OIK0 I?vJO"J Both the TT.. 'hcl and results when Syrup of Ties is ttkm: it is -Icasant and ref rosuiupr t " t-io taste, and acts gently vet j r tnptlr on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem cftectnally. dispels colds, head aches and fevers and enres habitnal constipation. Syrop of Figs is the only remedy of its 'kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tut? stomach, prompt jn its action and trttly beneficial in its effects, rrenared onlv from the most healthvaud nirreeablesnbstances, its manvcrceilont qualities commend it swu-i u-e our -mn-p paint. Fir-t, W to all and have made it the most . emse the odors are craand thoron-hiv popnlar remedy known. ! n pure .ii.sewi oil by tin- machinery; Syn) of Fiss is for sale in 50 cM-o:id, - an-- it i' mif of inch cm it cent bottles by all leading drag- ' for. w ih iW ptop-r amount of dryer rists. Arr reliable drnecist "who added to trv- it Icndinc and la-tirg may not Iiave it on hand Trill pro- core it promptly tor anyone vrno vvishes to t it. Do not accept anv enbstitntc. CALIFORNIA FIG SYBUP CD. SAH rr.?.KCISC0. CAL WUiSTEiS. KY. ATI' ti.Y. Joe Hnifcle is in the city froai Prine v.lle. A. J. jongias3 and wife are in the city i from Dufur. S.TJ. Vac Vactor returned from Port-' land Satordav. i Caarlee Lird, of Arltuston. spent San- dav with reisttves in this citv. . F. fiardvricfc, of Metier, is tn the j city todiy, and called (1 at till6 office. i I Atlv, in this AU BCV-: Batardav. lire .T rl r"rrtntAtioilr.li iviirt tins .prt i vimtuic in tf.ss c:ty, tetarnsd to Ilo-jd Eiver todav. A.J. Brizham rflnrned from Portland Saturday evening, and left for his home 8t Dnfur todav. A. S. Bt-nnttt returned from Portland Sataiday n'sht, where he had hern at tending the c .invention. Frat.k Meoefee and E. 3. Dnfnr, of j the firm of Onmr Aler.efee, went tot balem on ba-iuess yesterday. Mies Catharine Martin left en this momuic'g boat ijr Mosier, to take charge of the school at that place. ItOItN. In Thompson's addition on Saiurdp.v. March I'G'h, to Ur. and Mrs. ?v. A. Fa gan, a eon. THEY MDICULE IT. MANY PEOPLE RIDICULE THE IDEA OF AN ABSOLUTE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA AND STOM ACH TROUBLE. Kidleole. liDnertr, Nut Arcumeut, sad Fact are StaliburD Thine. Stomach troubles are so common nnd In many cases so obstinate to cure that people are apt to look with suspicion on any remedy claiming to be a radical, per manent cure for dyspepsia and indiges tion. Many such pride tbenjEelves on never being humbugged, especially on inedtcin-e. This fear of being humbugged may be cirned too far; so far, in fact, that many person! Buffer for years with weak di gestion, rather thsn .risk a little time ssd money in faithfully testing the claims of a preparation so reliub e and universally ustd bs Stuarts Dysj.cp- ei Tablets. 'oir Stuart's Jy?pppeta Tablets are vastly different in tne imrorlaut respect from ordinary proprietary medicines for the reason that they are not a secret pateot medicine, no secret it made of . Ed Slays came np from his home j tt"a 'la ; "P; erocere ; uoianioiB c nc EJjd it lhc ..zebroifl.- Th( Portisud, Sands v, to visit relatives in j a:my factor v ana .v. Keuer.coniection- v::i;r r.nimni Is amv fix njr.r.ths old; citr. . tn.ijK, o. jwi er, .r m:Jc of a t. co'.rr v.Hh strips 1 rJ-iker. A nr. Bnchler. Ben V :ion and I ....... ,. . y. J. L. Storv, nominee or nttor- The Alidwv. 1 .'nrnir i inose oi ia zeora. 10m ivneral. retnraed from Portland rtsr-pea arc w.-r, mark'-d on tr.e neck. their ingredients, but f.nalyuis hhowH them to Cjiiialu the natural digestive fermentf, pure seeplic pepsin, the di gestive ricldc, Golden Seal, bismuth, hy dnutif, and nux. They are not cathar tic, neither do they act powerfully on any organ, but they cure indigestion on the common sense plan of dimting the 'food eaten promptly, thoroughly before it ba titae to ferment, tour en J cause tbe mischief. This is the only secret of tJwir sacceec Catkaftie idila never have and aevareau mj indigestion and stomach troubles Imcmm they act entirely upon IImt bMrela, rhfM the whole trouble is gmUf im tbe atonach. Htflwrla Dyapejtala Tablett, taken af tx mmk, 4 fit feed. That la all 1 there is to it. Food not digest -d or half J digested is poison, as it cientes cc, acid i itv, headacher, talpitalion of the heart, 1 loss of fltth and appetite, mid innny other fonbles n htch are often called bv some other name, i Tbry are old h druppi-ls rvery where at 50 epnts per paekHire. Address Stuart ' Co., Marshal. Mic' , for look on . lu nch diitmf r nk voor dtorptel for t. Cumins Semi. The nn.ifjrfif! mutter vf ma ir'f a:;-, !--, Hni' t!! t the h' T'VT:uii at ! V n Monday and tn. . l-v Itmnin . Av.rir Att nA ri'li Vn.u, tlx- .-n-iiAi iUnafenist, with . . ttir-;v rrv f mr-tie novel t;w depart? c.mtHtf .tito from nnv 1 1.; : . i the kind ever p'e.-ntited here in th flt. Dante and a (tirktxi company of twelve ' ntpahte artist?, tabnied jn'onle, e.ic! member leiiii: selected fur their "n-livid j nal cxctdleiice in the cruatest unique program ever presumed together witr up-to-date and miauling oriental iiln ' aiot;?. Wait and watch for date. Snoop marking puv ; "r-ndy for ne Two roWi. black and rcii. Why yon ( qualities, wiiieii proven: it from washTnp . or roinusM; turn,i. much mote ecuaoniJCSt, raoe n i- r.!ryi ready . for bc. We gcajantee onr ibeep mark-, ; in-- paint i to chre fatiilticUou. Try it ianil be eonrincd. Clarke & Faik, iKsents. Ttie D.i Or. t I'ialio Tuning. W.S.Geary, the w-!"-i-own piano t tuner, ii in thf city and will call upon ' hi? cnlocierH. so 'ir tin ini.er ! has authority to use his name in any ! war Orders leh.Rt either mcsic store iil reewve i-oeio: tUM.ii .n. s. ( t Fok!z ck'irs aron t i ti?. f : oi ; m? place?: SnVincrElr, Clark &! i c-.iv. -a t rr iv.. ..r.u .1.....: . r. Coci' . . r. , , . IUSrsl" v. veo. iiucu. xreu .is I . . 1 .. We are acxioni to do a little cood in . is world and can think of no pitas - th anter or better iray to do it than by rec- -. , r- oram eaning uae Jiinuie Vjonsa oure as ... . " eventive of pnenmonia, coasump- , ,, , a pre tion and other senons Inns; troubles that follow neclected colds. Just thinv, ?25U0 v.iil buy ICO acres, a fine fruit firm, three laiies from tern; three milch cows, five work horses. farm iniplenunts, two wagons, fine water privileges iu fact everything complete. For further information and a good bargain see Dad Rotts. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady; bat its duration caa be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung cad bron chial trouble. If the United States and Spain become involved in war, it will be impossible to ! import Havana tobacco. Consequently j high grade Havana cigars will increase j Medal cigars while the price remains, thes-ame. 10-tf iu tour toK". Allconntv warrants registered prior j to Jan. G, 1S9-J, will be paid at my i office. Interest ceases after March. 17, j 1693. C. L. Phillips, Coimtv Treasurer. Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold, j One Minute Cough Cure cures coushe. ; colds, croup, grippe and nil throat and . lung troubles. I nt t 4 ...,wi t... t... ! ..... . ' 1 ,. , , r. I may secure Instant relief by using De , Wiit'e Witch Ilazei Salve. It is the ; great pile remedy. Ons Minute Couch Cure, cures, That is what it w&s m'de tor. ITCHING SKIN DISEASES RELIEVED BY ONE APPLICATION OF ticura Sraxor Ccaa Tmatmwt. Wa balk wttti Cvnctnu WoAr, avMie afpUcotiaaa CtmccaA (otaMMSt), and mUi acme of Cbti ccka Kjmoltiixt, w uil huaaor ouaa. aa inji M mM. Mm, CrwccaAj afc. abu Cumm. Cuar, ttt fiiaa aajtiia . . mr-UattmCmlmkimgmiJltimiirmtiilmi her "IRONING MADE ERST 1 I ill fe fil i reRAT INVENT HAKES COLLARS AND GUFFS m AS WHEN FIKST BOUGHT HEW &N5J 15- 4 O.VE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH. Tiit i ui irf Msres onre .Keokuk Jovva. KewHavenConn 21 tt--SS C OPYRI iri T .ilT'Sh' I3fi-. TLls?tarch t-prcnsr-'-.arlor.,ji5rpr;c!r s':';',s"h' l-"r l adyparsof prr.rtical experience i. ijjrj l.ia: ! 1- J st:,n.-st iJ i o- 1 u.msr drs tr their E3tural Tsliit.-af w n:d ic.pan? r Ixa-Ajful caa ii- h. It is the only starch miinufaciirvd that u r- rfectij harn.less, rontaininc r.' :tJier nr?on:c. atuai cr osy other substance isjurioui to iiss ccci can bo used crea for a baby powder. For sale by ail wholesale 'and retail grocers. A NEW HALF-BREED. Part Horac nnii Vert 7.chr: CTlli " luilfij a 7-fliruld. The nulf, says Coh.ok, iartake8 of te quanues ct tne ass anu U:e Jiorse. The zebra harin- now hi-en doarjcsti- caE9,, 11 i- oecTi asr v. seiner v.e jOJiiii irom it cn r.i auj;ot.i na:r- brt d. L'aron de Parana j r. ;braiae hie head and the les; tho- r the body 1 . .. . i. .1. t j are not visible, bt cause t h .- th.ck vnnter coat, ine mane is U.-.ck an.. ! rfn'inbles that of tln Z' . b-: tiie tiiil t : - . . . . . . . . . ; looks !:ke a aiult s. but tonsrui-JUii.-. , ., ... , . . Tbc TOra are sciati v.nth rounded naitr lihv the zebra's. The hainch is vA Kirait'd, rounded, and 'jitite larjfe; the chest is lent and hiirh. v.l.h xanhtu tlif aniouU hold its bead ts:gii, and cutse quent' v r-:ve it a uood rarrfe. The eye:? arr larr? and fwil t-l feeHnfir; tJio Eostrt".:; 'r.re; the ii yamli azid miieb like tLo:- of Arab lioi.-n (the rsarc. j ths jr.fJier cs this zebroid was onc ; qurat -r Arab); the haad is siuall; tlie legs louiwular, bat delicate, ehowirig .hat lif wii! 1- very agile; tlie hoofs sir.all, b!ac!. and vrrr bard. He is verj livelv. bat vrv r"ntl', and loves to m en i-TMisuvl 7tf i'ntn V(rv iv..ll. nr.! nrth i in the stn!!. but in nauture. These ... r , .. ,: tJim T"vflf v tli hre.rtvr tn the n- ca.ion cr.afjp y tu brexler to the -Mi- t:onnl .iceiinsittson society, vvlticn is shortly to be presented v.-jtb n Bet of photograjd.H of the new creature i,TOt or Penclatton. Statisticians claim that th- . arthvvill not support more man aimut .i.uj4,ooo,- W)0 people. Tlie present population is ; estimated at l.-tfi7,0CO,0o0, the increase Ix-inf eijrht p-r cent, each decade. At iliatrnte the utmost limit will be rear-bed in the year 202. Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Folk's and get piices on the La Plata sheep j Dip. It is non-noisonous, mixes in- j ttantly with cold water, and it is an in-1 fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and ; ! ticks. "ltf I - l T Good two-room L ouse on donble lot; K04)d par(Jen JoqoIre of jj, A Bill at Maier & Denton's store. m21-23 Dr. ShnckelfLird bus removed bia office ! tiroom i t. Vot?t block, over the no.t. ! oTice. ml 7 L'm When you smoku the Kosc Q-iten 5 cent ci.ar v.ju get vour inonev'a worth J tf One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That lo I ws mde for. De Witt's "Witch" Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scald;, Durai, CATARRH'Headquarters for Seed Grain ofa11 kinds Ask your Druggist fur a geaeroas IO CENT TRIAL. SIZE. Elf's Cnw Bale cornaiM ro rtca'ne, mmarj v ac other lnjorloc dro;. It la qu!ck:y AUorbed. Oirealteliefatoace. It ohm and claufat tatt Naaai l'aja.i,:cii. Allan lafUtniuatiun. HaaJa and Protacls th Macalifaae. Jicatorta ttat ot Taata and fcmcIL full Biaw aac : Tf UI 1m : at Drnzeiate or by tnvii. t.X3mnitZ&.Bil Wanea MaatifavTatfc asVSAv'Bl II W' STIFF AND NICE i? ED fi3?2l Mb. Morn und Mw ' ' Throuclt I-t daylignt via Orani Voilcy, Kin' . aa3 v rrw iillw s. DOl'Ol.AS A1.I.IIK, O. 31. M'UtrELAff, Tlie Inllr. Autrlntx'. Stale leaTe The Dalle lnin Ciaotl?! icr i 7 a. in., aim f.-om Anti-luiie at 7 0 n. in. t-v try Munday, lns-iUjr and HrWay. Cmiutim , mi-e at Aoteioc for l'ri:i'.Tllle. Mitcbe't and : u!-it teroao. Ckf-' e ni.eotlun. made at The . iHttl vrifb railiTjyt, trains and bout. ; !, Ma? ""I? Aowto ica-h Th-Itall l lJ. Tbot2.ys and aoturilsys a! 1:30 1 r.ATe or tap-e. ?tase from A uK'loc :ca-h Tli Jullra Tui I!i, i I!!r to u?toant An Jloo ..it . 1 SO I " ; do rto I ,"? Gran vol icy .. K'.nt 2 ' liurffiMtnfniii ltf.il.. r I i)o Kent- do GrM valley do Mom. HfftH0f Dlh . ... do Patronize the Troy IiAUflDRY. I 11 ILJ 11 M 1 L J 1 ' A!! fclni "r KOt' W'alte h-rt" " ktwlaby. Famly KOrk altvAuei r jo. wk InUwtZa : and deitveiwl free, Teirj.iiuue .No. 1 10. , , ,,., . . . - TflD 0 T H ITlTl 1 9 DOPiflllfT flil 11(0 UUltllilllQ rQUMliy UU., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANCFACTOittKo OK Fine Lard and Sausages, Curersof BRAND T3T A "rVTQ jjr RA rTMNd 1 JXXUJ.3 OO IDX.JJX .viMt-Ti uppc vrn Scow load of dry Fir Wood just re- ...... . ceived a Maier & JlentoilV. tf . Vi.tr "itiin nl flolft U',,,,. ;nt rr.r.u!t... 1 L t-.i..r a-., Wasco Warehouse Company i, xxeauquarters ior r j Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmVWd Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. Tbi8 F,00r 18 nuctured expressly for fatnllj aw; everr k la guaranteed to givaatiafaction. Wa Mil our gooda lower than any honw io the trade, and II you don't think ao call and gut oor pricea and be convineed. 1 lulM HichMt Priori Paid for Whtt, Barlej and Oati. ..GHAS. F-PAM" Butchors and Farmers ..Exchange,. mu mii a 1)M;k. h Lhohi- cirnt tbo bl hrvt In TJie ltntl-.. ftl tho tutual Hkv. uinv in. (ry I hikI l)v tit- x-iuevi. At- tbc tin- t bnn)' nl tt Uics t liliors mid i'S(at. Sanduiiches of nil Kinds nluaixii. Imn! FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ri'.A.VSA V r A OESBttAL tt.VVKISO KOSI.N ES Loiters of Credit i-fned avatiable in the Eastern State?. . Siirltt E&rhnnge and TelocraphiL Transform soKI oi; NVvv York. ChiiHso. t. Jxtni$, San Francii, l'ortland Orv i.rin, f-'esttip Wafb,. anil vcrioiif points in Oregon and Washington.' Collection iun le at a'l potuis on fav orable terms. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL ' Ail work pionnt;r .''StcniScit tn. i74 VOGT BLOCK NEW YORK WORLD TH5IGE-R-KEEK EDITION. IS a;e a Will.. 150 I'ii;rr a Ver It Ptauds first anions: '"weekly" paper in size, frcouencv of tublivatiou " ? a: 'n!hneps, vcrietv and reliability of cor, .!" 1 M 1 teute. It is practically a daily at the low i 09 ( price o a weekly; and its "vast list of .. S w) ; subscribers, extending to every state and ; I tenitory of the L-niop and foreign coon i VO i tries, w ill von."h for the accuracy aod j fairues- of Itf nevvs coimniis. i Jt is solendidly illuttrat-d, and among , its special features are a fine humor ; page, exhaustive market rpports, all the ' latest fabion for women and a Ion i serif? of etories by the greatest living American and English authurs, Cnnau J)oylF, .Icruino K. .Irrunio, Stnnlry Wcyiuiiu, Mary i:. VVlllilu Antliimy Iloiir, llrt llatte, llraudrr Mattliuvr, Etc. ! j We offer this uncqualed oewspaperand j 1 tie Dulles 1 wlce-a- eek (Jhronicie to- , S,lhfer one Vfar for 2.0). ThL' rfcltular ' price of the two papers is 3.00. ! " " Mce of Final Settlement. t? ?nlipp Is I'f.fPliv 1-lrr.n tiint tho Mtidil.nM I ms tiled in ihr o!!:r.f of ths Couuty Citrk, of RkCoCountr. Iicr I) mil hcroinil rm urtmlnUlrlr of thepztntv.il I. I. Iltirin-t. mid Hint ir nrri..r ni i the County Court, fur Mild Ciunty, Mondny, the 2-1 day of May, 1K, Inn. been iUcd u the time und the court room of mU Court n the j.Iikx' for tne liearlnc of r.lU Isnul ni-oiunt. All jhtikiiiis iuiciubil-u in nam caiaic arc uoiinvo in npiicar nl raid time and j!n(f uml ibov cauno whynalj cuhi account blioulci not be niiiirovi-d and nl low-d. A. T. llt'KUE T, lucLi-ll. Admlnlsttutrlic. Administratrix Notice. Notice in hcrcbr nlvcu (hut the undi-rlLiifd us iKtn resularly Ciri3lnled by the county I cmrt of the mate of Orrsim for Vh..-o County n Huuuuiaiiiiirix ui uimu; ui council n Jonu- fton, ilit-cniiel. All )ivrona lrnvlns c-lnlmi "whit uld eatotc ure hercbr iioiii.i to iio. msiu them, with the inojr voiicberr, tn me nt theoince of V. H. Wllou, in Ialk City, Onv g.in, wtthln fix inoattm from the date of thl iir.ni-. pin-n,.,,,, i-..i. i.,.. cauuie m. Johnston febsc I AflfuttiUtrntiix. eea wain of all kinds. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. I u s ; Pullinan Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car - MINNKAI'OI.I m-i.nii OK,M) nut CltOOKSTON wiNin:o HE LEV v m, ISOTTK TO. Thporjgh Tickets TO CMKi.VUO fiiii.A mn.i'iiiA yRW YOKK IttlSTON AM A I I. 1'OINT.S K.T ami SOUTH For luiora.itlun, time enrds, mm.a:(i nrn-tk. Otl itu or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Acent, A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. tf. l A 5. ilmriwn Cor. 'mini, fhrtu.i or uie quthern Pacific Comp'y. t'ra nt Icsveniid are tiie to Jive at ToriU; OVKItlNI) 1 jtin:. tin;, Anliluud, I ! m ... ..ti ... t t r.l ...1 nr. KmuiifcW, iloYnve, , I Sour Orleans . anil uit Auct'!,Li rum, i ; t. Kt i.-n i m lUiMjburK nud vrnr t M-'tlonii fVItt Voidt,arn fori I'. M tiMlr 1 itt.AliCv'1, bltvcrlou, j j Ia!ly i-x'iit Went rcio, llrowin-V. exwj.t Natrou J , 17:3) A. M., jt"orvallIn and wsyf ftlltOR I :50 I' M. IXOKrESDENfi: 1'AgSK.VOEr.. Jir.s train uaiiv (cxcojii ftuimoyj. tViji. m. .Lv,....ro!t5nnJ Ar.i ( 'Six. m rsiii.ni. ai . iiciiiuiHi'io .i.v. ,1'h, ic s .SO p. m. t.vr .Juceitiat,ure..A.v ui .lutfeiietidvure Dally. tlcliy, cxtr;!! snuaar. DI-Vf.N'G CAUS ON OGtJE.S UOt'TE. ani si:to.s"n-crv&i bLEKi'ixp c.vr.s Atlnchfd to ull Thtough Tiulus. ntrtf-t eootn-ctlon at fan Kwneo with Orel itfiilr.l and Oriental and t'Hrlllc tuuti lvaalii luieii fur JATAN and CHINA, fmitlns dnt oa a nlicnllon. Uu'.is i.ucl t:. Vets to Ijikteni iKnt nrd id n. Alwi JAPAN. Vlll.NA, HOXOU U una At'sTKALlA.cnn ic otitKluvd Innn J. 11. KIltKLAM), Ticket ARCBt. Through Ticket Office, 131 Third Mrtvt. wane t!ituu;h tlckclt to nil jotiita in thv huxtcra stitcx, C'nuHda nnd Euroj ckii bv ubtitlmd at luuot ruU'f from J. 11. KIltKLA.VP, Tirkit AEetiU All utovc tmlnk arrive at nnd d"irt Iroir Ornud Ccutrtd bUtlon, f Htl. iiud Irvmu tlttxu VAMIIIl.LrIHVI3IOK. JV.mcnucr Dcjnjt, foot o( Judcroun ulrcet. i I've for OSWEGO, dally, exceit Pundar, at I :M ft. m.. 1 .M. S II). C.A), 'oUi p.m. (nnd llr.Ki ii. m. on fittttmlar onlv. H lid 9:10 a. m I in. on Huiiduvn only). Arrlro at I Portland Oatly at 'tiilO and 8:20 n in.: and 1-35. I.13, 0:w und 7:55 p. in., (nnd 10:0J a. in , 3 IS ' o: I'. in. ou tuuunjs oliiyj. I-avc for Kheridan. week day, il 1:30 ji. ra Arrive at Portland, :W a. m. U-ave for AtP.UE on Monday, Wednesday and Kri 'ay at 9. Wa. m. Arrive at Portland, Turo dav, Thurkduy upd Saturday It 3:05 . in. Except Sunday. "Excejit Saturday. it. K0EHLEP., Munaser. (!, II. MAKKHAM, Akt. 0. V. Paw. Aet 50 Years 50 Undisputed Hupremoey in tho World's Competition. Coopers Sheep Dip. it Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value or Flock Cheap, Safe, Handy, Clean, Wholesome and Odorless. recommended by Manufacturers, Scour' ere and liuyera. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLE, OR. C. G. Koberte, Generul Agent, 247 Aeh 6lret, PortUna, OreKOB.