Both the method and resnlts when Ssvrnp or r lgs is taken; it IS pieasam and relreshnir to the taste, ana acts tlyvotWmptlyontbeKidneys, "Liver and BowcU, cleanses the sys- -tran eiicctuallv. disncls corns, neaa- i aches and fevers and cures habitual -constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in jts action ana truly Dcnenciai m w f fKn o the women's collepes v.ith im effects, prepared only from the most ; pUnjty. in his letters to his sister, re healthy and agreeable substances, its j10rtsthe Chronicle of that city, he had mauv excellent qualities commend it i spoken of hsr college ns an incubator to all and have made it the most ! several times and said he -wondered TOrmlnr mmndv known. when the chickr would hatch and if r S-n,, nf Tv?ctr fnr calf, in 50 -'J 11 v -ft" " . x. ii i ., int OORira u uu luuuuii; uiuv- , cists. Any reliable druggist who JQ3.V not have it on hand Will pro- j core it promptly for anv one who j Tri3hes to try it io not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA PI9 SYRUP CO. SAM FRAHSISCO, CAL iSUSSVlUS. KT. HW YORK, H.X. rbe Dalles Daily Chrrde. TUB DALLES, OREBUX I'KKSnSAl. JIESTIOX' George WoodrufT, of Victor, is in the city. W. B. Temple is in the city from Dn for today. iLome Davenport, of Mcsier, is in the cite today. A. M. McLpod, of Oaksdale, Wash., is In the city on business. Charles Cartwright, the Hay Creek sheepman, is in the city. Fluh Glenn who has been to Port land for a few days, returned home last evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Ferpuson and con, Glen, left for Scin. Marion connty, Shis muniiD!:. Mrs. Ferpuson, whose ieallh has been very poor for some time, -gnee with the hope that the change of inlitnate will help her. Sjiward Rondeau, an old Wa;co ccumy toy, uho at prrsfnt lives in Ge? vaia. Ma-ion county, arrived in the city lait niht. lie is on his way to visit relatives at Kingsley, and from there arilt go to Antelope to attend to matters of bastnesE. Dr. ForeH Richards, of Donplas, Wyo., and his brother, Barrett Richards", of AJtiodron. Neb., two of the most promi nent tlieep men of those states, nre in the city with their wives and families. "JTtiec are travelin? over this western antry, and seem to bt favorably itii prcesed with Oregon. umlnr Sgou. "The unapproachable master of all ma gician?, Dante, (Elinsonj will be the ai- j Iraction at the Vogt on Monday and "ITaesday evenings, April 4th and olh. Dante, the original illusionist, with 1 " ' "", , iB emire.j .e arro. u. u.,k.u ( .tfee, departs meiderable from anything ti the kind ver presented here in the gust. Dilute and a picked company of twelve , aihle artists, talinted people, each. Mtember being selected for their Individ tl excellence in the greatest unique 1 - .1 ..M program ever presemeu lognner i i i . ? . t lit uu-io-anie ana -siammE oneniai niu- . ejoue. n ait and watch for date. j . I I . i Ctaaniuenaia- unngu i;eineoy. i This remedy is intended especially forj cooghs, colds, croup, whooping cough) The celebrated nandel had such sen ami uifiaenr.3. It has become famous sitive nerves that be could not bear the for iu cures of these diseaees, over a j tuning of instrument'?, and so this was Ian nart of the civilized world. The tnost flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of its good tvorke; of the agcravating and persiet- nt roughs it has cured; of severe colds that have yielded promptly to its sooth- ing effects, and nf the d.ii)Rroui attacks rf croup it lias cured, often savin the Sif of the child. Tho extensive use of , ittfor whoopinB coughs has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous c n- tfpquences. For sale by ISIakeley Houghton. , a fioo't annoy others by your coughing, ! mi risk your life by neglecting a cold. . Hisuie Cough Care cures coughs. . icla'm- i i ii ii . . , crBi, BnHw a.u ... uuuuu ...u , rwble. ad adallB tortured by hurnr, ' .exem. or ikiu diseases iMtmt relief by using De fenlve.-It is thel,y Ieatnet Cannot he Carol by local Applications, as they cannot ronnli tlm dtapaaiwl rvirtinn nf thn par. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitntionnl remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con-1 dition of the mucou linius: of the Eu? - tarhian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed yon have n rumbling sound or imperfect henrinp, nud when it Is en - . ... - - i-i i j tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and 1 unless the inflammation can be taken UUt niiU J tC Ut V l" v w ire tiui uimi : 1 nnnri linn fioonnr trill u litirnvtuA Fnr ' ever; nine cass out of ten are canned by catarrh, which is nothing but an in- Asmarl 1 1 1 1 n,, nf tti mmviiN enr. We wiu give 0ne nundrel Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused iy catarrh that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. .ndrcnta; fr j -Sold by Druggists, 75c. (5-10 FRESHMAN GETS A LESSON. :rr Mom- Girl. TcacU a Sportlvr llarvnra Youth Mnnnrrn. A Chicago voumr wan in Cambridge' i found recently that he could not make they would take a postgrauuatc in a brooder. His sister didn't cave much j ,1,:,, tmr, , l.rntl.or . m,:;,,,.af.e,h:an himself. albeit S warvarti f resknian, nor did the other , rrm Mawr trirls, 1o whom she repeated J his lemarks. I On the day of the receipt of a letter j to inspect the "aiiparatus" the lTiem-l' i.. ,.f ,:.- t.:r,v i-L-, r, TT.n..rir.,v in her room. On his arrival, two days later, he r.-as ushered wth pome cere- monv into the reception-room. After wsitin?:iMmnutoSa pncamoiiiD part Havana tobacco. Consequent in humeuly. looi.ed fairly at him and , h criuk, navaim c,c.lti ,v;n i,icrel! said "Oh! " Then .she left abruptly. In 1 five minutes a sefmd rirl rur.hed in. savmcr Oh: tunieti rounu aiul v.-aucuii out. Five minutes later a third prl did likewise, ami m anotlier live n'Jiitites it happened ain. Thin continued for just one Lour, when all of the 20 pirls that had said "Oh!" topether with about as many more, all strangers, came in in a body, said "Oh!" and filed oux. Tlien the freshman's sister camr in. i by which time the youth was ready to j collate, and asked him how ho liked j the chicks, and if he didn't think thev ' could peep prettily, after which she in- 1 vited him lo a spread in her room with ' the chicks, where thev demonstrated they could pick up crumbs as wci! as peep. I PIN HOLES IN THE CHECKS. ; Only One of the Ca-hlor' Prernnllonn Overlooked li- the Fortrcr. In the of a lecture devlivered recently on chemical tests used in dis- ( covering by the ink 'he ne of docxi merits, and whether there have "been in- j terpolations, Pro:. C. A. Dorerr.Ub told ' of a curious discovery in the case of a raised cLeck. made l-y his father, who is nn expnrt in chemistry rnd in docu- j rncnts. The interew:, imol.ed in this case, says the 2ew York Sun, were very large, and it was not practicable that the original cheek should he tam pered v.ith or chi mieany treated. For purposes of testimony an enlarged pho- t toaraph of the check was lakenby Dr. ??rTrr no decision, nnti on ?n- weonti tnai. what purported to be the original check ! u-as produced. It was handed to the cashier of the bank for identificatron. He examined it and said: j 'This is not the ordinal check." j "How do you know that?" demanded the amazed lawyer. i ..Bec;ujBe Ju 1)lt. IPa(5n? Gf the orig- -na, check j 1)rici,.,i hole in the center i of each of the W with a pin," was the ; repl. lint: ri i ltrtur . holes." I In all other respects the cheek. seemeu to oe mcimi-ui. jiic cum i i ! .... 1 1 ...1 fi. T T1 ... m 1 1 ' ,.t,r.T,rrTiti t ' 1m: produced. It plainly showed the pin toles. Upon this the lawyer for the dc . jLn(e threw up hiR case, and the pui mibsti tutor of the false check iled country. - . A Dnrlns Joke always aone ueiore lie arrived at tiie theater. A musical wat' wishinir to ! , m.i.p mirth from Handel's Irn-?f iliif'tv . m-h.e mirtn iroin itanuti fi ira3Ctuil.t of temper, Kiole into the orchestra on a 1 , nifht when the nrinee cf Wales was 1o ' be ,,resent and untuned all the insiru- menls. As soon as the prince arrived Handel gave the sipnal for beginning con spirito; but such was the horrible discord that the enraged master otnrt- ."'1 P f,rcm J' sMt, and overturning a j , iiuiiiiie-u- a tiu.iji aiuuu in ma m, iiv f ' i cnl'ofl n ! itli' 'ii,! tl,riv II ellh I . ..... ... ..... such vi& zt the head of .he leader j iof the band that he lost his wig in the i effort. Without waiting to replace it, he advanced bareiieaucd to ice iront 01 ",e "-'"irn ureaiutng tfuvr. nut so cnoKeo wttn passicn ttai ji .could not speak, - i h! rl.Hn.iloiln nt- ititude he Bt&od utomnicg and utaring for some moments, amid a convulsion onauSnter. Aor ;ocuui ne ue ir.u "Pon 0 u . u. mied Ms t Weak , m J fc ', j 1 a Lungs If vou have courhed and ' tvt yi g coughed until the lining mem- , i g branc o your throat and lungs ' m a Xf . - -1 7Z. V ' I Scott's Emulsion ft i $ of Cod-liver Oil will sooth, g strengthen and probably cure, S The cod-liver oil feeds and m strCQ?thcns thc weakened tis- sucs. The glycerine soothes I $ and heals them. The hypo- Ig hosohitcs of Umc an(J mpart tone and Vigor. Don't X Jt ... r i neglect these coughs. Une w T bottle of the Emulsion may do $ more for you now than ten m can do later on. Be sure you g get SCOTT'S Emulsion. 9 u, rt Al! rli!ilt r uv. irA St .ISO. W j ' i m SCOTT BOWSE, ChtmUts, Sew York. W e$f$es$$e$$4T Just thin, $2500 will buy 100 acres, fine fruit farm, three m three milch cows, hv &Tm lnipiemuvis, i wo w:ici'us. uuv i . ' cotnpieit. ir;iv.ivfj: ii vti.t;ttnu For further information and isrga,n .-ee ,u . ! j tiie raited States and Spain become : ;n,.iu,i ;., nni i, imnnsiilile to! :U'v hicll cnule Uaana cipirs will incruj-e in nrli. i.nv III H SUlUllV Ol 1 TISe ,.;r,.ira " hile the nrice remains i ilt. siitne. 10-tl COUl,h t!ie m05t diatrcS8. : . . , B malady; hut its dnratinii cn be cut -hort by the use of One Minute Ongh , Cuie, which i? also ihe bet known remedy for croup and ail iunp and bron- : trouble. COVERED WITH HUMOR "When I woj thirteen yca oM I t'cpsn lo liare (one cyc act! can.anu Iroin raveurc a humor snrcad. I doctored with live JlQcnnt nkljful doctorf, but thoy did ran no trooj. My dlea-o wa Kczema. Uy thi tlrno it hai cods all nvnr my hx-ad, lace, and body. JSotxxly tltoucht i wuald live, and would riot have i.tit lorC'LTi' CnA IlcEiiira. I ud four bjztc of ClTin.v, fire eafce of Crricrr.A t'op. and Ihrct bo'.!e of Ccticckx Uciolvext. Uy hair a!i came out at that time, but now It Is o Unci: I can hardiy comb It. 1 am inU'ca ycari old, ncih lJ pounds, and am perfectly velL UlM IltEAX Gi:jJ DKI., Clayton, 2T. V. SriDT Cess Trj.Tat.tT Wrm Satla wlih I'r ttccka &iir, -cnt applftaton ol Crrici, (oint rKol). acd mild tan cf Crriccxx r.zsoLTtsr.tolrU of hamor caret. Sold throaihfitit th world. Frlc. Crnrrri. irr.i Sojr. Zici Kun.rr.jr. Ac. nd 11. I'DrTr.; ll-in ann Cbkm. Cokf brte I'mru- Uin. jy liovto Curt tct7 bxiu lluoar,rr.tJ!dfr Cakli lu Vimr CtiecfcH, A tt n r, , t. irn,,inlc registered prior - - - j2 iZJt.W jgpg q, l, I'mLurs, Connt v Treaenrer. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thit u wht it -vn made lor. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cure. Pil. Scalds. Hun,. tRtt TRiA! TRFflTMFNT ' fci" I TO EVERY MAN. This offer iB made bv the ILLINOIS STATE CftWITH DIIIM unit 1 1 nuiuiii , provided nppli'-atioii be made nt riuee, in order deed. IU remedies uud cppUaurea bare U-tn commciidcd by the neirsjaiHTu of Two ContI-1 ' neiits and 1 endorsed by the ;relit doctor in; . the world. Where deiulownent U dtxired. tiicy , ateonipUsh It and never fail to invigorate, up 1 build and fortify. ! n-t I .. . . 1 1 f T I, .... . ... manently alop all fosies which undermine the I -iolllu.Io" and rrMUce cir:r.fliry. Tlicy I fe.tone, tefreh and restore lo manh(!, rr- ' curdle f UK. They cure evh huMix nnd I-- maiiently temove their well a . SSE,bfta or rMVlxiw StiA' j ,u1l",;i',,:,1 i,?ie';i1?'i; u" ,,u",, wrTninTa qt a tp d a tjtt a PTTTfcf jU"IO mttu. ifi. - ' Ask your Druggist for . generous IO CENT TRIAL. SIZE. Elf's Cream Bali rontait t o cocaine, mercury n"r an other lojuriooj dru3. Ji it qalck!y Abaorbed. UItm Ke:irf atoocc It opetia and ekx:,i th Null PaultM QMiEHfj lidaVro,SS"!oSa ct Tut aaa fiiU. FuU Mm sue. ; Trial Mm '.; at UrawMaar by Malt i vv7 ....... "-. . ; : cucci. uuicco iiuiii omii vct-n uum ii uni i y rftm-5?Te wPlrlhle "puf; ! the buBl publication o notice the u ! ,V,i" rr,wu'; the llclir.Hnd prove their own morlu by actual . owners oi two-uiirus oi tiie property ad- , oT,, AI, l0V,njt eTAltm, .une anil i.ernijiMeiit cur. .No J"ei jaceilt to Bald Street file with the re- NKaiuot Mild estate are hereby no'illeil to pre whatever will be ilt-civrd b the Illlnol. t , , .,;,, rB.r.,,otran,. -iinc. unt them, with the uroner vounheri.. to m,. n hitnMa'uniiriiman thculflce of W. II. WIKou, In Dalle City, Ore- Mneatutt!UienMnciairaMiitaraekDl.Mi.,eBH proposed iui proement. ,nn uim Mx ,,'( the UaU-of thin alKMFiu taSB KtmiEKS. 1 Wi Ms!fnrTk, Ue pre Doir;? rtistie por Reasonable pnees. "We Print Anything in the Printinc Line. (Jiue us a trial. Qr)ror;i(;l pub. Qo. IfirHP'ill. Mora and Antelope, STAGE LINE. Tlirousb by i!avlii;ht via (its Vntlcy, Kcul null Cn? Hollows. IIOITCII.AX AM. EN, The I)alli-. O. SI. W 11 ITKLA tV, Aiiteli. 1 .-"taccs Uuve The Dalles Irotn rmntllla House j,lllllv , wedneslnr end Kriilaj-. t:nnwrtlon ! m..rf nl lninlnix fnr I'Hiipvillp. Milpht'Il K'iri : i"ii t beyond. Clow c mccilmi iimdcutTtic ' f laTT. rlth n;llivnR trrin n'ifl lwultii. ! i - n ... f.n,., li.intniiA T Vi r Im1mi Til -ft. days, Tnurruays nun saiuiuayj ni i .iSi i. iu. j n.iTr. of rsr.K. Dalles to Ie-chuti . ?1 N) , do iloro 1 M do (tra? VuUcy - - S do Keut 3 . ; An.gfopejoc Hujvi"." j ' Kent- - do Crius IIoUnn t t I i ;u : I .in n.w viii- . ftt do Jloro ! do litecliueci do Dalles S CO Patronize the All kind of work Walte Shirts, a Kpeclalsy. Fnrailv work nt reduced r t-s. Wash cotierteil and de'.iveied Itee. Telrjiliunr .u. llll. H. D. Parkins, Agt, me Columbia PacKing Go., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANCFACTrith'UU OK Ld and Sausages.! Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON. JRIED BEEF. ETC. ! NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council of Dalles City, that Union street will be improved between Main aud Twelfth strcetB by grading bikI filling the same, and that the cost of i 8al" J'ropoMJU improvement sliall be as- i sesseu 1 upon property adjacent lo said j , unless within fourteen days from j , etreet Dated this 15th (lav of March, 1893. lidOKl: U. fclNXOTT, mlG-Ut llecorder Dalles City. Wasco Warehouse Company TTp.nrlnnnTtPTJS "for RpppI drnir Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, &u kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SrndM?"Lki.nEED .Headquarters for "By ere' Best" Pendle ton FlOUT ThJa Floor ' ue; every We Bell our good lower than any bouse io the trade, and il you don't think so " nd nd convinced. Uighmt Prices Paid for What, Barley and Oats. ..ghas. mw Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kroi on dranstit tlic cclolirntefl COI.IXU1IA MAUI, ncknnu'l filcwt l lip lcst bevt In The IIhIIi-s, at Iip uual yxicv, rnnie In, try It nml lie ro: vliipcrt. Al-o tlic I'iUPM lirnndt of Win;., Lliuor uiiil Cleat. Sandwiches of nil Kinds uln im on hand. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. fUASSACT A GENERA l.DAN'KI.NO BCE1SES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eatitern States. Sight Exchange and Telecrnphit Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, St. Louis, San Franci?ro, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wnh and various twints in Orejou and Wachincton. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. HADDV 1 I F RF tv I LvUi-', PRACTICAL Watchmaker! Jeweler All worS iromvt!v to, kiiiI worraliU-d. 174 vogt block THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 1'accK a Week, lr.O raiur h Yuar It rtands first among "weekly" pnjiers in eize, frequency uf publication frechnesa, VHriet and reliability of cor. ; tente. It ie practically a daily at the low j price o a eekly; and its vast liht of ' eubfacribere, extending to every state and ! territory of the Union and foreign coun i triee, will vouch for the accuracy aud ' fairness of itn news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashion for women and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American aud English authors, Cminu Doyle., Jerome K. Icrome, Stanley IVeynian, Alary K. Wllktn Anthony Iloiic, Itret llurte, I JSramler SlnUlic, Etc. We offer thiB unequaled newspaperand The DalleE Twice-a-V.-ek Chronicli) to gether one year for The regular price of the two papers is 3.00. Kotice of Final Seidcmenf. Notice la hcrehy Riven Hint the underl!iifl lias Ulitl in the uthco of the County Clerk, of Waco County, her linal ft-coiint m adiiitniiitrlx of the ealale of J. I. limpet, and that by order ol the County Cou-t. for paid County, Monday, the 2d day of May. HW. hax heeu lixed an the time - . mid the court room of tuIJ Court tiie place for ! the hearlnc of ald litml account. All vnionK I Intereatud in "aid eatate uolllled to npiur at said lime and place and Hhow chum: ivhyaald tiual account hhould not be npiiroved and al lowed, a. r. lit' hue r, nicti.Vil. Admiiii.Hriitrtx. Administratrix Notice. Notice Is hereby given Hint the underafKut'd a been rcKulnrly oppalnted by the county notice. , Dalle City, OriRon, Kb. 'J3. b&. CAIIUIE M. JOHNSTON, fi'MC-1 Admlulttratrlx. 18 manufactured expressly for family Mtck is guaranteed to give satisfaction. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'Atll. MINNKAPOM UULUT1I KA ICOO OKAND rim CKOOKSTON HELENA an HtlTTE TO Through Tickets TO OIUCAOO WASII1NUTON rlllLADELrillA 'E IV VOISK IIOHTON AND ALL. l'OINT.S CANT anil SOUTH rfirluformaUon, slmccnrUn, raHjiiaud tlcteu, cnl un or v?r)tc lo W. C. AU-A WAY. Apent, Tbc Dallvk, Orpgon on A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. G. i. A., 1 ZVk Cor. Third. 1'ortlauJ ore Oreciin EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or T1IE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. ; Tralut Ivcvcnnd nre dui to arrive at I'ortUt OVEitUVND KX1 I j i)rt, Balvin, Kom.- 1 1 1 I burR, Ahliland, Hue- I ! j I tuuiento, OcdcmSua r ,M 1 FraiicUeo, Mnjnrc, f ! 1Mb A!RrIee,i:i 1'hho, j i I New urleniia cud , VEuht J . I 'C:C0 1' i:30 A. M uowtiurg cua way na- timid fVla Wnodhurn furl .viuAnct'l. Milverlon. V. M Daily Sundayi. Dally citejit Suil'Jayji Went riclo, Ilrowtm- I vllie,irlugtleld and I Natron j IT:0 A. M. JCorralli Irtntionn. iC way j :30 1'.M. I.VDEIT.VDEN'CE I'AH.SENGEII. Esprw train Dally (except dunday. ! 1,30 p.m. l.v. . . . 1'ortlmid Ar.i !7:aJp. m. Jai McMlnnrlile..I.v. t 23 a. m M h, jn i..e m h:3t) . in. Ar lidceti(lci)ue.J t,.W.J Dally. tDally, except tiuuday. DIXfNU UAUSOS OGDEN KOt'TK. rt-LIJIA.V J5UKKLT S1.EKI'EKS AND riElON'D-CISS BI.EEl'IXt- (ARe Attached to nil Through Tralun. IUri't't connection at an yrnnclhco with Orel dental and urlentul nud I'licilic isali liiiii.hhiji linen for JAPAN end CHINA. Sailing dates oti at plicullou. ltutv and tlrketx to Eukteru ikiiiU and tu-roiK-. AUoJAI'AN. CHINA, HONOU'U' and Al'tiTKALlA, ean be utitnlned from J. II. KIUKLAND, Ticket Acint. ThrouBh Tirlet Olhec, 131 Third r.trtet, where throuch tlckuta to all point lu the Kustcrn httKi-, Cituada and uro cau be oblalncd at toit rale from J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket AKent. All n.Mire tralim arrive at and depart from '..rand Central Htatlon. Hltb nud Irvtui BtreeU YAM11 1LI, H VISION. I'Mscngur l)eot, fool of JcderMin ktrtct. Iruve lor OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at 7:Mn. in.; 12.30, 1:53, 5:15, 6:35, "hM I: m (and 11 :'M p. tu. on Saturday only, und !):R) a. m and 3:So p. in. on hundsja only). Arrive at I'ortland oally at 0: 10 and K:3u a m, : and 1 :35. 1:15, C:-.'0 mid 7:5.'i p. in., (mid 10:05 a. ta , 31j 5:10 ji. in. on tsuudayk only. Leave for Hheridan, weclt dayt, at 1:30 p. m Arrive ut 1'ortUad, v:S0 n. in. Leave for AIKIJE on Monday, Wednesday and Kri"v at 9:10 a. in. Arrive at I'ortland, Tui--day, Thunidny and ooturduj tt 8:05 p. in. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. It. KOEHI.EK, J7 II. MAUKHAM, Manager. At. 0. f. !'. Aet 50 Years 50 Undisputed supremacy in the World's Competiiiou. j Coopers Sheep Dip. Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value of Flock Clieop, Safe, Handy, Clean, Wholesome and Odorleea. Recommended by Manufacture', Scour era and buyers, Bold by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. 0. G. Koberta, General -Agent, 247 Ab Streat, Portland, Oregon.