Clearance r 5ometf?ir "Very Much to tho Good.' HERMSDORF FAST BLACK. Not Very Expensive, ..reseept Bieyeles.. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Pricus ft om $7.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest prico. BlCYCLtES. One '0" Ladies' Cleve land Wheel Two '97 Eagle Wheels at 30 Wo have just received n lino of cotton hosiery Ui:il is perfect in Style, finieh an color. "II FJiMSDORF FAST BLACK" is stamped on i vt ry puir ol ihc black gnodd. I'hiin mid ribbed tops In Black nnd the latest shades of Tun 25 cents. Finer trades in 50 nnd CO gauge. 35, -10, 45s A beautiful nesotttnent in Luce stripes, Silk Embroidered Boot and Clocked Hotdery at 50 nd 75 cents per pair. ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN riGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY MARCH 20, 1893 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The weather forecist for tonight and Sunday is fair. New line of Delft Ware just received at Mider & lttnton's. Very little damage- has been done by cold to the fruit orchards in Umatilla cjnnty. Bicycle sundries, fishing tackle, guns, rifles and revolvers ut Maler & Benton's. A new line of '9S models. L Tour bi cycles at Maier & Benton's. Call and see them. The Elks will hold their annual elec tioti of oflicerB this evening. All mem bers of the order are requested to be present. Two or three rooms wanted for light housekeeping. No children. Address Bos G, this office. The celebrated maltose cross garden hose, a large shipment just received at Maler A Benton's. A hand of fat porkers was delivered at the stock yards today by James Kelly, of 15-Mile, for the Columbia Packing Co. About twenty hoboes, who were creat ing some disturbance, were run in by the officers this morning, und ut present are resting in the county jail. A telegram was received last night from Sau Francisco stating thot Mr. Ucttingen was no better, und it is feared by his friends that his sickness may terminate fatally. republican primaries are passing off very quietly. A large number of votes are being cast, but it is jalcl by everyone to he the quietest alluir of the kind The Dalits has ever had. The funeral of the lute George Row land will take place from the family res idence, on the corner of Fourth and Laughlin streets, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Friends of tlio family invited. The work of excavation for the new water main on east Second street is flu shed and about half the pipo is down. Today the workmen are busily engaged in tilling in, and in a vory short time the street will be in shape again. In a private letter from our towns. "an, Fred W. Skibbe, be states that he has his hotel in Skoguny ready for busi ness, und stems to be well satisfied with his location. He reports many idle men in Skaguuy, but soya men lu business wore are doing well. On exhibition in A. M. Williams & Co.' mammoth show windows way be "eemomeof the leading popular styles and cloths in spring and summer suits for iuenia wetHr Tbe flrm Mten(jg H ordlal invitation to all to inspect their ock. Seeing la free, Today some good politician, who had molbed too deeply of the flowing bowl, beotiug his way M best be could P becond street, when, In front of 0. F. But Very Nice.33 There isn't another lino in the city that can meet such a requirement as this with such a quantity as you will find in our stock of grips and telescopes. Something can always be found here, in good, taste at the wished for price. Stephens' store, he Mumbled and fell against the largo windows in the front of the building, breaking one of the panes out. Aot having the price ot th same, he was lodged in jail by the mat elial. Just thin!', $2300 will buy 1G0 ncres, flne fruit farm, three tnllee from tow three milch cows, five work hornet. farm implements, two wagons, fiije water privileges hi fact everyti complete. For further information an a good bargain see Dad Butts. The steamer Salem ha3 been put in first-class shape and will take the place of the Regulator on the D. P. it A.N. line. The Regulator will bo overhauled and new boilers put in, eo that whf-n it goes into service again it will be in per fect shape and the fastest of nil the Co lumbia river bouts. Yeeterday Dr. Hollister examined Mrs. Frank MarBh, of 8-Milo, and ad judged her insane. She was tent to the asylum in Sulem on this morning's train. Trie case is u very sad one, but is considered to bo somewhat of a tempor ary nature, and it is hoped she will re cover in a short time. Dr. Hollister was called out to Dufur this morning to attend Mr. Gulliford of that place, who was seriously injured by being thrown from 11 horse. The doctor found that no bones were broken, hut he was badlv bruised about thu body nnd ill be confined to his room for some time on account of the accident. Latest reports statu that Spain has flatly refused to recall her torpedo flotil la, and is proceeding to fortify Porto Rico. According to this, a claeh is nmr at hand. A report was given out this morning that the Oregon militia has orders to be ready for u call within ten ciaye. E. W. Carlisle, of 10-Mile, was arrest ed yesterday under the chargo of having torn down u fence enclosing land that wub not his own. It seeniB that he took down the fence and went through Dick Brookhouse's field. As the two were not on friendly terms, IJrookhouse had him arrested. lie will have his hearing in Justice Fillocn's court this afternoon. Mrs. Phillips' millinery store is a "thing of beauty" today, the occasion being the Faster opening of pattern hats, bonnets, and all sorts ol pretty headgear. The ladies are all saying that the abund ance of fbwers used this season make the hats "too sweet lor anything;" but a young man who heard the remuik said tiiey were none too sweet fur the Dalles girls who will wear them, Manager Kinersly begs to announce the initial appearance of the inap proachable magician, "Dante," Eliason, and ilia select company of artists with an entirely new array of mystical novel lieE-a program of unquestionable merit; new In every detail. Drftite'a perform, ance it quite a relief for ordinary, and after the frequent visits of operatic and farcial companies, will oe indeed quite a relief. So we warn our theatre-goers to urenaro to lauirh ns they have never laughed before, be mystified, startled and carried away with amusement. At VI I ! PEASE & MAYS. the Voirton Monday and Tuesday, April Ith and 5th, The New York Journal says: "Dante is the onlv eligible suc cessor to 'Herman the Great ' " 1 We learn from Mr. Schanno, who ha . . .1 1 ueen inspecting numerous orchards in the interior, that the scale is worse this year than last. This is probably due t' 1 the belief that tho early frost in the fal ; of '90 killed the peet, which caused the owners of orchards to be careless about syroylng last spring. In this way the scale got a good start, and all orchards in which any sign of it is found should, all means, be sprayed tbis spring. Johnny William?, "Frisco, " an old timer in the eIiow business, and who was manager for threo rears for the late I Hermann, the magician, Chas, Froh- man anu iJan A. fctewart and W. A. Wheeloclr, pugilistic contests, is in town managing the greatest of all magicians Dante (.Eliascn.) Mr. Williams called at this office this afternoon. He save I he has the greatest show on earth, and wishes it underMood that his company is by no means a one-man show, but an aggregation of twelve artiste, and from critical indorsements we judge the genial manager tells the truth. Tho following is the apportionment 'of offices made by the Democrats, Silver j Republican and Populists at the con vention lBst night in Portland : The Democrats are to have state treasurer, supremo judge and congressman, llrst diMrict; Silver Republicans, congress man second district und secretary of state, while the Populists will have gov ernor, Mate printer, superintendent of public instruction and nttorney-general. From what we can learn, tho Populists fought to the end, and it was net until 3 o'clock this morning that the apportion ment was made. Nominations will, in all probability, be made today. Farm fur Kent. The farm known as the Crato Dona tion Claim, situated on the river, live miles west of The Dalle;, consisting ol about -100 acres, will be rented to re sponsible party. Also a responsible farm hand wanted to take charge of a farm. Apply to uiar23-Ot Max Vogt A Co, Hoiik ol Vt'tut'uiu' Iviilct luliiiueut. Hie Sons of Veteran? will give an en tertainment next Tuotday evening, March 8th. A good program, consist ing of patriotic song, recitations and musical selections. In conclusion a line lunch, donated by the W. It. C, will be served. llml uf All. To cleanse the eystein in u gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use thu true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, nnd for tale by all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle, To Cure a l.'olil lu Duo tiy. Take Laxative Jirouio Quluino Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. '-'5c, OeWitt'A Littic i.uny Risers, Thu liaiuus Unit pills. One '90 Cleveland.. . Qf Gent's Wheel $i One '95 Eagle Gent's Wheel One '97 Boy's Eagle Wheel One '97 Girl's Eagle Wheel In order to make room for our new slock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON GEORGE ROWLAND DEAD. Another or Our Worth; Citizens I'a8ex Awny livening. At about 7 o'clock yesterday evening Geo. Rowland, one of our oldest and moat highly respected citizens, paseed away at his home, surrounded by the mem bers of his family. e" Was taken sick early Inst fall, and since that lime ho has been gradually failing, so that his death was not unex pected. However, several weeks ago his condition teemed to change for the bet ter; but for eo short a time that hopes were scarcely revived until lie began to decline rapidly, until the end came to relieve him from his suffering. Mr. Rowland was about CO years old, and ranks nmunz Wasco county's oldest pioneers, having come to this city in 1S44. For a number of yeurs he has been engaged in the real estate and in surance business, nnd was noted for hii honest dealings. About thirty-five years ago he married Misa Taylor, daughter of Judge Tuvlor, of Polk county, who survives him, and with her to mourn his loss are six of their children Mrs. Margeret Aius worth, of this city, Mrs. I. II. Plummet', of Missoula, Allie, Bess and Gertude Rowland, undone son, Ralph, as well as a grandchild, Lewina Ainsworth. Mr. R'lwlaud was a leading member of the Christian church 111 this city, nnd his religious principle were bo practiced in daily life at to he a blessing to those around hii.i, though in; would always he ttiH la-t to mention any uct of kindneEB done by his hands. This family has been severely afllicted within tho past few years, death having entered its circle three time, first taking Miss Li'vht Rjwland, in the bloom of womanhood; then Mr. Ainsworth, not ninny months ago, und now thu hcivl of thu family is to bu mimed. Their friends feel that surely human sympa thy availeth little, although largely given. HANGED AT COLFAX. .lull n Leonard, thn Murderer, I'kya lite Jleutli Tenuity. Tho legal execution of John Leonard for the murder of .la cob Malquist, at Texas City, occurred at Colfax yester day afternoon, in the presence of fully 1000 people. Leonard was brought from the j til and UH'cndi'd the scall'old steps unassist ed, ut 1 :10 o'clock. Fuller Kearns, at tlio rcqm'M of L-niurd, read a short fi nal 'itutuiucut protesting hid innocence of willful murder. At 1 :21 Leonard stepped on the trap, and shook bunds witli thu officers and reporter. At 1 :2i a voice called out, "good-by, Jack," and Leonard responded In full tones, "Good-by, Charley." As thu last word left Ida Hps the trap was sprung, and Leonard dropped six feet, the body rebounding slightly and then hung slark, not a movement of the muscles being noticeable. The body hung sixteen minutes, when lie was pro Bicycles Clf aned and Repaired. REMEMBER We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. nounced dead by the physicians in at tendance. Leonard on the scaffold, although showing nervousness, looked about at the surrounding crowd. The body was nt once taken in charge by Father Kearns nnd conveyed to the cemetery, where funeral exercises were held. I'uriiul List of Nominations. At tho time of going to press the fol lowing nominations had been made at the convention in Portland: Governor, W. B. King, Baker county ; secretary ot state, H. R. Kincaid, Lane; treasurer, Booth i probably); attorney-general, J. L. Story, of Wasco; supreme judge, Ramsey, of Marion ; congressman second district, Donuldson, Baker county. A I'oor Style Hat Spoils many an otherwise well-dressed mun'd appearance. Don't need to. Styliah hats, spring styles, at $1.50, $2, $-.60, ?3 50 and $5, exceptional value, nt every price. Can bo I ad at A. M. Will iams & Go.'a. FEWER LOBSTERS EVERY YEAR. rih nnd Oni-.u- Co:iiinlisloiierM lie nor t n Deci-onhe. Short lnbsteis are .still being hilled in large millibars. In spite of (he work of the commissioners of fish and game to prevent the traffic! in loh.stcis les.s than lOVlj inches In length, during the lust eight years' the lobster flshcricr have steadily decreased. The Inst re port of the commissioner.", just issued, fhowr: In lfi.iO the catch of egg-benv-ing lobsters was 70,009; thin year the returns so fnc received indicate about 20,000, u:id of all others n deciruse of ten per cent, below hut ,vonr and -ir per cent, below 1SD0. This is not sud den decline, but n steady one, showing that if something is not done to pre serve this valuable crustacean Us end is near. The hoard says: "We recommend a shorter open season, nnd the prohibi tion of the rale of all Inland game hilled in this commonwealth. Something should he done to pi event the pothunter and snnrei' from carrying on his de structive work. The taking of game with the aid of u ferret is prohibited, but the possession of u ferret in field or wood bhould be prima facie evidence of Intent to use It. "It is now allowed by law to kill deer during the month of November, except on the cape. As they lire appearing in considerable numbers in nriniis m'c lions of the state, we recommend that they be i rotectcd for a term of years," The commissioners have met with suc cess In hatching Mongoihin pheasants nt the Wlnclaster breeding place, und Mr. Ifobart Auiea, of Noi th I'aston, and .Mr. If. . Foster, of Pltchhiirg, have also been successful lu raising pheas ants in cooperation with the hoard, The chief step that has been made Is in the use of tin' brooder and Incubator, It was ut first thought that these could not be used to advantage with the .ynungof so wild a bird, bill after sonic experi menting it lias been found possible to hatch li.l per cent, of the ehlcUs, and with u little more experience it Is hoped to hutch them till. Boston Transcript. Trr Schilling'! Hint lea and baking powder. MAYS & CROWE. J. T. Peters & Co. MK 9. KVAN.S, . MODISTE 71 Rooms in Mrs. Urittln's Lodging House. Wanted- Atthe Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat. The highest prico paid. mchlG-tf. an An Iinen-ciiug Story Is attractive ut all times. No one can allord to let tho evenings at homo lie spent without good reading matter in these days when good books cost so little. Our" stick oilers somu very attractive, up-to-date and standard literature which will interest all. I. C. Nickelsen Book St flQasie Company, JTiOr Cigars. Why do wo retail moro Cigars than others? Why do smo!cra co out of their way and puss cigars of tho same grade? Not because wo have better clgara or 1 etter brands, or any greater variety ; uo, not that. Why, because wo have the finest ci gar cuse in thu statu und keep our ciguva in butter condition, Snipas-Klnorsly Drug Co. SEEDS A si'leiiUUI iisknrtiavut nt Vt'Kc luble, (larileu unit Union Senl.i In Hulk, Herd W'lival, Si-i-il Oats, Hwtt Hurley, Kevd Hml Ityo. Oil Meal L'uku and KcrtllimH, lieu HiiiiplU's, iCurly IIoku i'otii tnct). Kkvcn ktnilH ol Hi ht c-lttti Htoit Corn. 1'iailtry ami Men bought unit sold ut J. H. CROSS' t.'livui Cii)i llrocury und I'Ycd More, Hecond und Union Hth. 12 e z: x s