The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 28, 1898, Image 1

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    )t Utiles
NO 12
Eno-iis.Ii Scorn to Be Rovers-1
ino' Their Opinion.
Id Diplomatic Clicle It l .lirllcvci!
Unit Vr Cannot rusMlily f.o
Aver till.
I.o.m. .v, Mar. 2G. It is only within
two or ti rt'i- days Unit the conviction
forrod itself upon many Englishmen
tlint war is probablo between the United
Suites ." ! Spain, and the continental
epinlni fcM.! holds tlio belief that peace
willbi' i i 'r,kes. This view of course
is (list.', i from the diplomatic opinion,
which lias long recognized the dilliculty,
if not t:i' impossibility, of a peaceful set
tlement oi the trouble.
The vanish people tbemFelvcs, cur
iocs en .igh, have not realized until the
jiri-sent moment thut hotllitics are teal
Iy iuiu.inent. Madrid correspondent'
are no! tiger able to telegraph the fiicts
abutit p!'. c sentiment or anything per
tain n t ' war preparations, and, there
fore i intelligence- from the Spanish
pinin-'ila is under embargo. Ltiteit
Sj-atii!. information available, however,
indicates tbat efl'orts to avoid a conflict
haven hem so sincere in the patt two
or three days as there hue been hereto
KcRaril" Spain' II Ijil mini t ): Ilciiicunor
im u Virtual Challenge.
Wamipxton, Mar. 20. However in
different the administration rimy appear
to I 13 the coming of the Spnnhh tor
pedo fl jtiilu, there is grave alarm felt
uinoni tl e higher officials, for which
there 19 mure cause than mere suspicion
that the purpose of the flotilla is hUlilv
to the American squadron.
Your correspondent "has information
oftbewifct trustworthy character that
on the 17ih, the day after the first sec
tion ot the flotilla readied the Canaries,
I'retiltnt McKinley was warned by a
person, whose testimony was considered
worthy of belief, that he had positive
knowledge Unit the purpose of the flo
tilla was to strike the squadron, now un
der c uiumnd ol CHpt. Sumpson, in the
hope of crippling the nival forces of the
United States bo that Spain would be in
a better condition for waging war.
It was stated that the blow was to be
struck, accordiug to the plan before war
was actually declared, the Spanish gov
eminent presumably believed that war
conld not be avoided.
This warning may seem to have been
based upon a rediculons presumption,
but it was cerluinly considered eerloue
enouith to warrant the issuing of a di
rection which caused Admiral Sicard to
place picket boats about the vessels, and
to use searchlightB from euudovi n to sun
rise. The present plan is to have the flying
squadron Intercept the flotilla in the
Weet Indies.
Trouble ig anticipated when the fleet
meet, as the Spanith will not ho willing
to fuller rebuirin their initial effort to
obtain an advantageous position in event
of war.
Ileum tint Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex.,
has found a more- valuable discovery
than has jet been made in the Klondike.
or years he suffered untold agony from
consumption, aecompained by heuiinor
ri'ges; and wan absolutely cured bv
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares
5t)e Salve
3r)at lpad$.
Garland's "Happy"
Thought Salve !
made right. It 10 the
salvo you are cure "of.
50 ceBU at DONMELL'S,
Royat makes the food pure, ,
' wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
novAi. timsa rovotn co., hi vcnu.
that gold is of little value in comparison
with this marvelous cure; would have it,
even if it con a hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma, Uronchitis and all throat and
lung nffei'tlniis are poEitivelv cnied bv
1 Dr. Kind's New Piscovery for Cunsump
jtton. Trial bntles free at Blakeley A
J Houghton's druj Elore. Uejnlar size
AO cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure
I or price refunded. 2
Notice ia hereby given, by older of the
common council of Dalles Citv. that
Lnion street will be improved between
.Main and Twelfth etroets by grading
and filling the panic, and that thti cost of
enld proposed improvement shall be as
sessed upon property adjacent to said
street, unless within fourteen days from
the final publication of this notice the
owners of two-thirds of the proper ly ad
jacent to .said street file with t tie re
corder a written remonstrance against
said proposed Improvement.
Dated this loth dav of March, 1S9S.
Poem: 11. Sinwott,
m!0-14t Recorder Dalles Citv.
Clianibf 1 lulu' Coutli Kcincily.
This remedy is intended especially for
conch?, colds, croup, whooping cough
and influenza. It has become famous
for its cures of these diseases, over a
large part of the civilised world. The
most flattering testimonials have been
received, giving account's of its good
works; of the aggravating and persist
ent coughs it has cured ; of severe colds
that have yielded promptly to its sooth
ing eflccts, and of the dangerous attacks
of croup it has cured, often saving the
life of the child. The extensive use of
it for whooping coughs has shown that
It robs that disease of all dangerous c n
sequences. For sale by Dlakeley &
Notice is hereby given, by order of the
common council of Dalles City, that
Court street will he improved between
Main and Second streets by grading and
tilling said street, and that the cost of
said proposed improvement shall be
assessed upon property adjacent to said
street, unless within fourteen days from
the final publication of this notice the
owners of two-thirds of the property ad
jtcent to said street file with the re
corder a written remou6tranco against
said proposed improvement.
Dated Uiis 10 day of March 1898.
Hogek 11 Sixxorr.
mcblG 14t Recorder Dalles City.
Krr rills-
Send your address to H. E. Uuekleu
ft Co., Chicago, and get a free Eample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the euro of.Con
sllpatlon and Sick Headache. For Ma
larla and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
j action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bo we I a greatly invigorate tho i-ys-j
teui. Kevular size 25c. per box. Sold
1 by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
T17 Schilling" Uct tea and baking powIer.
is put into " cheap" baking powder to fill up the
can ; alum to raise the dough.
Alum is bad for the insides, but the manufac
turer doesn't mean you any harm, he just wants
to get rich.
San Frandsco j A. Schilling & Company
j I have been afflicted with rheumatism
for font teen year-- and tuthiiig termed
to give anv relief. 1 wan able to be
around all the time, hut conftrmtlv euf
ferine. I had liiid everything I could
, hear of end at hii'l was told to try Chain-
berhtiiiV I'.iin Halm, which I did, and
was immediately lelieved and in a short
( time cured. I am hippy to say that it
has not since lulurned. Josh Edgar,
Germuntown, Oul. For sale by Blake
ley k Houghton.
Notico id hereby given that there will
he an annual meeting of the etoc.khold-
ers of The Dalles. Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. at their office Saturday,
April 2, 1S93, at 2 p. in., for the purpose
of electing seven directors, unit transact
ing such other business as mnv properly
cmie before said meeting. JJy order of
. the president.
The Dailea March 1, 1S9!.
j . L Piiii.ui'S, Hecv.
, fill III fur lie lit.
The farm known as the Crate Dona
tion Claim, situated on the river, five
miles west of The D.illes, consisting ol
atHHit-!(K) acres, will be rented to re
sponsible party. Also a responsible
hum hand wanted to take charge of a
farm. Apply to
mar23.Ct Max Voot & Co.
Uev. E. Edwards, pastor of the English
Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa.,
when suffering with rheumatism, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
He says: "A few applications of this
liniment proved of great service to me.
It subsued the inlUm.uioti and relieved
the pain. Should any suffer profit by
giving Pain Balm a trial it will please
me." For sale by Blakeley it Hough
At all limes flour equal to the best for
salo at Tygh Valley Koller Mills, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed.
W. M. McCokki.e, Prop.
liiioKlen'o Anna naive.
The best Balvo in tne world for eim,
brnises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feui
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi
tively cm ks piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per lxjr. For sale ny Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Miiin ot Vet mailt.' Kritertuliiliicnt.
The Sons of Veterans will give an en
tertainment next Tueeday evening,
March 8th. A good program, consist
ing of patriotic songs, recitations and
musical selections. In conclusion a fine
lunch, donated ,by the V. K. C, will be
Two lots, Nos. 11 and 12, in block U,
Gates Addition, Tho Dalles, Oregon.
For particulars address the undersigned.
M. E. Fuhhmahy,
19-4w Box 178, Goldendale, Wash.
Ther 1 t-re three little things which do
more work th m any other three little
things created they are the ant, the bee
and De Witt's Little Early Risers, the last
bcini; the famous little pills for stomach
and liver troubles.
La Plata Sheep Dip, proveu by every
test to be the best non-poisonous fluid
dip m the world; guaranteed to cure
scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Clarke fi I'alk, agents, The Dalles.
hlllejillKll, Attention!
Clarke & Falk have secuiod the
agency for tho La Plata Sheep Dip.
Mixes instantly with cold water.
Smoke the popular brands Prize
Medal, Guarantee and Hose Queen
cigars aiaiiutactured by S. F. Fouts.
Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, pigs' feet
and pickles in bulk at Commission fc
Grocerv Co.'s.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily vlitue of nn execution unit older of i:iU'
duly iMitl nut ol the Circuit. Court of tliv Statu
of Ouroii. for Ciiiiiit,tiinudlici'lisl,niiil
diitt'il .Mmuli 18, 1M! iiimn 11 Judgment mid flu
cicu rendered unit viitciiM In until court 011X11.
Vunibci 11, In fiivor of tin? dxlutlir, In a
ni!e wheielu Iho Allloieu I'm-t Comjuiiiy, 11
corporation, w.-is plnliitlll', mid iiRiilit tliudc
feudents thcr. In, C. W. Kenton Mini Ulzibctli
Denton, for the Mini of mii h, with Interest
thcfion from the said date nt the into of eight
per cent per milium, 11111! iho costs of tinl upon
this writ (which Milt judgement mill ikcieo wn,
on thi: fith dny ot .luimarv, W.r2, dulv inklKiied
mid comeji'it to Mrs K. K. 'I homtniij, mid 1 oni
lnnudliiK mo In miike iiilu of certain of Ihc real
proKTty embraced In Mich decteo mid her. In
utter fully described, I will, on
April ::a, isns.
at 2 o'clock y. in., nt the front door of the county
court hntiM! In Dulles Cltv, Vnco I'oiiutv, (Jrc
ROli, fell nt public miction to the highest 'bidder
for in timid, till Hie ilRht, title and Interest 1
wliicli t u defendants, nipt each of thorn, had on
July G, Isn), the date of the inortpme foreclostd !
by cald .li crec, in mid to the follow im; ilejcrlbcil I
twenty f.M) acres Of land, lo-wlt. That certnin 1
twenty fju)uures In Mpiure form out of the
noriheat corner of the donation land clniin of
Ch rles W. De.itou mid lliz.bctb Iiotilon, his
wife. Mild donation land cbiini belupr Xollflea
Hon Xn. hOlll. Claim No. I', and helmr na-lsof
ftctlous 5 mid (, in township 1 north, Hinge 111 '
east of VMllHineltu Meildlan, in W aen County, !
statuof Uritrun, and Is more p ttlculai'v ile-1
mtiiiuii ns, lowu: iiisiinmmr nt a,
point 18 chains 77 Iln!;s east and fl chains 7 1 nks '
north of the Miutinvcst corner of bald section . '5, 1
tlieneo poutti C'.i chains 50 IIiiUb; tlienco east lii I
'linliiN .'fl links; tlieneo north 22 chit'ns '.'0 lints;
thence east IS chain- 60 links thenci i orth It
mlLUtes west 41 clialus, li links; and thence i
westo'Jch IiisnI Unkr to the of beginning 1
I'oiiminiop ii.-joi-icowio, moiciir lets.
The Dahe., Uiegun, ilareii 'J-J, 1S3S.
T. J. DitlVEIt,
mehL'.l i Sherifl'of Wasco Coimtv, or.
Sheriff's Sale.
Xotlce Is hereby given that under and by vlr-'
tile of an t.xecutloii ami otdcr of sale lssiml out
of the circuit eourt of the .state of Orejrou for '
Wasco County, on the 22.1 day of Mmcli, lv.lij,
upon a j ilginent and c given mm ten
dered theicin on tho 12tlul:iy of iInro-rlKW, lit
a cauki' then and theretofore pending theteln, In
v.hl-'h W. Iinile-. wn jilatnilir a..d l'minle A,
Kenned; et hI, were defendants, which said exe
cution and ider of salei.- to me directed, and
couimandiug me to se.l the lands ami premises
heielnidter mentioned for lie purpose of satis
fyliiB mid payini; the amount adjudged tube
due to the plalutlll', to-vlt: The sum of?2209.o0,
mid the further sum of f200 attorney's fees, and
115.00 costs, I will, on Saturday, the 2ddayof
Ajuil, Wli, at ihe hour of I o'clock p. iu., at the
courthou'e door, In Dades City, in Wasco coun
ty, Oregon, sell at public miction, to the highest
bidder, for cash iu h md, for the purpose of sat
isfying the Judgment and decree, above men
tioned, ull tiie following deseiibcd lauds and
pieinl-es Pi-wit:
Ilcginillug at a p d it 10. ID chains south of the
quarter section corner between sections six and
seven. In tow nship two north of range eleven
east of illamet'c Meridian, mid running thence
north 10. 11 chains; thence west tM.tii chains;
thence in a southerly direction '21.WI chains to
the place cf beginning, containing eleven and
60-10J acres. Also all of the southweit quarter
of section six In township two north range
eleven cast of Willamette Meiidiiin, excepting
two certain tracts heretofore conveyed thcic
from to W V. Johnson and now of record, o .e
containing two and three-fourths, mid the
otliT containing 22 fl-S aeres, and also excepting
a tract of twentv acres conveyed by deed of Dec.
2J, bxi, to lru I). Smith.
Dalles city, Oregon, Match 22, ls'.iS.
wch'JiM T. J. DnlVKIt, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
JL Oregon for Wasco county.
T. i. Field, idaintilf
Win. Ilirgfcld, lJiurai:. Illrgfcld. Fiist National
Itank of 'Die Dalles, Thomas Kelly mid A. L'.
Ilciiuctt, defendants.
I!y virtue of mi execution, decree and order of
saie, duly Issued out of ana under the seal of
the Circuit Con it of the Sate of Oregon, for tho
the County of Wasco, to me diiected and dated
the'2.jth day of February, ls9S, upon u decree for
the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and Judg
ment rendeicd and entered In said Court on the
It li day of December, lfc'J7, In the above entitled
cause, in favor ot thu plaintiff and against the
defendants William lilrgfcld and Laura K. Illrg
feld as judgment debtors, in the sum of fifteen
hiindrid mid twehe dollars and twenty-nine
cents, with interest thereon from the 4th day of
December, lb!i7, at tho rate of ten tier cent per
milium, ana the further sum of one hundred and
fifty dollar as attorney's fees, and the further
sum of lllteeu dollms, costs, and tho (ostsof
mid upon this wilt, mid commanding mo to
makusaleof tho real property embraced in such
"icrtoof foreclosure and hereinafter decribed, I
will on the
lfith day of April, 180H,
nt the hour of two o'clock iu the afternoon of
satdday and at the front door of the Couutv
Couit house in Dalles City, Wasco Co inty, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to thu highest bidder
for cash li hand, all the light, title and Interest
which the defendants William ilirgfcld mid
l.sura K. Ilirgfcld, Thorn s Kelly and A, S. Ileu.
nctt, or either of them, had on the l'ti day of
August, lh'J2, tho date of tho mortgage foreclosed
heicln, or which such defendants or any of thu
defendants herein have acquired, or now have in
and to the following described rail property,
situated and being in Waico County, Origou.
to-wit; An undivided one-llllh interest of all
of section No '21, tho nw i and the so ' ; of sec
tlon No. '2:(; also all of section No. '2.1, the nw
and the so y4 ot section No, '27, and tho nw ot
section No. M, all in township No 7, south of
tango No. 17. cast of tho W. M; also of section
No. :), township No. 8, south of rango No, 17, east
of tho W. .M., containing In all Uh-Sl.'.i-J acres ae
milling to thu (ioverliiiiviit suite) (page ill l,VoI,
O of deeds) also the s H of tlm nw K and the a J$
of the se of section No. ill, township No. 7,
south of imigo 17, east ol W. M., containing IU)
acres, (pane 110, Voi, K, dccd) also all the nw
of section No. 20, township 7, south of range 17.
e.Bl of W. M (pago 'Si), Vol. N. ol deeds.) Said
iuteiest in the iihovo dcscilhcd real property be
ing thu same descended lo and inherited by the
said lamru 1.'. lllrgfeld upon tho death of Alexan
der Rogers and MMIlda Rogers, her father and
mother, Kald property will bo sold subject to
confirmation mid redemption an by law pro
Dated at The Dalles, Oiegou, this lid day ol
Mutch, IMS, iiich.Vil,
Bhcrlll'of Wateo County, Oregon,
The only urlnliiHl and nenulne l'reiioli-F-uiulti
Urg-tilator. ot Mine Bt. (iermalii, 1'urln.
Unsurpassed as being safe, Dure, and reliable in
every case. Hold under posltivi guurnuteo or
money refunded, (let the genuine, I'rlco 11.00
per box by mall. Bole agents for the United
BUte and Cunadu. KINO MAKVAltU CO,
107 VhluitoB Ht-, Cblcagu.
General Belief and
Private Opinion.
It isn't always that you till find everybody agreeing upon nnv sub
ject. Every pro has H'h con, and all medal? Inve u'revenie shli. O i thu
rjtieHtion as to tl e best place to buy Dry Goods, however, there's no room for
u division, as you'll ngree. For fear that you may not have an early op
portunity of personally calling on us, we append mine lew convincing ar
gil men ta".
Specials For The Week.
An wo fear thoy will not bo hero next.
Tidics' grain leatber
lieJts. assi rted color?,
nickie buckle.
Special I Oc
Ladies' Roman stripe
fabric covered belt.
ijc-SX ,.nt.,iil l.,ntl.r I,!,,,.!
med edwes, nickled I
harness bucklo.
Special IOc
Lntlies1 leather bicyde
ljelt,i'iitiitieleil buckle,
with purse, assorted
Special I 5c
Gilt hat pin,finey glass settings,
very latest
"Each 5. 10. and 23c
Military button hit pin, highly
gilted, all the rage.
Each 5 c
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed ia
its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi
ness, for tho i in provcniont of their business and homo
intorests, for education, for tho olovation of Ammioan
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at tho firesido, interesting and instructive
Mories of tho doings of tho world, tho nation and states.
IT HAS advis-ed tho farmer as to tho most approved moth
ods of cultivating and harvosting his crops, and tho
proper timo to convert thorn into tho largost possible
amount of monov.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho wolfaro of
far mors and villagors, and for over half a century has
held their confidence and ostoom.
and wo furnif It it with tho Somi-Wookly Chronicle ona
year for $1.75, cash in advance
Silk tecks and bows, escellnnt
values, attractive patterns. Sold
even where at 2ou and sometime
Our special price ISc
Mni's plain white hemmed
cambric hiwidkeichiefH, linen finish
Each 5c, ier dozen 50c
Wu short the host unlaunder
ed white shirt in town
At 50c
For a flyer. 24 or 20 inch
steel rod parasol, elegant value at
Special 50c
Look to us lor
36c per dozen up.
Fancy Nock Ribbons, 3. 35
and 4 inches wide, assorted styles ;
stripes, moiies and plaids.
Per vard 35c
1 Fine grade fancy leather
, CliHtulaiiiP, assorted colors. Worth
50 and 75 cnts.
,j Special 25c