c r Easter Wo will open up on Thursday, the product of one of the finest Millinery Departments on the Pacific Coast. The stock will comprise Trimmed Goods, from the very cheapest to fine French Pattern Hats at $25.00 and $30.00. Plain and Fancy Sailors, Leghorns and everything that is up-to-date in Millinery, and at prices that will astonish you. The Millinery Department will be under the charge of an experienced trimmer. Watch for date of formal opening. 1 ALL GOODS MARKED N I PLAIN FIGURES. u The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY - MARCH 29. 1SUS WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. . .... . ' , mure at tins office. m-ot i I'oetum Cerial Food OifTxn nt r.im. mission & Groceiy Co.'e. tf ... , , , ,, , . , . . . w 0u. .v , ...... ... fc rifles aud revolvers at Maier & Denton's. Last night the Regulator brought a large amount of fine lumber from Port land. A new line of "JS models. Li Tour bi cyeks at Maier & Benton's. Call and gee them. Wanted, a bright energetic woman to manage branch office. Address A. B., this oilice. mar2S 2t The celebrated malteee cross garden bote, a large shipment just received at Maier & Uenton'e. Major Stephen Marshall, chief divis- ioual oflicer of the Salvation Army, will speak at their hall tonight. A load of pelts arrived at the Wasco warehouse in this city today from the Baldwin Sheep and Laud Co. 1tet evening one carload of hogs, .which was being shipped to the Union Meat Co. bv Kettle Itros.. of Union. . -. , passed through the city. Malcolm McLennan has purchased, in Yakima county, nearly 500 sheep, from UamJBtrop,pavlnp 3.4Q a headj nicy win probably Lo put on tlie tiiuca go market In May or June. It is not a long way ahead of the state fair, at North Yakima, September 20th, next, the commission announces that the secretary of war will send two troops of cavalry to attend the fair. The unknown man who was killed in the cut below town Sunday night was buried yesterday afternoon. Nothing lias been found so far that would aid in leading to the man's identity. A carlo?d of (Vasco county liotatocs were started over the O. k & N. to North Dakota last night. They were purchased from the producers for forty cents per sack and will firing about i.w in Dakota. This afternoon J. IS. Crossen Is selling oat the stock of liquors in the Cambri ans saloon at auction to satisfy the de mands of the creditors of the late pro prietor, Otto Birgfeld, who, we under hand, has gone Into the saloon business In Seattle. in the Oregon National Guard there re about 1425 men. Recruiting has wen stimulated by the preseut war P'Mpects, and the number Is on the In crease. Kvery able-bodied man in the tate, lietween the ages of 18 aud 45, is objoet to military duty. The number ( l these is about 69,000. Last Sunday Mrs. Obrlst, of Dutch 'at i who some GO years of age, and lo has for several yeara suffered from cl"onlc rheumatism, fell and sustained M Intercapsular fractare of the ulpyJDr. yh"HftW'frTnrail Iimi si -frnini lnt on account of her advanced age, Millinery. Special for Two Weeks Only. PEASE & MAYS. feeble condition and the serious nature nHturu ot the initirr. lin hud a VMrv ilif- nenlt case to attend. However, he has' hones that she will mxiver thn usr of her limb in dne time. The D. P. & A. X. dock is the busiest place in town today ' . . . . A Inroe amount of I r ..:i.. u .,.i.., I . v . ... . ... . 1 tor last evening, which has to be loaded i .... on the uraya lor different establish-i ... ... . U.CUIB, nu UlllBIUO U! 111.! U VUUSIBI1- I mem o. w neat Ming ueuverea lor to- morrow a ooai oy aioouy a vo. Work on the new ferryboat is pro gressing at an astonishing rate. The frame work of the hull is finished, and the workmen are engaged in putting on the outside covering. The ferry com pany has six men employed on the boat, and will endeavor to have it ready for rvice in about three weeks. otters received by friends from Dr. Sutherland tell of his continued im provement, and of his perfect confidence .a.the treatment lie isjajupg Ho also speaks of t tie benefit which Mr. Keister, who is now nt the sime sanitarium, is receiving. Their fiiends will be pleased to hear these encouraging reports. Spain's report of thn Maine disaster differs very much from ours. They barely admit that there was an explo sion, and do not attempt to give any ex planation as to how it occurred. Hun dreds of telegrams are received from all parts of the country insisting that con gress take immediate action, eo says the bulletin. On this evening the Sons of Veterans of Varney Camp No. 4, will give their entertainment at small K. of P. hall. A fine program will be rendered, some of the best local talent of the city having volunteered their services. Everything will be done to make the gueBts feel at home. This in a laudable institution and should have the support of all our loyal citizens. Tomorrow night the steamer Salem f will arrive in the city to take the place; of the Regulator, which will bo laid upj for repairs. As the Salem has not sufli cient power to come through the rougl water below the locks as easily as tin other boats of this line, the freight and passengers will, for tho timo being, l transferred to the Dalles City at tli locks. Word was received from S. L. Brook and Mr. Allaway, who aro at present 1 the East on a businesi trip, stating thai thov wculd start homo this evening an would be In this city about Friday, th 1st. On this date the annual election ol the 1). P. & A. X. Co.'a officials take place, and they desire to be here on thai occasion; otherwise they wouiu proiou their stay. CuutulUtlou Free. All ladies Interested in the moveuiPH,! for a higher physical life for t ie r sex, and all those wishing to learn something concerning the cause and the treatment of disease peculiar to women, ure in vlted to call and consult Mrs. Helen M. Burdlck at Room 26, Umatilla House. mar28 2t. til II An Attempt to Float the Glemnorng. Another effort is to be made before lo"8 to 8ct tlie stranded ship Glenmorag nfl;nt. John Kiernan, who owns her, j ia going to the bench tomorrow to ar range for having the leak in her hull re- paireu temporarily, aim me sanu in ner removed. Jie proposes to cuiiuasort . .,!. i. ,-j of cofferdam around the leak inside and , . i... bo prevent unv mure t-unu irom ueiui: rr.. . ha w, theu be e,eaned Qat mi when fine weather comes another effort will be made to float the long stranded ship. Just what ia to be done with the Potrim pos, also stranded on north beach, is not known, but her owners have had a force of men at work removing the en gines and pumps placed in her, and cleaning her out, so that it is probable another effort will be made to float her. It is generally conceded by those intei ested in the attempt to float these ships, that a riiistako was made by waiting for the high tides caused by winter gales to pull them oil the beach, as the advant age gained by the Mgher tides was more than offset by the accompanying strong winds and surf which could not be over come, and which, as soon as the vessels were moored, always drove them fur ther up the beach or placed them in a much more unfavorable position for working. lleMult of tlio t'rIinarleN. The following is tho list of delegates from the different precincts heard from at the time of going to press today : West Hood Kiver P J Cunning, P tsenberg, G Gessling, J II Watt, E E Ravage, II H Bailey, Joseph Martin, hVilliam Yates. EaRt Hood River J II Dukes, Dlet- inan, si u r.vans, v 11 iiaruiuson, v M Smith. Cascade Locks Walter Frame, L W Russell. A Fluscbmer. R Miller, A T f Drlscoll, C II Trask. Uakeoven Win Lauder, Bud Lohr, jno Harlan. Columbia D J Cooper, Harry Gilpin. Deschutes Geo Rice, L Smith, Gilhousen. Eight Mile-W J Davidson, II Mil hear. Moslur W A Stark, G R Wood, A Stewart. Dufur H Johnson, Eli Hinman, McMeneiny, Tim Edmundson. Ramsey H II Dufur, Win Vamler pool. Wamlc Lou Delsoe, Bob Laughlin, Ben Foreman. Nansene II Hudson, R Fargher. Tygh Valley Geo Maloy, A S Stoge dill, J McCorkle. Antelope I H McGreer, Robt Mays, J M Reede, J D McAndree, Peter Klrch elmer, John Malone, D h Kiinsey, Win Kelsay. Ml v. ftfltteln. Thforniatlon is wantea bb tome wnere- a bouts of a boy by the name of Lewis Perkins, who was stopping for a while in The Dalles with a family by the name of Smith. Any news of him will be greatfully received by his brother, W. A. Perkins, at Toppenlsli, Wash, BlCYCLiES. One '95 Ladies' Cleve- $Qft land Wheel IJQU Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One !9G Cleveland.... iQfl Gent's Wheel f Oil One '95 Eagle Gent's (Qfl Wheel f OU One '97 Boy's Eagle (MD wneei ruu One '97 Girl's Eagle QD Wheel $00 In order to make room for our new slock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON ANOTHER ELEVATOR MISHAP. Life Crushed Out of Mrs. Sarali 15. Chap man, a Willow. Another life has been crushed out in Portland by that vehicle of convenience, the modem elevator. The victim in this instance was Mrs. Isarah B. Chap man, a widow, and the fatal accident occurred in tho Jewis building on Mor rieon Etreet, between Seventh and Park, about half past els on Saturday cvon irig. Mrs. Chapman, who has dressmaking parlors fn tho Dekum building, was on her way homo from her day's labors, loaded down with packages. Her home, since the death of her husband last August, has been in the Lewis building, she and her niece, Miss Ollinger, occu pying apartments on tho fourth floor. Fred Peters, who hag been in charge of the building for eight years and is considered one of the most careful men in the city,was in charge of tho elevator. Upon reaching tho fourth 11 ..or Mrs. Chapman stepped out and was about to go to her room when Peters called her back, informing her that he had a couple of packages left with him for her. She stepped back to the landing while Peters reached for the packages which were ly ing on a chair inside tho elevator. As he turned around to pick up tho pack ages tho elevator began to descend, and the next iriEtant Mrs. Chapman way struck on the head by the iron railing surrounding tho cage door. Peters was horror slrickened and tried to pull her into the cage by her clothes. His ef forts to save her were too late, however, for with a Ehriek she fell to the floor un conscious. The entire building was soon an uproar as the news of the accident spread from door to door and from floor to floor. The Injured woman was at once taken to her room, and In tho midst of the confusion someone had tho pres ence of mind to summon a physician. Dr. Herbert C. Cardivell arrived in re sponse to the call, but at a glance saw that Mrs. Chapman was beyond all surg ical aid. Her Skull was crushed In and sho died within a hour after tho acci dent, never having regained conscious ness. Miss Ollinger was also summoned after the accident, but arrived too late to tee her aunt alive, Dr. Koehler, county coroner,was sum moned, and the lemains wero removed to the morgue. An accident similar to thin occurred several years ago in tho Marqiiam build ing, when Mrs. Clarence W. Avery lost her life thiough the uiicontrollability of an elevator. Uuinlual The great Dante (Klluson tho most wonderful of all magicians, with h bou quet ot mystical Illusions, in conjunction with a carefully-selected company of twelve artists, which will be seen at the Vogt opera house April 4ih uud fi'.h. Dante W beyond question the greatest of r.ll living magician, as his performances are the most original, novel and Inter eating offered theatergoer during the eeasca, Dante's entertainment la new "Very Much ..reseept Bieyeles.. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at The Wheel that sells Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. REMEMBER Wo have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 35. in every detail. Ho will produce sev eral startling novelties in the way of mystifying oriental illusions and magic up to date that should bo seen to be ap preciated. The unapproachable Danto offers his patrons a remarkable program, the most marvelous that has ever been presented. Just Received. The Dout Optical aud Jewelry Co. has just received a new up-to-date eye pro tector. It weighs only two penny weight, made of a composition which will not offset the sight of the eye. It is carried in tho inside band of your hat, and is always ready for use. They retail at 25 cents. Call and see them. We make a specialty of properly fit ting children's eyes, and test each eye separately. We carry a full line of frames, gold, allnminuui, nickel, bronze aud rubber. Wo are receiving new goods daily, and best of all wo guarantee entire satisfac tion. Sheep marking paint; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, be cause tho colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by linn machinery ; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers atldetl to givo it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing off; third.it is much moie economical, because it ia always ready for use. Wo guarantee our theep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clurku & Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. The Light of the Future. Why not be independent and own your oh n little gas plant, which will give four times more light than ordinary gas or electric lights at one-half the cost? App'lcable for use m churches, stores, factories, hotels, residences and country homes ; safer than ordinary gas or koroeeno lamps. Approved by all tno boards of underwriters throughout the United States. We want a first-class agent in every town. Write for cata logue and prices. Acetvi.k.ni: Gas Machine Co., mch20 Iw Akron, Ohio. Heat of All. To clcanso the system in a genlle and truly beneficial manner, when the springtime cornea, use tho true aud per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs, lluy tho genuine. Manufactured by tho Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for salo by nil druggUts, at 50 cents per bottle. rinno Timing. W. S. Geary, tho well-known piano tuner, iB In the city and will rail upon his customers. No other piano tuner has authority to use his name la any way. Orders left at either imisij store will recoivu prompt attention. To Cure it Cola In Oue Hay. Take Laxative liroino Quinine Tab lets, All druggUts refund the money If they fall to cure, 25c, Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, pigs' feet and pickles in bulk at Commission A Grocery Co.'s. to tho Good." every point. at an honest price. MAYS & CROWE. ; J. T. Peters & Co, jKS. EVANS. ! TVrnrYTfiTT' Rooms in Mrs. Drittln's Lodging Itons. Wanted- At the Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat. Tlie highest price paid. mchl&tf. An Inteiesting Story is attractive at all times. No ono can atl'ord to let tho evenings at home be spent without good reading matter in theso days when jrood books cost so little. Our stock offer) some very attractive, up-to-date and standard literature which will interest I. C. Nickelsen Book & fllusie Company. Cigars. Why do wo retail more Cigars than others? Why do smokers go out of their way and pass cigars of-tlie same grade? Not because wo havo better cigar or bettor brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. Why, becauso wu havo the Unest ci gar case in tho statu unit keep our cigars In better condition, Snlpss-Klnersly Drug Co. S E E St A KWuulu i.norlineiit of Vckv tiiblu, tlimleu mid Ui Km) in Hulk, Bett Whciit, Bml Ontb. Bt'i'd Hurley, Hcul Hml liye. Oil Meal C'uko and fertilizer, lleo 8uiUeH Kurly Itoso 1'otu tots. Kluvuil hinds ol llrht cIhvh Bced Corn, l'oiiltry uiul Kg E E D E bOUKIIt uiui now ui J. H. CROSS' n Cheap t'u'li (irot'ery nml td b'lore, Heeuini it ml Union Bit. E E D S IBsR