The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 28, 1898, Image 3

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We will open up on Thursday, the product of one of the finest Millinery
Departments on the Pacific Coast.
The stock will comprise Trimmed Goods, from the very cheapest to fine
French Pattern Hats at $25.00 and $30.00. Plain and Fancy Sailors, Leghorns
and everything that is up-to-date in Millinery, and at prices that will astonish
you. ' The Millinery Department will he under the charge of an experienced
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH 23, 18U8
Weather Tonight and Tuesday, fair.
A good gentle milch cow wanted. In
quire at this office. m-3t
Poetuni Cerlal Food Coffee at Com
mission h Groceiy Co.'b. tf
Bicycle sundries, fishing tackle, gnn,
rifles und revolvers at Maier & Benton's.
A new line of '93 models. Li Tour bi
cycles at Maier & Benton's. Cull and
etc them.
Wanted, a bright energetic woman to
manage branch office. Address A. B.,
this office. mar28 2t
The celebrated inaltese cross garden
hose, a large shipment just received at
Maier & Benton'e.
K. W. Carlisle, t'ie old man who hud
his trial before Justice Filloon Saturday
for breaking down a ience on DiekBrook
house's place, was discharged.
Todav J. 31. Manning bought the first
contigniuent of this year's wool that has
changed hands. It consisted of I4C0
rounds of pulled wool, und brought ten
ceuts per pound.
Andrew Douglas was married to Mies
Edith Peabody at Dufur yesterday. The
bride and groom are both residents uf
Dufur, and have many friends in that
city who wish thum the full measure of
life and happiness.
The high scores at tbeUinatilla House
alleys lor the wist week were as follows :
Mutts, Monday GO, Tuesday 59, Wednes
day; Wilson, Thursday, 03; Maetz,
Friday, 62; Birgfeld, Saturday, 09; Gre
holer, Sunday, 69.
Today Elmer Ward was thrown from
uoree, uear Cratc'a Point, and as he
landed in a wire fence, he sustained ser
ious injuries. Ills face and arms were
cat up considerably and it will be some j
time before he will be able to be about
Jnmes Grant, brother of the late Joe
Grant, the well-known sheep man of
Wntco county, arrived in Atelope from
Canada last week, to look after the es
tate o! his brother. Joe Grant left prop-
ty worth thirty thousand dollars, and
uo debt,
Thirty-five tons of ore, which has been'
hauled from the Ochoco mines by Wal
ter Helm, la at the Wafco Ware houee
awaiting shipment to the imelter. The
ore Is said to be ricb, and if Mr. Helm
bad a smelter at hie mine, he would, iu
athort time, have more shining metal
than he wovld know what to do with.
Mr. Cap.Endvriby, whose leg was
brokrn last Tuesday while working
tU road, was removed to this city Frl
jvi where he cau .be better caret! for
ybie physician. He stood the trip
jemarkablv well, and it quite coraforta
ivl8t Mrg Dvl.' t door to Dr.
Jne'8 residence, where he will be
Pleaied to many of his friends.
Tomorrow night the Bona of Veterani
arney Camp No. 4, will give their
Y7"intnent t mall K. of P. hall.
A One
program will be rendered, tome of
Special for
Two Weeks Only.
Watch for date of formal opening.
the best local talent of the city having
volunteered their eervices. Everything
will he done to make the guests feel nt
home. This in n laudable institution
and should have the support of nil ou
loyal citizens.
the president- is Lot in favor ot war
and hopes to prevent a confiit. Ne
nations between trim country and bptan
will bo instituted to end tho war in Cu
ba. It is thought that the report on the
Muine disaster will go to congress today.
On Wednesday the preeident will psk
appropriations to relieve the starvation,
in Cuba, and from the stand he takes it
seems to depend on Spain as to whether
or not wc shall have war.
The high daily ecores made at the
club alleys during the week were as fol
lows: Monday, A. Kellar57; Tuesday,
N. Sinnott (SO; Wednesday, N. Sinnott
60; Thuredav, Fred Van Norden 60;
Friday, Vrtn Norden 61 ; .Saturday Pete
stadelman 59; Sunday, Carey Ballard
50. A number of the ladies made re
markably high scores. On Tuesday
Mies Schanno mado 44; Wednesday,
Mrs. Fish 44; Thursday, Mrs. Nolan 41,
Mrs. Hilton 43, Miss Lang 44 ; Friday,
Mrs. SeufcrtUS, Mrs. Blakeley 31.
Fred G. Wander, of the Chicago Cos
tuming House, which is funnelling the
wardrobe lor the performance o! "King
Ilullabahoola II," arrived in the city
Saturday evening. The coBtumes proved
satisfactory, with the exception of those
for the ballet, and upon examination it
was found that the girls had the dresEes
on wrong side forwurd, and on being
properly adjusted they were found to fit
perfectly. These will he the finest cos
tumes ever used on a Dalles stage, and
will assist largely in making the per
formance u rare attraction.
The funeral of the late George W.
Rowland took place from the family
residence, on Fourth Etreet, yesterday
afternoon. The family were all present,
with the exception of Mrs. Pluinmer, ol
Missoula, and the large- number of
friends who attended told too plainly
the esteem in which the deceased was
held in the community. The funoral
sermon was preached by Rev. Bollz, of
the Christian church, who spoke in
fitting terms of our respected, but de
parted tow n e man. A numberof beautiful
hymns were sung, nnd the eervices
were afterward concluded nt Odd Kel
lowfa cemetery, where his remains now
Juit Keveived.
The Dout Optical and Jewelry Co. haB
just received u new up-to-date eye pro
tector. It weighs only two penny weight,
made of n composition which will nut
offset the sight of the eye. It is carried
in the inside band of your hat, and is
always ready for use. They retail at 25
centi. Call and see them.
We make u ipeclalty of properly fit
ting children's eyes, and test each eye
We carry a full line of frames, gold,
alluminum, nickel, bronze and rubber.
We are receiving new goods daily, and
beit of all we guarantee entire satisfaction.
Albert IIMtlngen Diet of i'neuinunla at
.Shu Franciaco Sunday.
A day or two ago it was our painful
duty to announce the death of one oi
our oldest and most highly respected
citizens, George Rowland. Today a like
duty again falls upon us of writing the
obituary of another of our city's honored
pioneers, Albeit Battiugen, who died at
the residence ol his niece, Mrs. Edward
Duffield, in San Franciso Sunday,
Mr. Bettingen was born iu Luxem
bourg, Germany, on March 1, 1827, go
that he was 71 years and 27 days old.
When 24 years old he married Karline
Zinnen, and immediately alter his mar
riage he nnd his youcg bride came to
New York City, where he went into
business and remained several years.
Afterwaids they moved to Chicago, then
to San Francisco, and eventually, about
thirty-eight years ago, they arrived in
thiB city. Since that time The Dalles
has been their home.
For a number of years Mr. Bettingen
was engaged in ti.e hardware butduesp,
and by his upright and honest dealing
lie won in a n v friends and patrons.
Seven years ago he eold out his business
to Maier & Benton and settled down to
the enjoyment of his old aye. This en
joymeut was thort-livtd, however, for
ubout four years ago his faithful wile
was taken from him by death.
A few weeks ago he went on a visit
to California, and while iu Los Angeles
caught a severe cold. He wtnt to Sun
Francisco, and on Tuesday, the 22 A, his
cold turned Into pneumonia, und the
best medical practitioners of that city
were culled to his aid; but their united
efforts were of no avail, and three days
after he was taken tick his physicians
gave up hope of hie recovery. Until tho
last moment everything that friends
could do was done, but iu spite of all he
Bank rapidly until yesterday afternoon
death came to his rcleiuc.
Besides two brothers, Charles and
Anton, of St. Paul, Minn., the deceased
leaves three daughters, Mrs, Matilda
Baldwin, Mr.9. J. P. Mclnerny and
Rosle Bettingen, who is at present in
the convent, at Ashland, and ono eon,
Albert Betthueu, Jr., of tills city.
His son, Albert, is at present in San
Francisco, and will have the remains
Edit to The Dalles for interment. Ah
they will leave FrUco totno-row even
ing, they will arrive in this city Thurs
day evening. The grandson of the de
ceased, Bertie Baldwin, who ie at pres
ent at Mt. Angel college, will join litem
at Woodburn und be present at tho fun
eral, which will probably tako pluce
Mr. Bettingen was a life-long member
of the Catholic church, ami beside being
a faithful christian and charitable man,
he was a good husband and father, and
it is Indeed sad to see such men taken
from our midst. He was an exception
ally robust r ud healthy man, and any
one who saw him leave on a pleasure
trip a few weeks ago would have little
thought that death would claim him and
Clmiice Sale
Ono Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
One ' Cleveland.... $Qfl
Gent's Wheel f OU
Ono '95 Eagle Gent's (Qfl
Wheel tyJU
Ono '97 Boy's Eagle
One '97 Girl's Eagle &M
Wheel MD
In order to make room for
our now slock, we are mak
ing tho above
Low Prices.
his remains be sent back in a coffin.
Truly in the midst of life wo are in
An Unknown Man Killed by the l'aiaen-get-
Train Last Night.
Last night, some time after the east
bound passenger train had arrived, a
man who gave his name as Edward Iin
non informed the night cierk ut the
Umatilla Houee that a man hud heen
killed on the west side of Mill croek by
the night train. Nightwatchman Wiley
immediately went down and found a
person about 45 years of age lying dead,
with a terrible gash in the top of his
head. His remains were brought to
Crandall & Burget's undertaking rooms,
and it was found out at the inquest from
Theodore Bennett and Edward Lennon,
two men who were riding on the blind
baggage witli the deceased, that he got
on at Hood River, and from his actions
he appeared to be not of sound mind.
When tho train whistled for Tho D.tllcs
he opened the door of the vestibule arid
was looking out, and when his compan
ions looked again ho had either jumped
or fallen from tho train. From the ap
pearance of his injuries he must have
struck his head on a sharp rock, which
caused death instantly.
Nothing wc.b found on Ills person that
would lend to his identity. When lie
hoarded the train he told Bennett, one
of his companion?, that ho was from
California: more than this could not bo
learned. The following iu the report of
the coroner's jury :
Wo tho jury empaneled by tho coro
ner, W. 11. Butts, to inquire into the
cauee of the death of an unknown man,
whose body is now beforo us, find from
the evidence produced, as follows :
That the deceased, whose name is un
known to us, came to his death at or
about 11 :40 by jumping or falling off t ho
overland passenger train, close to Tim
Dalles, Oregrn; that he was probably
under some mental aberration, and that
his description is as follows: About 40
years of ago, dark complexioneil, dark
moustache, about tix feet in height, nnd
his weight about 180 pounds; a dark
suit of clothe", pretty well worn ; black
J. B. Stetson hat, and u dark overcoat,
daik wooltn iloves' and a heavy woolen
shiit, blue socks, lace shoes. From the
evidonce wo find that ho camo to hla
death through his own act, and that no
fault or blame attitudes to anyone.
GnoitGi; 11 Dufi'k,
A. A. UEO.un.Ma',
K. M. Wjnoatk,
W. VV. Hanna,
J. K, Palm Kit,
C. K. Ktei'Henh.
CnixiilUtlnii Fruo.
All ladles interested In the movement
lor h higher physical life for their sex,
and all those wishing to learn something
concerning the cause and the treatment
of diseases peculiar to women, are in
vited tncall and consult Mrs. Helen M.
Burdick at Boom 25, Umatilla House,
To Gura m Colli In On Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets, All druggists refund the money if
inoy ihii to cure, zoo,
DeWitt' Little Early Rlatrs,
TM lamuiu little pllli.
"Very Muoh
..reseept Bieyeles..
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $37.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at
The Wheel that sells
Bicycles Cleanod
and Repaired.
Wo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
Pmlou Candidate In tlio Flelil
ventlon Adjourned.
After n four-days session the fusion
forces succeeded in coming to terms and
making nominations to the various state
and district offices. The following are
the nominees;
For governor W. R. King, Populist,
of Baker.
For congressman, firet district R. M.
Veatch, Democrat, Linn; Second dis
trict, C. M. Donaldson, Silver Repub
lican, of Baker.
For secretary of state II. R. K!ncaid,
Silver Republican, of Lane.
For supreme judge W. A. Ramsey,
Democrat, of Yamhill.
For attorney-general J. L. Story,
Populist, of Wasco.
For statu printer Charles A. Fitch,
Populist, of ClackiiinaB.
For superintendent of public instruc
tion II. S. Lyman, Populist, of Clatsop.
For judge seventh district W. L.
Bradshuw. Prosecuting attorney. S. E.
Vnn Vactor. Both the latter gentlemen
are from The Dalles.
Hisiilt nf tlio I'rlmarles.
At the Republican primaries held here
Saturday the following candidates were
elected to tho county convention, which
will be held in this city Wednesday.
April 0th:
East Dalles Joel Koontz, George
Reed. William Floyd, P. T. Shaip, John
Wagonblast, Charles W. Phelps, Will
iam Tackman, James Furlong, C. K.
Bigelow L K. Crowe, Chas. F. Steph
ens, Joseph Bonn, Ed F Sharp, Frank
C.Connelly, C. L.Gilbert, Simoon Bol
ton, James Byrnes,
Trovitt M. A. Moody, John Schenck,
W. II. Jones. T. T. Nieholus, C. L. Phil
lips, M. T. Nolan, It. B. Sinnott.
Weet Dalles F. S. Gunning, P. W.
Du Hull', A. J. Anderson, S. S. Johns,
Andrew Urquhart, W. S. Clark.
A marked interest was taken in the
primaries, und active work was done by
the partisans of the different tickets.
Willi ted--It uttlusimUm.
Man's wants are many und varied;
but the latest is contained in the follow
ing notice, which Postmaster Crossen
received this morning, with instructions
to paeto it on the bill board In the offlcu:
Wanted To buy rattlesnakes ; all any
one can get. Will pay 60 ceuts apiece.
Write to men you can got some.
, Lis Roy Gkoikih,
Arizona Rnttlesnuke King,
This is a ruru opportunity for some
man with spirit nnd nerve to make
money, for before the coming cam
paign is over there will lie an abund
ance of snakes In Wasco county,
lleU uf All.
To cleanse the system In a gentle and
truly bimellclttl maimer, when tho
springtime comes, use the trite and per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine. Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by
all druggist, at CO cents per bottle,
to tho Good."
every point.
at an honest price.
J. T. Peters & Co,
Kooms in Mrs. Brlttln's Lodging House.
Atthe Diamond Mills.
Good milling wheat. The hihet price
paid. inuhlG-tf.
An luteie.tiing Story is attractive nt
all times. No ono can atl'ird to let tho
eveningd at home he spent without nood
reading matter in Ihoett days when ooi
hooka cot-t co little. Our ttt ck i lU'ra
6om very attractive, up-tn-dute anil
standard literature which will interest
I. C. Nickelsen
Book & music Company.
Why do wo retail more Cigara than
Why do smoker ro out of their way
nnd pass cigars of the sanio grndeV
Not because we have better ciunra
or letter brands, or any greater variety;
no, not that.
Why, because- wo hnvo the finest ci
gar case in the Btitte uud keep our cigara
in better condition,
Snlpos-Klnoraly Drug Co.
A nplcmtlit annulment of Yne-
E table, Harden iirnl (liai HmU In -arm
Hulk, ficcd Wheat, Kml Oats, M!jt
Heed Hurley, flml Hml lt e.
Oil Mcul Oflku and fertlllzcrx,
Eiivu Humnii'H, mitiy ko.m) rota- w
totn. Kluvun kliulH of llrot uIuhm B5
Bewl Cum. ruultry uud Kbk
bought uml ul'i ut
T J. H. CROSS' n
Cliuup Cutti tltwviy and Feed
Hlore, Hecond und Union Htn.