larks and other birds, and in this manner a great num ber of them are being destroyed. It may be well to remind these persons that n One of $5 is the penalty laid in the stat utes for so doing, and as one-half of this goes to the informant, they should be ware. Tickets will be put on sale for "King Hallabahoola II" today, and the box office will be open on the morning of April 8th. The admission to this un paralleled performance of home talent will 75 cents for reserved seats, while the general admission will ho 50 cents. It would be difficult for anyone to con trive another way to spend tills amount and receive in return the pleasure that will bo afforded those who attend this show. Today tho city marshal has a force of men at work repairing tne cistern on Second street near Skibbe's hotel. The cover.which was in very poor shape, has been removed and the plauks, on which the covering rested, will bo taken out and replaced by iron stringers. Those are not only stronger than the ones used heretofore, but have also tho quality of being lasting, so that after the job is finished no further troublo will bo ex jnerlenced with it. f 1 I L I...L ..1 ' L 111 1 1 . n iiuiei, um ijiuuanui, wcuuihls iuuh place at tho Farmra' hotel Inst evening. The contracting parties were Joel Ii, Chactian and Mies Pollie Crabtreo, two of Wasco county's esteemed young peo ple, The ceremony was terformed by Recorder Roger B. Slnnott. A On this oc- ailnii htt nnf rr H Ht f-"! ceremony of the kind and while tho knot was be inj tied the younj justice's blushes were almost aa noticeable as thosu 'of the bride, llh performed the ceremony with all grace however, and we are sure that the knot is ono which will not be easily unraveled, WHAT ABOUT YOUR PROPERTY? "OlnTVflr" llnke a I'lea for the lienrance of the City. Ap Contributed. As we listen to tho exclamations of pralso from the many visitors who, lured by the unrivaled grandeur of the shores of tho Columbia, halt lor n breathing spell nt tho gates our city, ve, who nro accustoincj to tno beautiful scenery around us, aro led to wonder if Tho Dalles really is more grandly situated than the more pretentious cities around us. Yce, Tho Dalles is beautiful for sit uation, and we have every reason to feel proud as we tell the stranger of the goodly land we have found and show him the grandeur which surrounds him. But has our pride reached to the small enclosuro which wo call our own? Have we striven to make that equally attract ive? Are thero not many homes, yes streets, which, in our tour of the city, we would fain pass by? many lote, cov ered with debris, inciosed with fences which totter in a vain attempt to do their duty? many tumbled down shacks which are a disgrace? many alleys, ad jacent to business blocks and residences, which are filled with all sorts of trash that should have been removed weeks before? Have you not observed all this as you piloted your guest through the city, endeavoring to make a good im pression on his mind? The lack of individual pride seems to be our great drawback ; pride that will make each one see the necessity of keep ing his own property in good order, whether it be a vacant lot or a dwelling. In many instances we see beautiful homes, with finely-kept lawns and flowers growing in every available space. But what do we see as we look at their next-door ne'ghbor's possessions? Per haps a vacant lot, kept as a place to de posit garbage; or perchance a barnyard, and a meanly-kept one at that. More than likely it is a rude hut, which, be ing constructed at the time of the flood, has been kept as a valued souvenir, or as an ornament to the city and a sore eye to the neighbor who is endeavoring to beautify his home, and by eo doing, the city. In many cases the lack of interest in this matter arises from the fact that eo many occupy rented houses, and do not care to expend energy on another's be longings. But have they not pride enough to care for the interior of their abiding place? then why not the exter ior? How much even a few well-kept plants in the doorway would add to its appearance. JNur is it necessary that a home should be a mansion ; the small est hut may be made home-like by a few inexpensive additions by planting a vine so that its tendrils will entwine about tho house, covering any defect in the architecture. No place of its size, which has been bo unfortunate with fire and flood, has more pretty, attractive homes, showing the taste of the dwellers therein, than has The Dalles. These we are proud of. But cannot every citizen do his part in this matter individually, and thus make not only the natural ecenery, but the artificial, rival any city in the North west? OllSEKVEn. Heat oT All. To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when tiie springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the genuine, Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all druggists, at 50 centB per bottle. lllng Out, aind Hells! Funeral Will lie Held Sunday. A social event of more than common interest to Dufurites occurred Sunday, the 27th, at thn residence of Frank Peabody, wtien his eldest daughter, Edith, was united in ma'riage to Mr. A, J. Douglees, Rev. I. J. Powell officiating. The couple are residents of this place, aud aro loved and respected" by its in habitants tor their true worth. Monday evening a social dance was given by the groom to his host of friends in honor of his marriage, and the event was in overy way n social success. The friends of the couple tripped the light fantastic toe until early morn, when all wished them a long and pleaeant life of happiness and success. X, lu Your Clieolii. All conntv warrants registered prior to Jan. !i, 1804, will be paid at my office, Interest coases after M.nrh. 17, 1898. 0. L. Piiii.ui'ri, Countv Treasurer. fur Kent. Good two-room Imise on double lot j good garden spot. Inquire of H. A. Bill at.Muier & Benton's store. iu2123 For fiule. One lot, No, 7, block 7, Bigelow'i Ad dition. Cheap for cash. Apply to or address Mas. R J, Wilson, mch30-lw Telophone 118. Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, pigs' feet and pickles in bulk at Commission & Grocery Co.'e. A dispatch received today from A3 Bettingen stated that the remains of hip father, the late Albert Bettingen, woolcfc arrive In this city on tho 5:20 tram this evening. The son and daughter of tho deceased, Albert and Sister Mary Alber ta, and his grandson, Albert Baldwin, will arrive on tho Bamo train. The re mains will bo taken to tho residence of Albert Bettingen, jr., where they will remain until Oa. rn. Sunday, when they will be taken to the Catholic chore)) from which the funeral services will take; place. All friends of tiie deceased aro invited to attend. Notice. Mr. Chas. Clarke has resigned his po sition with the Snipt'3-Kinersly Ding Company, with which lie has been con nected for the past fix and a half years, and accepted a position with Clarke & Falk at the Postoffice Pharmacy, where? he will be pleased to meet his many friends. BncklcD'a Atiuvm nulre. The best salve in the worid- for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fetex sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi tively cuies piles, or no pay required) ft Ib guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. bheepmen, Attention! Clarke & Falk have securod the agency tor the La 1'Iata btieep uip. Mixes instantly with cold water. Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room 14, Vogt block, over the post- office. ml7-2ru HORSES AND MULES FOR aud SALE 1 have Bixteen head of 6 anu i-year mules (broke) for sale. I also haves horses, mares and geldings for sale, weighing from 900 to 1400 pounds. Any one wanting worfe stock or stocu kh- Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. James Bitbwx, f23-lm-i Victor, Or. To Cure a Colrt in One Bay. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25c. Foulz cigars are on Bale at the follow ing places: Snipea-Kinersly, Clark & Falk and M.Z. Donnell, druggists; Com mission Co., Geo. Ruch, Fred Fisher and Chas, Phillips, grocers ; -Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection ers: Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dno Baker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilson an3 The Midwav, saloons. We are anxious to do a little good io this world and can think of no pleas- anter or better way to do it than by rec ommending Ono Miuute Cough Cure aa a preventive of pneumonia, consump tion aud other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. If the United States and Spain become- involved in war, it will be impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high grade Havana cigars will increase in price. Lav in a supply ot i'rize Medal cigars while the price remains tho same. 10-tf Wood just re ti Scow load of dry Fir ceived a Maier & Benton'. An Interesting fitory is attractiveafc all times. No one can afford to let the evenings at home be spent without gobrt reading matter in these days when jjoodi books cost so little. Our stock offers some verv attractive, up-to-date am J standard literature which will inteitai all. I. C. Nickelsen Book & Cftusie Company. BEDS E E D A tlem!lii iibboitment fif tnble, Garden niul Uiut Seeds lu Hulk. 6ml Wheat, Betd OaW. Seed hurley, Seed Seed Hye. Oil Meal Cake and KertdUvrs, llco Huuiilk's, Early Kou Volu mes. Kleveu kinds of Hut chisa Seed Corn, i'oultry ami Ess bought unit now ui J. H. CROSS' o Cheap Cu'h Grocery niul 1'eed Btoie, Becoud uud Union su, E E D S i iiiHii'i iir"