The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 29, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
Blinding Snow Hid the Ves
sel From the Men.
Tffr,l,lr Tntf r Forty-Scrm 9nllor of
a Newfoundland Sealing
j St. John's, N. F., Mar, 28. The t
1 1 fteamcr Greenland hae reached this 0
l 1 harbor with a grewsome cargo. On J
5 deck were twenty-four corpses and f
4 fifty five men were moaning in ter- 2
1 1 rible tnflVring in the hold in the I 1
1 1 pain of frostbitten limbs and bodies.
1 1 The dead bodies were on the decks '
1 ' ditfigtired and almost unrecognir.a- J ,
! i b!e. The etT.'cts of the terrible snf- . i
feririg which they had endured 2
preterits ones of the most terrible
siclit? which human cyea have
ever witnessed. J
The dead number 25.
The frostbitten number 53. All will
The Greenland set sail from Sl.John'e
about the first o! March on her fateful
voyace. She was commanded by Cant.
George Barbour, and carried a crew of
nearly 300 sealhit titers. The steamer
proceeded northward with the rest of
tlie sealing fleet, but after a couple of
hears she diverged on a separate tack,
and rtnehed the hunting grounds not
long after. All went well until Tuesday
last. Seals were quickly encountered,
and several very good packs were se
cured. Ou Tuesday morning the hunters left
the ship about 7 o'clock as usual, lieu
the lookout reported ice plentiful around
them. The men were clad in light cloth
ing, for the slaughter!!!,; of seals is ex
hansting work. Scattered over the ice
fields, they wandered far from the pro
tection of the ship, and a gale and enow
storm shut them oh" from view. The
icefloe parted and drifted away from
tbe steamer. Long ere the storm had
subsided many of the unfortunate fel
lows had succumbed to the terrible cold
and exposure. Those who dio not die
were terribly frostbitten nnd suffered
excruciating pain.
The lung irght passed, but morning
brought no help, for the storm etIJI raged
and tbe air was thick with snow driven
by the gale. Snow continued nearly all
day, and evening brought no cessation
to the high wind. Another night was
spent iu untold agony. Some of the
victims had already given up hope, nnd
in despair had laid down and died. Ev
ery hour witnessed at the least two
Toward morning the storm subsided
nd clear weather enabled the survivors
to see that the Greenland was not far
awav searching for the missing. The
steamer bore down on the drifting field
of ice, and began the work of picking up
tbe stark bodies cf the deud and the life
tat bodies of the livini?. Twuity-flvo
corpses were taken on board that morn
but twenty-three were still miseiug,
and though the search was continued,
no more were found.
Thursday night the Greenland headed
'ar shore, reacliing jJay dj Verde, pro
wading theneu lo St. John. Most of
the men who perished were married und
have large lamilies, who are thus de
prived of all means of support.
Ilrau Uitt Klondike.
Mr- A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.TVx.,
5f?e Salue
Garland'a 'Happy"
Thought Salve is
made right. It is the
naive you are ture of.
50 cents at DONNELL'S.
Royal Makci the food pare,
wholexome and dtllelout.
aaVW Baai
Absolutely Pure
norn MKitia rootn to., ntw vomc.
has found a more valuable discovery
than has jet been made in the Klondike.
For years he suffered untold agony from
consumption, accompained by heminor
rhnges; and was absolutely cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares
that gold ia of little value in comparison
with this marvelous cure; would have it,
even if it cost a hundred dollars n bottle.
Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lung nffections are positively cured by
Dr. King's 2?ew Discovery for Consump
tion. Trial battles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. IJemilar size
50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded. 2
Three Fanilllen I'erlslieil In I lie Indian
South McAllisteii, I. T., Mar. 2S.
A terriffic wind storm passed over the
country between this place nnd Colgate
last night. Four farm houses were de
molished nnd the occupants of three
of them are reported to have been
killed. Those reported killed are:
James Seafoam, wife and three child
ren. Pendergrnss and his rntire family.
Samuel Stinson, wife and five child
ren. I'assengers arriving fiom Lehigh to
night, state that in the country south
east of here the tornado did great dam
age, and that many are killed and in
jured. Physicians from the various
towns along the M. K. & T. railroad
have been Eent to the scene of the re
ported disaster. In the vicinity of South
McAllister it it is reported that minor
damages were done.
A cloudburst near Eumrnit last night
washed out or submerged about twenty
five feet of the road. A washout is also
reported en the Choctaw, Oklahoma and
Gulf road, near Galvin, twenty-five miles
northwes of here. The ' Katy" road is
handling its freight and passenger traffic
around the washouts by detours over the
Choctaw and the Missouri Pacific lines.
Free I'll!'
Send your address to If. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy iu action and arc
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipntion nnd Sick Headache. For Ma
laria nnd Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to bo purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys-
I tern. Kegulur size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
Frrexe In Kan and Missouri.
I Kansas Citv, Mar. 28. Freezing tern
j perature, close to 20 degrees above zero,
prevails tonight throughout Northern
j Kansas and Northwestern Missouri,
which is, throughout tho territory
' named, a fall of -10 degrees within thirty
: eight hours. A heavy rain last night
' was followed by sleet and later by a light
, fall of mow.
j It is feared that this eudden freeze
will cause material damage to growing
gran and budding fiult.
j The drop in teniperatine is also
'marked In Oklahoma and Indian teri
, tories, where heavy rains seem to have
been general, accompanied by more or
less destructive wind,
I It it feared there will be heavy lor-,
on range cattle recently brought into
I the Territory from Texas. Telegraph
' service hJ been considerably hampered
by the prevailing high winds and tho
Notice is hereby given, by order of the
common council of Dalles City, that
Court street wiU be improved between
Main nnd Second streets by grading and
tilling said street, and that the cost of
said proposed improvement shall be
assessed upon property adiacrnt to said
street, unless within fourteen days from
the final publication of this notice the
owners of two-thirds of the property ad
. iitceut iu earn sireui me wmi me re
corder a written remonstrance against
salt! proposed improvement.
mtea this 10 day of March 1898.
Kogeii B. SlNXOTT.
mchlG 14t Recorder Dalles City.
I have been afflicted with rheumatism
for fourteen years and nothing seemed
to give any relief. I was able lo be
around all the time, but constantly suf
ferine. I had tried everything I could
hear of and at last was told to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which I did, and
was immediately relieved and in a short
time cured. I am hippy to eay that it
has not since returned. Josh Edgar,
Germantown, Cal. For sale by Blake
ley & Houghton.
Notice is hereby given that there will
i be an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of Tho Dalles. Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. at their office Saturday,
April 2, 1S93, at 2 p. in., for the purpose
of electing seven directors, and transact
ing such other business as mav properly
cimo before said meeting. By order of
the president.
The Dalles March 1, 1S9S.
C. L. Pmu.ii's, Secy.
Farm for Kent.
The farm known as the Crate Dyna
tion Claim, situated on the river, five
miles west of The Dalles, consisting of
about 400 acres, will be rented to re
sponsible party. AUo a responsible
la r in hand wanted to take charge of a
farm. Apply to
mar23-0t Max Vogt & Co.
Key. E. Edwards, pastorof the English
Baptist Church at Minersville, Pu.,
when Buffering with rheumatism, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
fie says: "A few applications of this
liniment proved of great service lo me.
It subsued the iullamntion and relieved
the pain. Should any suffer profit by
giving Pain Balm n trial it will please
me." For sale by Blakeley & Hough
At all times flour equal to the best for
sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed.
W. M. McCouki.e, Prop.
BuoUleu's Ariuca naive.
The best salve in tne world for ctm,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, foul
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cuies piles, or no pay required
It iu guaranteed to give perfect aatisfac
tion. or incuey refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sala by Blakeloy and
Houghton, druggists.
Hon ol Veteran' Kntertulimiriit.
Hie Sons of Veterans will give an en.
tertainment next Tuesday evening,
March 8th. A good program, consist
ing of patriotic songs, recitatioua and
musical selections. In conclusion n fine
lunch, donated by the W. R. C, will be
Two lots, No.. 11 and 12, in block 14,
Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon.
For particulars address the undersigned,
M. E. Fuhmmakv,
19-iw Box 178, Goldendale, Wash.
There arc three little things which do
more work tlun any other three little
things created they are theunt, tho bco
and De Witt's Little Early KUem, Ihelast
being the famous little pills for stomach
and liver troubles.
Ii Plata Sheep Dip, pro veil by eveiy
(est to be the best iion-poitouoiis fluid
dip in the world ; guaranteed to cure
scab, itch, sore throat, lieu and hoof-rot.
Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles.
Hiei-piiii-ii, Attention!
Clarke & Falk have secured the
agency for the La Plata Sheep Dip.
Mixes instantly witii cold water.
Smoke (he popular brands Prizo
Medal, Guarantee and Rosa Queen
cigars manufactured by S. F. Fouts.
Try 8cb!lllD-' lit-kt tea auu linking powlet
Sheriffs Sale.
Ily vlittioof mi execution nnd order of Mile
duly issued out ol tlio Circuit Com t of tliu State
of Oregon, for Wasco County, to modlrcctcd, nnd
dated .March 1R, IMS, upon u Judgment mid de
cree rendered mid entered iu sulci court on No
vember 11, I91. Iu favor of tliu pIMntltl', Inn
enso wherein the Alll-nce Trust Company, n
corporation, wus ptalntllt', mid against the do
fendentntherin,C. W. Oeuton and KHzubetn
Denton, for the sum of ,91. IS. with Interest
therton from the euid dutu nt the rntuofclKht
per cent per annum, nnd the costs of nnd upon
this writ (which snld judgement nnd decree
on the 5th diiy of January, t.syj, duly nsvlgiicd
and conveyed to Mrs. K. K. Thomson), nnd , om
muudliig me to make wile of certain of the real
proiicrty em braced In Midi decree and lien In
alter fully described, I will, on
April :.'0, 1808.
at 2 o'clock r. in., nt the front door of the county
court house in Unties City, Wasco Countv, Ore
gon, sell nt public auction to the highest "bidder
for cash in hand, all Ibc right, title and Interest
which tne defendants, and each of them, had on
July 0, 1SS9, the date of the mongmrc foreclosed
by said decree, tu and to the following described
twenty (X) acres of luud, to-wit: Thnt certain
twenty (JO) acres in siimre form out of the
northeast corner of tho donation land claim of
Chnrles V. Denton and KHz. belli Denton, his
wife, said donation land claim being Notifica
tion No. fcOl!), Claim No. 42, and being parts of
sections imidi?, In township I north, range la
east of Willamette Meridian, in Wn'co Countv,
State of Oregon, nnd is more psitleuhulv de
scribed us loliows, to-wit: beginning iit a
point 13 chains T7 links east and C chains 7 links
north of the southwest corner of said section 5:
thence south f9 chains .71 links! Hmoe.. n.ivt ia
ohaiiiB'jy links; thence north '22 chii'ns '20 Ilnl-s;
thence east 41 chains 50 links thence north II
mliiiitcs west 1" chains, a links; and thence
west 59 rh .Ins S", links to the place of beginning
containing ."Wj 51-100 ucies, moio or less.
iiic unites, Oregon, Jlureh '2-2, 1MW.
T. J. DIllVER.
inchXl-1 Sheritrof Wasco County. Or.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hercbv eiven that under nm! hvvlr.
ttie of all execution and order of sale Isnel! out
of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Wasco County, on the 211 day of iliirch, 1S'.M,
upon a j dgment and deerio given and ten
dered therein on the 12th day of .Marco, le93, in
a cause then and theretofore pending therein, in
wm-nvt. unities was piaiiitiu Minnie A.
Kennedi et nl. were defendants, whieh tuid exe
cution and i.ider of sale is to rac directed, nnd
eomniundiiig me to sell the lands and premises
iieie.uniier meiuioneti lor ne purpose ol satis-
fvlnr- mil! Tinvlm thn nmntuit iiriinrlrrnrl ,n ho
due to the plufntJu", to-wit: The sum of f&,
and the further sum of t200 attorney's fees, nnd
$15.00 costs, I will, ou Saturday, the 2Cddnyof
April. 1M, nt she hour of 1 o'clock p. in., ut the
courthouse door, In Dulles City, in Wasco coun
ty, Oregon, tell at public uuction, to the highest
bidder, for cash In h ind, (or the purpose of sat-
lsiyuig mo juagmeut ana necreo aDOo men
tioned, all the following described lauds and
premiiCS to-wit:
licKiunlug at a pilot 10.19 chains south of the
quarter section corner between sections six nnd
seven, Iu township two north of range eleven
east of Willamette Meridian, nnd running thence
norm iu. iu ennuis; inence west claims
ttiencc iu a southerly direction 21.0!) chains to
the place cf beginning, containing eleven and
5B-100 acres. Also all of the quarter
of secllor: six in township two north range
eleven east of Willamette -Meridian, excepting
two certain tracts heretofore conveyed tbcte
from to W. V. Johnson and now of record, o e
containing two and three-fourths ncics, and the
oth.-r containing 22 .V8 acres, and nlso excepting
a tract of twenty acres convejed by deed of Dec.
i9'.i.i, io iru ii. aiiuiu.
Dalles City, Oregon, March 22, 18:w.
Iiich23-i T. J. DK1VKU, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
X Oregon for Wasco county.
T. 1. Field, plulntilV
Wm. nirgfcld, Ijiuru K. Illrgfcld. First National
isiuiK mi ne Dunes, i nomas Kelly una A.:.
11 v virtue of nn execution, doereo nnd order of
sale, duly issued out of and under the seal of
tlietlicult Court of the Sate of Oregon, for the
Hie Cnuntv of W'usco. to mu directed nnd dated
the 25th day of February, 1S95, upon a decree for
the foreclosure of a certain moi tgnge, and Judg
ment retitlcied and entered lu said Court ou the
1th day of December. lb'J7. in tbe above entitled
cause, in favor ot the iilnlutllt' .tnd iicalnst the
defendants William Ulrgfeld and Laura K. Illig-
leiu as jutigmenineotots, in tne sum ot lit teen
bundrtd and tv.eho dollars nnd tweiitv-nlno
cents, with interest thereon from the -1th day of
iiecemocr, iwi, in ine raie or icn per rem per
annum, una the further sum of onoliiimlr. d inn)
1 1 ft v dollars ns attorney's fees, and the further
sum of lllteeu dollars, costs, and the tost of
and upon this wilt, and commanding me to
make sale of Die real property embraced lu such
Kcrieoi loreeiosuru unu nereinaiier neerioeu, i
will ou the
liMli (lay of April, 1HOH,
at the hour of two o'clock In tho afternoon of
siilddny. and at the front door of the Countv
court house lu Dalles City. Wasco Co inty. Ore
gon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder
lorcusiin iiiitid, an tne rigiir, tine and interest
which the nelepiuut.i William llligleld anil
I.iiiiia K. llirgfeM. Thorn s Kelly nnd a. S. Hen-
pelt, or cither of lliem, hud on tho 1 11 day of
August, Ws the date of tho moftipiRU foreclosed
h leiu. or which such deicudauts or any of the
defendants herein luio acquired, or now have lu
ali'l lo the following dceilhcd roil propel ty,
situated and being iu Wn ro County, Ongou,
io-vit; ,ii in iiiwucu one-nun inieien oi an
of fcetlon No. 21, the nw i, and the so i o' eo
tiou No. 'J.3; also nil of section No, '25, the uw i
mid lliu su ut section No. 27, mid the nw ot
section .o. .v), mi in loivnsnip I, snuiuoi
range No, 17. east of the W, M; also of section
No. X lOMriishln No. 6. south of lanu'e No. 17. east
of the XV, Al., containing lu all 2MI.U1 acres nc
coitliug ui tlio (iovcinmcnt survey (page ;ill,Vol.
(I oi tieeo ) also ine s o, in i sw a anil ino s 'u
of the to J' of section No. til, townslilp No. 7,
south of i a nte 17, east ol W. II., containing 1U)
acres, ipnso nii.voi, iv tict-ttj ulso all lliu uw !,
of section No. 211, lownshln 7, south oi range 17,
erst ol W. M., (pagu I'M, Vol. N. of deeds.) Mild
Interest In llo above dcsciihetl ical properly lie
lug the samudcsf'Ciidi'ti to and Inlii-iltcd by the
sidd l.'iuia 10, lilrn'cld upon ihe dentil of Alexan
der It.'k'eis iiiitl M lilila I!t';eia her fiilher ami
mother. Said iro)ierty will he sold subject to
cor UI( mu tii in n'lil ledeidptloii uh by law pro
vided. Dated at Tho Dalles, Oregon, this 3d day of
March, 1U9.S. mch.Vll,
T. J. DltlVKIt,
Hherlll'of W'rtkco Coiiuly, Oregun,
Fotilz' cigars are on tie ut tliu fullo .v
ing phtccfi: Snipes-Kiiiersly, Clark &
Falk and M, .. Donuell, druggists; Com
mission Co., Geo. Ituch, Fred Fisher
und Chun, Phillips, grocers 5 Columbia
Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection
era; Clia. Frank, Ad, Keller, Dun
Baker, Aug, Huchler, Hen Wilson and
The Midway, saloons.
General Belief and
Private Opinion.
It isn't always that you will find everybody agreeing upon any sub
ject. Every pro has It's eon, and nil medals have a reverse side. On the
question us to ti e best place to buy Dry Goods, however, there's no foon for
n division, ns you'll agree. For fear tbat you may not have an early op
portunity of personally calling 011 us, wo append some few convincing ar
guments. Specials for The Week.
As wo fear they will not bo here next.
Lulics' grain leatlu.r
belts, assorted colors,
nickic buckle,
Special I Oc
Ladies' Roman stripe
fabric covered belt,
patuit leather trim
med edktes, nickled
harness buckle.
Special IOc
Lidies' leather bicycle
belt, enameled buckle,
willi purse, assorted
Special 1 8c
Gilt hut pin'.f nicy iilass settings,
very latest
Each S, I O, and 25c
Military button hat pin, highly
gilted, all the ruge.
Each 5c
For more than, lifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labor-oil for their prosperity anil happi
ness, for tho improvement of their business anil homo
interests, for education, for tho olovation of Amoriean
manhood and truo womanhood.
IT HAS told at tho fireside, interesting and instructive
f-tories of the doings of tho world, tho nation and states.
IT HAS advised tho fanner as to tho most approvod meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho
proper time to convert thorn into tho largest possiblo
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho wolfaro of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
held their conlidenco and ostoom.
and wo furnish it with tho Somi-Wookly Chroniclo one
year for $1.75, cash in advanco.
Silk tecks nnd bows, excellant
values, attractive patterns. Sold
everywhere at 25e und sometime
Our special price I Oc
Mm's plain white hemmed
cambric handkerchiefs", linen finish
Each Sc, ier dczm SOc
We show the best unlaunder
ed white shirt in town
At OOc
For a flyer. 24 or 20 inch
steel rod parasol, elegant value at
Special OOc
Look to 113 tor
30c per dozen up.
Fancy Neck Kibbons, 3. 3J
nnd 4 inches wide, assorted styles;
Btripcs, moires and plaids.
Per yard 20c
Fine grade fancy leather
I Ghetelairip, assorted colors. Worth
oO nnd to ctuita.
Special 20c