"IRONING MADE BAST 9 N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. ..GHAS. FRBHK-. Ue fire, Doirjg Butchers fleat apd Artistic Pv and Fapmecs w m s OK0$ BNJOYS Soih tbo method and results when Syrup of Figs is token; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts jpjently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tcm effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual oonstipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro lnced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most teal thy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it -to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fig3 is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist "who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to try it- Do not accept any substitute. C&UFGBMA RG SYRUP CO, SAN FRAKC.'SCO, CAL IDU1$V1L1, Kt. HEW YORK. fi.Y. m if 4 l v Fee Dalles Dafly UOPCiilts. .1 (IKCGUS ; C. A. Bryant is in the city from Mosiei. T. H. Johnston Dufur. is in the citv from 2'. W. McDonald is in from his home At Monk. and (George Crossfield is in the city today Srora Wasco. R. IS. Wilson, of the C. E. & Q , is in die city on business. J. IS. Wheat, of Moro, made this office pleasant call today. Miss Annie Lan returned from a trip to Portland last evening. A. E. Randall, of Salt Lake, is visit- artg meads in ine Utiles. Wtil llsnkiu and wife, of White Sal lichell are over tetives. S. P. M. Briggs is in the city from Ar Jtnston fiurchasin,; Roods for Lord & Co. 3tc1colm McLillon, one of North Yak 'amx'd most prominent sheep-raisers, is in the city. A.ttv. Wert Minor, of the firm of Cos, Cotton, Teal & Minor, of Portland, was an tne city yesterday. Mre. Nellie Ilolton, of Kingsley, who naa been visitiug relatives m the citv, Asft jx her Jiouie today. -"A'lttrgeTjand of slock were brought cp from KjwIe.ud'B Lsmlicg last evening for tbe X)lunibhi Packing Co. Dr. Dietrich, who has been in Pittfc burg for some lime, returned on the uiomine traiu, and left for Dufur this aJCeruoon. Bill Gilmore, of Grand Dalles, re turned from a trip to Baker City Mon tiay. tie states that he is doing well 'Wild liiri bowling alleys at that place, Jtad will pat in an alley u Snmpter in a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Johnston came upon the boat last night, returning from . five-wceka visit in California. They report a delightful trip, and returned to Ofidr Dufur home today satisfied that liey had made the most of their v.tca exon. UIEll. In this city, on Monday, March 21st, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C English, aged 2 weeks und 1 day. One Minute Cough Cure, cures, Thi: is wbat it vca cicdc for. For Children's Skin t.-l. HAlkl..ln l..l.nl. la .purifying, and beauUfyiog ad CUTICURA SOAP for toilet, Uth,ndnnrery. nuwom, irnuiuuui ui . falliuf Hair, red. roup it Ulawoaderful. wwiNunuiiiwnifv i Miawnth;com. V.m.A. . jir ma," nn. raiaa, are in the city today. f Mr. and Mrs. II. P. A l Sxom Goldendale visiting re I) STARCH fck o" " i Ufa r dpai iidpc win rnnif iwr. ' MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AND H1CE - US WHEN FIRST BOIIfiHT HEW - . 11 , a ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND OF ANY OTHER UTACTURED vKeokuk,Iowa. NewHaven,Conn. w wr- rxi wii t - 1 This starch is prepared on Fcicntifi: princi pies by mon who haro had years of practical experience in fancy laundering;. It restores eld linen nnd summer dresses tp their, natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lnstlns finish. It is the only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless, containing neither arsenic, nlum or any oiner suDstanco injurious 10 jineu ana can TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the best fori sale at Tvnh yallev Holler Mille, at1 prices to suit the time?. Also mill feed. V. M. McCohki.e, Prop. tnel.16 Gill Whoopine couiih is the most distress' jng malady; but its duration can bs cut short by the use of One Minute Coush Cr.ie, w hich is also the best known i rernedv for croup and all lunj; nad brnn- chiul trouble. ; j Smofce the popular brands Prize , Medul, Guarantee and Uoso Queen i cigars manufactured by S. F. Fouts. tf Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuria, ezma or skin diseases j may Sfcure instaut relief by using De Witt's Witch Hszsl Salve. It is the great pile remedy. Sheepmen, call at Clarke A Fuik'E and get prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip. It is non-poisctioue, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it is an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and ticks. 1 tf We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no plfaa anter or better way to do itthan by rec ommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consump tion and other potions lung troubles that follow neglected colds. Don't annoy others by your coughing, nnd riek your life by neglecting it cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs. colds, croup, grippe and ail throat and lung troubles. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-poisonous fluid dip in the world; guaranteed to cure scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot. Claike & lalk, agents, The Dalles. When you smoke the Rose Queen o cent cigar vou get vonr money 'a worth. . tf Scow load of dry Fir Wood just re ceived a Maicr & Benton's. tf New line of Delft Ware just received at Maier & Benton's. While preparing your garden?, re member Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Sou have many roses, hardy plants and shrub beries, which will add greatly to the ap- i pearance of vour home. m8 dlw-wlui I i riaUM.tt. t ;.. r?..t. r: worm s 'u isuriy :jat.rs, The l.-mcus tl tlr ,,!. T.1UED, V. WIIJ30S. , J.1 AITO.'INEV AT LAW Till u u.uv. ori:io?; O.llcc oei i'irs! Sat. Sinus. Ask yoiT Druggist for a gc-arotu 10 CENT TRIAL. SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm contain no ocains, mercury nor an uthur liijurluusdru. It ! quickly Abiorbed. viivus iiciitii aouce. open and clemmc ine -.a-ii I'M,.,,..., COLD1 HEAD aii - m ini.,1,m.ii and foiecu the Mtahrane. Hettorea lha geiue of Tiuta and Bmell. VuU SlMWc ; Trial iuo .be.; ai umsciaiaor ") man cui anuu'iLeto, 5 Warm fftmt, !fnr Totk. I oiner suDSianco injurious louncn ana can oe usca CTcn ior a oaoy puwuui. J For sale by all wholesale'and retail grocers. cr: ex. mi AND A HALF STARCH. QNLy w MBMT 'iv a-'TwIt'-i do usca even tor a naoy powaer. RAG RUGS. iiiHtraetioiix for Timuc Who cnunot JiaUe Them, Q,lite satisfactory rugs may be knit jr sev.ii lojremer irom i !-, uui uie most durubie rap i"iTs alv thofe woven vt ith warp. Old ingrain carpet.', woolen poods of any kind or description may i be woven into nips or ecrpetix: IIx- cell em rug carpets ere also lisnue out of c'otton- Cotton carpets of this kind arc ",,,re, lU;rable "j?" t,,Me n!adf of woo!, and thev are lighter. J he tsiist . ' , , - . . f . ,. can be shaken out of them more rcad:- jy, ad if neeeKKary the.v can he put into a washtub and thorouirkly cleaned. Thev are, therefore, more iiueiul than woolen :ajr carpetK in the kitclien. Cot- I ton rags shoitld be out about an inch i or three-ijunrters of an inch wide Jt lrill... considCrable diiTercuce whether :hcy arc cut evenly. They may be cut j on the bias or straight. Almost every j housewife understands how to out rags j for r:i;s. These tpeciul directions are i given for "a subscriber" who nskod for j tki.ni: Woolen rags .should be cut eon- j .'lrl(,"t 1.? , 1 ,, 1 jfi.r I ner woolen rajK are cut about three rjuiirters or half an inch wide, heavy coatings narrower, though they must not be s-.o narrow that they will pull apart. Sew nifrs together firmly. Good linen thread should be used to sew them, or heavy cotton. Silk raps make very pretty portieres. The.ie curtains ure woven with linen warp, and the weaver who provides this warp will charpc about c: cents a yard j for his material and work. In n very ; short time scraps of ribbons, neckties' and old uilk irowns accumulate. They. can be cut into rags about the width I of cotton and the pounds crow. It re- I quires about five pounds of silk rags ! to make a curtain a yard and a half i wide by three nnd a hnlf loiur. White ' ribbon nnd silks of light colors work in i well in the "hit and miss" patterns in which the curtains are woven. N. Y. , Tribune. Tlip I-'Irnt Iluynl Woman Doctor. Marie Air.e'.ic, of J'ortugal. enjoy? tbe distinction of bcinc the fiwt woman cf royal birth who bat, ac(iiired the hen orable right to add the Irf'.fr M. I), to j the "Itcrrina' that oo her name. : After a couple cf yearr of hard and j ceriosiF t inry, purfurd urder dif-udvan- tnyes of no ordinary character, since every moment of a (jtiper.V fine Is sup- i taken up by the manifnUl d,i per- aiDlIltr to llCr lot V Mtmcn 'lie hns incl . . M ii.f.. i.t uub.niEi i succeeds el h: psstii.g with ilyinfr color ; the d'irieult examination which cc-: titles her to practice as a phvicnn. i kinpresscs, rjueems and princcse? cf the blood have cu many occatiijrs dif,-' ti!:t,nifbed themselves in ccnnfeHon with t!,e i: ursine of tick nr.d wundrd, ; as wtll ns m'Ui the ori'ari.ntif -. ard mamrreuiM-.t of hcrpifiil,; but Mrrle j Aicr'le, the daughter of the late Ccmte I i de Paris, is the first Jadv born lo the 1 purple to become actually n fuJl-fledgcd ! do'-lcrof medicine, Philadelphia I'reis. OIii-ckp Ccir.m. I TVi inribf. f1tfpn prvfrc I. nil i,n a,... 4 111 i firrd nnd remove the' shell. Carefully cat off one end w'lh n Mmrp knife, I ww k w akwaawu VXCiXJU, S'lijHeadqiiarters for Bran. Shorts, rAlSSo vlth this pimte. 1'or forced epjjs boil Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- nn eP m'nutcs and carefully re-J "wn 1 m, , p. ... move the shell. Cut in half, remove the XOU JTlOUr. lmr 18 "wnufuclureil expressly for family yolk, mix it well vith an e.p.ai U8ei every sack i8 Kuarauteod to give eatisfaetion. (iiuntity of biilter nnd anchovy paste, We sell our good lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so and iifld a tout-h of eayenne pepper, Fill cH nd t our prices and be convinced. the ecjr with the well-mi.wd paste und . n - ,iut the two halves together.-i'itts- HigHest Pnoes Paid for Wlwat, Barley and Oats. burgh Dispatch. ..priptipqL For F?easoiable prises. We Print Anything in the rrinlinc Line. Cjive us a trial. Qtyropi pub. 5o. Dalles, Moro and Antelope I STAGE LINE. Throush hy dnyllRht via Grass Valley, Kent nnJ cni.s Hollow.-. UOIJGJ.AS AI.l.i:.V, The DhIIch. V. U. UITKL.VW, Autelnpc, Stases leave The Dalles iro:n I'lmttUla IIou.sc nt 7 n. in., alto from Atiteli at T :;K u. m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. l'oiincctloii muL'c at Antelope for 1'rinevillc, Mitchell anil jioltit.- beyond. c,oh c iiticcilnriR made at Tlic Uatle with railways, trains and boat!'. Slascs from Antelope reach The Dalles Tus.' days, TlmiMlKys and Saturday at 1 :3) , in. rates or r.'.r.r.. Dalles to Deehutcs do Moro. . . do Grass Volley. do Kent do Cros Hollow Antuloi: to Cross Hollows do Kent do (imps Valley do Moro do Deschuees do Dalles ...fl IV . 1 w I 1, . 3 f 0 .. 4 50 1 M . . ID .. 3 00 oo Patronize the Troy 1 y MUflDfY. r ... . ,, si VvnkV loiii-.Nii. nn, All kind of work. White 3 Familr wort nt reduced r tev end delivcicd free. Telephone o H. D. Parkins, Agt, PORKand BEEF HANUKACTUitKl'.H UK jiaauF ACTUrtEKH UK -tti- T j o -uttiu. aux oausagca, . k . Curers of BRAND TT A TlfTCJ Dy "D A 0"Nf ' , JRIED BEEF. ETC. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council of Dalles City, that Union street will bo improved between Mnin and Twelfth Etreets by grading eaid proposed improvement shall be as-! eeseed upon property adjacent lo said ! street, unless within fourteen dayw from uii'i niniig the same, and that the cost of the linal publication of this notice the. ownera ol two-tiurds ol the property ad- jucent to said street file with the re-, TKS, ... , HofiiMi K. Kfvvm-r mlC-Ht llecorder Dalles Citv, Thn ilftllimhin nnnlnnn lln scries 01 stones uy mo greatest living ueutui am! Oiicutai and I'aciiic nmlt tiaiu.stii IBo uulllIDDm rauKlDII uu., Aiutjricc n(i i:iieh fiuiit"H- K-5I,A-Nw,dC,"NA- amus ,,ttto ou PACKERS OF ' Stanley AVcymaii. Mary K. Wllhtiii. AUSTKA1.IA. run he ohtnliul trom Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. il?tnriminTtOYC firvif "Prkllcirl ri-nai-n oil ..Exchange.. Kccii nn draticht tlip tvU-lirntril COM' .Mil i A llhi:i!, ncUiowl I'llcctl ttic ltt Ihi-t In Tlic Haiti's, nt tlu UMial prim fnine In, try it mid be rot vliiml. AIo the 1'linst lrnnN o( Wlno, Liquors mill Clears. Sandcuicbes ol all Kllul nl trays on hand. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ri'.A.VSACT A GEN Eli A LB AX KINO ilUSl.VKij Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chitaao, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections ma le at all points on fav orable terms. Harry Liebe, PIIACTICAL ifnlnIurio.rApl Iniuninr' uanui tuuhuiuj Alt work prompt v attended to, and wrtf.ai.ttd. 174 VOGT BLOCK THE NEW YORK WORLD THRlCE-fi-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'nsen Week. 1 50 Tuner a Year i It stands first among ''weekly" papers jin size, frequency uf publication ! freshness, variett and reliability of cor. j tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly: and its "vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and ' territory of the Union and foreign coun- voudl fop l,'u "curacy and fairness of iip :iea coiumus. It is spleudidly illustrated, and among , Us special features are a fine humor , puge, exhaustive market reports, all the latest faehiuiu for women and a Ion AnUmtiy II (!), ltrrt lltirte, llrauder MulthewK, Kte. yc on"er t,i,j8 unequaled newspaperand ! The Dalles Twice-u-U'eek Chronicle to- gether one year for '.00. The regular price ol tue two papers is ?o;.UU, Notice of Final Settlement. , Notice In hereby Riven that the tiuderl;iied i has tiled In the nltlce of the County Clerk, of I Vuco County, her linnl account ai adiululktrlx ol the CHtate of I. 1. Iluicet. nnd that hv order nl the County Court, fur Mild County, .Monday, the 2d day of May, lflW, has been fixed lis the time uud the eourt room of mil J Court us the place foi the he.'irlnc of nild II mil atcouut. All iurM)iii interested in nnld estate arc notified to appear at mild time and place una thow caiiho why nnld lliuil account Mioutd nut he apiiroved and al lowed. A.T. IIL'IKJET, mcL.Vil. AdmlniHtratrix. ........ T firRMilN 1 ' UIHIIWIII FEMALE PILLS The only nrielual find crnulne I'r encli-F. of Mme St. (lennalii. I'urla. i uroiui inuiuu-u. i.-i me (,-euuiuv, rnee i.i ner box bv nuil . Hole iicenu for the l'nlir.,1 ntat'HRiiil Calliula. KINO IIA1CVAKU CO, j 10 , it uhiiiokiuii ni , i;iuciiro. i atwi i ! ! ! Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Oars Sleeping Car hT. I'Ald fllt.N.SKAI'OI.I OL'LUTil nKANU IMMt UltlMlltSTO.V IIEI.KNA an ItUTTK Elegent Tourist TO Through Tickets TO CHICAGO WASII1NOTON rHILAIlKI.I'IIIA NEW YOItK IltlHTON ANI ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH Tor Information, tlmecaids, uiupmnd tlctelk, cal cm or write to W. C. A 1 -LA WAY. Agent, The IUlies, Orepou or. A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., '1X. MorrlHOn Cor. Thtrd. I'ortlnu 1 0:ei-n EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or T1IK i Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trnltik leave and are dun to arrive at I'nrtlm I OVEUIN'D KX-1 t lire, halein. Hone-1 I liurt;, Atililand, t-uc- id, Hue-1 ilen.Hun l Mojave, f , r m , ) rumeilto, Ocd 6.00 I.M.ii y.uncU ' hj j Ui AiiRelci,Kl I'aKO, I New Orleans und j I Kant J E.'m t ? Itobcuurc and way rta 6.J0 A. ai..UoI ' i'. M ; f Via Woodburn fori 1 Dally eieeiit I i ,'ii..iiei, suvertuii, i , Dally lIlniit , ,t.fli m ini itiifiviii f Kuuduyi 17:30 A. hi. vllle,BirIii(;lleld and I Sunduyi. Natron ) , (Corvalllb fhtiitlmis. . and way) :501'.M. INDKl'KNDI'N'f'E I'ASSE.VGKU. Kxjiresi. tridu Dally (except Hunduy). l:.V)ji. m. (La-. . . . l'nrtluml . Ar.i ("' a, in 7::J l. m. J,i. .MeMlniii'lUe .I.v.J h.M a, n: !j:30 p. in, (Ar In(!eendeuee..Lv.) I.;i0n. m Dally. Daily, exivjit euiuiay, DIMNCi CAi'.sllN OGDKS UOL'TK. l'triAJiAX iiukket tsi.f:i:i'i: US AND SlilOND CIwVSn bl.IXi'INO I A Kb Attached to all Through Trahm. Direct connection nt hHti rraiieeo with Otel- 11. KI1IKI.AND, lieket Apent. ThrouRb Ticket Olhee, IIM Third meet, where through tlckeu to all jKiinta In the i:nite;n btate.-, Canada and Euroi can lie obtained at luvveht ratek from J. II. KIHKLANP, Ticket ARtut. AH above train arrive at and depart Irum Grand Central Station, fifth and Irvms Htrtitt YAMHILL DIVISION, raiscncer Dvil, loot of Jeflerwm utreet. U-nvc for 03WEOO, dully, except Funday, al 7:-U a. m.i 12:!W, 1:53, 6:15, 0:'A "sios i. m. (and p. m. on Saturday only, and 9;l' a. m and ..::m i. m. on HuiiUuyd i rorthind daily at 0:10 wid 8:5 our lyj. Arrive nt ;3Ja m. and 1.15, orJU ami TIM j). ui., (and 10:05 a. m 3 13 p. in. ou fcuuuuyB oniyj. U-ave for Bherldnn, week doyii, at 1:30 p. m Arrive at I'ortlaud, u::iO n. m. Leave for A1RL1E on Monday, Vt'odniKday and KrJ Iuj atU:Wa. m. Arrive at Portland, Tune dav, Tliurhduy and Saturduj it 3:05 p. m. Except biimliiy. Except Saturday. it. KOKIiLEK, Jlauater. (i, il. MA HICHAM, Ami. 0. K. S: I'akn. Ast 50 Years 50 t'ndifputed Buprenincy in tho World's Competition. j Coopers I Sheep Dip. Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value of Flock Cheap, Safe, Handy, Clem, Wholesome and Odorlefs. Kocoin mended by Manufacturers, Scour cru and Uuyers. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. 0. G. KobertB, Generul Agent, 2" Abh Si rest, I'ortland, Oregon. J