The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 26, 1898, Image 4

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    UjaaMBfeal BBBBBBBBBBBBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV
Both tlio method and results -when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
iiver and BowcIk, cleanses the sys
tem effectually. dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures hahitnal
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the Ftoraach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist vrho
may not have it on hand "will pro
cure h promptly for any one vrho
-wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Frnnlc Eejnolds, of Watnic, ie in the
Perry How&rd, of Markham, is in the
city today.
O. H. Rich i in the city from Center
ville today.
Mr. Y. F. Jotnson, of Wasco, called
at this cfiice today.
Edwaid L. Carson, United Stnte; bank
insptctcr, is in the city.
William Mansfield returned last night
srom a business trip to Portland.
"Miss Mcintosh is vpry ill nt the home
of Itybt. Cooper, on Dry Hollow.
Mrs. Ci. E. Uortcn, of Tygh Valley,
weut to Portland for a short visit, to
day. Mr. J. M. Patterson is down from
Wasco, and ni'l eiiend Sunday with his
I Hm. Saat Ciiase, of Dufar. will leave
f tonicht lo visit friends at her old hoa:e
I in Ohio.
Dr. C. Gertrade French arrived r-n the
-aftf rnwn train and will spend Snndav
twiih her parents.
fTarrold E Hnzhe, manacer of the
tJnioH Mctnal J.ife Insnrance Companr,
is in the city today.
I Mrs. H. W. French, who has spent
ihe-past ten days with relatives in Port
land, returned home last night.
Miss Annie Dnfur came up from her
iiutm- in Portland last evening, and left
today to vis:t friends at her old home in
f yiTi. X. .!. Mclnernv and Mrs. Bald
hwin wilt le;ive for 'Frisco tomorrow
moriii!2 to be prefepnt at tiie bedside o!
Ubeir tether, A. Betttng-ii.
"Waiter Peierton, the operator in the
Western Union office at tine place, has
rotnrned from his trip to Portland, and i
ja fulfilling bis duties in the office today. ,
Misa Edith Baum, who took Mr. Pe- j
terwjn'8 place in the telegraph office!
wlule tie was in I'orLIunU, returned to
Lor home at that place on the morning
Entertainment at Kod.
Editoc Ciibonicle:
There was qnile a marked advance
ment in the rendition of the following
Tirojtrain by the Boyd public eehool lit
erarv society 011 March ISth :
imiz ItarchlnK Tbrongli Georgia
.. GnrTrel
uectiaumi 1 isii .
Jtec l'.r,r Eobby
Kco -ver Pnidiiclloa
Uee Mr. Tongue
Uto Tlie New, Old Kbyme .
Kee tievond
Front: Heniley
Andy llakc-r
. . Pany Wing
. IJocin Jlolton
. r.miiy iWKer
NeUle Fots, Flora ltaker
Kong Dalty Deane
Uec Utlie lloy Ulue
riovu ns
Kee Tbe Mor Wbo Laueb
,Maiiou Ilcadlfy
Gejtle Abnut
.... MttudeSmllb 1
Hardb liicCnrdk 1
Quotation Mrs. GutOi
Hte 'iraudiiiu'ii rocket .
lUx-Uti. llobin
Com ioal tioo Cats
...Dulliebraltli '
Ii.c llua- Jir. Covi.eCVutiltd ShlncUx
.. , - ... .. Harry Southern
lice -Little Drop ol Itnln . .. Ettle Taylor
Itic I'rtrody 011 and Muller . Lloyd Iinft :i
tioit-ltull Vouriiandi kdilb nnd IHleAbnet
omi.iitlun iiioiicai Gnirpc lleadlcy
rucr - rbe l!oyij lies" . - Elliel Southern
3cmg Uee eouj; school
A recitation was then given by a vis
itor, Mian Ejta Bolton, which was well
svciived by ull. X.
I'iano Tunlus.
"W. f. Goary, the well-known piano
laser, ia in the city and will call upon
liie easterners. Is'o other piano tuner
turn Mlhority to uec his name in any
wf. Ordere left nt cither timeld etore
iJI eaoire prompt attention.
CHtMrm mA mIhUi tortured by hurnr,
Mii, fnjnrifl, tfrtna .or akin diseatee
MViHura IsMrtMt relief by using De
WkfdWHeb MaMl Salve It Is the
ajraat pile nw&j.
I Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil-1
j born pastor At 11 n. in. nnd 7:30 p. in, '
. recnlnr service? SiiikIhv aclino' nt 10 a. '
j - -w, ----- . -
- m. ; young people' un-etuic nt 6:30.
I M. E. cliurrli, conuT Filth nnd Wnli -
n street?, .! H Wood, jmstor or.
n follows: n nH-etinc nt 10
a.m.; innriiiin: rvir nt II ; t-iilKlav
school, 12:20; .In r L-iu-ue, 4 ; Ep
Wirth 1 eag ) ni 6:S0; tvtntns (cr
Vices at 7:3tl. A! nrr- invitril.
Service? nt the Phri-t'an rnnrcli Sun
day as ttMiiil E d-r 11 ill?.' Ftil'j'rt at
11 a. ui. will " I Tv.i Master; ; tex'
H m. vi :2S. "TI-- nf fin is dentil,
lint the yift of Ci 1 is eternal life
thronsli .leiir; Cnn-', ..;ir Lird." Sul
j at 7 :'i0 in the evniiL, "Semi-Pura-siteisni;"
text, IMiU. i :12, "Work ont
yonr own salvation with fear und treui
blins." Sunday service' at the Congregational
church, corner Court anil Fifth etreetp,
as follows: At 11 a. tit. ttnd7:"0p in.
worship and a ernmn tiy the pastor, V.
C. Curtis. Suii'Imv -eliool immediate
Iv after the niorniiiL service. Meeting
oftheJnnior Etidnvir at 4 o'clock.
Yourc People's Sncltv at C :-10 ; topic.
(Jed's Unfailing Promises. All per
sons not worshippinc ei-ewliere areco--
dial'v invited.
Crriim Tticr Gnnictlmcn Jlnlii-
Qnttc Arachlusr.
During the recent book rlc in this
ci:-, rays the Chicago Chrcnicle, ttscrs?
vrt rcany i!!s for Ilenrrx Sit-cliie-
; wire's "'Quo Vadis." One pri appeared j
j with a cnril lieannsr thts:
'Stinkv.-!t2." Another rc!2, u.
reader asked for ;
I - -
'Tro Wcdcrs," by "Sinkers," while a
....v. .v.w. . hi. . wv. ...w
i whose name ends in "itch."
"While the Kale was jroinir on a v.-oni-
an nskpfl a rash "irl-
aa Jihiu a r,iri.
"Can vou find 'David Conperfieid ?
"IM1 " cnt.l tl, rir! t-.I ,1inrw
, c, " i ' ,
peared. She presently relumed nnd
sau; ...
"ao. raum. He dor. t work here no
Another customer at the hale vr.s a
woman who drove up. in her carrincre.
She explained to the clerk that she had
just mjv.ti into Ucr own Jiouse.
--j nt? Horary, cue sum. --s onr iy
twentv and the shelves run around the
whole shcotin' snatch." She looked uX
the stork of books and sweep; jg- Lev
hand over a lot of shelving r
nlKiUt 1.5G0 volumes, she caid:
Ileirinrkuofe Iteeoril of n PoHtiunn
V1 linn .ItiBt Itetlreil.
A Mr. Itoberts, for years ajiostniRn j
nf T'lHIntr in t!if Fildf. Xcrth Lnnea-
r.Iiir ln inst i-e tired, renorts the Lon-,
don Mail. For 22 years he walked from
Pilling; to Fleetwood and back twice a
day, not to mention manj perilous tripi.
Se book, up." As the nssoumout - Jatf OHlZe tHe
tainetl broken set.s odd volumes, ; nu.nrn . , .
itaLts cu.1 ..uiici coii-icu umLio, :,,,. ,., ,i B,r. i u;.i.
"library" will be a motk-y eollec-1 -Qrfi..r a trrltiPn rpmonc!mf.r. n.ninst i I i'All'5512
in crossing the river Wyre Uunnjr pe- . coori w;tl, lhc )roper ntuouut of drvers
riods of stonn. A calculation of five a,,ded t0 pive ;t hiJVyw and la6ting
miles each way, four times a day (in . !it,eBf ,,5, evenl it rom wasvllng
tliat he walked 137,250 miles between 1 economical, because it i? always ready!
T'illinir and Fleetwood in the fulfillment for use. We guarantee our sheep mark
of his duty. Durin? this time he must j ing paints to five satirfactiou. Try it
have crossed the river Wyre (a by no , and be eenvinced. Clarke &. Falb.J
means pleasant task in the wintertime) agents. The Dalles, Or.
7.457 times. His duties were contdd- j
erably lightened v.-hen 31 years ago the We are anxious to do a little ecrul in
povernment decided to bring the nmils this world and can think of no plras
to Filling by another route. Though anter or letter way to do itthanbyrec
this did away with crossing the river it ommending One Minute Cough Cure as
did not reduce the distance rostman.a preventive of pneumonia, conBiimp
Roberts had to walk very much. In- Uon an.j other seM0Ug ,nnK troube8 tlmt
eluding the village delivery, he must foHow neglected colde.
in 1ns 33 years of service have walked , "
no less than 205,920 miles. Foutz cigara are on sale at tha follow
Ifunmn IncreuHe
During the last 100 years
tion lias increased at the
1,000,000 annually.
The street ears in Swedish cities
n rely stop for jiassengers. Men and
vcir-n there are quite agile and expert
U, jumpicg on and oil while the cars
J- ' ?
- The largest sweet potato on record
vagr:.wn last reason at Abilene, Kan..
b;, John Crahani. It is nine inches in
length. 25 inches in circumference nnd
weighs , pour.dn.
Eczema 3ile Iti ajipt-nranre on mv head in
it wort form, i I it continued spread ihk
until my face mi covered with tcaln and Ik
caiiwaliorri(Uilit. I tiadafiuc-licadof hair,
eren years" erunth. and bad toianrjuve it. I
waa in desnair. The iilijaiciaiw liad fall.'il
even to relieve rne. whn one recommended
ClTloi'KA Hue. Jly father procnreil a e of
CirnctJKA KCMKium, and In three week the
calea loft my ace anil the vkiii I oat iiu tlorid
hue. Jn lit it t tin J icat mtirtl' curttl. Mf
race was nuiooth ami my roinilezlon clearer
and finer than It had ever ten liefore.
Mlm MAUION A. hillTH, BunLury, la.
Brssor Ci:hk Tkeatment. Warm bath
wlli CtTict'BA fioir, gentle ar-pllcatloM of
CtrriceKA (cinlment), and wild due of C'CTI
cviu Bciolvimt, grealcat of buraor cure.
. Bold UknwIhMt Um (kU. Tiru, Crticcat. Met
ir.V. SaMLTdf. c. m4 l. ivma iiai
OkCiw. C'oar.. lc Tram.. Hx'n.
mf" llo u Can Um Wont txrau."aik4fi.
Thin Bloodl;
Where the blood loses its
. i
' $
J intense red grows thin and $
watery, as in anemia, there is y
a constant iccung 01 cxnaus- w
tion, a lack of energy vitality
and the spirits depressed. w '
Scott's Emu.sion
of Coi-Iiver Oil with Hypo- 3
phosphites of Lime and Soda
is peculiarly adapted to correct
this condition. The cod-liver
oiL emulsified to an exquisite $
f 5 nenrasL. enters the Mewl direct t
and feeds its every corpuscle- ,
j restoring' the natural color and j ,
etvine vitality to the whole
system. The hypophosphitcs j
reach the brain and nerve &
centres and add their strength-
ening and beneficial effect.
cheeks, if you are growing
thin and exhausted from over-
work, or if age is beginning
to tell, use SCOTTS Emul-
sion, :
Be sure you get SCOTT'S EmuUkja.
All druggists; loc ar-J $1.00.
I -
Notice is hcrehr pfven, by order of the
n lnnnftn nnPimll t( 1 t titm filL" flitit
. Htiiirr will n imnrovffi ltnpwR '
.1 1 I- ... I .... I... i: I
i .it nui iiuu otcouu sirveis it criuui iuiu
! titiiric said strort, and thai tlie cost of.
rain tlllilVl.U t , 1 1 I M U . tillUli, w.
I ns?essed upon property adjacent to said
' street, nrUt-ss within funrtetn days from
! the una! publication 01 tins notice tlie
i ... i
. ijrls ' v" ;""r"5 u "
J ceiu lo saiu sireei me nun ill" re-
fcirder a written remonstrance ncains
f,,, ,0 oseJ lutpnwmntl.
Jted this 15 dav of Murch 185S.
Kogku B Sisnott.
j mcl.lC J4t Itecorder Dulles City.
Kotlre is hereby given, by order of the
cmumon counc of Da tes C tv. t bat
, Union street will 1 improved between
; Main nnd Twelfth streets bv eradin"
j nd filling the Fame, and that the coit ol
i 9rti,J proposed improvement shall be a-
said proposed improvement.
j Dated this loth dav of March, 1893.
mi6-I4i lircorder Dalles City.
Sheep markins paint; ready for u.e.
i Two colors, black end red. Why you
Ehouhl use our sheep paint. First, be
ciu3e the calors are ground thoronjrhly
in pare linseed oil by Gn machinery ;
second, because it is made, of lii;;h urade
! ... . ... , . ,. ,
ing places: snipes-Ainersly, uiark &
rsthe popula- Falk and M- Z' Donnell.drnpgiiitE; Com
rut nf tipnrlt- mifision Co.. Geo. Iluch, Fred Fisher
j and Clias. I'hilllps, procers; Columbia
Uandv iractorv anu A. Keller. conlection-
ers; "Clias. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan
linker, Auc. lluchler, Ben Wileon nnd
The Midwav, saloon?.
. , . ..
Don t annoy others ov vnnr couching.
,ld rk vour life by neglecting a cold.
One M-nnte Cough Cure cures coughs,
coldt?, croup, grippe and nil throat and
lunj troubleu.
I Postum Cerial Food CITee ot Com
miEion A Groieiy Co.'s. tf
When yon euioke the Koef Q ieen 5
cent cigar yuu get your money's worth.
For Knit.
Good two-room h dup on duubr lot;
: ood Eitnlen Ppot, Inquire of II. A.
, Bill at Midcr A UeiitcnV btore. niL'1-3
fc'cow load of dry Fir Wood just re
ceived a Mater A Benton'. tf
: DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve
' Cure Pile, Scolds, Uurnt.
' Tlie only orlieloal and seouln french-Fa
' male Krculator, of Mine HI. (iernialu, I'arli.
IunnuriaiMeo; Dcmpaaic, aure, ana iciudiu in
every cae. fiold uuder ailllva (uaranlu or
money refunded. (Jet the cenulne. I'riee flAW
I vet box br mall. Hole agent for tua United
hUlea aud Cantda. ttlhU IUKV4KU CO,
107 Wacom tuv Ut . Cklcafa.
Ue pre Doiij?
t T)d
por Feasopable
"Vc Print Anything in
the rHntinc Line.
(Jive us a trial.
5l?ror;kl pub. $o.
i Dalles, Mofo and Antelope;
Through ly riaytight vis Crais Vall-y, Kent '
DOt'CLAS ALLK.V, Tlu Dlle.
U. SI. nuiTKUU'. Aiitrlu;u.
... , .. ..
Ftsp leave 'Ihc Halle; Irom I niatillH IIour
; at T n. in., also from Anttlo; i.t 7.30 a. in. -veTy
. Jioniiay, uancMiar aim t rioar.
fTniti,ll,i i
Liwic nt AnJelo:e for 1'rinevltlc. illiclie.I nnd .
1 rit beyond. t'oc c nueoUoiis raude at Tiie j
):i!le with rKihvr.ys, tinins nnd bonti. I
5taKk from Amcloj'O rea"h The Paltc Tow !
da TburMlay!, act! satun'nys a: 1 :30 ji. :n. 1
r.ATC or;c.
Dalle!, to Iicscliutfi
do !oro.
do Oni Viiltcv. .. .
do Kent
i i
3 t
1 fO ,
2 CO
do C'riws Hollows.
j Anteloiw t rn Hollow
do Kent.
! I?,, Vtnrn
Uallea . . .
A!! tllidof wort White 'b'rii. a hjifciaitj-.
rami!-, work nt vdni-nt u. Wnth vol i- ted
'- i. i ' " n rr.xia.iii
and dellvcitvl ttwt. Trirpiiune .No. iiu.
H. D. Parkins, Agt,
m coinDia PacRiog Co..
ptM-M 1 rkrrr'
I KJ fl f. Ci I 1 U DUCr
iFine Lard and Sausages.,
Curersof BRAND
Lajcb OrncB. The Imlles. Or.,
February 13, ls98. 1
Notice Is hereby clven tlmt tne lullnwinc.
named .-cttlft bn Itl-d notice nl lii Intention
t make tlual proot in kupiioit ol bin claim, nnd
that hald jir il will b mude buloie Ki-Riter ud
Itccelver nt The Pallet, t. regou, ou haturdny,
April HM5O0, viz:
J;illlr Hull, nfltii- llullna,
H. E. No. 1717, lor the SC. I NW' '. i-. SI?: nnd
NE'i NE! , etc. 31. Tti 1 N., n. 12 X.. U M
lie names ine 'niiowing witiutoen to jirovc
bit cniitiniinu mldeuce uKn aud cultivatum
ot nnid land, iz,:
Alexander Vnnce, Allwrt Walti-rn, Wll Ism
Wolf, rmiie Obrlut, ull ol The Diilim, Ort-KOU.
&-II JAS. F. MOOltE, rSir,'ller.
On: Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tht It what It wis tn lor
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
! Headquarters for Feed Grain of au kind.
i TTan 4 A n o nawn 4Vva
xAcauuai w?o xvx xvuxxuu vjrralxi, ux jemas.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, 2ml&nlD
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
ton Flour.
Tola Flour
lias tun
b,whm vj giva MliaMCUOB.
We .all oar yooda Inwer thaB mjt bona i tU tnule, AUjo don't tbtnk ao
call aud vt oar prtaea bI ba tnarlnaa.
HichMt PrioM Paid for WWt, Burltj amd Oata.
and Farmers
Kit t oh rirmtzht Ihp c.-'clcntot
t'Il.r.Mn A lihKlt, hi KiikwI
Ibc1 tlie !! li.Tr In Tlie Unlle,
hi :ric itvimi jiriw. i onic In, try
Jf hi (1 lit- m vnrcil. .Mo tT
I'ln-n hinnil, u( liic, l.liiorK
niul t'lRa.
of nil Kinds nhrnj on linnil.
j Letters of Credit issr.ed r.vnilnble in tlie
! Eastern States.
j Sijiht Exchange atul Telegraphu
Transfer? sold on Sew York. Chit nun.
! St. J-oni", Pan Francisco, Portland Ore
con, Seattle Wiili and varioiiE points'
, in Oregon and Washington.
- " """""
.8 on fav-
Harry Liebe,
Watchmakerl Jeweler
All wort proinjitly nttcadeit to,
end wn-r.-.n:l.
1 I'lice it ck. 15C l'Mirr a Tear
It Hands first nmoiiL' 'Mveefclv" tianers
in si.-.e, frecuencv of iiublication
! freshnee?, variet and reliability of cor.
tents. It is practically a daily ut the low
i price o a weekly: and its vast lit of
sut.EcrtberH, esteiidinc to every state and
: territorv of the Union and foreiirn coun-
, trie?, will vouch for tlie neenracy and
; lairness en us new? coiumnE.
f If i Knln(!wllr Htnofrufwl mill iimnnn
,. . . ' .. -
lis special 'teatures are n Hue liunior
page, eshanstive market reportc, all thei
laiest iii-niotit tor women anci a 1011
serif? of Mories by the greatest living
American and Enjtlish authors,
:inti Dnjln, Jrromn K. ilrriMna,
hi nn ley U'ryiumi. 31nry I". Wliklua
Alitliony lliir, l!r-t llurtr,
I. .antler Malthonm, Ktc.
" eouer tins uneqnaiea tiewepnperand
I The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to-
..r.I...H ...... .. r u fUl .-..1
i'he leular
Knurl ljiii: cr Mil fH.iru
price of the two papers is $3.00,
Notice of Final Settlement.
ntii'i. It hi'ri-liv t.t-in fhnt lhf mif1f.,.liiir '
hnxlilHl In the ullice ol the County Clerk, ci
Wiuoo County, ber llnnl Kccount nit udminir.trtx
illt.riMfffl 111 KHlfl!., ura nnllflMl In nmaxir i.t !
nnid time nnd place und huow cuuke uliyaaidl
linul nccouiit niiould not be upiiroved aud al-1
loned. A. T. Ul'I'.tJEr, I
mcn5'll. Adinlulnttatrtx.
Administratrix Notice, i
Notice ii hereby civen lliut the urideralcned 1
aa liecn reculiirit ii)pt)l(ited by the county I
court ol the Mate ol OrrKou lor Wmco County n
adinluUtrutrix ol the e.itale ol Charlua W. John-
stun, dervimoi. All ).'tonii huvini; cleiniH !
Kgalntt soiil ixtate nre hereby uo'ltled to pre- 1
sent them, with the proper vouchee, to ine nt .
theoinee ol W. II. WlUon. In liulle citv. Orn. I
K'-li, within rix inonthk Irom the date ol this
Dalle City, Oregon. Feb. a. lsA. !
CAltitlE M, JollNhTON.
"-' Auniiiiittinirix.
J n t i
ta BBanHfaeturad expreaalr tor family
aaalr I. I .5 , ' . , . . '
ol the eMute of I. i. limpet, und that by onier ol ' ! on RiuuniHy oiiit, anu v.vj . m
the County Conrt, fur mid Ut untr, Mnndnr. the , "at :t.3U . m. on bunduya onl)J. Artlre at
M day ol JIny, 1!, hu been lixednii the time : Portland uiiilv ut 'OiW mid h:ai a ra.;nndl:.
and the court room ol tall Court in the nlate lor 1 M:IS, 0:ai mnl 7:M p. in., (and 10:05 a. m , 315
the heurinc ol mid limit account. All nenuu ! b-W I', m. on Sandiiyn only).
I u
I n
i s
? Pullman
Sleeping Cars
Dming Cars
Sleeping Car
ST. PA til '
it IXNK.t I'd I, I
KA uno
IS It I, KN A an
Through Tiekcts
ClllCAdO T
' Vi. I til r.rullni tltni' rrl . .mi ... .hi
cut ou nr write lo
The Dalit, OrtRoa
1). CHARLTON. Aet. G. P. A.,
Vi. Morrison Cor. Third. I'orttaii l "irein
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
-or the-
; Southern Pacific Comp'y.
i Tr!n Icnvcand ute dim to nrrlve lit I'ortlm
I.i;avk. : I
t tirfhl. Siilfln. HfiHi. I t
. . . - -
I lit!
0:00 V.
Urkaiiu and 1 1
t tin
a:30 A.M. b u ' ' i
fVlii Woodtiurn fori I
,,,,,. i MLAnevl, Bllrcrlon, !
S V- ctt Sclo, Hrowus- I
mid, 'I yIUe,rprtti8flcld Butl I '
ICorvallU and wayi f
(ittatloH ) 1
17 :.t0 A. 11
; i;Mj,. ra. i.v. ...IVtlnud Ar.i :C r. in
! I'M p. in. Jai MrUiunrlk'..l.v. S;.)u, m
j b:'M '' "' Ar -lndeK-iideiice..l.v ) 4--Ja.ra
1 Dally.
(Daily, vxrc:t buiiday.
xy.i, !Econi-:iahs bLEEi'iNU cars
Attiiclitxl to ull Ttiruugb Trttlne.
Dlrwt counectlnn utMiii rxancli-co lth Occi
dental mid orifiitul mid I'oclue lit tit t sUc.nutilr
j line lor JAI'AN und CHINA. ShiUiir dutcs on
j n plloiiton.
; llnlif i.ntj ticketii to Enfteni liolntk and Ell
jroiK;. AlwiJAl'AN. CHINA, HONOU'Lt" nnd
Al'STHALlA. cull U" ntilulni'l (rum
I J. It. K IKK 1.AND, Ticket ARtut.
Tbrnush Ticket OBiw, W Tblrd trwt. where
I 1. I ... ..II I.. .1... L .. . t ...n
I tbroiifrh ticket), to ull points In tbv tukturn
Mftl.. ft'lw1T fltlH llir.t.. MH1 111. i-tl.t.lllll.4 Mf
butt, Cunudu nnd Kuroe cuu be obtained nt
iocxi rnteii irom
I J. II. K1HKUVND, Ticket Aftent.
! All above truiim arrive ut and dcjmrl lrou
Gntiid Cciitri;! BUtlon, Filtb nnd Irving htrittn
TatMucer DcimI, loot ot JeOvrton btnt't
, Ive for OSWEGO, dally, exrcj.t Bunduy, at
j " 12.JM, 1 :', 6:li, 6:aj, h:tt j.. m.
f'ive for Slierldnu, week days, at 1:30 p. m
Arrive at l'ortland, V.'M n. m.
Ieavc lor AIUI.IE on Monday, unirtaay aiu
' Krl'ir.y at U: 10 u. 111. Arrive ot Portland,
UU, 1 u 1
1 dav, Tbumday and Snturduj it 3:05 1. m.
,K3ci't6uniy- "K.-ePt Saturday.
AmL O. K. J i'ii. Att
50 Years 50
, . . m.
Liidicputed 8tipremcv in tho onus
Increases Yield of Wool.
Enhances Value or Flock
Cheap, Safe, IIat:dy, Cletrn, Wholesome
and OJorleta.
Recommendod hy Manufacturer, Scour
era and Buyer. Hold ly
C. G. Robtrte, General Agent, 247 Asb
Straat, Portland, Orvgon.
1 1 bun;, Akhland, tc-1
M 1 1 raini-nto, URdcn.Sun 1 i
1 Frniiclkco, Jlolave, f i
I Ijw AiiirelcK.El 1'hho. i I