The Mies Daily Chamkk. Ailvertlolne ltateo. JYr tnc h. Oactuch or less lu Pally 1 Orof two Inches and under four Inches. ... ICO Over four luetic? nod under twelve Inches. , 75 Over twelve Inches . .. 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or lets, rer Inch 13 SO Over one Inch and under four Inches. .. S CO by one Wallace McCamtunnt, nj youth not altogether unknown to fame, upon the political situation in j Multnomnh county, has refused to( publish answers to the same written b3 opponents of Mr. McCnninient and his political godfather, Mr. Si mon. If such he the case, the Orc- Orcr four Inches and under twelve inches.. 1 SO. : fip,it; : in;miI ,,c over wdvc inches ioo soman is not itiliilling its claims as ;nn independent jounml, which is not, weckiv ciubbmr Kate. j the omnn of any man or faction, i Recommendation. Chronicle and Oregonian ?2 25 , T, , t t- t u , , jn !i j r n o; ' 1.65 ! evidence is suppressed by one side, it Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle and Inter Ocean Chronicle and Tribune. . . . Chronicle and N. Y. World WEDNESDAY MARCH 3 Gill for Republican County Convention The Republican County ConvcuUon of Wa?co coniitv, 8mte of Oregon, is hereof called to meet in Italics Citr, in said county, on Wetlnasdar. April C, 189H, at the hour of 8 o'clock n. m, of sa'd ilnv, for the Ton-pew of nominatingcandidates for the follow inf county officers: One Conntr Commissioner, County Clerk, Count) Sheriu", County Treasurer, County As scfeaor. County School Supeilntendent, County Coroner and County Surveyor: also precinct of ficers for the several precincts of said county: aad ten delegates to the llepublican State and Second District Congressional Conventions, and to transact such other business as may properly come oeiore sato. Louniy uonvenuon. The convention will consist of 93 delegates chosen by the several precincts, and the several precincts of said county w ill be entitled to repre sentation in said convention as follows: I 7j is regarded as indicating that if the' i evidence were produced it would be lg!)g ; against the party wishing to suppress, it. If the Oregonian be wholly right in its views of local politics, it should not be afraid of anything the Anti Simon people may say. .ass B 4m8ms: Joseph Simon will make a despcr- A reconmiendat:on is necessary to many persons. A drucsist appreciates it when coming from a good physician arc i tntion we shall endeavor at all limes to retain. , 8 Klnsslcy .8 Hosier . .2 Nanscne . 3 Oat Grove. .1! Ramsev .... .4 Tytfh Valley . ... .8 Trcvitt 0 Visnto 5 West Dalles .2 West Hood Mver .6 Wamlc .3 Antelope . IUkIow . . BJdin . iiakc Oven . . . Ortnmbia . IKifnr Deschutes . ast Dalles . East Hood HI 'er. -Eifht Mile.. . Falls The same being one delegate at large from each precinct, and one delesate for every twenty-five votes and one delegate for every fraction over one-half of twenty-Eve votes cast In each of said precis els for Hon. T. T. Geer, Kepnblicjn candi date for pristdential elector at the November election in ISM. Bated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 3th day of llnrch, 1608. J. 51. PATTERSON, Chairman Republican County Com. 31. T. NOLAN, Secretary REMOVAL OF THE MAJXE. The objectiou raised by Spain to the removal of the wreck of tlio llaine from Havana harbor are sim ply vexatious and untenable in law, tate or international. The right of n owner to remove the wreck of n Mtnken ship is limited only by his ability to perform the work of re moval, saj's the Tribune. The right txists whether the owner is a gov ernment or an individual. Because it is lying in British waters, the British Columbia local authorities leccutly nttempted to prevent the owners of the Corona from raising its sunken hull. The minister of the interior overruled their action and the owners were al lowed to continue the work on the wreck. The acquiescence of our government to the objections of Spain is to remove further conten tion the Spanish government might raise in regard to the controversy connected with the Maine disaster. That our government does not exer cise its right to remove our sunken warship is no conclusion agr.inst the existence of the right. Spain's objections can be waived for the present. We have methods ly which our wrecked warship will find itself once again under the Hag it, living, carried so bravely, or, if it remain where it is, futurity knows that the bottom of Havana harbor will be n part of the soil of the United States. ate struggle for political existence at; especially. The character of onrdrtips, ,, n ,,, .. , . I the dispatch and nccrnacv with which all the Republican convention in Asto- forniuIns are ueateii has made us a renn- na. If he and his candidates beaten, Simon will soon pass from off the political stage and a new dispen sation will begin in the Republican part'. The reports from the pri mary e'ections held in the different counties indicate that the anti-Simon sentiment is very strong. If the Simon-Scctt combine is defeated in the district convention, Judge North rup should get his running harness on again, as there will likely be nnother bolt. Governor Lord has but little time left in which to call an extra session. If he refuse it will be but carrying out the trade which Simon made with the Populists at the legislative hold-up a year ago. yMtMS PILLS IMtHIHtMHHMHIIMIIIIMHMNHMH A18 ....THE... IQII Qii Weekly Inter Ocean iMI LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PIPER IK THE WESTS It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earnestness..., kBut it can always be relied onj for fair and honest reports of all po-1 iitical movctncntJJJJJJJ! J THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of its columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents. THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas aad aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint J 1112 IN: i RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. ! 175 SecoDt Street, THE DALLES, ' i I I i ? SI.OO-PIHCE ORE DOLLAR KR YEM-$I.OO m m 8 THT. DAILY ASS SUKDAT HHT10WS OFTHE UTTER OCEAN AKZ BEST OF THEIR SMB. Price of Tlallr l,.v mail I'rlce of Kuntlny li.vmall.... Daily and Suti'lajr by mall per year S2 OO per year .$0.00 per year HI Wholesale. Just GUhat You tttant. JWflLiT LiIQUOSS, CUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ONE FOR A DOSE. Rrsore Pieplw, Pr-reat Eilira;a4, Purify the Blood. j.ureiisauctioandIrip.-p!i. , 55 c Pi"? "HI null umpla five, or ri! boxfor Rev. JE. EJ wards, pastor of the English Baptist Church at Minersvillc, Pa., wlien eaffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, lies-aye: "A few applications of thie liniment proved of great service to me. It sobsned the infiamation and relieved the pain. Should any eufler profit by giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me." For sale by Blateley & Hough ton. Foulz" cigars are on sale at the follow ing places: Sinpes-Jvinersly, Clark & Faik and M. Z. Donnell.druggistE; Com mission Co., Geo. Ruch. Fred Fisher and Chas, Phillips, grocers ; Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection era; Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan Baker, Aux. Buchler, Ben Wilson nnd The Midwar, saloon. If the United States and Spain become involved in war, it will be impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequent!? limn grade Havana cmars will increase in price. Lav in a euiiplv of Prize Medal cigars while the price remains the same. 10 tf Ons Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tht is vkhrt it wii miic lor. YOGT Opera House ANHEUSEE-BTJSCE and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and In oottlos Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real iraita t'on creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Regulator Line I GrandallSBarget I DEALERS IN fyfa All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes, Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete. The Dalles, Or. Tie Dalles. Portland a si Aia Navigation Co.' While the country is disposed to "be patient and give to the president neceesary time in which to try all peaceable methods in settling our troubles with Spain, yet this uncer tainty cannot go on much longer. Many believe we have temporized too much as it is, and have allowed the suffering and murder in Cuba to continue till part of the crime can be Iain nt our doors. Spain has done enough to warrant her being swept from the roster of the nations, and the United States has reasons .efficient to justify decisive action. We trust that President McKmley, lu bis peat desire to avoid the bor row of war, will not delay much JMger. may toon become exhausted, and it will bo hard to prevent them porting to measures more trhifeat Iban are wise. MONDAY TUESDAY, April 4th and 5th. The Great Dante S'BtfihkirtDifc Cilj FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN Tlic Utiles, Hood lllvcr, Cascade Locks nnd J'urt land dolly, rnvnt Sunday. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer Are 7ou goicg DOWN THE VALLEY j on to (EASTERN OREGON? If to, imc money and enjoy a bountiful trip on me i.uiuiiiuin, me nu-i-wiuuu iraiu arrivrh UI ' The Italics In mnple time for imuu.-uccrM to take the f tinnier, arriving in i'ortland in lime (or the outgoinc Houtbcni and Norltu-rn trniim; Kant bound jmniiisein urjivlnc In The l8Ics In lime to take the Eoxt-bouud truln. For lurtht-r infonnctlou npnly to J, N. IUK.VKV, AKent, Ouk Ktrect liock. Portland. Oregon, Or W C. AJ.UWVAY, Ucu. Agt me imuw. uiegou has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. uxho 7UI. Z. DONNELL, PfESCHlPTIOfl DRUGGIST Assisted hy Mile. Edmund end a select The patience of the people "'""P'y of artiets, in the grandest pro 1 gram ever preiented. Jew 111 every de tall. It ,i itattd itbat the Oregonian, rlilefa to publWimg u series of letters Executor's Notice. TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Noticed hcrtby Elven tuut the underMcntd. i executor ( the etlale of i:ilinljclh J, Holton, j decetucd. liaji tiled liU final account as uiid ex-' A deluge ot illulotJ. A cyclone o( ordcf nmde Jn(j d-ltd the 23lb dny olMurcti.j JHIf A leant of tnyitcry. uaie. mirth, RM.tam court ceticnatca Mor.aar. tiie'i diiv of iluv. 1M. t tbe time and the court- PRICES Reserved Seati, 75c: Buck Irpomfn bailea city. WW-o county. Orcon, Root a Kii. ."iill.lrnn me iuco tor inc jieannx oi Mia unai account. CKJH18, OVC , UtlllUren, OC. I ll lK,ni t.t ln. n, n.nvnl nt re uc IlcervM ictU oa mJc at Snln?-Klnerlr Diuic (,'ou'lrtti)' 'ote. nrovi wild Dual account nre licrehr notlrltd Ui be urea. ent nt tl.o time mid itlaco limt shave immd. wchsoi Miimn ii'jwo.v, ii.csuior. The Chpoinele 0.R&M. TO THE EKST! GIVES THE CH0ICK Or TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -V1A- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago SaltLake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. 01. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five days lor ALASKA POINTS. OCEAN HTEAMEItS Lear I'urtlanU JCrery Four IT Kir SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. StcatnerB monthly from Ponlnnd to Ynkolinma nnd Hong Konj; via North ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. R. fi N. For lull detail call on 0. K A Co. a Agent Tbe Diilleti, or mid reus W. 11. Iirm.ItfliT. (Jen. 1'nnh. Agt , rnrtlnnd, Or KODSO.V, CAItl.ll.t A CO., (icn.AKt.. North I'ncltic btciiuislilp t o. TIME CAKI). No. I, to Holiitnc nml fitent Northern arrlvrn ntfi:L'ii. m., leaven nt 0-:i(i p. nt. No. to rcndle- Inn. Itnki.r IMtv null 1TtiiiiTi l'nff Hn. nrrl.M. .f It j . .!....... ..., ... l. 111., UVI'IIIUI lli 1 1U. No H, from SjKilimie mid Orrnt Korthern, nr rlveh ut 6 M u. tn., deiartH nt r.:.V a. m. No. 1, from ltukir City ami Union 1'iicillc, arrives at 3:'.U ii. m., dt'i.iirtK ut :!::t0 a. m. The follnwlnt: freight trains carry tmssttiRCtH on the Itrtt mid aceoud district", hut do not atoii ut Rtatinn jiiut tiirtnf : No. 7.1 wcht, nrtivc nt p. in., depaiti ut 0 1 it. nt. No. 21 east, nnlvcx nt12::o ji. tn.,ilciiartsnt ' "'V, II. HUUUJCKT, Ocn. I'ats.Act 1'orlland. Oregon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ip-K'nersly Drug Co. So 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON J. 8. UCIICNK, rrefciaeut. ii. M- MEAf. Citsblct First National Batik. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General .Banking BuBineeB tranEaetea Depoaita received, eubject to Kigut uraii or . Oolleetlons made and uroceedo promptly . . . 11, remiuodonaav 01 conuci""", Bight mid Telographlu Kxcliauue eold on New York, San Francioco mi vori' land. UIHHOTOHB D. P. Thommjow. Jko. H. Sciiwcfc Ed. M. Vilmav8, Geo, A. hif U. M. Bkai.i.. jus-ueisKNuuitrreit kukbv, PJiysiciaus and Surgeons, 8clal attention given lo attrscfy. Kootn2Unl?2, Tel.KW Vogl W- HUMTIMOTOK " WIU9!' HUNTNOTON it WIWON, TIIK WAI.l'l-"! v" Oftlco or Flrt Nat. Hunk.