The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 30, 1898, Image 3

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Wo will open up on Thursday, the product of one of the finest Millinery
Departments on the Pacific Coast.
The slock will comprise Trimmed Goods, from the very cheapest to fine
French Pattern Hats at $25.00 and $30.00. Plain and Fancy Sailors, Leghorns
and everything that is up-to-date in Millinery, and at prices that will astonish
you. Tho Millinery Department will be under the charge of an experienced
Watch for date of formal opening.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
t A. special received to-
4 dav savs:
j Congress is impatient t
i to settle the Cuban mat- J
J ter, and the senators and S
w representatives are in iav
i or of war. The fifty Ke
? publican members say
5 they will give the presi
t dent two days longer to
liy consolidating with
the Democrats the' hope
to carry out their pro
gram. The president has
made demand on Spain J
and on their answer will
J depend the next step
A good gcntlo milch cow wanted. In
quire at this oflice. ut-Ut
Poetum Cerial Food Coffee sit Com
mksion St Groceiy Co.'e. tf
f Mr. McArthur is engaged in fixing tho
(call-bells in tlie Umatilla llouao toduy.
Bicycle sundries, (isliing ttiekle, gum,
rifk'3 and revolvers nt Maier & Benton's.
A new line of 'H3 modele. Li Tour bi
cycles at Maier & Benton'e. Cull und
see them.
Girl wanted to do general houeo work.
Must be a first-clues eook. Inquire
tula office. inara0-3ti
Thu celebrated mnltese cross gardiu
hose, a largo shipment just received It
Maier it Benton's.
A fresh lot ot cauliflower, cabbng
sweets, oranges and lurnons nt Com mis
fon &, liroeery Co.'a.
Revival meetings aio being held in
the Methodist church this week. They
will bu contlued for Borne titno, nnd it
is expected the noted evangelist, Miller,
will be here in a few days to join In tho
Ten dayB more nnd the fishing season
will open. Fishermen all along the
Jiver are awaiting that date no they may
Win operations. From tho present out
look the price of fish will be about 4 cts
We understand that Hie entire family
01 William Gilmorc, of Grand Dalles,
down with measles. Tut-so aro the
ooly cases of I lie disease that we have
hwtd of, and there seems to be little
"anger of it spreading.
The first load of wool of this season
wived in town tills afternoon and
on loaded at Moody's warehouse. This
"Ight tenm Is the forerunner of liun
fl"U of others which will soon be slowly
Special for
Two Weeks Only.
wending in from the country south of.
here for 150 miles. j
A cattle-buyer, who recently made a
trip through Harney county, says there i
are plenty of cattle in that county, but!
1 1 1 1 i . . I
no seiiere, as uie giocKmen ore waning
for higher prices. One buyer had au
thority to pay $18 for year'ings, but wbb
not able to get any at that price.
The river has been on a standstill for
several weeks and little rise can be ex
pected while the present cool weather
continues. Little snow has melted in
the mountains bo far this spring, and a
few weeks warm weather would bring
the water up at an alarming rate.
A number of new residences will, in all
probability, be constructed in this city
during the coming spring and summer.
Judge Bennett is making preparations
to begin the construction of a new resi
dence on Ins lot near Mil) creek, on
Fourth street, while a number of others
are thinking strongly of commencing in
short time.
Tomorrow evening the second match
between the ladies' team and that of the
Commercial Club will be rolled at the
club alleys. The match will consist of
four games, aud account of tho interest
taken, promises to be exciting through
out. Tho evening will be the same as
Tuesday. Both members and their la
dies will attend.
Word was received at noon today that
Bailey of Texas, the Democratic leader
in the house, introduced a resolution to
recognize the independence of Cuba.
Tho president has asked that congress
suspend actiou for sixty hours, and if
nothing is done at the expiration of that
ime, congress will take immediate ac
ton in the matter.
Yesterday Henry Hudson, who was in
the city from Dufur, informed ub that
the majority of farmers in that vicinity
have their Bpring sowiug done and aro
awaiting the results of their labors. The
ground is very dry around Dufnr con
sidering the time of year, and if they do
not get plenty of rain between now and
June the crops may be short.
Mrs. Mamie Wagley-Briggs. grand
chief of honor, who has been traveling
for that lodge for several weeks
past, returned this morning after hav
ing been to Astoria, Portland, Oregon
City and Pendleton. While she was
gone she instituted threo lodges, each
having n chaiter membership of be
twern forty and fifty members. She
states that tho organization is experi
encing moro rapid growth at present
than it bus for years.
List week a letter came to Lakevlew
from the Kast to George Kellogg, a la
borer, who has been living in that vi
cinity for some time, to the effect that
an uncle of his had died, leaving htm a
bl estate. At the time he received tho
letter Kellogg was working ou uie street,
but when lie read of his good fortune lie
dropped Ills shovel and concluded to
u-nrk no more. Kellogg is an old sheep-
shearer, well known in Lake county, and
is said to w a good icnow.
The lovers of good theatrical perform
ances will have some rare treats during
the month of April. Dante will be here
on the 4th and 5th. On the 12th King
Hallabahoola II will be put ou the
board by local talent; on the 14th the
great Frederick Warde will be with us,
while on the lGth James O'Xeil is billed
for one night. It has been a long time
eince shows of such high ord r have
condescended to stop over at this place,
they will certainlv be liberally patron
ized. Sixteen to one. A house of six rooms.
one lot 50x100, all fenced, and niceses-
sary outbuildings, on Sixth street, for
$325. Will take either gold or silver,
without discrimination. This snap is
on the market for forty-ejght hours only,
and if not taken advantage of will be
withdrawn from sale It is not neces
sary to tell you, deae'reader, who to eee
about this; but forfear that you are a
stranger and do not know the only real
estate man in town, you are referred to
W. H. ButtB. vHe's the man that has
the bargains. '
What might have been a very serious
runaway was stopped before any damage
was done this morning. Mrs. Knglish,
who lives near the fairground, was driv
ing down the hill, when at a point a
short distance above the Methodist
church, the horse began to run. Mrs.
English was holding one of her children
in her lap, which prevented her from
handling tho lines to any advantage.
She held on to the lines until Second
street was reached, when, with the as
sistance of Borne meu who happened to
be on the spot, the horse was luckily
The great magician, Dante, will be thu
coming attraction at the Vogt opera
house on Monday and Tuesday, April
4th and 5th, assisted by the captivating
Mile, Edmanda and a well-selected com
pany of artiete, m a program of magic
up to date in every detail, and it is safe
to say there is a charm about the enter
tainment which attracts everybody tho
wonder and delight of young folks us
well as tho old. Dante Is simply a mar
vel beyond the comprehension of the
ordinary, and is one of those instances
where it is necessary to Bee in order to
believe. Dante's entertainment is a suc
cession of agreeable surprises, each toe
ceodlng one being more bewildering. At
all events the wonder of mystic workers
is well worth seeing.
licit of All.
To cleanse the system in a gentle nnd
truly beneficial manner, when tho
springtime comes, use the true and per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Bhy the
gonuiue. Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
Catli tu Your CUecki.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Jan. It, 1694, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after March. 17,
1898. C. L. Pjum.ii'B,
Countv Treasurer.
ror Jtcut.
Good two-room house on double lot;
good garden spot. Inquire of H. A.
Bill at Maier & Benton's store. in21-23
DcWItt's Witch Hazel Slv
Cures Pllto, Scld3, Uuro.
Ctanw Sale
One '95 Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
One '9G Cleveland.... QQfl
Gent's Wheel MflU
One '95 Eagle Cent's QQfl
Wheel MUll
One '97 Boy's Eagle
One '97 Girl's Eagle tQP
Wheel 4UU
In order to make room for
our new slock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
Convict Escapes From the Penitentiary
tit Salem
Despite tho vigilance of pen'tontiai y
officials since the enforced idleness of
prisoners by reason of the shutting down
of the foundry three weeks ago, it was
discovered Monday morning that Con
vict Charles Kenedy escaped Sunday
night, It was one of tho mo9t ulover
escapes ever made from the Oregon stale
Kenedy drilled a hole through his
iron cell, made the chimney large enough
to crawl through by removing bricks
from the thick wall, cut through tho tin
roof and swung from the top of the 'main
building to to front yard by means of a
rope made of blankets.To reach the roof
he had to dig through about twenty-four
feet of brick. Following the course of a
small aperture made the work consider
ably easier.
It must have have taken some time
to accomplished the work, yet suspicion
was not aroused until he failed to an
swer to roll call.
Khinohart, his call-mate, a noted bur
glar, was left behind without either
clothes or blankets, Kenedy having car
ried them to tho roof, while Khinehart
was too largo for tho aperture.
Kenedy was sentenced from Washing
ton county in 1S95, to ten years for as
sault with a deadly weapon.
Soiih of Vetcmiih' Kiitertulinnent.
Tho entertainment given by Vnrney
Camp. No. 4, Sons of Veterans, latt
night was a success in cyery particular.
The guests began to nssemble at 8
o'clock in the Btntll hall, nnd after the
Bed Men finished their tribal affairs for
that sun, they graciously snrmiilored
their hall so that they might have suffi
cient room for tho large crowd which at
tended the exercises. Tho program was
just lengthy enough to sharpen tho ap
petito of the young .for the enure that
was forthcoming. Every number of the
program was good and showed unusual
care In selection.
Tho music commiltco took charge of
the floor after tho entertainment was
over, and the dance was on, being en
joyed by young and old until 12, when
the guests departed, well pleased with
the entertainment and hoping the Sons
of Veterans will give another in tho
near future.
ftucuieii'v Ariuisu naive.
'f lie best salvo in thu world for ciur,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovci
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilhhilnr,
corns, and all skin eruption-), aud posi
tively cuius piiea, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. I'rice 25 cents
per box, For sale by Blakeley ami
Houghton, druguista.
Mieeiuiit'ii, Attontloiil
Clarke & Falk have iccuiod tho
agency for tho La Plata Sheep Dip,
Mixes instantly with cold water,
Dr. Shackelford has removed Ids office
to room H, Vogt block, over the post
office, nil7 2ni
"Very Much
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.60 to
New Ideas at
The Wheel that sells
5 Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Wo have strictly First-Class
? Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
Klitlcule, However, is Sot Arcuineut,
and Facts are Stubborn Thtugs.
Stomach troubles are so common and
in many cases bo obstinate to cure that
people are apt to look with suspicion on
any remedy claiming to bo a radical, per
manent cure for dyspepsia and indiges
tion. Many such pride themselves on
never being humbugged, especially on
This fear of being humbugged may be
carried too far ; so far, in fact, that many
persons suffer for years with weak di
gestion, rather than risk a little time
and money in faithfully testing
the claims of a preparation so reliable
and universally used as Stuarts Dyspop
8ia Tablets.
Now Stuart's Dyspopsia Tablets are
vastly different in one important respect
from ordinary proprietary medicines for
tho reason that they aro not a eecret
patent medicine, no secret is made of
their ingredients, but analysis shown
them to contain the natural digestive
ferment?, pure aseptic pepsin, tho di
gestive acids, Golden Seal, bismuth, hy
drastis, and mix. They are not cathar
tic, neithor do they net powerfully on
any orpan, but they cure indigestion on
tiie common sense plan of digesting the
food eaten promptly, thoroughly before
it haa time to ferment, hour anl cause
tho mischief. This in the only secret of
their success.
Cathartic pills never have and
never can cmo indigestion and stomach
troubles bec.iusu they act entirely upon
the bowels, whereas the whole trouble is
really in tho stomach.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, taken af
ter meals, digests tho food. That is nil
there is to it. Food not digested or half
digested Is poison, as it creates gas, acid
ity, headaches, palpitation of tho heart,
loss of flesh ami nppotlto, and many
other troubles which are often called by
some other name.
They aro sold bj dinggists everywhere
at 60 cents per package, Address Stuait
Co., Marshal, Mich., for book on stom
ach diseases or ask your druggist for
A liri.'0laU'l.
Mr. und Mrs. O. O. Knglish t'ako this
means of expressing their appreciation
for the nets ol kindness shown them by
friends during thu illness nnd after the
death of their Infant child.
fur rtiiic.
Ono lot, No. 7, block 7, lligolow'e Ad
dltiou. Cheap for cash. Apply to or
address Mns, it J. Wii.kon,
mcli30-lv Telephone 118,
To Uiiii) u Uolii lii flue Day,
Tako f.iixativo llromo Quinine Tub-
lets. All druggists refund the inonoy if
they fail to cure, Son,
Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, pigs' feet
aud pickles in bulk at Commission k
Grocery Co.'u,
to the Good."
Bieyeles.. I
every point.
at an honest price.
J. T. Peters & Co,
Kooms In Mrs. Drlttln's Lodging House.
At the Diamond Mills,
Good milling wheat. Tho highest pricey
paid. mchlG-tf.
An Interesting Story is attractive at
all times. No one can afford to let tlm
evenings at home bu spent without good
reading matter in these duys when pood
hooks cost eo little. Our stcck offers
some very attractive, up-to-date anil
standard literature which will interest
I. C. Nickelsen
Book St fllusic Company.
Why do wo retail more Cigars than
Why do smokers go out of their way
and paES cigars of the same grade?
Not because wo have hotter cigars
or l etter brands, or any greater variety;
no, not that.
Why, bccauBo we have tho finest ci
gar case in the state and keep our cigius
in better condition.
Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co.
A fci1cndl(l titsuortmcnt of Vvgu-
Etutilu. (iiinlon ami Ciruss Seeds tu "VPJU4
Hulk. Rwxl Wheat, Bout IMU, JCJU
Bvud Hurley, bmi Heed Itye.
Oil Meal l-'uku am) Fertilizers
EIlco HupiillcN, Kurly Itnbu 1'otu- im mm
toon. Kleveu kinila of Hut ehn MJ
Seed t:or. J'onltry iiud Km mmm
bought Mini told ut
CIiohii (!n)i llrooery mid Feed
Btore, Hecond und Union Bin.