The Ditks Daily Ghrookfa Advertising tce. men nml anlUSimon tnen should rc member Unit individual ambitions should not count when the common good is threatened. JYriHfA eMiwhor less in Pally , ..It M I " Om two laches and under four Inches. - 1 , riir Drmnect for SUC- Over four inches aad under twelve Inches.. 73 1 iue prospects iui iuiuui..iii sul ot twiTc inch . w l cess in the comine county campaign1 DA1LT AMD WKSIV. ,... 1 1- I one inch or ics, vet inch 50 nro excellent. All that is needed is. Over lonr inches and under twelve inches . 1 30 for the Republican convention Recommendation. Orer wcJtc Inches i co; Weekly dobbin Kate. Cbrealcle and Oregonian. . f 2 25 Chronicle and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle and Inter Ocean . . . . 1.85 Ctmmtcle and Tribnne 1 75 Chronicle and K. V. World 2 00 MONDAY - MARCH 2S. 1S9S nominate n representative to ticket, nntl efficiency the people have con Gdcnce. The conglomeration which goes under the name of the fnrion ' ticket does not appeal to the major ity of voters as being remarkable for Call for bptty fair Convention.---:tl,T,JZ as. Koike of Primary Elections. idea that defeat is more than a I probability. The Republicans chosen ' 'an Tte ErpnbUecountr convention of wascol at the primaries Saturday as dele E$2b?ia&f&atAXom"Stst' t0 lhe county convention can Wednesday, April C, 1898, i oe cOUUted ll-XHl tO Use Tit the boar of 8 o'clock a. m of sa'd day, for the I , ;of nomlnattnrcanaidateslurttieioiiow. i ucavur io r county officers: i . One County Commissioner, County Clerk, . ,u" A recommendation is necessary to man- persons. A druggist appreciates it when coming from a good physician everv en-i especially. The character of our drnjts, the dispatch and accruacy with wtucu an Tin: tj Sheriff, County Treasurer. County As- l ti nrnf1iPi;nn that everv can- , County School Superintendent. County "luKB iul preuicuuu iiuu tt-rj tim er and fnty Surreys: alw iral nnntv Rnnblie!tn " i i s DrGUNN'S PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. JUmnn Plmplw, Parent Care fipsdfth anrt lv Ii?7w 47J'U m mpl. I, or (all box for fac Sdd oj dragnst. DR, B0SANK0 CO. Phila. Pa. Coant Sheriff, Countv Treasurer. County As-1 sesaor, uouniy sicnooi eupciinienucr.i. i.cum i Coroner and County Snrveyor; also precinct of- j aad ten defecates to the Uenubllcan State and 1 .:t.... . t ,:n i. Eeroad Dittrict Confrresslcnal ConvenUors, and llLhcl " "' to transact such other business as may properly i gcbw neiore ata county convention. The convention will consist of SS delegate i chosen by the several products, and the several , prectnets of said county 111 be entttlel to repre-, acntatlon in said convenUon as follows: Antelope . . ..6 Kingslcy - Binlov S Mcwler . .Si lUldnin. Nansenc 'J BateO-ren . . .. S Oat Grove . 3 Columbia .... Itamjey Snfor -t Trgb alley S lesehutes .3 Trcvltt 7 EaatDaUN . .. 9 Visnto ... XaatHoodP.l;cr. .6 West Palles . . 7 Eiant Mile 2 West Hood lllver . S rlU 6 Wamic 2 The same being one delegate at larjc from each jireclnct, and one delesate tor every txventy-nve I t Totes and one delegate for everv fraction over 1 . one-half uf twenty-hve votes cast In each of said reach the diseased portion of the ear, tnw linn T T fM UimiiMWn r..TiIL 1 date for pr.sidenUal "elector at the November i There is only one way to core deafuess, eKetlon In issc and that is bv constitutional remedies. ; 1 I Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- THE MESPONSIBILITY FOR VdK. ' dition of the mncons linin? of the Eos- J tarhiaa Tube. When this tube is in- The responsibility upon President ' flnmed yon have a rumbling sonnd or i McKinley and his advisers is some- j imperfect hearing, and wben it isen-i thing terrible. War is a fearful urf-v C105eul , uea.ness is u.e resuu. anu i oni una iu:s tnoe restored to its normal scieci wormy nominees, i !nrmnn9 trpntn.1 huo mniious n renn Ciinoxici.u is willinii to ! lation we shall endeavor at all times to retain. 51 THE f Weekly Inter Ocean L&R6EST CIRCULATION OF AIT POLITICAL PAPER II THE IEST It is tadkaUy Republican, advocating the carditul doctrines of that party with ability and earnestnesses,... ..But h can always be relied on for fair and honest reports of all po litical movemeatsJsjjiljljljs THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Fanily Paper Is Witbeat a Peer. I The Literature ot Its columns is equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chit' dren as we as the parents. THE TNI ER OCEAN k a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, I and while H brings to the family THE NEWS OF 5 THE WORLD and gives Us readers the best aad ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. JM $1.00 MICE ONE MLLAR KR YEAR II.00 VVVZ m z I THE DAUT ASD SUHDAT EDmOHSOTTJE IHTS 0CXAS ASZ BZST OF THUS. Km). Price of T)allv by mail l'rlre of Sunday by mall.... li ail)' anu unuay Dy man. $4.00 per year . t2 OO lwr rear .... fS.OO per yrar MSISISISI1 0 r.ELiABLE pharmacists. Wholesale. Iealiip Canuut be Cnrtul I0C3I applications, as they cannot 175 Second Street. THE DALLES. Just UUhat You tXtant. m iont urn! this tnhe cons cause, and it is but natural that the president should seek everj hon orable means of avoiding snch a con dition. It should not be thought be vause President 3IcKinley is anxious io effect a teaccful settlement of the Spanish question, that he docs not led the full force of patriotic im pulses, or that be is an less a lover of bis country. It will be a disappointment to Hiany, perhaps, that the administra tiou did not demand reparation for the destruction ot the Maine imme diately upon the findiug of the naval commission's report. This was what the nation expected, and was a course of action that undoubtedly would Lave proved popular. ' Bnt the administration is upon an other tack, which will be as effica cious in bringing Spain to a realiza tion of her own infamy, and at the same time place the actions of this government upon a higher ground of civilizution. It is plainly to be seen (condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine casis ont of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused hy catarrh? that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CnENEr JL- Co-Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, "oc. 6-10 The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, and it is always the same, Mmple, hon est, enrative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long lived reople that they are. The Shak ers never have indigestion. This is partly owing to their eiinple mode of life, partly to the wonderful properities of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion is oiued by the stomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach end all itE glands so that after awhile thev don't need CClines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER and in tfottles Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock, iieal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yonrs for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Regulator LineV STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Dalles, Portlani ni Astori Navigation Co.' PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer VOGT Opera House help. As evidence of the honesty of that intervention in Cuba by this j Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula government ,s but a few Hays re-; d"rotVfpr, fb cents To loibZ aoTcd. The statements made hy ; tie. Senators Pioctor and Gallinger, and - '' --. . the pathetic eloquence of Tbuiston have removed all doubt but that it is 1 the duty of America to intervene,' in the interests of Christian human ity , and stop the Spanish slaughter, j And this the administration will do. j Those who are clamoring for war '. will get it, since nothing but a com plete abandonment by the Spaniards of their present diplomatic position will prevent it. But the casus feelli will be more favorably' received in tbe eyes of the World .vhen it is placet! upon the ground of humanity rather than that of revenge. 7. Z. DONNELL, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. MONDAY tP TUESDAY, April 4th and 5th. The Great Dante (ELIASOX -Fusion in name and in fact are two different things. While it has been comparatively easy to divide the oftces among the various political bodiae representing fusion, it will be far aore difficult to hold tbe different i tefsesU together clectiou day. The I Bjwiblicans need not fear the fusion j . .... ,, . . . , , . ... ' Ateisted by Mile. Edmunda and a self ct HtkeU if oul.V Uic dimensions within ; company of artiati, in the grandeat pro- i onrantzation can be made to 1 1"'" VVT prewnieu. aew m every us- I full Now is tbe time for the Re- .'adera to disjilay some un- iva! give and take enough s WNRproaaise whereby tbe ,1aM part support can be assured for ihs jstratiw' nominees. Simon Regulator Bih City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE i Tbe nallc8, Hood Itlver, Cascade Icks and Port land dally, tchii bunday. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR cuho Are von going , ( DOWN THE VALLE! OR TO EASTERN OREGON? II so, snte money and enjoy a tcuu'.llul trip on tbe Columbia. The we.-t Ujunil train arrive at i Tbe lialles io amplb time for ttfusenpen to Use . tbe iUrunier, crriving in Portland in time (or tbe ' oulgotuc Southern and Northern trxlns; asl bound passengeis anivins in Tbe Du(lt in time ' to take tbe East-nound train. For lurttier iuiormauou apply to J. N. IIAKKEV. Agent, Oak Strec-t Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W. C. ALLA WAY, Gen. Act.. Tbe belles, oreaon tail. A least of mystery A carnival of asgic up to date. A deluge of illusions. A cyclone of tnlrtb. PRICES Eeterred SmU, 75c; Back 6eat,5dc; Childras, 28c. Reserved seats on sale at Bnlpw-Klncrsly Iirug Cou jciij'i stoic has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. DEALERS IN Ail kinds of i tpuneral Supplies HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen bead of 3 and 4-year males (broke) tor sale. I also have horses, asares and geldings for sale, weighing from 900 to 1400 pounds. Any one wanting work stock or stock for Klondike, here is tbe place to get them cheap for cash. Jams Bkowx, f23Jm-l Victor, Or. Fred. w. wiusov, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TIIK IIALLKr:. OCEGO.V I oaJet' oei first 't. Bius. Crandall&Burget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. 0.R.&N. TO TIIK EMSTI GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City low Rates to ill Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGOjN, GEO. (0. ELDER AND CITY Of TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five days for ALASKA POINTS. OCEAN STEAMEltS Lcstii I'ortUud JErerr Four lar for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohuma and Hone Kong via North ern Pnclflc Steamship Co., in counection with O. R. & N. For full detail call on O. K A. Co. s Agent The ballii.. or uddress W. It. Iirill.Ill KT. (ion. I'nis. Agt , I'nrtland.Ur DODPON, CAK1.1UU ,fc CO., (iin. ArIh.. .S'orth l'ncific Mefinisbljifa TIME CAItt. Ko. 4, to 5otBiic ntid (ijtat Northern arrive ut & i" i. ra., leaven nt b:3 p. m. No. 2, to IVndle ton, linker Clly mid Union I'lieltlciurlvefatll'-n t. in., deiart at 11:.) . m. No S, from Sokaiie and (! rent Northern, ar riei nt G .VI a. in., departs at !::," n. in. No. 1, from llakir City and t.'nlo: l'acifie, arrives at 3:'.1) n. in., departs ut Si'M a. m. Tbe followlnc Irelcht traltu carry paetirm on the flrnt and second dlttrictx, hut do not t:o at Matlon platform. No. Ut west, nnlve at .1 p. m., depart at 4J u. in. No. 24 vast, arrives nt12::u p. m departs at 1. 15 p. III. W, II . HURLBCRT, Gen. 1"m.Ab Portland, Oregon Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. u, Subscribe for The Chroinele Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass So Drug ipes-K'nersly 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON J. H. HCHINK, j'reMUent. Cetbler First National Bank. THE OALLB8 - - - OREC5 A deucral Hauklng uuaineee trauw--DeposiU received, subject to higbt r rl..u.V Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. . Sltrht and Telegraphic Exchange Bold os New York, Ban Francisco cni "on and. niHKOTOKS D. T. TuoMPsog. Jko. 8. ficBaacai En. M. William, Gio. a. U X. UK AM.. jytH-oKisstNDoitrrrB uvkov. Physicians and Surgeons, Special attentiou glveu to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vaft Block. u a irltM' a hujuiwotok " OfCco ovr FJtst Nat. Hank.